Furien2010-07-20 23:14:05
This is why I avoid RP. I have mega stage fright.
While this sorta outs my alt(?), this was fairly fun. And a nice way to get an astrolabe.
Edit: I should mention the prologue involved receiving an order task:
Swaying on Her feet and staring at you with slightly unfocused eyes, Kalikai, the Crimson
Eye says, "I want you to do an acrobatic performance at the Eternal Flame!"
You say, "Lady? You wished for my performance."
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
An oppressive feeling of heat and aridity lies in the air, invading the senses
together with the acrid taste of sand. Rolling dunes stretch out as far as the
eye can see, their shape and texture shifting perpetually as if following the
whims of an unfelt wind. The only immutable aspect in the fulcrux presents
itself as a deep depression in the sand where worn stone steps lead to a small
oasis. As if placed in the eye of the storm, the sand surrounding the oasis and
the water within it are perfectly calm, undisturbed by the ceaseless alteration
that goes on just a foot beyond it. Fine threads of burning aether congregate
high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a
harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of
the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You see a single exit leading through a sandstone obelisk.
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, 'Oh yes. You're ready then I take it, eh?'
Rubbing the back of your neck, softly, you say, "Sorta. I'm not sure it's as frivolous as you might have liked it to be. Or if it's quite as acrobatic."
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, 'How about we let the crowd judge then, eh?'
You say, "Yes, I suppose."
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
Kalikai peers at you unscrupulously.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
l me
She is a fierce illuminated dracnari and is an absolutely miniscule figure,
perhaps four feet in height. Her limbs are unusually long in proportion to her
small, childlike body, covered in a suit of dark green scales. Small spikes
protrude from her shoulder blades, fanning down her backside. Her face is open
and innocent-looking, an array of infantile teeth visible in her maw, her snout
tipped in a draconic manner. She is wearing a long skirt of dawn-coloured silk,
a silky red wrap blouse, and a pair of runic black sandals.
You look confused and say, "Am I unbecoming?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Let's see... how about we put that pretty stage to some use, eh?"
You ask, "I thought it was at the Flame?"
With a shrug, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "If you prefer. Drinks are on you anyhow."
You say, "I wrote it with the Flame in mind, but I can just replicate another performance for the stage later."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "The flame will do. Get going!"
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
You teleport along the aether strands to the Eternal Flame.
Before the Eternal Flame.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. An elegant
chandelier of antique silver is gracefully suspended from the ceiling. In the
shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of
the Eternal Flame lounges languidly in the heat of the nexus. The Eternal Flame
burns here, a towering inferno of white flame that flashes with a chaotic spray
of colour. An orb of blazing aether shifts and turns continuously as it hovers
above a plain granite pedestal. There are 2 great brindle mastives here. An
elegant white letter is in danger of being soiled here. A young female horse
with a white mane stands here, pawing the ground. Chaote Alainna Mak'Reya is
here. Riluna lies here in a heap, collapsed on the floor against Tlarras.
Chaote Briaria Starfall is here.
You see exits leading north, east, and west.
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
You say, "Right, ah, hmm."
You are wearing:
a long skirt of dawn-coloured silk, a silky red wrap blouse, a pair of runic black sandals.
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "Hey! Listen up, shards!"
Tlarras gives Kalikai a respectful salute.
(dropping refresments)
Chalcedony performs a graceful curtsey.
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "There's going to be a lovely performance and free drinks at the Flame. First come first serve!"
(teleport spam)
Kalikai snickers softly to Herself.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to you, "Nervous yet?"
You say, "Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe."
Nataely curtseys respectfully before Kalikai.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Kalikai inclines Her head politely to Nataely.
Nataely's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Arath bows respectfully to Kalikai.
(Illuminati): You say, "Kalin, is there any chance of a meteor smashing into the Eternal Flame in the next few seconds?"
Riluna Mes'ard smiles impishly and says to you, "Nervousness is unbecoming in a guild leader, Chickie."
