Daraius2010-07-29 16:50:40
I'm pretty sure I know which one's the most popular, but I want to get an idea of the distribution of lobo species (among the subset of players who browse the forums, I guess).
Daraius is... a dingo! The only one I've seen around so far, too.
Daraius is... a dingo! The only one I've seen around so far, too.
Unknown2010-07-29 17:05:20
I can count at least five wolf-types in Celest: Denust, Unitos, Gadritan (who told me he is going inactive again soon
), Knorrith, and Naralis. Hm. And my Serenguard alt is one, too, and so is Turnus. That's seven I know off-hand.
I think Janalon is one, too... but I didn't actually look at her description while we were testing Tahtetso wounding.
EDIT: Also, checkbox polls let you vote for every option so you may want to change that.

I think Janalon is one, too... but I didn't actually look at her description while we were testing Tahtetso wounding.

EDIT: Also, checkbox polls let you vote for every option so you may want to change that.
Unknown2010-07-29 17:34:32
When I changeling into a lobo, the desc I use is based on a golden cocker spaniel.
Janalon2010-07-29 17:47:06

Can't seem to relocate the original image that I based my description upon.
She is a ferocious loboshigaru and is possessed of an elegant, feminine grace.
Even things which would be naturally fierce or wild about the loboshigaru seem
softened, and tame. Her tawny fur is practically silken, coating her from head
to toe in light brown, with a darker brown strip running down the length of her
spine, and splotches of white fur along her chest and all four paws. Her hair
and fur seems immaculate and well groomed, as though slaved over for hours on
end. Small ears rest on the top of her head, clearly canine in nature, trying to
draw attention away from shining violet eyes, which were themselves hidden away
shyly behind locks of chestnut brown hair. Her muzzle is slightly shorter than
her kin, but when opened, a maw of sharp, pearly white incisors is revealed,
threatening to bite. She stands a few inches taller than the average loboshigaru
and her figure is proportioned perfectly for beauty, though something about her
hints at hidden dexterity and power as well.
Even things which would be naturally fierce or wild about the loboshigaru seem
softened, and tame. Her tawny fur is practically silken, coating her from head
to toe in light brown, with a darker brown strip running down the length of her
spine, and splotches of white fur along her chest and all four paws. Her hair
and fur seems immaculate and well groomed, as though slaved over for hours on
end. Small ears rest on the top of her head, clearly canine in nature, trying to
draw attention away from shining violet eyes, which were themselves hidden away
shyly behind locks of chestnut brown hair. Her muzzle is slightly shorter than
her kin, but when opened, a maw of sharp, pearly white incisors is revealed,
threatening to bite. She stands a few inches taller than the average loboshigaru
and her figure is proportioned perfectly for beauty, though something about her
hints at hidden dexterity and power as well.
Never thought about it before... but I guess that I am more of the fox variety of lobo. Sorry to disappoint.
Casilu2010-07-29 17:53:43
If I remember right, I went with mutt. Unlike every other desc I ever made for Lusternia, I had nothing in mind when I was writing it. I even forgot the most important detail (which sadly I cannot find a way to put on my current description

Shaddus2010-07-29 19:00:17
I think my lobo alt is a golden retriever, but it's been a while since I've played him. I'm really tempted to make a Saint Bernard lobo 

Unknown2010-07-29 19:42:31
QUOTE (Shaddus Mes'ard @ Jul 29 2010, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think my lobo alt is a golden retriever, but it's been a while since I've played him. I'm really tempted to make a Saint Bernard lobo 

If I made an alternate version, it would be a doberman.
Arimisia2010-07-29 19:46:05
Janalon is lobo, so is Tau and several of their kids. Lets see.. Zasha is in Mag and is a lobo, and there are quite a few others in Celest as well, they seem to be popular as tahtetso. Havastus, Zig, Jazella, Otem, Glint, Kameen. Probably quite a few of others I just cannot think of at the moment. There is a clan for lobo's too which could help in finding out stuff and the like. Anyways this is about species, I really have no clue what species each of these guys are I know usually when I think about it I think Lobo's should be wolf like. (I do not like the art they have for lobo cause on first glance it looks like a furred creature rather than anything canine).
Aubrey2010-07-31 15:01:57
I've always thought of them as wolves, and the few descriptions I've noticed looked like wolves too. People actually make their lobos look like cocker spaniels and golden retrievers? Most lobos I know would take offense to be treated like a domestic pet (like if you use the 'pet' emote on them or talk to them like you would a domestic dog), so I never thought people actually made their lobo like that intentionally... What about the 'ferocious' part?!
Unknown2010-07-31 15:07:20
You can be a ferocious pretty much anything. A squirrel furrikin could be ferocious.
Aubrey2010-07-31 15:12:14
QUOTE (Salvation @ Jul 31 2010, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can be a ferocious pretty much anything. A squirrel furrikin could be ferocious.
I suppose that's true. Look at Sylphas!

Unknown2010-07-31 16:00:07
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Jul 31 2010, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Most lobos I know would take offense to be treated like a domestic pet (like if you use the 'pet' emote on them or talk to them like you would a domestic dog), so I never thought people actually made their lobo like that intentionally... What about the 'ferocious' part?!
The smaller the dog, the bigger the attitude. It's all about perspective.
And whether the character has exacting control over how they look, as opposed to just the player, is one of those things that treads the IC line rather thinly and can fall one way or the other, so I wouldn't take that into account (which your post seems to imply, but perhaps does not).
Unknown2010-07-31 16:19:37
I just imagine a typical one as a sort of vague, clearly caninesque bipedal humanoid thing. But some day, I would like to see a Chihuahua. Perhaps wearing a wide brimmed hat? And with an attiude like Joe Pesci?

Do I amuse you?!
Do I amuse you?!
Casilu2010-07-31 21:07:05
QUOTE (Salvation @ Jul 31 2010, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can be a ferocious pretty much anything. A squirrel furrikin could be ferocious.
Rabies does that.
Daraius2010-08-01 03:11:11
Who are those other dingoes? Confess!
Jules2010-08-01 03:32:17
Werewolf. Even got the abs to wash my clothes on to prove it! 

Kante2010-08-04 08:16:56
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Jul 31 2010, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose that's true. Look at Sylphas! 

Bad example.
Aerotan2010-08-08 20:57:45
Alluran was a retriever, I think, and Torre is a timber wolf if memory serves. He might have been tundra...
And then there's my Lobo warrior, who's a collie.
And then there's my Lobo warrior, who's a collie.