Unknown2010-08-05 09:40:31
Well, this was interesting! 
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't know what the sphere is going to do with
the cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Or vice-versa."
You say, "Did you put a cat in a sphere or something?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe..."
You say, "Which one?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Opal."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I gave it, actually."
You beckon to Taraj.
Taraj begins to follow you.
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
p sphere
A massive globe of solid opal, this sphere is easily larger than even the
tallest of igasho. Perfectly smooth and semi-opaque, its pale, milky surface
glistens with the colours found within its depths - an obfuscating array of
prismatic planes, a rigid series of swirling yellows and blues and reds running
together to become oranges and purples and greens. The base of the sphere rests
upon the finest of pyramid-point fulcrums, its base cut flat upon a translucent
opal daze that melds back into the opaline ground of its surroundings.
Occasional waves of energy ripple up from the point of contact with the fulcrum,
meeting at the exact opposite end of the vertical axis.
There are 8171 facets upon the surface of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 1785 pounds.
He is loyal to the Continuum.
You cannot see what the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord is holding.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
"Eh?" Taraj says curiously.
You say, "I'm trying to find the "eject cat" button."
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "I wonder what happens if naughty children are put into spheres."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It snarled at me."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "How did it... I don't even...."
get cat from sphere
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord snarls at you as you approach.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You give a soot-blackened tinderbox to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
You say, "So the cat doesn't get bored."
You say, "I wonder what else the spheres have in them?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Who knows."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If anyone kills opal though, they're at least
getting a cat and tinderbox."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Don't tell anyone, that might be all the incentive
they need."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Glaring at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, Taraj prods him repeatedly,
the height of rudeness.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "Give me
back the cat!"
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Taraj thanks the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord profusely.
You tilt your head curiously at Taraj.
Taraj tells you, "( Dude, the sphere just shot the cat out!"
You tell Zephyr Taraj Skyplume, "( what, really!?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Where did the cat go?"
You say, "I didn't see anything."
You say, "Are you holding it?"
You tell Zephyr Taraj Skyplume, "( tell me what it said!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I have IT."
Taraj shouts out a happy "Yay!"
You say, "Cat. Tell us."
Taraj thanks the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord profusely.
A thunderclap amidst scarlet lightning announces the entrance of a scarlet
thunderbird from the west.
You say, "Usha!"
The corners of Ushaara's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Ushaara raises his hand in greeting and says "Hi!"
You say, "Taraj gave a cat to the Opal Sphere and he was stuck in there but."
You say, "It spat it back out to him after a while!"
You say, "We must find out what the cat has seen."
Taraj nods his head sagely.
Taraj gives a silver coloured cat to you.
You ponder a silver coloured cat thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You say, "We should take him to an Institute member."
Ready for a new adventure, you point boldly towards the horizon and declare in a
proud tone, "Onward!"
-------Before the Matrix.-------
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Taraj tells you, "( A cat flies out of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord,
You tell Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer, "Orventa!"
You tell Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer, "We need
your Institute knowledge and such."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat must know so much."
Orventa arrives from the northwest.
A majestic, airy clarion slowly meanders into your realm of hearing, proclaiming
the arrival of a radiant glass shadhahvar as he prances in from the northwest.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Yes?"
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Cat retrieval."
Comprehension flashes across Orventa's face.
You say to Orventa, "Taraj gave the cat to the Opal Sphere, and it kept it
inside of it for some time. We went back up, prodded at it, and eventually-."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "COMPLETE."
You say, "It shot it back out to Taraj and it was all sizzly and stuff."
"Oh?" Orventa exclaims quizzically.
You say, "We must find out what the cat has seen!"
You give a silver coloured cat to Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum
Resource Officer.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Is it still
You nod your head emphatically.
Orventa gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Orventa pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
You say, "Doesn't seem to be as much of an escape artist as it used to be
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "Probably pretty shocked by its journey."
A silver coloured cat jumps to the ground, shaking fitfully.
You give a horrified gasp.
"Awwwww!" Orventa says.
Orventa picks up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat leaps out of Orventa's hands!
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Oh no!"
Orventa picks up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat leaps out of Orventa's hands!
You pick up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat snuggles up in your arms, purring.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Poor thing."
You say, "This cat is a HERO."
Taraj nods his head sagely.
You say, "Because any animal who comes back from a strange place is for some
reason a hero."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "He has learned much."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
A silver coloured cat jumps to the floor, a small wisp of smoke rising from his
You stroke a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat meows petulantly.
Orventa chuckles long and heartily.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I'm very sorry for that."
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Cat. Tell me your secrets."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I didn't know!"
A silver coloured cat stares implacably at you.
(Market): You say, "Seeking someone who understands cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "I just wanted to see if the sphere could show
(Market): Nataely says, "Meow?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I don't know if
we've proper housing for it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And it can't."
Orventa ponders the situation.
A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Get a cat translator in here!"
(Market): You say, "No, it seems to be more like "Miaou"."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "What shall we call you?"
(Market): You say, "In dire need of a cat translator."
A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou rowr row."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "His words will usher a new era of science!"
A silver coloured cat inches bashfully over to you and nuzzles you tenderly.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
Orventa strokes a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying Orventa's affection.
(Market): You say, "This is not a joke."
(Market): Sahmiam says, "I understand aslarari."
(Market): Nataely says, "Sorry, im only a little fluent in the cat vernacular. I
coudlnt help with any proper housecats."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Maybe an
aslaran? They're cat like..."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
(Market): You say, "I'm afraid it's not aslari, but rather...cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Do we know any?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "Would you like to come to the Institute?"
Taraj tilts his head curiously at a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat growls menacingly at Taraj.
(Market): Sahmiam says, "Then I won't have to kill you for refering to aslari in
such a manner."
A silver coloured cat says, "Mow."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "We could give
you many pigeons...?"
A silver coloured cat stretches and purrs like a cat.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't think he likes me..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "I saved you from celest!"
A silver coloured cat hunches slightly and flares his body as he hisses
warningly at Taraj.
"Eep!", Orventa screams in fright.
Orventa strokes a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying Orventa's affection.
You say to Taraj, "You put him in the sphere."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
You say, "I don't think he likes you."
A silver coloured cat exclaims, "Mraow!"
You say, "I guess I DID find the "eject cat" button..."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to a silver coloured cat,
"This one is likely feasible to be irritated with."
Kazban points accusingly at Taraj.
Kazban pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying Kazban's affection.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "You could be an Institute pet? How's that sound?"
Orventa ponders the situation.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But, now we know important scientific fact."
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Orventa and pointedly ignores her.
Orventa rubs her chin thoughtfully, raises her eyebrow and says, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Sphere do NOT want pet cats."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Spehres, rather."
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Want a toy?"
A silver coloured cat turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in
You take a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant from a figurine collector's pouch.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps I can make it up to the cat?"
You drop a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
A silver coloured cat pounces at a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
Orventa giggles happily.
Taraj's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
A silver coloured cat rolls over onto his belly, front paws grappling valiantly
at the figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
"Awwwww!" Taraj says.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat stretches languidly.
Wistfully, Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "It'd
be nice to have a cat in the city.."
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "He's a good cat."
You say, "He should go where he wants to go."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "I'm sorry for what I put
you through."
You laughingly say, "And I have a feeling it's not anywhere near Continuum."
A silver coloured cat prances slowly to the edge of the walkway, tail flicking
this way and that.
You say, "Ah, careful-."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Would you like to stay in
Hallifax, or should I take you back?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to you, "I think he likes it here."
A silver coloured cat promptly jumps off the walkway, a long, lingering
"MEEEEOOOOOoooowwwww" accompanying his descent.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer bites her fingernails,
hoping the cat won't fall.
Orventa shakes her head.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Noooooooo."
Orventa stumbles forward clumsily before throwing her hands up and screaming
"Noooooooo!" melodramatically.
Kazban grips his sides and chortles madly.
Taraj begins to weep uncontrollably.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "You made a cat kill itself,
I hope you are proud of yourself."
You say, "Well...cats have a better chance of surviving if they fall from a
large distance...."
You say, "But er, I think this is...too large."
You fret over everything that might go wrong.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The things he must have seen to make him do that."
(it is decided that we should check Emerald Road, beneath the city...)
-------Back path through the Emerald Road. (road).-------
You say, "Heeeere kitty kitty."
Purring loudly, a silver coloured cat enters from the south.
With a slight raise of the eyebrows, you perk up your ears and turn your
attention towards a silver coloured cat.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
Taraj shouts out a happy "Yay!"
A silver coloured cat says, "Meow."
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
(Hallifax): You say, "The cat is alive."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "Thank the gods!"
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Amazing."
You wipe the back of your hand across your head in relief as you mutter, "Whew."
Taraj pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying Taraj's affection.
A silver coloured cat suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth
firmly into Taraj.
You say, "Kitty, you scared us half to death."
(Hallifax): Kazban says, "And here I got my hopes up I could place it in a jar
and keep it for further study."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I will never do anything to hurt you again, kitty."
You reach over to a silver coloured cat and itch his back.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
"Ouch!", Taraj shrieks in pain.
A silver coloured cat says, "Mrow."
A silver coloured cat nods his head sagely.
You say, "A cat with a score to settle."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
Taraj grovels in the dirt.
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Does it want to come back up?"
Taraj grovels in the dirt before a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat growls menacingly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat says to you, "Mrow meow mrow mow mow."
You stare blankly at a silver coloured cat.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "I beg your forgiveness."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "MROW!"