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "We totally need a larger audience here. The shard isn't nervous enough yet."
(Illuminati): You say, "I ask only to make sure my performance is uninterrupted!"
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Not nervous enough?"
Chalcedony tosses a pulsating mass of flesh on the ground, which bubbles and hisses, finally shaping itself into a tangled hekoskeri.
You say, "Indeed it is."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Have some more eyes."
Chalcedony pets a tangled hekoskeri ingratiatingly.
You say, "You are terrible."
Chalcedony beams broadly at you.
Chalcedony Talnara says, "You're very welcome."
(Illuminati): Kalikai says, "Sky looks clear! So sorry!"
Riluna Mes'ard smiles and says, "If it helps, we can heckle."
Chalcedony gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "By the time she starts, maybe the audience will be drunk and heckle her."
Riluna sits down.
You look undecided and say, "Is that a good thing?"
Kalin Disati says, "I don't need to be drunk to heckle people."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Indeed."
Kalin Disati says, "It's a hobby of mine."
Nataely Primrose says, "Mm, whiskey."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Later we can blame it on the alcohol."
Nataely takes a long draught of a scorching desert whiskey.
Kalin Disati says, "Or tyranny!"
Kalin coughs softly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye sways slightly and grins broadly as She regards you with an intense gaze.
Nataely Primrose says, "Corruption month?"
Chalcedony raises her hand to her mouth and titters girlishly.
You say, "We are overdue another corruption month."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Let's get started then, eh?"
Riluna Mes'ard says, "Yes. And I think it's my turn for corruption month, because I do -so- much."
Kalin Disati says, "It's not corrupt if ya'll ask for it!"
Kalin Disati says, "It's only corrupt when it is out of the blue!"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Maybe we should invite Magnagora."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame says, "Eh. Bunch of weirdos, I tell ya. Always cutting themselves up for attention."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame rolls her eyes.
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "So we can get a larger audience."
Nataely Primrose says, "I never asked for it, just asked about it."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Nah. This'll do. Too much stalling and she'll become un-nervous again."
Riluna Mes'ard smiles and says to you, "I'm sure you won't mess up -too- badly."
Riluna pats you in a friendly manner.
Chalcedony begins to wield a Brooch of the Tempest in her right hand.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
You say, "I don't plan to!"
Briaria runs dizzying circles around you with outstretched arms, happily screaming, "Wheee!"
You say, "It's only a dance..."
In a slur, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "A zap for every mess-up. Makes for a great gift, dontchathink?"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Almosht al *hic* l Templars ara hera."
You look undecided and say, "I would respectfully disagree, but the choice is Yours."
Kalikai smiles wryly at you.
Tyrad n'Kylbar says, "Maybe two sHapv wiql be more sppecIal?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to you, "Quit stalling. Get started!"
Nataely Primrose licks her lips and sways, clutching a bottle in one hand.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
(Sadie's Vital Victuals): You say, "She's totally going to zap in the middle of my routine."
(Sadie's Vital Victuals): Chalcedony says, "Good luck. XD."
You say, "Right, ah. Okay."
Chixsanga positions herself in front of the Eternal Flame, inclining her head to the gathered crowd.
You say, "Ideally, I will not fall asleep myself during this performance, as it will speak lengths for my own personal talent and interest."
You say, "I was requested by the lovely Lady Kalikai to put on an acrobatic performance for all your amusements, potentially for my own humiliation, here at the Eternal Flame."
You say, "And at first, I met this prospect totally blankly."
Chixsanga rubs at her snout, a thoughtful expression on her face.
You say, "I wandered the Pyramid of the Illuminati, lost in contemplation, wondering how I could construct a tightrope that wouldn't kill me."
You say, "And I came across some ancient carvings of Illuminati members from times long past - people that, as Master Shimotabi told me, were known as 'fleshdancers'"
You say, "I do not know if they existed prior to the discovery of Vortex. I do not know if this even qualifies as 'acrobatic' for Her amusement. I know only that they added an unexpected side of beauty and art to the Illuminati."
