Unknown2010-08-30 05:17:22
A refreshing breeze whispers by, a leaf carried along with it that lands upon the platform.
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
You pick up a saffron leaf with emerald filigree.
This leaf is almost paper-thin with ruffled edges and is the exotic colour of saffron. Emerald traces scroll like filigree across the leaf's surface and along the length of its tiny stem. It smells faintly of spices, but is so delicate that it takes a second sniff to notice it is there.
It is strangely weightless.
You say, "Now, what is this?"
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn blinks at the leaf.
You ponder a saffron leaf with emerald filigree thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Casilu says, "I seem to..."
The rustling of leaves and the murmur of wind through branches precedes the entry of Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer.
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Hoom, now, now, where did it go."
You bow respectfully to Hoaracle.
Sylandra curtseys respectfully before Hoaracle.
You say, "Are you looking for this leaf, Lord?"
Daraius bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
You point accusingly at a saffron leaf with emerald filigree.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to you, "You found it? Oh, good!"
You say, "It just blew by, and landed on the platform."
You nod your head affirmatively.
Sylandra flashes Hoaracle a joyous smile.
You give a saffron leaf with emerald filigree to Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer.
Doman arrives from the up.
You say, "Might I ask You, what it is?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Casilu asks, "A leaf?"
You say, "Besides just a leaf."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Awfully pesky, these winds. Blow birds and leaves everywhere."
A brief feeling of warmth suffuses the air -- the God smiles happily as this happens.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "It is just a leaf."
Hoaracle glances askance.
You chuckle long and heartily.
Sylandra giggles happily.
Casilu's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "If You say so."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Well it's a lovely leaf at any rate."
Hoaracle ponders the situation.
You say, "Ah...may I ask You something?"
You twiddle your thumbs.
Casilu says to you, "See? Simple solution."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Hoom, indeed, small one?"
Doman blinks.
Doman bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
You say, "I was there when You first came back, in Your fulcrux...You mentioned Lady Jadice...do you know where She is?"
You say, "I read of Her, and..."
You twiddle your thumbs.
Sylandra reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
The God shakes His mighty head. "Sadly, no, I do not," He replies. "I am not even sure if She fled to the Void."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I see. Thank You."
You say, "You mentioned She was Your friend?"
Sylandra ponders the situation.
Hoaracle nods His head at you.
You smile softly.
You say, "I hope, then, that we find out where She may be someday."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom!"
Arte flashes Hoaracle a joyous smile.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "Ah, you are the one which I was looking for."
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Sylandra's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "You mentioned, small one, that if I ever wished to see this place, I had the invitation, hoom?"
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "That's right, my Lord. I'm glad You chose to accept."
Hoaracle's mouth turns up as His face breaks into a smile.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I welcome You to the Beacon of Harmony."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "It's an honour to have You here."
Daraius nods his head in agreement.
You nod your head in agreement.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "I am most glad then, small ones."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Ileein arrives from the southwest.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus considers the tree-like Elder God with a touch of curiosity.
Ileein doffs a mathematically-flawless crystalline crown cordially.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Now then, I imagine My first inquiry is thus..." He points to the Matrix, "What is this?""
----had to leave the room for a second here
Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Well, it is a nexus of power. Similar to the Moonhart Mother Tree, which I'm sure You are familiar with by now, but with far greater technical capabilities."
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "That is the Matrix, my Lord, a temperoharmonic construct of resonant crystal and aeromantically-bound air intended to concentrate the ambient power of the City of Hallifax, the Elemental Plane of Air, and the Cosmic Plane of the Continuum, which You would know as the creche of Xyl."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Ah yes, our resident expert."
Doman snickers softly to himself.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "This one sounds like Xyl."
Sylandra smiles softly at Ileein.
Hoaracle peers at Ileein unscrupulously.
Sylandra giggles happily at Hoaracle.
Doman chuckles long and heartily.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "A living library if any of us."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus blinks and his cheeks are touched with a most uncharacteristic blush for a moment before he recovers his composure.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "How interesting though, hoom, he lacks Xyl's countenance."
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Eh, Ileein obviously is just a mistake."
Doman nods his head at himself.
The corners of Doman's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Far too Crystalline to be a real Trill."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The Matrix incorporates several intriguing design features which set it apart from any other nexus of power. Its inner workings are... well, they are classified."
Quietly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I am from a family of those who do, my Lord. Myself, I bear the countanence of His companion, Trillillial."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "A very lucky mistake, I'd say."