A silver coloured cat stares implacably at you.
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Errrrr...I don't...I don't speak cat! Give me
a hint."
You say, "Do you want another toy, or, something to eat?"
You say, "You can eat him."
You point accusingly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat stares pointedly at Taraj.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Did you want something from me?"
Taraj gulps nervously.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat lifts his head and rolls his shoulders, his nose tracing a
nearly-perfect circle.
A silver coloured cat stares pointedly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "Meow!"
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Taraj mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
hovering before him.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "This?"
You say, "Well, I was going to hit him, but now I can't."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "No, that can't be right."
You say, "Yesod is a circle."
A silver coloured cat exclaims, "Mrow!"
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say, "But I don't think the cat wants you invisible."
A silver coloured cat arches his back in irritation.
You say, "Maybe the cat wants to make you 'disappear'."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "MROW!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe the cat wants to put me in a sphere?"
A silver coloured cat exclaims to Taraj, "MROW, MROW!"
A silver coloured cat nods his head sagely.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "Mmmhmm..."
You ponder Taraj thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You see Taraj say something, but his voice is drowned out by the wind.
You say, "Well, I think I could certainly work to get the paperwork through to
try something like that."
You say, "And speak up, I can't hear you over the wind."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
A silver coloured cat slumps down dejectedly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Perhaps something less
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Taraj and pointedly ignores him.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "Cat came back fine. Mostly fine. Sizzly."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say to Taraj, "Be a good sport, kid."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Fine."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If it's for the cat."
A silver coloured cat begins to follow you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I owe him this much."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "Meow!"
You nod your head sagely.
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
You say to Taraj, "Well? What are you waiting for?"
Taraj grovels in the dirt before the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
You have emoted: Phoebus nudges Taraj towards the Opal Sphere.
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord turns about itself, shining brightly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "I humbly
ask for permission to enter, sphere."
You say to Taraj, "Oi, see if you can't find my tinderbox in there while you're
at it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "My. Gods."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It's so beautiful."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But painful."
A silver coloured cat says, "Mrow."
A silver coloured cat licks a paw daintily.
Taraj becomes overwhelmed by it all and faints.
Taraj coughs softly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Is that good enough?"
You say to a wandering bard, "You getting all this? I expect a full-length play
by next Vestian."
You say, "With the cat as the hero."
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Taraj and pointedly ignores him.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But-but."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "What else can I do,
With an air of feline amusement, A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
With a swish of his tail, a silver coloured cat leaves proudly to the west.
You say, "Kitty?"
Taraj follows you west.
You yell, "Cat? Have you left?"
You see Zephyr Taraj Skyplume yell, "Here kitty kitty."
You yell, "Say 'meow' or something if you haven't."
You see Zephyr Taraj Skyplume yell, "I still must earn your love."
Taraj gives a pained sigh.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe check the other spheres?"
You yell, "Well, you do as you please, cat. It was nice to have you and Taraj
has learned his lesson. Come back any time."
You say, "Let's get back to Prime, and you can tell me what happened with the
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Ok."
-------Before the Matrix.-------
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says to you, "A sentient cat?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Yes."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Very odd."
You say, "We put Taraj in the Sphere."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I hope it comes
back to visit."
You say, "By the cat's request."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Well, not quite in."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to Taraj, "What
did you see in the sphere?"
You say, "Tell me what happened, eh?"
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "For science, neh?"
You say, "Well, tell us."
Taraj coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer grabs her notepad and
quill, ready to write.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Get on with it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Well, the sphere turns towards me, right."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest takes a small book from his pack
and a flamboyant quill from a pouch.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And I ask to enter it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "To appease the cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But it fills my mind with weird stuuf."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu begins scratching something into his arm in a
script wholly illegible.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And fries all my thoughts."
Orventa rubs her chin thoughtfully, raises her eyebrow and says, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't really know what really happened."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But, it was pretty neat."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Can you
describe this 'weird stuff'? in any detail?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Though, my head hurts now."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "This was the
opal sphere?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I suppose we could try to repeat the
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Yes, the opal sphere."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It was mostly light a blazing light."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Let us try it again."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "That overtoke my mind."
Kazban takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts
in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "For science!"
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "With a wider sample size perhaps."
You say, "Let's finish getting the information on this one before we go throwing
more people in the spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I shall contribute myself as
a subject."
Taraj tells you, "The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord shines brightly within
your mind, blazing through your thoughts and leaving nothing but scrambled,
insensate half-formed inklings in its wake."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says to you, "We didn't suggest throwing more
people into different spheres, just more into the same."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "That comes latter."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "So... a light
you say?"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Line up the subjects."
"Heh heh heh" Taraj chuckles.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I am unsure of what it meant."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I think we all qualify as subject and
experimenter both in any case, so lining up seems somewhat silly when we're all
going to end up doing it."
Kazban nods his head emphatically.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume asks, "To continuum, then?"
Kazban nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "What shall we
name this impromptu project?"
You say, "I should get this lady to the stage real quick though. I'm sure she'll
have an interesting performance for us based on what she witnessed."
A wandering bard exclaims, "Come now, have you heard of the World Stages? I
really must get to them and perform!"
You pat a wandering bard in a friendly manner.
A wandering bard shrugs indifferently at you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Project Cat Penance."
(after I make a short trip to the Opera House...)
-------Before the Matrix.-------
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Operation Cat Fancy."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Thats a terrible name."
Taraj says, "Pssshhhh..."
You say, "I can get us there right quick if you wish."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Okay.. names
You make a beckoning motion to no one in particular.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Follow Phoebus then."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Project Impetuous."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer smiles and says to
Maellio, "For Science?"
You say, "Project My Good For Nothing Kid Was Useful For Once."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "For Science!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "For Science!"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "For science."
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
Taraj bows respectfully to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller to the Opal Sphere of
Symmetrical Accord.
You say, "Well, here we are."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to the Opal Sphere of
Symmetrical Accord, "I wish to willingly subject myself to seek entrance to
Comprehension flashes across Orventa's face.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "I came to
formally thank you, for bequething that experience upon me."
Orventa inclines her head politely to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It might not be listening to us anymore."
With a wistful look on his face, Kazban touches the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But I suppose we can always ask."
You say, "Maybe the cat inspired it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps."
You say, "Maybe the Sphere DOES have a soft spot for cats after all."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "To celest?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Shall we find
the cat again?"
You say, "No!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "For more cats."
You say, "No more putting cats into spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to you, "Not even for
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Just to see if
the cat will talk to the sphere perhaps as it once did?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "Would you
and your kind like to receive more cats?"
Orventa ponders the situation.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "You're making the Science cry Phoebus,
why won't you think of the Science?"
Maellio coughs softly.
You say, "The last thing we need is Celest angry at us for shoving their cats
into our spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We do not shove."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "They don't have to know."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We hand them over to the
Strains of unearthly music fill the air as the form of Lyreth shimmers into
being, motes of incandescent light drifting slowly about Him.
Taraj nods his head at Kazban.
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
"Eep!", Orventa screams in fright.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller to Lyreth.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Maellio blinks.
Taraj bows respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
Maellio inclines his head politely to Lyreth.
Orventa humbly drops one knee to the ground before Lyreth, genuflecting
reverently in His presence.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "This poor thing has been subjected to a great
deal of...something."
You say, "Oh, You've met the cat."
Taraj coughs softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Oh, good, you do know about that?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "This isn't your cat, is it?"
You say, "Yes, my idiot son decided it would be a great idea to er, stick him in
the Sphere, as it were."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hm, no, but it is in a place where Mine
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Stick him into the sphere?"
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "Well, he gave it to the Sphere, technically. But..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It's a sphere. You cannot stick something
into it."
Lyreth pats the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord in a friendly manner.
You say, "Er, watch."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I gave it to the sphere, actually."
You give a soot-blackened tinderbox to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Lyreth stares implacably at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It seemed receptive."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "He thought the
spheres might like company... I think..."
Taraj nods his head at Orventa.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Time and space. You bizarre shardlings."
Lyreth waves His hand dismissively.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Is..the Cat
okay, Lord?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I don't understand. Why would you put a
living thing into a nonliving thing?"
You say, "I told Taraj he isn't allowed anymore cats."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Perhaps he had an ulterior motive."
Lyreth gives Taraj the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It was in the name of advancing science, my Lord."
You say, "I wonder sometimes if Taraj is in full possession of his mental
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We were all willing to
subject ourselves to the sphere to experience what this cat has. The response
was immense and we wished to understand further the effect of feline upon the
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You have likely traumatized this poor cat for
the rest of its nine lives."
Lyreth gives a silver coloured cat the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No, eight."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The sphere even reqrded me with a trully unique
You say, "I told them not to put anymore cats in the spheres."
Taraj coughs softly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Rewarded, rather."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We were all here in
attendance to seek what this cat has seen."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Oh? Do you get rewarded for silly
things in Hallifax?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If something can be learned from it, my Lord."
You say, "Don't make Lord Lyreth think we're a bunch of loonies, Taraj."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I don't need him to tell Me that, dear."
Lyreth winks knowingly.
Kazban takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts
in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to you, "The quest for knowledge cannot be bound,
You say, "Lord, Hallifax really isn't such a bad place."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Putting cats into cosmic spheres."
Taraj shrugs helplessly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Worse still, trying to learn from it?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Do you speak feline?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer murmurs, "We could..
interview the cat? It seemed to be able to talk I thought?"