Clasping your hands before you as your eyes shift with a whirlwind prismatic colours, you say, "But none have been present since the refounding of our Guild."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye pulls another bottle from the aether and sniffs at it carefully for a moment, then takes several long draughts.
Chixsanga opens her hands, palms outwards, and with an audible 'POP' a large flurry of prismatic butterflies manifest in the air about her, swirling around the expansive chamber.
As your flesh begins to subtly shift, you say, "So, if only for this one time, I shall take it upon myself to remedy this."
Chixsanga executes a series of quick sideways spins, her skirts whispering across the sandstone floor in a sunrise-coloured whirlwind.
Chixsanga's form spins about wildly, accompanied by a small swirl of butterflies that join her from the air above. Her stature appears to grow taller as her flesh visibly loosens slightly.
Chixsanga gathers a portion of her skirts, thrusting her arm out as she brings herself to a sudden stop before reversing her rotation, arms akimbo.
Your voice low as if speaking by rote, you say, "The body is but a shell."
You hold the flesh of lovashi between the palms of you hands and begin to squeeze. As the flesh squirms and separates, you open yourself up and absorb it into your system.
The first rumbles of a distant eruption reverberate through every surface, causing the very foundations to shiver and quake.
Chixsanga halts her spin, freezing her body in position, arms poised at her sides as if to execute another twirl. Small rips form in the back of her blouse, from which sprout a pair of massive, green-scaled wings.
You absorb the flesh and wings sprout on the back of your torso.
Wings wrapping loosely about your form as you launch into another whirl, you say, "A shell that can be worked and morphed to reflect the inner spirit."
Chixsanga's flesh begins to shift eerily, loosening and trailing mesmerisingly as she spins, a dark green shadow outlined by the Eternal Flame behind her.
You have barely a fraction of a second to feel a dread foreboding before the lance of flame slams directly into your chest, filling your mind with white-hot pain and seeming to set every nerve in your body aflame. When you finally begin to breathe again, there is surprisingly no mark upon your form, but a weakness of mind and body remain to attest to Kalikai's anger.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye sways on Her feet and grins at you. "Sorry, My hand slipped. I didn't disrupt your dance, did I?", She slurs cheerfully.
Chixsanga staggers abruptly in her spin, her axis wavering wildly before she steadies herself.
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Chixsanga glances exasperatedly at Kalikai and poises one arm in the air overheard, her shape twisting into obscurity as she becomes visible as nothing more than a whirlwind of indistinguishable flesh and silk, akin to a wisp of flame.
Chixsanga makes an inscrutable gesture and, one by one, the butterflies aflutter through the chamber descend, melding into her flame-like figure, which begins to shift through a prismatic array of colours that refract off the floor.
Voice perfectly audible, though labored, you say, "A spirit that may contemplate the most fantastic and indiscipherable paradigms."
Chixsanga's body rises into the air, host to a company of butterflies, before her dance plunges her into the Eternal Flame!
Chixsanga emerges after a split second, host to a whirlwind of chaotic, rainbow flesh, dawn-coloured silk and wisps of white-hot flames that swirl enchantingly about her form as she alights upon the ground.
Butterflies vanishing one after another with an audible 'pop' as you slow your spin, you say, "The realization of this paradigm.."
Kalikai squints at Chixsanga and suddenly snaps Her fingers. A small ball of fire appears and immediately starts flying around Chixsanga's head in dizzying circles.
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): You say, ">:(."
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): Tlarras says, "Lol."
Tlarras eats a chilled platter of assorted seafood with obvious gusto.
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): Tlarras says, "You had to expect it."
Chixsanga slows her dance, the spirals of flame about her dissipating as she glares upwards at the ball of fire.
With a sudden 'POP' the ball of fire disappears.
The corners of Briaria's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Inclining your head with a small smile, you say, "One in which we may unlock boundless POTENTIAL.."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye snickers softly and takes another draught of wine.