Casilu says to Arte, "Seems like everything is classified."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "The source of the shard is hardly indicative of their ending disposition."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer nods His head at Ileein whilst saying, "Indeed." Quickly, He turns to Arte, a pondering expression upon His arboreal face.
Cheerfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says to Casilu, "Quite a few things are, indeed. We wouldn't want just -anyone- poking around in there. Especially if it involved cats."
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
Casilu says to Maellio, "It is a start, though."
Returning to the Matrix, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer asks, "And this connects you to the creche of Xyl?"
Casilu asks Ileein, "Or babies?"
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Lord Lyreth was none too pleased about that cat..."
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Correct. Several of His early experiments are still functional."
You say, "Ok, ok, -enough- about the cat...we have company."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "Back to the topic on hand..."
Maellio coughs softly.
Casilu says to you, "It is an amusing story, dahling."
Sylandra reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says to Hoaracle, "Indeed, as well as to the Elemental Plane of Air and one of the spheres of the farthest plane, Astral, though it is much diminished in its appearance there from the sheer expenditure of energy it takes to bridge the planar gap."
Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The creche not only of Xyl, but of Jadice, if I remember my history correctly."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, that would be the case, hoom."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Would it please You to look upon it?"
The God intones, "Surely!"
Sylandra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "If you'd like to take the trip directly through the nexus, any guardian here could take you."
Arte makes a beckoning motion to no one in particular.
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I shall make the leap, if it pleases, as I can do it in one trip."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "Going to Continuum are we? We? I'm not sure how to intone that."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It matters not, so long as we all end up in the same place."
Ileein's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "How many volunteers You have!"
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom."
Ileein shrugs helplessly.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Well, I shall be on the Continuum."
Ileein inclines his head politely to Hoaracle.
Arte takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Ileein doffs a mathematically-flawless crystalline crown cordially.
Ileein places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
Maellio leaves, following Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus.
You tilt your head curiously.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "Shall we go then, small one?"
Arte nods his head at Hoaracle.
Sylandra hums a happy tune.
Arte places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume ether to eddies of cloud surrounding the Crystal Matrix.
Sylandra follows you ether.
The Matrix suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arte steps through.
A warm draft of air washes over you, comforting and consoling.
Arte places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume ether to before the Matrix.
Sylandra follows you ether.
The Matrix suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arte steps through.
Orventa blinks.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume up to before the Opal Sphere.
Sylandra follows you up.
Maellio arrives following Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus.
Ileein arrives from the down.
Doman arrives from the down.
Offhandedly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Yes, well, I did warn them there was a procession coming up."
Hoaracle ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Yes, I can imagine Xyl and Jadice come from this place."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer laughs mightily.
Ileein's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Arte smiles softly.
Sylandra smiles softly.
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It does seem appropriate."
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Well, to be fair, the plane has likely changed since then..."
Arte pats the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord in a friendly manner.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Here is one of His creations, which we have repurposed to serve our own ends."
Hoaracle tilts His head and listens intently.
Doman places a hand upon the surface of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, then slowly pulls his hand away, trailing tendrils of light from each fingertip. As he brings his fingertips together, the light flares and forms a glowing opal.
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord dulls slightly as its surface recompiles, losing one of its facets.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Ileein can tell you more of the Master Crystals, though not all."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It shall also be long and complicated, as is his way."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer peers at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, and with a furrowed, mossy brow utters a breathy "hoom."
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It absorbs opal gemstones and harmonizes them to the vibrations of the plane through some mechanic which we are still investigating. It also suffocates cats."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "The cat was returned."
Muttering, you say, "The cat was not -suffocated-.."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It was more... energized."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
You say, "Can we please not talk about the cat?"
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Not -completely-, perhaps."
Arte's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across his face.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "The cat had enough lives to sustain itself."
Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It did gain a sense of vengence."
You say, "Seriously. Enough about the cat."
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
You say, "You're being quite rude."
You quickly wipe the dust from your shoulders.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "We do apologize if we've offended."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It did yield interesting results, and that's what is important."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "These fellows here we are quite in the dark about."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "No apologies necessary, small one. Though it seems that it is someone else who may be offended."
Arte ponders a hefty hexahedron thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
A hefty hexahedron glows brightly before releasing a ray of light that washes over Arte thin as paper but wide enough to cover him. After a moment the light disappears, and the shape appears uninterested.
You fold your wings around your body, wrapping yourself in a feathered embrace.
Sylandra gives you a peck on the cheek.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Though they are quite determined to protect the spheres, and for that we are thankful."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "We do have some theories about them. Most notably, they appear to serve as some sort of internal maintainence subsystem, as well as engaging in certain defensive capacities."