You say, "No, but I tried to find someone who could."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Sadly, no, my Lord."
Orventa coughs softly.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Define... feline."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I thought
perhaps an Aslaran might, understand?"
You stick out your tongue and say, "Sadly the only person who told me they spoke
cat was a Magnagoran."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If only we could, we would learn so much more."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What a splendid idea! Perhaps if you purr at
it enough, it will give you a clue."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Then again, for all you know, it may merely
want a fish."
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume purrs, "Cat."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I suppose if I were a cat and had been
subject to that, I should like a fish."
Lyreth nods His head sagely.
You say to Taraj, "Hey, kid."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "Someone get this cat a fish!"
You say, "Go fetch a trout."
You nudge Taraj suggestively.
Taraj looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Where?"
Orventa urges Taraj onwards.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "The river."
You say, "Rivers."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Preferrably."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe a stink fish?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Is that a good idea?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "He might interrogate the trout."
You say, "Only the freshest of fish for our feline."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu purrs something unintelligible in a series of
short roars and growls.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Who knows what one sees underwater."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Maellio, "It is a cat, not a shard."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say to Taraj, "Less whining, more fishing."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Maellio shrugs helplessly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I shall procure a fish."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "One moment."
Kazban leaves to the down.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "As far as I am concerned, I would not
have been surprised if it had worked..."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "... such as the day has been so far."
Taraj drops a fish wrapped in paper.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Goodness, next you'll be telling Me you chase
things off of your preposterously elevated pathways."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Kitty."
Taraj coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer smiles and says to
Maellio, "It was a good try."
Lyreth gives Taraj the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I wouldn't say "chase, my Lord."
Maellio stares implacably at Taraj.
You say, "Well...the cat jumped off of the platform on its own accord!"
Taraj picks up a fish wrapped in paper.
Orventa nods her head in agreement.
You say, "I told it to be careful-."
Lyreth whispers soothing words to a silver coloured cat.
You twiddle your thumbs.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "We tried to
warn it, yes."
Orventa blushes furiously.
Dryly, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I'm sure it did."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I would appreciate it, if you choose to
continue these bizarre experiments, that you refrain from using the cats of New
You say, "See! I told you guys."
Off-handedly, Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I am suddenly feeling a
surprising kinship with this cat in regards to the inanity of the day."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Surely it cannot be a beneficial thing to any
living creature."
Kazban arrives from the down.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller cordially.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Would you have any suggestions, my Lord, for an
alternate specimen?"
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I have brought two trout for
our friend, Lord Lyreth."
Orventa flashes Kazban a joyous smile.
Kazban gives the corpse of a rainbow trout to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Kazban gives the corpse of a rainbow trout to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "I would not do it."
Lyreth nods solemnly.
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
A silver coloured cat, cradled in Lyreth's arms, nibbles on a trout, shaking
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "It's a peace
offering. No more feline experimentations."
Orventa nods her head sagely.
"Good!" you enthuse.
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say, "Unless the experiment is 'how much do cats like to be petted'."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps Lord Elostian will entertain these
Orventa nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But not of cats."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Elostian may do as he wishes."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "However, you have abused one of the cats of My
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus, penance must be paid."
Lyreth narrows His eyes to thin slits.
Kazban nods his head sagely.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "My apologies, Lord."
You nudge Taraj suggestively.
Taraj grovels in the dirt.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "It is your turn."
Orventa cowers in a corner, whimpering.
Lyreth nods solemnly to you.
You say, "Me...?"
You twiddle your thumbs.
You say, "But I'm the one who took him back to Continuum to try and retrieve the
You sway back and forth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "Guilty by association!"
Lyreth glares about Himself, upset with the world.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer peeks over her wings.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer ducks back into them.
Kazban appears to puff up slightly as his entire body glows a cheerful shade of
citrine yellow.
The Divine voice of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince echoes in your head, "A haiku,
dear. Surely you have not been away from Mine long enough to forget."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to you, "For science!"
Lyreth stares implacably at you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "In my defence, I believe the cat has had more
entertainment today, than at any other time in his life."
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "He has lost one of his lives because
of you."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But what is life, without adventure, my Lord."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Shall I even the scales, do you
think? For science?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I have oft-wondered how long a trill would
fare on Gemini under certain circumstances."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If it will better the knowledge of our city, I
would gladly give my life, Lord."
You have emoted: Phoebus mouths some words to herself and furtively counts out
things on her fingers.
Taraj humbly drops one knee to the ground before Lyreth, genuflecting reverently
in His presence.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ah, but Phoebus accepts her punishment with
Lyreth nods His head sagely at you.
You whisper, "I'm working on it!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I promise to discontinue the feline experiments,
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Even though, much could have been gained..."
Lyreth tilts His head curiously at Taraj.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Do you have a machine that
translates cat-speak?"
You clear your throat.
You say, "A feline thought lost/on a journey through unknown/My son is a jerk."
Lyreth beams broadly at you.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will
last for 1 month.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat was very expressive."
Kazban gazes at you as his body suddenly lights up with a cheerful, citrine
yellow glow.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus she pays her penance."
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The penance is poetry?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Kazban, "Your turn, crystalling."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "A haiku, to be specific. I only accept the
most refined of offerings to assuage My displeasure."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Kazban nods his head at Lyreth.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to Lyreth, "One moment while I
compose something M'lord."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Oh goodness, I may be in trouble."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Correction, more trouble."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince raises a hand, in which a crystal pocketwatch
Glancing at the watch disinterestedly, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You've
one moment."
"Ok!" Taraj exclaims.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat: a hero!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Giving much for our science."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I will miss him much."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
With a flourish of his arm, Taraj bows deeply.
Taraj is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Are there any better attempts?"
You say, "Not good enough, I suppose."
Lyreth smiles softly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Terrible battle/Cat fought
for hours. Come and see!/What's a sphere Trill child'?"
You sway back and forth.
Showing that He understands, Lyreth nods His head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Maellio, "And you?"
Orventa yawns suddenly and mightily.
Orventa sticks her tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Orventa blushes furiously.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Impetuous Act... Consider
Consequnces...Before you hurt cats."
Lyreth claps His hands together merrily.
You say, "I like that one."
Taraj tells you, "I wonder if I should go back there...."
Lyreth tilts His head and listens intently to Orventa.
Orventa coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "May I sing
instead, lord?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Lord."
Orventa blushes furiously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince cants His head curiously to the side.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I was not aware those of Hallifax possessed
such skills. If you so choose, feel free."
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Taraj suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
"Heh heh heh" you chuckle.
Taraj coughs softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "If you are going to spy, you may as
well think of a more appropriate haiku."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer turns to face the Cat.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Of course, my Lord."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer sings, "So lovingly
canst thou purr? And all this indignity. For Science, on thee! I stand and
wonder how.. So lovingly thou canst purr! Who hath charity? This Cat. Who
suffereth long and is kind, this Cat!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maellio's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Kazban gazes at Orventa as his body suddenly lights up with a cheerful, citrine
yellow glow.
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Walking through the streets/not in a giant
crystal/is a cat's true place."
Lyreth nods His head.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Acceptable."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Do not do it again."
Taraj's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Motes of incandescent light whirl about Lyreth before dispersing, leaving naught
but a faint melody hanging in the air.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Of course."
You say, "Well! Today's been fun."
You clap your hands together merrily.
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "Now, what did we learn?"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I learned I am terrible at
You say, "If you're going to do animal testing..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Cool stuff happens when you are with taraj?"
You say, "...use pigeons."
Orventa wipes the back of her hand across her head in relief as she mutters,

Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't know what the sphere is going to do with
the cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Or vice-versa."
You say, "Did you put a cat in a sphere or something?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe..."
You say, "Which one?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Opal."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I gave it, actually."
You beckon to Taraj.
Taraj begins to follow you.
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
p sphere
A massive globe of solid opal, this sphere is easily larger than even the
tallest of igasho. Perfectly smooth and semi-opaque, its pale, milky surface
glistens with the colours found within its depths - an obfuscating array of
prismatic planes, a rigid series of swirling yellows and blues and reds running
together to become oranges and purples and greens. The base of the sphere rests
upon the finest of pyramid-point fulcrums, its base cut flat upon a translucent
opal daze that melds back into the opaline ground of its surroundings.
Occasional waves of energy ripple up from the point of contact with the fulcrum,
meeting at the exact opposite end of the vertical axis.
There are 8171 facets upon the surface of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 1785 pounds.
He is loyal to the Continuum.
You cannot see what the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord is holding.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
"Eh?" Taraj says curiously.
You say, "I'm trying to find the "eject cat" button."
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "I wonder what happens if naughty children are put into spheres."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It snarled at me."
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "How did it... I don't even...."
get cat from sphere
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord snarls at you as you approach.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You give a soot-blackened tinderbox to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
You say, "So the cat doesn't get bored."
You say, "I wonder what else the spheres have in them?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Who knows."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If anyone kills opal though, they're at least
getting a cat and tinderbox."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Don't tell anyone, that might be all the incentive
they need."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Glaring at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, Taraj prods him repeatedly,
the height of rudeness.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "Give me
back the cat!"
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Taraj thanks the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord profusely.
You tilt your head curiously at Taraj.
Taraj tells you, "( Dude, the sphere just shot the cat out!"
You tell Zephyr Taraj Skyplume, "( what, really!?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Where did the cat go?"
You say, "I didn't see anything."
You say, "Are you holding it?"