Chixsanga's spin slows to a halt, the warping of her skin returning to normal as the colour of her scales settle on a regal mixture of crimson and golden swirls.
You say, "This, with swirling balls of fire, is the hallmark of a fleshdancer."
Chixsanga glances down at her feet as if to keep her own capsizing in check before she bows low, face hidden.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye empathically nods Her head in agreement.
Nataely applauds you heartily.
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): You say, "Ok got that over with :<."
Nataely's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Hecton claps his hands together merrily.
Briaria bounces up and down.
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): Lehki says, "Post a log. =o."
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): Kalin says, "Imma horizontal fleshdancer."
Tyrad claps his hands together merrily.
Hecton bows respectfully to Kalikai.
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You did well. Quite a shame though.. now I don't get to zap you, eh?"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Still could."
Tlarras looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Kalin Disati says, "You can anyways."
Hecton's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Chixsanga straightens her posture, glancing over at Kalikai with a thoughtful expression.
Briaria giggles happily.
Nataely Primrose says, "That's SOME dancing."
You say, "Nothing's stopping You."
"Heh heh heh" Chalcedony chuckles.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye taps Her chin thoughtfully.
Swollen, searing air slinks in through cracks and crevices, offering no escape.
Dvurkha says, "Although now she's expecting it..."
Briaria snickers softly to herself.
Looking light on her feet, you say, "Perhaps."
Kalikai balls Her hand into a fist and raises it into the air. As She opens it again, a ball of fire appears, quickly zooming off into the sky.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "Please tell me that's not a meteor, Lady."
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Hmm, I don't know."
You squint suspiciously at your surroundings.
A sudden loud 'BOOOOM' can be heard as the ball of fire slams down squarely upon the Illuminati pyramid.
"Eep!", Riluna screams in fright.
"Eep!", Briaria screams in fright.
Tlarras coughs softly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "How about you find out, eh?"
Dvurkha quickly ducks down.
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
(insert running to the Pyramid, to find... )
The Cosmic Eye.
Illuminated by ceiling-hung and dimly-glowing braziers that give off the scent
of burning spices and musk, a complex and elaborate map has been scratched
deeply into the light-grey marble walls and columns of this chamber then filled
with gold to increase visibility. This map details the skies, stars, and
celestial bodies visible above the Basin of Life and is brought to life by
brilliantly coloured gemstones, embedded in the gold, which glitter beautifully
in the faint hanging lights. Various small notes are etched deeply beside the
engraved images, written mostly in scrawling and unreadable text possibly meant
to remain secret by Illuminati long past. Smaller maps and books of notes lay
strewn about and open, the now-yellowed and torn parchment of many of them
giving hint to their age. A wide opening at the ceiling gives visibility of the
sky above, leaving the top of the Illuminati pyramid open enough to give view
of day or night skies above, but enclosed enough to give protection from the
outside elements. A circular brass astrolabe stands here atop a pedestal,
inscribed with a ring of degree markings. Kalin Disati is here. Kalikai,
the Crimson Eye stands here casually, threads of fiery aether swirling
capriciously about Her form. She wields a bottle containing a ship
in Her left hand.
You see a single exit leading down.
While this sorta outs my alt(?), this was fairly fun. And a nice way to get an astrolabe.
Edit: I should mention the prologue involved receiving an order task:
Swaying on Her feet and staring at you with slightly unfocused eyes, Kalikai, the Crimson
Eye says, "I want you to do an acrobatic performance at the Eternal Flame!"
You say, "Lady? You wished for my performance."
The Fulcrux of Kalikai.
An oppressive feeling of heat and aridity lies in the air, invading the senses
together with the acrid taste of sand. Rolling dunes stretch out as far as the
eye can see, their shape and texture shifting perpetually as if following the
whims of an unfelt wind. The only immutable aspect in the fulcrux presents
itself as a deep depression in the sand where worn stone steps lead to a small
oasis. As if placed in the eye of the storm, the sand surrounding the oasis and
the water within it are perfectly calm, undisturbed by the ceaseless alteration
that goes on just a foot beyond it. Fine threads of burning aether congregate
high above the oasis, forming a blazing orb that bathes the entire fulcrux in a
harsh crimson light. An obelisk of weathered sandstone rises from the centre of
the oasis, its surface decorated with flaming symbols.
You see a single exit leading through a sandstone obelisk.
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, 'Oh yes. You're ready then I take it, eh?'
Rubbing the back of your neck, softly, you say, "Sorta. I'm not sure it's as frivolous as you might have liked it to be. Or if it's quite as acrobatic."
The blazing orb burns brighter as a boisterous voice resounds, 'How about we let the crowd judge then, eh?'
You say, "Yes, I suppose."
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
Kalikai peers at you unscrupulously.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
l me
She is a fierce illuminated dracnari and is an absolutely miniscule figure,
perhaps four feet in height. Her limbs are unusually long in proportion to her
small, childlike body, covered in a suit of dark green scales. Small spikes
protrude from her shoulder blades, fanning down her backside. Her face is open
and innocent-looking, an array of infantile teeth visible in her maw, her snout
tipped in a draconic manner. She is wearing a long skirt of dawn-coloured silk,
a silky red wrap blouse, and a pair of runic black sandals.
You look confused and say, "Am I unbecoming?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Let's see... how about we put that pretty stage to some use, eh?"
You ask, "I thought it was at the Flame?"
With a shrug, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "If you prefer. Drinks are on you anyhow."
You say, "I wrote it with the Flame in mind, but I can just replicate another performance for the stage later."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "The flame will do. Get going!"
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
You teleport along the aether strands to the Eternal Flame.
Before the Eternal Flame.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. An elegant
chandelier of antique silver is gracefully suspended from the ceiling. In the
shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of
the Eternal Flame lounges languidly in the heat of the nexus. The Eternal Flame
burns here, a towering inferno of white flame that flashes with a chaotic spray
of colour. An orb of blazing aether shifts and turns continuously as it hovers
above a plain granite pedestal. There are 2 great brindle mastives here. An
elegant white letter is in danger of being soiled here. A young female horse
with a white mane stands here, pawing the ground. Chaote Alainna Mak'Reya is
here. Riluna lies here in a heap, collapsed on the floor against Tlarras.
Chaote Briaria Starfall is here.
You see exits leading north, east, and west.
Sparks of blazing aether flare into being, whirling erratically before converging into the form of Kalikai.
You say, "Right, ah, hmm."
You are wearing:
a long skirt of dawn-coloured silk, a silky red wrap blouse, a pair of runic black sandals.
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "Hey! Listen up, shards!"
Tlarras gives Kalikai a respectful salute.
(dropping refresments)
Chalcedony performs a graceful curtsey.
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "There's going to be a lovely performance and free drinks at the Flame. First come first serve!"
(teleport spam)
Kalikai snickers softly to Herself.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to you, "Nervous yet?"
You say, "Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe."
Nataely curtseys respectfully before Kalikai.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Kalikai inclines Her head politely to Nataely.
Nataely's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Arath bows respectfully to Kalikai.
(Illuminati): You say, "Kalin, is there any chance of a meteor smashing into the Eternal Flame in the next few seconds?"
Riluna Mes'ard smiles impishly and says to you, "Nervousness is unbecoming in a guild leader, Chickie."
(Gaudiguch): Kalikai says, "We totally need a larger audience here. The shard isn't nervous enough yet."
(Illuminati): You say, "I ask only to make sure my performance is uninterrupted!"
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Not nervous enough?"
Chalcedony tosses a pulsating mass of flesh on the ground, which bubbles and hisses, finally shaping itself into a tangled hekoskeri.
You say, "Indeed it is."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Have some more eyes."
Chalcedony pets a tangled hekoskeri ingratiatingly.
You say, "You are terrible."
Chalcedony beams broadly at you.