You tell Zephyr Taraj Skyplume, "( tell me what it said!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I have IT."
Taraj shouts out a happy "Yay!"
You say, "Cat. Tell us."
Taraj thanks the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord profusely.
A thunderclap amidst scarlet lightning announces the entrance of a scarlet
thunderbird from the west.
You say, "Usha!"
The corners of Ushaara's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Ushaara raises his hand in greeting and says "Hi!"
You say, "Taraj gave a cat to the Opal Sphere and he was stuck in there but."
You say, "It spat it back out to him after a while!"
You say, "We must find out what the cat has seen."
Taraj nods his head sagely.
Taraj gives a silver coloured cat to you.
You ponder a silver coloured cat thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You say, "We should take him to an Institute member."
Ready for a new adventure, you point boldly towards the horizon and declare in a
proud tone, "Onward!"
-------Before the Matrix.-------
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Taraj tells you, "( A cat flies out of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord,
You tell Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer, "Orventa!"
You tell Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer, "We need
your Institute knowledge and such."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat must know so much."
Orventa arrives from the northwest.
A majestic, airy clarion slowly meanders into your realm of hearing, proclaiming
the arrival of a radiant glass shadhahvar as he prances in from the northwest.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Yes?"
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Cat retrieval."
Comprehension flashes across Orventa's face.
You say to Orventa, "Taraj gave the cat to the Opal Sphere, and it kept it
inside of it for some time. We went back up, prodded at it, and eventually-."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "COMPLETE."
You say, "It shot it back out to Taraj and it was all sizzly and stuff."
"Oh?" Orventa exclaims quizzically.
You say, "We must find out what the cat has seen!"
You give a silver coloured cat to Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum
Resource Officer.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Is it still
You nod your head emphatically.
Orventa gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Orventa pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
You say, "Doesn't seem to be as much of an escape artist as it used to be
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "Probably pretty shocked by its journey."
A silver coloured cat jumps to the ground, shaking fitfully.
You give a horrified gasp.
"Awwwww!" Orventa says.
Orventa picks up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat leaps out of Orventa's hands!
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Oh no!"
Orventa picks up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat leaps out of Orventa's hands!
You pick up a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat snuggles up in your arms, purring.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Poor thing."
You say, "This cat is a HERO."
Taraj nods his head sagely.
You say, "Because any animal who comes back from a strange place is for some
reason a hero."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "He has learned much."
The corners of Orventa's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
A silver coloured cat jumps to the floor, a small wisp of smoke rising from his
You stroke a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat meows petulantly.
Orventa chuckles long and heartily.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I'm very sorry for that."
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Cat. Tell me your secrets."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I didn't know!"
A silver coloured cat stares implacably at you.
(Market): You say, "Seeking someone who understands cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "I just wanted to see if the sphere could show
(Market): Nataely says, "Meow?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I don't know if
we've proper housing for it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And it can't."
Orventa ponders the situation.
A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Get a cat translator in here!"
(Market): You say, "No, it seems to be more like "Miaou"."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "What shall we call you?"
(Market): You say, "In dire need of a cat translator."
A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou rowr row."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "His words will usher a new era of science!"
A silver coloured cat inches bashfully over to you and nuzzles you tenderly.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
Orventa strokes a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying Orventa's affection.
(Market): You say, "This is not a joke."
(Market): Sahmiam says, "I understand aslarari."
(Market): Nataely says, "Sorry, im only a little fluent in the cat vernacular. I
coudlnt help with any proper housecats."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Maybe an
aslaran? They're cat like..."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
(Market): You say, "I'm afraid it's not aslari, but rather...cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Do we know any?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "Would you like to come to the Institute?"
Taraj tilts his head curiously at a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat growls menacingly at Taraj.
(Market): Sahmiam says, "Then I won't have to kill you for refering to aslari in
such a manner."
A silver coloured cat says, "Mow."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "We could give
you many pigeons...?"
A silver coloured cat stretches and purrs like a cat.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't think he likes me..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "I saved you from celest!"
A silver coloured cat hunches slightly and flares his body as he hisses
warningly at Taraj.
"Eep!", Orventa screams in fright.
Orventa strokes a silver coloured cat tenderly.
A silver coloured cat lets out a rumbling purr, enjoying Orventa's affection.
You say to Taraj, "You put him in the sphere."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
You say, "I don't think he likes you."
A silver coloured cat exclaims, "Mraow!"
You say, "I guess I DID find the "eject cat" button..."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to a silver coloured cat,
"This one is likely feasible to be irritated with."
Kazban points accusingly at Taraj.
Kazban pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying Kazban's affection.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to a silver
coloured cat, "You could be an Institute pet? How's that sound?"
Orventa ponders the situation.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But, now we know important scientific fact."
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Orventa and pointedly ignores her.
Orventa rubs her chin thoughtfully, raises her eyebrow and says, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Sphere do NOT want pet cats."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Spehres, rather."
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Want a toy?"
A silver coloured cat turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in
You take a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant from a figurine collector's pouch.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps I can make it up to the cat?"
You drop a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
A silver coloured cat pounces at a figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
Orventa giggles happily.
Taraj's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
A silver coloured cat rolls over onto his belly, front paws grappling valiantly
at the figurine of a gorgeous pheasant.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
"Awwwww!" Taraj says.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat stretches languidly.
Wistfully, Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "It'd
be nice to have a cat in the city.."
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "He's a good cat."
You say, "He should go where he wants to go."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "I'm sorry for what I put
you through."
You laughingly say, "And I have a feeling it's not anywhere near Continuum."
A silver coloured cat prances slowly to the edge of the walkway, tail flicking
this way and that.
You say, "Ah, careful-."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Would you like to stay in
Hallifax, or should I take you back?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to you, "I think he likes it here."
A silver coloured cat promptly jumps off the walkway, a long, lingering
"MEEEEOOOOOoooowwwww" accompanying his descent.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer bites her fingernails,
hoping the cat won't fall.
Orventa shakes her head.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Noooooooo."
Orventa stumbles forward clumsily before throwing her hands up and screaming
"Noooooooo!" melodramatically.
Kazban grips his sides and chortles madly.
Taraj begins to weep uncontrollably.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "You made a cat kill itself,
I hope you are proud of yourself."
You say, "Well...cats have a better chance of surviving if they fall from a
large distance...."
You say, "But er, I think this is...too large."
You fret over everything that might go wrong.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The things he must have seen to make him do that."
(it is decided that we should check Emerald Road, beneath the city...)
-------Back path through the Emerald Road. (road).-------
You say, "Heeeere kitty kitty."
Purring loudly, a silver coloured cat enters from the south.
With a slight raise of the eyebrows, you perk up your ears and turn your
attention towards a silver coloured cat.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
Taraj shouts out a happy "Yay!"
A silver coloured cat says, "Meow."
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
(Hallifax): You say, "The cat is alive."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "Thank the gods!"
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Amazing."
You wipe the back of your hand across your head in relief as you mutter, "Whew."
Taraj pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying Taraj's affection.
A silver coloured cat suddenly lunges forward with a growl and sinks his teeth
firmly into Taraj.
You say, "Kitty, you scared us half to death."
(Hallifax): Kazban says, "And here I got my hopes up I could place it in a jar
and keep it for further study."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I will never do anything to hurt you again, kitty."
You reach over to a silver coloured cat and itch his back.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
"Ouch!", Taraj shrieks in pain.
A silver coloured cat says, "Mrow."
A silver coloured cat nods his head sagely.
You say, "A cat with a score to settle."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
Taraj grovels in the dirt.
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Does it want to come back up?"
Taraj grovels in the dirt before a silver coloured cat.
A silver coloured cat growls menacingly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat says to you, "Mrow meow mrow mow mow."
You stare blankly at a silver coloured cat.
Making no sudden movements, a silver coloured cat backs away from you slowly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "I beg your forgiveness."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "MROW!"
A silver coloured cat stares implacably at you.
You say to a silver coloured cat, "Errrrr...I don't...I don't speak cat! Give me
a hint."
You say, "Do you want another toy, or, something to eat?"
You say, "You can eat him."
You point accusingly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat stares pointedly at Taraj.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Did you want something from me?"
Taraj gulps nervously.
You pet a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
A silver coloured cat arches his back, enjoying your affection.
A silver coloured cat lifts his head and rolls his shoulders, his nose tracing a
nearly-perfect circle.
A silver coloured cat stares pointedly at Taraj.
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "Meow!"
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Taraj mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
hovering before him.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "This?"
You say, "Well, I was going to hit him, but now I can't."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "No, that can't be right."
You say, "Yesod is a circle."
A silver coloured cat exclaims, "Mrow!"
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say, "But I don't think the cat wants you invisible."
A silver coloured cat arches his back in irritation.
You say, "Maybe the cat wants to make you 'disappear'."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "MROW!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe the cat wants to put me in a sphere?"
A silver coloured cat exclaims to Taraj, "MROW, MROW!"
A silver coloured cat nods his head sagely.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "Mmmhmm..."
You ponder Taraj thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You see Taraj say something, but his voice is drowned out by the wind.
You say, "Well, I think I could certainly work to get the paperwork through to
try something like that."
You say, "And speak up, I can't hear you over the wind."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
A silver coloured cat slumps down dejectedly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Perhaps something less
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Taraj and pointedly ignores him.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "Cat came back fine. Mostly fine. Sizzly."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say to Taraj, "Be a good sport, kid."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Fine."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If it's for the cat."
A silver coloured cat begins to follow you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I owe him this much."
A silver coloured cat exclaims to you, "Meow!"
You nod your head sagely.
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
You say to Taraj, "Well? What are you waiting for?"
Taraj grovels in the dirt before the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
You have emoted: Phoebus nudges Taraj towards the Opal Sphere.
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord turns about itself, shining brightly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "I humbly
ask for permission to enter, sphere."
You say to Taraj, "Oi, see if you can't find my tinderbox in there while you're
at it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "My. Gods."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It's so beautiful."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But painful."
A silver coloured cat says, "Mrow."
A silver coloured cat licks a paw daintily.
Taraj becomes overwhelmed by it all and faints.
Taraj coughs softly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "Is that good enough?"
You say to a wandering bard, "You getting all this? I expect a full-length play
by next Vestian."
You say, "With the cat as the hero."
A silver coloured cat turns his back on Taraj and pointedly ignores him.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But-but."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to a silver coloured cat, "What else can I do,
With an air of feline amusement, A silver coloured cat says, "Miaou."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
With a swish of his tail, a silver coloured cat leaves proudly to the west.
You say, "Kitty?"
Taraj follows you west.
You yell, "Cat? Have you left?"
You see Zephyr Taraj Skyplume yell, "Here kitty kitty."
You yell, "Say 'meow' or something if you haven't."
You see Zephyr Taraj Skyplume yell, "I still must earn your love."
Taraj gives a pained sigh.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe check the other spheres?"
You yell, "Well, you do as you please, cat. It was nice to have you and Taraj
has learned his lesson. Come back any time."
You say, "Let's get back to Prime, and you can tell me what happened with the
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Ok."
-------Before the Matrix.-------
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says to you, "A sentient cat?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Yes."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Very odd."
You say, "We put Taraj in the Sphere."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I hope it comes
back to visit."
You say, "By the cat's request."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Well, not quite in."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says to Taraj, "What
did you see in the sphere?"
You say, "Tell me what happened, eh?"
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "For science, neh?"
You say, "Well, tell us."
Taraj coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer grabs her notepad and
quill, ready to write.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Get on with it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Well, the sphere turns towards me, right."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest takes a small book from his pack
and a flamboyant quill from a pouch.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And I ask to enter it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "To appease the cat."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But it fills my mind with weird stuuf."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu begins scratching something into his arm in a
script wholly illegible.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "And fries all my thoughts."
Orventa rubs her chin thoughtfully, raises her eyebrow and says, "I see..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I don't really know what really happened."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But, it was pretty neat."
You rub your chin thoughtfully, raise your eyebrow and say, "I see..."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Can you
describe this 'weird stuff'? in any detail?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Though, my head hurts now."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "This was the
opal sphere?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I suppose we could try to repeat the
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Yes, the opal sphere."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It was mostly light a blazing light."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Let us try it again."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "That overtoke my mind."
Kazban takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts
in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "For science!"
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "With a wider sample size perhaps."
You say, "Let's finish getting the information on this one before we go throwing
more people in the spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I shall contribute myself as
a subject."
Taraj tells you, "The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord shines brightly within
your mind, blazing through your thoughts and leaving nothing but scrambled,
insensate half-formed inklings in its wake."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says to you, "We didn't suggest throwing more
people into different spheres, just more into the same."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "That comes latter."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "So... a light
you say?"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Line up the subjects."
"Heh heh heh" Taraj chuckles.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I am unsure of what it meant."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I think we all qualify as subject and
experimenter both in any case, so lining up seems somewhat silly when we're all
going to end up doing it."
Kazban nods his head emphatically.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume asks, "To continuum, then?"
Kazban nods his head emphatically.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "What shall we
name this impromptu project?"
You say, "I should get this lady to the stage real quick though. I'm sure she'll
have an interesting performance for us based on what she witnessed."
A wandering bard exclaims, "Come now, have you heard of the World Stages? I
really must get to them and perform!"
You pat a wandering bard in a friendly manner.
A wandering bard shrugs indifferently at you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Project Cat Penance."
(after I make a short trip to the Opera House...)
-------Before the Matrix.-------
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Operation Cat Fancy."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Thats a terrible name."
Taraj says, "Pssshhhh..."
You say, "I can get us there right quick if you wish."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Okay.. names
You make a beckoning motion to no one in particular.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Follow Phoebus then."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Project Impetuous."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer smiles and says to
Maellio, "For Science?"
You say, "Project My Good For Nothing Kid Was Useful For Once."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "For Science!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "For Science!"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "For science."
-------Before the Opal Sphere.-------
Taraj bows respectfully to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller to the Opal Sphere of
Symmetrical Accord.
You say, "Well, here we are."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to the Opal Sphere of
Symmetrical Accord, "I wish to willingly subject myself to seek entrance to
Comprehension flashes across Orventa's face.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "I came to
formally thank you, for bequething that experience upon me."
Orventa inclines her head politely to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It might not be listening to us anymore."
With a wistful look on his face, Kazban touches the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But I suppose we can always ask."
You say, "Maybe the cat inspired it."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps."
You say, "Maybe the Sphere DOES have a soft spot for cats after all."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "To celest?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Shall we find
the cat again?"
You say, "No!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "For more cats."
You say, "No more putting cats into spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to you, "Not even for
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Just to see if
the cat will talk to the sphere perhaps as it once did?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, "Would you
and your kind like to receive more cats?"
Orventa ponders the situation.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "You're making the Science cry Phoebus,
why won't you think of the Science?"
Maellio coughs softly.
You say, "The last thing we need is Celest angry at us for shoving their cats
into our spheres."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We do not shove."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "They don't have to know."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We hand them over to the
Strains of unearthly music fill the air as the form of Lyreth shimmers into
being, motes of incandescent light drifting slowly about Him.
Taraj nods his head at Kazban.
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
"Eep!", Orventa screams in fright.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller to Lyreth.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Maellio blinks.
Taraj bows respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth pets a silver coloured cat ingratiatingly.
Maellio inclines his head politely to Lyreth.
Orventa humbly drops one knee to the ground before Lyreth, genuflecting
reverently in His presence.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "This poor thing has been subjected to a great
deal of...something."
You say, "Oh, You've met the cat."
Taraj coughs softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Oh, good, you do know about that?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "This isn't your cat, is it?"
You say, "Yes, my idiot son decided it would be a great idea to er, stick him in
the Sphere, as it were."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Hm, no, but it is in a place where Mine
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Stick him into the sphere?"
Lyreth tilts His head curiously.
Taraj nods his head emphatically.
You say, "Well, he gave it to the Sphere, technically. But..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It's a sphere. You cannot stick something
into it."
Lyreth pats the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord in a friendly manner.
You say, "Er, watch."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I gave it to the sphere, actually."
You give a soot-blackened tinderbox to the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Lyreth stares implacably at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It seemed receptive."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "He thought the
spheres might like company... I think..."
Taraj nods his head at Orventa.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Time and space. You bizarre shardlings."
Lyreth waves His hand dismissively.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Is..the Cat
okay, Lord?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I don't understand. Why would you put a
living thing into a nonliving thing?"
You say, "I told Taraj he isn't allowed anymore cats."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Perhaps he had an ulterior motive."
Lyreth gives Taraj the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "It was in the name of advancing science, my Lord."
You say, "I wonder sometimes if Taraj is in full possession of his mental
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We were all willing to
subject ourselves to the sphere to experience what this cat has. The response
was immense and we wished to understand further the effect of feline upon the
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You have likely traumatized this poor cat for
the rest of its nine lives."
Lyreth gives a silver coloured cat the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "No, eight."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The sphere even reqrded me with a trully unique
You say, "I told them not to put anymore cats in the spheres."
Taraj coughs softly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Rewarded, rather."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "We were all here in
attendance to seek what this cat has seen."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Oh? Do you get rewarded for silly
things in Hallifax?"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If something can be learned from it, my Lord."
You say, "Don't make Lord Lyreth think we're a bunch of loonies, Taraj."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I don't need him to tell Me that, dear."
Lyreth winks knowingly.
Kazban takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts
in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says to you, "The quest for knowledge cannot be bound,
You say, "Lord, Hallifax really isn't such a bad place."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Putting cats into cosmic spheres."
Taraj shrugs helplessly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Worse still, trying to learn from it?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Do you speak feline?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer murmurs, "We could..
interview the cat? It seemed to be able to talk I thought?"
You say, "No, but I tried to find someone who could."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Sadly, no, my Lord."
Orventa coughs softly.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Define... feline."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "I thought
perhaps an Aslaran might, understand?"
You stick out your tongue and say, "Sadly the only person who told me they spoke
cat was a Magnagoran."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If only we could, we would learn so much more."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What a splendid idea! Perhaps if you purr at
it enough, it will give you a clue."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Then again, for all you know, it may merely
want a fish."
Lyreth looks about Himself, rubbing His chin thoughtfully.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume purrs, "Cat."
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I suppose if I were a cat and had been
subject to that, I should like a fish."
Lyreth nods His head sagely.
You say to Taraj, "Hey, kid."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume exclaims, "Someone get this cat a fish!"
You say, "Go fetch a trout."
You nudge Taraj suggestively.
Taraj looks up into the air for divine inspiration.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Where?"
Orventa urges Taraj onwards.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "The river."
You say, "Rivers."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Preferrably."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Maybe a stink fish?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Is that a good idea?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "He might interrogate the trout."