Chalcedony Talnara says, "You're very welcome."
(Illuminati): Kalikai says, "Sky looks clear! So sorry!"
Riluna Mes'ard smiles and says, "If it helps, we can heckle."
Chalcedony gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "By the time she starts, maybe the audience will be drunk and heckle her."
Riluna sits down.
You look undecided and say, "Is that a good thing?"
Kalin Disati says, "I don't need to be drunk to heckle people."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Indeed."
Kalin Disati says, "It's a hobby of mine."
Nataely Primrose says, "Mm, whiskey."
Chalcedony Talnara says, "Later we can blame it on the alcohol."
Nataely takes a long draught of a scorching desert whiskey.
Kalin Disati says, "Or tyranny!"
Kalin coughs softly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye sways slightly and grins broadly as She regards you with an intense gaze.
Nataely Primrose says, "Corruption month?"
Chalcedony raises her hand to her mouth and titters girlishly.
You say, "We are overdue another corruption month."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Let's get started then, eh?"
Riluna Mes'ard says, "Yes. And I think it's my turn for corruption month, because I do -so- much."
Kalin Disati says, "It's not corrupt if ya'll ask for it!"
Kalin Disati says, "It's only corrupt when it is out of the blue!"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Maybe we should invite Magnagora."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame says, "Eh. Bunch of weirdos, I tell ya. Always cutting themselves up for attention."
Mesadari Rhiero, Keeper of the Eternal Flame rolls her eyes.
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "So we can get a larger audience."
Nataely Primrose says, "I never asked for it, just asked about it."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Nah. This'll do. Too much stalling and she'll become un-nervous again."
Riluna Mes'ard smiles and says to you, "I'm sure you won't mess up -too- badly."
Riluna pats you in a friendly manner.
Chalcedony begins to wield a Brooch of the Tempest in her right hand.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
You say, "I don't plan to!"
Briaria runs dizzying circles around you with outstretched arms, happily screaming, "Wheee!"
You say, "It's only a dance..."
In a slur, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "A zap for every mess-up. Makes for a great gift, dontchathink?"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Almosht al *hic* l Templars ara hera."
You look undecided and say, "I would respectfully disagree, but the choice is Yours."
Kalikai smiles wryly at you.
Tyrad n'Kylbar says, "Maybe two sHapv wiql be more sppecIal?"
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says to you, "Quit stalling. Get started!"
Nataely Primrose licks her lips and sways, clutching a bottle in one hand.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
(Sadie's Vital Victuals): You say, "She's totally going to zap in the middle of my routine."
(Sadie's Vital Victuals): Chalcedony says, "Good luck. XD."
You say, "Right, ah. Okay."
Chixsanga positions herself in front of the Eternal Flame, inclining her head to the gathered crowd.
You say, "Ideally, I will not fall asleep myself during this performance, as it will speak lengths for my own personal talent and interest."
You say, "I was requested by the lovely Lady Kalikai to put on an acrobatic performance for all your amusements, potentially for my own humiliation, here at the Eternal Flame."
You say, "And at first, I met this prospect totally blankly."
Chixsanga rubs at her snout, a thoughtful expression on her face.
You say, "I wandered the Pyramid of the Illuminati, lost in contemplation, wondering how I could construct a tightrope that wouldn't kill me."
You say, "And I came across some ancient carvings of Illuminati members from times long past - people that, as Master Shimotabi told me, were known as 'fleshdancers'"
You say, "I do not know if they existed prior to the discovery of Vortex. I do not know if this even qualifies as 'acrobatic' for Her amusement. I know only that they added an unexpected side of beauty and art to the Illuminati."
Clasping your hands before you as your eyes shift with a whirlwind prismatic colours, you say, "But none have been present since the refounding of our Guild."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye pulls another bottle from the aether and sniffs at it carefully for a moment, then takes several long draughts.
Chixsanga opens her hands, palms outwards, and with an audible 'POP' a large flurry of prismatic butterflies manifest in the air about her, swirling around the expansive chamber.