You say, "Only the freshest of fish for our feline."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu purrs something unintelligible in a series of
short roars and growls.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Who knows what one sees underwater."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Maellio, "It is a cat, not a shard."
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say to Taraj, "Less whining, more fishing."
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
Maellio shrugs helplessly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I shall procure a fish."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "One moment."
Kazban leaves to the down.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "As far as I am concerned, I would not
have been surprised if it had worked..."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "... such as the day has been so far."
Taraj drops a fish wrapped in paper.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Goodness, next you'll be telling Me you chase
things off of your preposterously elevated pathways."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Kitty."
Taraj coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer smiles and says to
Maellio, "It was a good try."
Lyreth gives Taraj the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I wouldn't say "chase, my Lord."
Maellio stares implacably at Taraj.
You say, "Well...the cat jumped off of the platform on its own accord!"
Taraj picks up a fish wrapped in paper.
Orventa nods her head in agreement.
You say, "I told it to be careful-."
Lyreth whispers soothing words to a silver coloured cat.
You twiddle your thumbs.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "We tried to
warn it, yes."
Orventa blushes furiously.
Dryly, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I'm sure it did."
Taraj creases his brow in a frown.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I would appreciate it, if you choose to
continue these bizarre experiments, that you refrain from using the cats of New
You say, "See! I told you guys."
Off-handedly, Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "I am suddenly feeling a
surprising kinship with this cat in regards to the inanity of the day."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Surely it cannot be a beneficial thing to any
living creature."
Kazban arrives from the down.
Kazban doffs the hood of twilit robes of the storm-caller cordially.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Would you have any suggestions, my Lord, for an
alternate specimen?"
Lyreth's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I have brought two trout for
our friend, Lord Lyreth."
Orventa flashes Kazban a joyous smile.
Kazban gives the corpse of a rainbow trout to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Kazban gives the corpse of a rainbow trout to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "I would not do it."
Lyreth nods solemnly.
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
A silver coloured cat, cradled in Lyreth's arms, nibbles on a trout, shaking
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "It's a peace
offering. No more feline experimentations."
Orventa nods her head sagely.
"Good!" you enthuse.
Taraj ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
You say, "Unless the experiment is 'how much do cats like to be petted'."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Perhaps Lord Elostian will entertain these
Orventa nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But not of cats."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Elostian may do as he wishes."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "However, you have abused one of the cats of My
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus, penance must be paid."
Lyreth narrows His eyes to thin slits.
Kazban nods his head sagely.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "My apologies, Lord."
You nudge Taraj suggestively.
Taraj grovels in the dirt.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "It is your turn."
Orventa cowers in a corner, whimpering.
Lyreth nods solemnly to you.
You say, "Me...?"
You twiddle your thumbs.
You say, "But I'm the one who took him back to Continuum to try and retrieve the
You sway back and forth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "Guilty by association!"
Lyreth glares about Himself, upset with the world.
"Erk!" you say with a grimace.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer peeks over her wings.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer ducks back into them.
Kazban appears to puff up slightly as his entire body glows a cheerful shade of
citrine yellow.
The Divine voice of Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince echoes in your head, "A haiku,
dear. Surely you have not been away from Mine long enough to forget."
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to you, "For science!"
Lyreth stares implacably at you.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "In my defence, I believe the cat has had more
entertainment today, than at any other time in his life."
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "He has lost one of his lives because
of you."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "But what is life, without adventure, my Lord."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Shall I even the scales, do you
think? For science?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I have oft-wondered how long a trill would
fare on Gemini under certain circumstances."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "If it will better the knowledge of our city, I
would gladly give my life, Lord."
You have emoted: Phoebus mouths some words to herself and furtively counts out
things on her fingers.
Taraj humbly drops one knee to the ground before Lyreth, genuflecting reverently
in His presence.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ah, but Phoebus accepts her punishment with
Lyreth nods His head sagely at you.
You whisper, "I'm working on it!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I promise to discontinue the feline experiments,
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Even though, much could have been gained..."
Lyreth tilts His head curiously at Taraj.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "Do you have a machine that
translates cat-speak?"
You clear your throat.
You say, "A feline thought lost/on a journey through unknown/My son is a jerk."
Lyreth beams broadly at you.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will
last for 1 month.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat was very expressive."
Kazban gazes at you as his body suddenly lights up with a cheerful, citrine
yellow glow.
You bow respectfully to Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus she pays her penance."
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The penance is poetry?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Kazban, "Your turn, crystalling."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "A haiku, to be specific. I only accept the
most refined of offerings to assuage My displeasure."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Kazban nods his head at Lyreth.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says to Lyreth, "One moment while I
compose something M'lord."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Oh goodness, I may be in trouble."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Correction, more trouble."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince raises a hand, in which a crystal pocketwatch
Glancing at the watch disinterestedly, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "You've
one moment."
"Ok!" Taraj exclaims.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "The cat: a hero!"
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Giving much for our science."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "I will miss him much."
Lyreth wrinkles His nose in distaste.
With a flourish of his arm, Taraj bows deeply.
Taraj is ripped from your location by an unseen force.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Are there any better attempts?"
You say, "Not good enough, I suppose."
Lyreth smiles softly.
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "Terrible battle/Cat fought
for hours. Come and see!/What's a sphere Trill child'?"
You sway back and forth.
Showing that He understands, Lyreth nods His head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Maellio, "And you?"
Orventa yawns suddenly and mightily.
Orventa sticks her tongue out and says 'Ack.'
Orventa blushes furiously.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Impetuous Act... Consider
Consequnces...Before you hurt cats."
Lyreth claps His hands together merrily.
You say, "I like that one."
Taraj tells you, "I wonder if I should go back there...."
Lyreth tilts His head and listens intently to Orventa.
Orventa coughs softly.
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "May I sing
instead, lord?"
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Lord."
Orventa blushes furiously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince cants His head curiously to the side.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I was not aware those of Hallifax possessed
such skills. If you so choose, feel free."
Orventa nods her head emphatically.
Taraj suddenly appears, looking bewildered.
Taraj gives a horrified gasp.
"Heh heh heh" you chuckle.
Taraj coughs softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Taraj, "If you are going to spy, you may as
well think of a more appropriate haiku."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer turns to face the Cat.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Of course, my Lord."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer sings, "So lovingly
canst thou purr? And all this indignity. For Science, on thee! I stand and
wonder how.. So lovingly thou canst purr! Who hath charity? This Cat. Who
suffereth long and is kind, this Cat!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Maellio's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Kazban gazes at Orventa as his body suddenly lights up with a cheerful, citrine
yellow glow.
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Walking through the streets/not in a giant
crystal/is a cat's true place."
Lyreth nods His head.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Acceptable."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Do not do it again."
Taraj's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Motes of incandescent light whirl about Lyreth before dispersing, leaving naught
but a faint melody hanging in the air.
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Of course."
You say, "Well! Today's been fun."
You clap your hands together merrily.
The corners of Taraj's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
You say, "Now, what did we learn?"
Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest says, "I learned I am terrible at
You say, "If you're going to do animal testing..."
Zephyr Taraj Skyplume says, "Cool stuff happens when you are with taraj?"
You say, "...use pigeons."
Orventa wipes the back of her hand across her head in relief as she mutters,
Aicuthi2010-08-05 09:45:53
The resulting aftermath on the Institute's end:
Edit: Fixed a few mistakes.
Missed a small part of us talking about the cat, but its 3 am and I'm tired.
(Hallifax): Phoebus says, "A note to all citizens: Please do not experiment on cats. Thank you."
A series of chiming notes, distinctly crystalline, ring out in the distance in a slow, descending scale.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I am experiencing a disturbance in the Opal sphere."
(Institute): Orventa says, "We will Investigate."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "The temporal conduits linking the continuum to My chamber are disturbed, possibly damaged."
(Institute): Maellio (from the Cosmic Plane of Continuum) says, "Do you have a suggestion as to a course of action to fix this?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I will be able to repair this. This is part of my function."
(Institute): Orventa (from the Cosmic Plane of Continuum) says, "Maellio and I are currently at the Opal sphere."
You tell Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest, "It seems...there is an emergency. Would you be able to wait a moment?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I have restored the feedback, this means the sphere should restore its own conduits."
Kazban tells you, "Most certainly...whenever is fine. I believe I have made him nervous."
(Institute): Orventa says, "There was a feline... input into the Opal sphere sometime earlier..."
You gaze piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, tracing the myriad, criscrossing timelines which surround him. The air between you warps and shimmers with temporal energy as you glean what you can.
Orventa gazes piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord with a thoughtful air, the air between them warping and shimmering oddly.
Maellio gazes piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord with a thoughtful air, the air between them warping and shimmering oddly.
(Institute): You say, "I cannot discern any fatal distortions in the Opal Sphere."
With a wistful look on her face, Orventa touches the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "And this is exactly why the uneducated should not be allowed to interfere with the hormonic conduits of Continuum."
(Institute): You say, "Someone placed a cat in the sphere...?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "That is good, Amenuensis Shavatt, that means the damage is only internal. It shall be restored over time. The spheres have regenerative capabilities."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "He should be proud of himself, he did a very good attempt at assisting the Goals of Gaudiguch."
(Institute): Orventa says, "Indeed."
(Institute): You say, "It isn't the cat I'm worried about...Lets be thankful nothing terrible happened."
(Institute): Maellio says, "Quite."
A swirl of wind heralds the entrance of an opaque octahedron from the south.
The air seems to calm as an opaque octahedron leaves to the down.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "The Sphere should have restored its function by now. I shall return the conduit to its original vibration. This may cause some minor backlash. Please inform the city."
(Hallifax): You say, "The Opal Sphere is being flushed of potential errors. Please do not be alarmed."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Still felt empathy for that cat, we shared in the inanity of a horrible decision."
You ask Maellio, "Do you know who was responsible?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Taraj was, as was said."
The air seems to calm as an opaque octahedron leaves to the west.
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Also, should any anomalies occur, please report them to your nearest Sentinel."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "He put the cat in the Sphere."
(Hallifax): Phoebus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What was that?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "Conduits seem normal and restored."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Then ended up going in the sphere himself after he and Phoebus went to find the cat again."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "Please do not place further biological entities within the spheres without prior approval of the study protocol."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Then we all charged up here and Lord Lyreth exacted justice for the cat, such as it was."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Short of it, anyway."
You give a pained sigh.
(Institute): You say, "Understood. We'll see that it doesn't happen again."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Phoebus said she has a full account of our time here with the Cat and Lord Lyreth."
You say, "If you'll excuse me. I have some personal matters to attend to."
You doff the hood of silken robes of night-blue and dark golden hues cordially.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Aye. I'd offer the account I scribed on my arm, but I doubt you could read Dracnari Tattooing Shorthand."
Orventa doffs a sparkling white fedora hat cordially.
A series of chiming notes, distinctly crystalline, ring out in the distance in a slow, descending scale.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I am experiencing a disturbance in the Opal sphere."
(Institute): Orventa says, "We will Investigate."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "The temporal conduits linking the continuum to My chamber are disturbed, possibly damaged."
(Institute): Maellio (from the Cosmic Plane of Continuum) says, "Do you have a suggestion as to a course of action to fix this?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I will be able to repair this. This is part of my function."
(Institute): Orventa (from the Cosmic Plane of Continuum) says, "Maellio and I are currently at the Opal sphere."
You tell Air Marshal Kazban Shavatt, Twilight Tempest, "It seems...there is an emergency. Would you be able to wait a moment?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "I have restored the feedback, this means the sphere should restore its own conduits."
Kazban tells you, "Most certainly...whenever is fine. I believe I have made him nervous."
(Institute): Orventa says, "There was a feline... input into the Opal sphere sometime earlier..."
You gaze piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, tracing the myriad, criscrossing timelines which surround him. The air between you warps and shimmers with temporal energy as you glean what you can.
Orventa gazes piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord with a thoughtful air, the air between them warping and shimmering oddly.
Maellio gazes piercingly at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord with a thoughtful air, the air between them warping and shimmering oddly.
(Institute): You say, "I cannot discern any fatal distortions in the Opal Sphere."
With a wistful look on her face, Orventa touches the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "And this is exactly why the uneducated should not be allowed to interfere with the hormonic conduits of Continuum."
(Institute): You say, "Someone placed a cat in the sphere...?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "That is good, Amenuensis Shavatt, that means the damage is only internal. It shall be restored over time. The spheres have regenerative capabilities."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "He should be proud of himself, he did a very good attempt at assisting the Goals of Gaudiguch."
(Institute): Orventa says, "Indeed."
(Institute): You say, "It isn't the cat I'm worried about...Lets be thankful nothing terrible happened."
(Institute): Maellio says, "Quite."
A swirl of wind heralds the entrance of an opaque octahedron from the south.
The air seems to calm as an opaque octahedron leaves to the down.
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "The Sphere should have restored its function by now. I shall return the conduit to its original vibration. This may cause some minor backlash. Please inform the city."
(Hallifax): You say, "The Opal Sphere is being flushed of potential errors. Please do not be alarmed."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Still felt empathy for that cat, we shared in the inanity of a horrible decision."
You ask Maellio, "Do you know who was responsible?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Taraj was, as was said."
The air seems to calm as an opaque octahedron leaves to the west.
(Hallifax): Orventa says, "Also, should any anomalies occur, please report them to your nearest Sentinel."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "He put the cat in the Sphere."
(Hallifax): Phoebus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What was that?"
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "Conduits seem normal and restored."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Then ended up going in the sphere himself after he and Phoebus went to find the cat again."
(Institute): The Temporal Conclave says, "Please do not place further biological entities within the spheres without prior approval of the study protocol."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Then we all charged up here and Lord Lyreth exacted justice for the cat, such as it was."
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Short of it, anyway."
You give a pained sigh.
(Institute): You say, "Understood. We'll see that it doesn't happen again."
Amenuensis Orventa Trueflight, Continuum Resource Officer says, "Phoebus said she has a full account of our time here with the Cat and Lord Lyreth."
You say, "If you'll excuse me. I have some personal matters to attend to."
You doff the hood of silken robes of night-blue and dark golden hues cordially.
Undergraduate Maellio Onz'Verheu says, "Aye. I'd offer the account I scribed on my arm, but I doubt you could read Dracnari Tattooing Shorthand."
Orventa doffs a sparkling white fedora hat cordially.
Edit: Fixed a few mistakes.
Missed a small part of us talking about the cat, but its 3 am and I'm tired.
Unknown2010-08-05 10:03:29
Sooo much fun. 

Calixa2010-08-05 10:58:30
So well worth the read. 

Aicuthi2010-08-05 11:02:02
I'll post part 3 in the morning(yes there is a part 3).
Noola2010-08-05 11:02:11
That's so cool! Nothing fun like that happens when I'm on my Halli alt. 
Kudos to everyone involved, including/especially whoever played the cat.

Kudos to everyone involved, including/especially whoever played the cat.
Aicuthi2010-08-05 11:56:56
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "So."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Why exactly are we putting cats in the spheres?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Kazban says, "It was not a we thing Mlord, it was a...oh whats his name. Phoebus son...Taraj thing Mlord."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "I'm not certain what the objective behind that experiment was."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Kazban says, "I am certain it was his own foolish curiousity."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "It could have ended far worse than it did."
(Elostian's anger omitted. Yikes.)
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Matrix.
A flurry of loose feathers blows by in a gust of wind, whirling over the edge of the platforms into open air.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Thank you for absolving the crisis, my Lord. We are in debt to you. It will be made sure such a mistake never happens again."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "I'm pretty sure it was the Conclave that did that. At least, I don't recall interfering."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "I do not desire to know the consequences of what would happen if the Opal sphere were to completely fail."
(The Shavatt Collective): Nihmriel (from the Aetherways) says, "I truly hope no Shavatt was part of the absurdity of putting animals into the Spheres."
(The Shavatt Collective): Kazban (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I was not involved in putting cats into spheres, I was involved in the aftermath however in search of study of the Spheres reactions."
(The Shavatt Collective): You say, "You needn't worry, mother. It seems to have been the Skyplumes and their kin."
(The Shavatt Collective): Kazban (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I believe the only one who sought the cat within the sphere was that of Taraj."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Well, I imagine all the Institute skills requiring opal sphere would cease to function. As for further complications, you'd have to ask the Conclave. He is the authority on the Temporal and Harmonic conduits, after all."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Aicuthi says, "Understood, my Lord. I will seek further counsel with the Conclave."
(to the Conclave)
Glancing about the room for a moment, you say, "Tidings, Conclave. I do hope all is well once again - there are no residual distortions with the Opal sphere?"
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "All conduits are operating within the usual perimeters."
You take a deep breath and allow your mind to calm, and your crystalline body begins to shift in colour.
You say, "I see. How relieving to hear."
You say, "The situation was neutralized, thank to your help. But, the sphere...I fear what would happen if it were to completely fail."
Her words trailing off, you say, "In the even that such a thing happens, what would we--."
You gaze thoughtfully into empty space, examining the myriad timelines which criscross all around you. The air warps and shimmers with temporal energy as you glean what you can.
A series of chiming notes, distinctly crystalline, ring out in the distance in a slow, descending scale.
Several hazy humanoid figures suddenly shimmer into existence near one corner of the chamber, just out of sync with this time.
The Temporal Conclave twists to face the figures and appears to listen.
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "An interesting question, Amenuensis Shavatt. It would depend on if the damage is limited to the sphere or if its underlying vibrations would be damaged as well. Simple damage to the sphere repairs itself, when a sphere is destroyed it shall need to be restored, however, none of those actions will touch the underlying vibration and conduits."
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "Internal damage to the sphere may alter or damage the internal conduits of the sphere, which is a matter altogether different. Effects such as those could potentially unstabilise the connection between continuum and this chamber or even the city itself."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "So if all the internal conduits were to fail...do you mean to say that Hallifax would...?"
Cold, clean breezes eddy through the air, driven indoors by the constant winds that buffet the city.
You say, "The Conclave as well, it would be lost to us. That cannot happen."
You glance about uncertainly, your body turning a hazy shade of grey.
Nihmriel steps down off of a huge, golden stallion with grey wings.
A huge, golden stallion with grey wings bobs his head several times just before trotting off.
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "Greetings."
You say to Nihmriel, "Thank you."
(At this point Nihmriel comes to give me food because I was starving to death)
Joy suddenly washes over you in waves, your entire body glowing a cheerful shade of citrine yellow.
You eat a decadent cherry cheesecake with gusto.
You take a large bite of this cake, quickly eating it before any sauce drips onto you. As you chew it, the taste of heavy cream cheese hits your tongue, followed by the tartness of the cherry sauce. As you quckly gobble the rest of the cheesecake, you taste the thicker sauce used to decorate the cake. You finish the cheesecake off by delicately eating a single whole cherry, leaving only the stem.