As your flesh begins to subtly shift, you say, "So, if only for this one time, I shall take it upon myself to remedy this."
Chixsanga executes a series of quick sideways spins, her skirts whispering across the sandstone floor in a sunrise-coloured whirlwind.
Chixsanga's form spins about wildly, accompanied by a small swirl of butterflies that join her from the air above. Her stature appears to grow taller as her flesh visibly loosens slightly.
Chixsanga gathers a portion of her skirts, thrusting her arm out as she brings herself to a sudden stop before reversing her rotation, arms akimbo.
Your voice low as if speaking by rote, you say, "The body is but a shell."
You hold the flesh of lovashi between the palms of you hands and begin to squeeze. As the flesh squirms and separates, you open yourself up and absorb it into your system.
The first rumbles of a distant eruption reverberate through every surface, causing the very foundations to shiver and quake.
Chixsanga halts her spin, freezing her body in position, arms poised at her sides as if to execute another twirl. Small rips form in the back of her blouse, from which sprout a pair of massive, green-scaled wings.
You absorb the flesh and wings sprout on the back of your torso.
Wings wrapping loosely about your form as you launch into another whirl, you say, "A shell that can be worked and morphed to reflect the inner spirit."
Chixsanga's flesh begins to shift eerily, loosening and trailing mesmerisingly as she spins, a dark green shadow outlined by the Eternal Flame behind her.
You have barely a fraction of a second to feel a dread foreboding before the lance of flame slams directly into your chest, filling your mind with white-hot pain and seeming to set every nerve in your body aflame. When you finally begin to breathe again, there is surprisingly no mark upon your form, but a weakness of mind and body remain to attest to Kalikai's anger.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye sways on Her feet and grins at you. "Sorry, My hand slipped. I didn't disrupt your dance, did I?", She slurs cheerfully.
Chixsanga staggers abruptly in her spin, her axis wavering wildly before she steadies herself.
Kalikai grins broadly, a mischievous look entering Her green eyes.
Kalikai takes a long draught of an exotic carambola wine.
Chixsanga glances exasperatedly at Kalikai and poises one arm in the air overheard, her shape twisting into obscurity as she becomes visible as nothing more than a whirlwind of indistinguishable flesh and silk, akin to a wisp of flame.
Chixsanga makes an inscrutable gesture and, one by one, the butterflies aflutter through the chamber descend, melding into her flame-like figure, which begins to shift through a prismatic array of colours that refract off the floor.
Voice perfectly audible, though labored, you say, "A spirit that may contemplate the most fantastic and indiscipherable paradigms."
Chixsanga's body rises into the air, host to a company of butterflies, before her dance plunges her into the Eternal Flame!
Chixsanga emerges after a split second, host to a whirlwind of chaotic, rainbow flesh, dawn-coloured silk and wisps of white-hot flames that swirl enchantingly about her form as she alights upon the ground.
Butterflies vanishing one after another with an audible 'pop' as you slow your spin, you say, "The realization of this paradigm.."
Kalikai squints at Chixsanga and suddenly snaps Her fingers. A small ball of fire appears and immediately starts flying around Chixsanga's head in dizzying circles.
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): You say, ">:(."
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): Tlarras says, "Lol."
Tlarras eats a chilled platter of assorted seafood with obvious gusto.
(Unearthly Divine Clam Chowder): Tlarras says, "You had to expect it."
Chixsanga slows her dance, the spirals of flame about her dissipating as she glares upwards at the ball of fire.
With a sudden 'POP' the ball of fire disappears.
The corners of Briaria's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Inclining your head with a small smile, you say, "One in which we may unlock boundless POTENTIAL.."
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye snickers softly and takes another draught of wine.
Chixsanga's spin slows to a halt, the warping of her skin returning to normal as the colour of her scales settle on a regal mixture of crimson and golden swirls.
You say, "This, with swirling balls of fire, is the hallmark of a fleshdancer."