Nihmriel takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
You say to Nihmriel, "It seems the Opal sphere is fully restored. We need not fret. But the Conclave has expressed a few disconcerting things about the spheres."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "Good and bad news both. What are the problems?"
You say to Nihmriel, "If the internal conduits incur enough damage we could potentially lose connection to Continuum completely, possibly even sever the link with the Conclave."
Paling to ice-blue, Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "This is a result of the material disturbances to the sphere?"
Shimmering curtains of silver energy suddenly bask from the centre of the current for the merest of instants before disappearing again.
Shaking her head, you say to Nihmriel, "The sphere can regenerate itself if damaged externally, but internal damage is different. In any case, we may want to tell the Primus of this."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Definitely advisable. Have we received any guidance as to how to repair internal damage to the sphere?"
You say to Nihmriel, "No, I believe we will find the answer to that if the need ever comes...The spheres can be recovered if they're destroyed, as long as we can make sure the core conduits aren't lost."
Dull chiming noises echo in the distance at regular intervals, the sound of hammers on crystal.
Nodding slightly, Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Would you be so kind as to put together a report for the Primus?"
You say to Nihmriel, "Yes, mother. I'll have it completed before the end of next month."
Aicuthi inclines her head obediently.
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Wonderful, thank you."
You begin to follow Nihmriel.
You curtsey respectfully before the Temporal Conclave.
You say, "Do not thank me, thank the Conclave."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to the Temporal Conclave, "Thank you for your guidance and assistance in this regrettable affair."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Why exactly are we putting cats in the spheres?"
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Kazban says, "It was not a we thing Mlord, it was a...oh whats his name. Phoebus son...Taraj thing Mlord."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "I'm not certain what the objective behind that experiment was."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Kazban says, "I am certain it was his own foolish curiousity."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "It could have ended far worse than it did."
(Elostian's anger omitted. Yikes.)
Sparkling motes of bright light surround the Matrix.
A flurry of loose feathers blows by in a gust of wind, whirling over the edge of the platforms into open air.
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "Thank you for absolving the crisis, my Lord. We are in debt to you. It will be made sure such a mistake never happens again."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "I'm pretty sure it was the Conclave that did that. At least, I don't recall interfering."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): You say, "I do not desire to know the consequences of what would happen if the Opal sphere were to completely fail."
(The Shavatt Collective): Nihmriel (from the Aetherways) says, "I truly hope no Shavatt was part of the absurdity of putting animals into the Spheres."
(The Shavatt Collective): Kazban (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I was not involved in putting cats into spheres, I was involved in the aftermath however in search of study of the Spheres reactions."
(The Shavatt Collective): You say, "You needn't worry, mother. It seems to have been the Skyplumes and their kin."
(The Shavatt Collective): Kazban (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I believe the only one who sought the cat within the sphere was that of Taraj."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Elostian says, "Well, I imagine all the Institute skills requiring opal sphere would cease to function. As for further complications, you'd have to ask the Conclave. He is the authority on the Temporal and Harmonic conduits, after all."
(Urynmal eya Llanitha): Aicuthi says, "Understood, my Lord. I will seek further counsel with the Conclave."
(to the Conclave)
Glancing about the room for a moment, you say, "Tidings, Conclave. I do hope all is well once again - there are no residual distortions with the Opal sphere?"
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "All conduits are operating within the usual perimeters."
You take a deep breath and allow your mind to calm, and your crystalline body begins to shift in colour.
You say, "I see. How relieving to hear."
You say, "The situation was neutralized, thank to your help. But, the sphere...I fear what would happen if it were to completely fail."
Her words trailing off, you say, "In the even that such a thing happens, what would we--."
You gaze thoughtfully into empty space, examining the myriad timelines which criscross all around you. The air warps and shimmers with temporal energy as you glean what you can.
A series of chiming notes, distinctly crystalline, ring out in the distance in a slow, descending scale.
Several hazy humanoid figures suddenly shimmer into existence near one corner of the chamber, just out of sync with this time.
The Temporal Conclave twists to face the figures and appears to listen.
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "An interesting question, Amenuensis Shavatt. It would depend on if the damage is limited to the sphere or if its underlying vibrations would be damaged as well. Simple damage to the sphere repairs itself, when a sphere is destroyed it shall need to be restored, however, none of those actions will touch the underlying vibration and conduits."
In a hollow, echoing voice, The Temporal Conclave says, "Internal damage to the sphere may alter or damage the internal conduits of the sphere, which is a matter altogether different. Effects such as those could potentially unstabilise the connection between continuum and this chamber or even the city itself."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "So if all the internal conduits were to fail...do you mean to say that Hallifax would...?"
Cold, clean breezes eddy through the air, driven indoors by the constant winds that buffet the city.
You say, "The Conclave as well, it would be lost to us. That cannot happen."
You glance about uncertainly, your body turning a hazy shade of grey.
Nihmriel steps down off of a huge, golden stallion with grey wings.
A huge, golden stallion with grey wings bobs his head several times just before trotting off.
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "Greetings."
You say to Nihmriel, "Thank you."
(At this point Nihmriel comes to give me food because I was starving to death)
Joy suddenly washes over you in waves, your entire body glowing a cheerful shade of citrine yellow.
You eat a decadent cherry cheesecake with gusto.
You take a large bite of this cake, quickly eating it before any sauce drips onto you. As you chew it, the taste of heavy cream cheese hits your tongue, followed by the tartness of the cherry sauce. As you quckly gobble the rest of the cheesecake, you taste the thicker sauce used to decorate the cake. You finish the cheesecake off by delicately eating a single whole cherry, leaving only the stem.
Nihmriel takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
You say to Nihmriel, "It seems the Opal sphere is fully restored. We need not fret. But the Conclave has expressed a few disconcerting things about the spheres."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "Good and bad news both. What are the problems?"
You say to Nihmriel, "If the internal conduits incur enough damage we could potentially lose connection to Continuum completely, possibly even sever the link with the Conclave."
Paling to ice-blue, Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says, "This is a result of the material disturbances to the sphere?"
Shimmering curtains of silver energy suddenly bask from the centre of the current for the merest of instants before disappearing again.
Shaking her head, you say to Nihmriel, "The sphere can regenerate itself if damaged externally, but internal damage is different. In any case, we may want to tell the Primus of this."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Definitely advisable. Have we received any guidance as to how to repair internal damage to the sphere?"
You say to Nihmriel, "No, I believe we will find the answer to that if the need ever comes...The spheres can be recovered if they're destroyed, as long as we can make sure the core conduits aren't lost."
Dull chiming noises echo in the distance at regular intervals, the sound of hammers on crystal.
Nodding slightly, Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Would you be so kind as to put together a report for the Primus?"
You say to Nihmriel, "Yes, mother. I'll have it completed before the end of next month."
Aicuthi inclines her head obediently.
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to you, "Wonderful, thank you."
You begin to follow Nihmriel.
You curtsey respectfully before the Temporal Conclave.
You say, "Do not thank me, thank the Conclave."
Nihmriel Shavatt, Master of Science says to the Temporal Conclave, "Thank you for your guidance and assistance in this regrettable affair."
Unknown2010-08-05 12:09:01
The Skyplumes and their kin!? Well I never!
Poor Phoebus goes through so much trouble to try to get this cat back and stop everyone from putting more cats in, and this is the thanks she gets! 

Aicuthi2010-08-05 12:13:35
Pardon my melodramatic flirting with the Conclave. At this point its 5 am and I can barely keep my eyes open let alone stare at the screen. My brain is toasted.
Shulamit2010-08-05 12:37:48
That poor kitty
How could you let that happen, Phoebus! 

Siam2010-08-05 13:04:44
WHAT is the Conclave? The first time it spoke I freaked out. 

Ileein2010-08-05 13:45:23
The Conclave is our guild tutor. It's also totally awesome, since it exists simultaneously in all timelines and you can overhear it talking to people in the past. (Including some modern interactions, which is

Kante2010-08-05 13:56:02
The second log (the one from Aicuthi) makes me want to roll a Hallifax alt.
Siam2010-08-05 14:48:21
QUOTE (Ileein @ Aug 5 2010, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Conclave is our guild tutor. It's also totally awesome, since it exists simultaneously in all timelines and you can overhear it talking to people in the past. (Including some modern interactions, which is

Yeah, but what is it? o.o An entity of chemical x?
Noola2010-08-05 14:51:40
QUOTE (thisismydisplayname @ Aug 5 2010, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, but what is it? o.o An entity of chemical x?
If I understood the random bits I got tossed at me one time by it, it was a researcher but now it's that researcher's body containing the consciousness of every single member of the institute who ever was and ever will be, existing in and aware of all times simultaneously. Which is why it'll occasionally chat with people in other times and stuff.
Siam2010-08-05 14:57:14
QUOTE (Noola @ Aug 5 2010, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If I understood the random bits I got tossed at me one time by it, it was a researcher but now it's that researcher's body containing the consciousness of every single member of the institute who ever was and ever will be, existing in and aware of all times simultaneously. Which is why it'll occasionally chat with people in other times and stuff.
That's awesome.
Ileein2010-08-05 15:45:19
Inconceivably so, yes. (Inconceivable!)
Elostian2010-08-05 17:03:12

Unknown2010-08-05 18:47:59

Sylandra2010-08-05 19:43:42
I hate you all for doing this while I was asleep.