Chixsanga glances down at her feet as if to keep her own capsizing in check before she bows low, face hidden.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye empathically nods Her head in agreement.
Nataely applauds you heartily.
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): You say, "Ok got that over with :<."
Nataely's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Hecton claps his hands together merrily.
Briaria bounces up and down.
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): Lehki says, "Post a log. =o."
(Delicious Brine Shrimp): Kalin says, "Imma horizontal fleshdancer."
Tyrad claps his hands together merrily.
Hecton bows respectfully to Kalikai.
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "You did well. Quite a shame though.. now I don't get to zap you, eh?"
Mistress Rider of the Rear, Tlarras Disati, Undermarshal of the Temple says, "Still could."
Tlarras looks about herself, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.
Kalin Disati says, "You can anyways."
Hecton's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Chixsanga straightens her posture, glancing over at Kalikai with a thoughtful expression.
Briaria giggles happily.
Nataely Primrose says, "That's SOME dancing."
You say, "Nothing's stopping You."
"Heh heh heh" Chalcedony chuckles.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye taps Her chin thoughtfully.
Swollen, searing air slinks in through cracks and crevices, offering no escape.
Dvurkha says, "Although now she's expecting it..."
Briaria snickers softly to herself.
Looking light on her feet, you say, "Perhaps."
Kalikai balls Her hand into a fist and raises it into the air. As She opens it again, a ball of fire appears, quickly zooming off into the sky.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
You say, "Please tell me that's not a meteor, Lady."
Grinning, Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "Hmm, I don't know."
You squint suspiciously at your surroundings.
A sudden loud 'BOOOOM' can be heard as the ball of fire slams down squarely upon the Illuminati pyramid.
"Eep!", Riluna screams in fright.
"Eep!", Briaria screams in fright.
Tlarras coughs softly.
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye says, "How about you find out, eh?"
Dvurkha quickly ducks down.
Threads of fiery aether coalesce around Kalikai, enshrouding Her form whole before bursting in an explosion of jittery sparks and fading from view.
(insert running to the Pyramid, to find... )
The Cosmic Eye.
Illuminated by ceiling-hung and dimly-glowing braziers that give off the scent
of burning spices and musk, a complex and elaborate map has been scratched
deeply into the light-grey marble walls and columns of this chamber then filled
with gold to increase visibility. This map details the skies, stars, and
celestial bodies visible above the Basin of Life and is brought to life by
brilliantly coloured gemstones, embedded in the gold, which glitter beautifully
in the faint hanging lights. Various small notes are etched deeply beside the
engraved images, written mostly in scrawling and unreadable text possibly meant
to remain secret by Illuminati long past. Smaller maps and books of notes lay
strewn about and open, the now-yellowed and torn parchment of many of them
giving hint to their age. A wide opening at the ceiling gives visibility of the
sky above, leaving the top of the Illuminati pyramid open enough to give view
of day or night skies above, but enclosed enough to give protection from the
outside elements. A circular brass astrolabe stands here atop a pedestal,
inscribed with a ring of degree markings. Kalin Disati is here. Kalikai,
the Crimson Eye stands here casually, threads of fiery aether swirling
capriciously about Her form. She wields a bottle containing a ship
in Her left hand.
You see a single exit leading down.
Furien2010-07-20 23:16:19
Sylphas ninja'd this post by like one second, le bump.
Razenth2010-07-20 23:24:31
Aw man, now that I know who you are, my perceptions of your char are forever tainted by my prior knowledge of your other characters 

Unknown2010-07-20 23:35:38
Psh. That was a lovely incorporation of dance and Illuminati skills.
Shaddus2010-07-21 07:32:30
I could care less who your alt was, though it's funny now that I know it..
Really? A clan called Delicious Brine Shrimp?
Really? A clan called Delicious Brine Shrimp?
Chalcedony2010-07-21 08:33:01
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jul 21 2010, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Really? A clan called Delicious Brine Shrimp?
Don't be jealous. ^^