Eyes alight with interest, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Interesting."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Might I pose a question for You, my Lord?"
Hoaracle tilts His head and listens intently to Arte.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The members of the forests communes, their spirits, their divine patrons, all hold the civilized people of the Basin with at least some degree of contempt, for many reasons - some sensible, most illogical..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer directs His attention solely upon Arte as He listens.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Most of their kind would look upon the Continuum and see nothing but death and stagnation. What do You see?"
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus runs his fingers across the surface of the Sphere, sending opaline sparks skittering across its surface in their wake. He frowns in thought.
Hoaracle ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "This creche possesses an vying facade. For example, while topically, it appears cold and empty, it has developed its own unique eco-system."
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
Deep in thought, Sylandra leans her cheek on her hand.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Notice these..." He glances to Ileein for a moment, "'Internal maintainence subsystem'? This is very much comparable to other biomes, save for the fact that this may appear less topically organic."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom, it is also a part of holistic creation, which implies that it is connected to the universe -- perhaps for very important reasons."
Phoebus's eyes brighten as she listens, the subject obviously interesting to her.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus glances up from where he stands engrossed in his work, appearing a bit bewildered. Then a flash of comprehension overtakes his features and he nods and busies himself with the Sphere once more, though he keeps one ear angled toward the conversation.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Stagnation requires more than just 'death'."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Simply because something has died does not mean that it is no longer useful."
Meprion puts an opal into the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
An incandescent sheen rushes across the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord's surface. As the sheen passes, there are 3 new facets.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "A most insightful answer, and an unexpected one."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer murmurs softly to Himself, uttering soft 'hooms' in the process. "That was suitable, then?" He inquires.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It is a rare God of the forest who can illuminate the nature of a cosmic plane."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer smiles impishly and says, "Hoom, I shall take that as a yes then."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra giggles happily.
You say, "I believe they're all busy pondering over Your answer."
Arte hums a happy tune.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "A fair assessment, I'd imagine."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says to you, "For what you said... I mean..."
Maellio coughs softly.
He is a radiant immortal and has features reminiscent of an ancient tree with a flowing, mossy beard and wizened amber eyes. Puckered and withered, His skin takes the ashen-brown hue of bark and His limbs are gnarled like branches and roots. Glistening, iridescent moss drapes across His shoulders and creeps down and around His chest and back. Panoplied pockets of phosphorescent fungi multiply across His figure in tiny faerie circles, attracting the attention of a bevy of silvery and golden fireflies. The crowning glory of His head carries the weight of a dense canopy: a veritable ecosystem rife with birds and liveliness. He is wearing an enchanted coat of moss and fungi, and a loop of mantric beads.
You say to Hoaracle, "Ah...what sorts of birds are those, that You've got there?"
Glancing up from the Sphere, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It sounds accurate to me."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Realise, small ones, this is My ponderings, I do not imagine others may view such."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Many of us mortals get cold feet in the presence of the divine. And we're all used to Lord Elostian materializing out of the ether and picking our heads apart."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says to Arte, "He is horribly good at that."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "It's a fun sort of picking apart."
You say to Hoaracle, "I'm interested in ecology, see..."
Sylandra's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Ileein's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
You ruffle your own hair, attempting to make yourself presentable.
Ileein's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
Nodding slowly, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "I see."
Ileein's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
Ileein opens his eyes and yawns mightily.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus frowns and says, "Clearly I need to stop the overnight experiments."
Ileein stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Ileein wrinkles his nose and sniffs.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to you, "I am not sure, some of them nest there without Me noticing them."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Ileein, "You work hard enough to put the whole city to shame, I'd imagine."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "They're quite nice, regardless!"
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "I suppose that's enough deep questions for one divine visit."
The corners of Hoaracle's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Captain Arte Skyplume says to Hoaracle, "How do You fare in the Serenwilde? Gotten a lot of converts?"
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "The Serynwodenhillirim is well, nearly as I remember it. And few -- which I am happy to have."
Sylandra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
With a flash of light, an illumined icosahedron floats off to the north.
With a slight frown, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Actually, Lord, Your thoughts may have given me an idea."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Then, hoom, why do you frown, small one?"
Hoaracle frowns at Ileein.
A diaphanous dodecahedron floats in from the south, carried by a passing breeze.
Raising a downy eyebrow, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I'm not entirely certain. Did Xyl frown when He had ideas?"
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer glances away, as if He were recalling a memory. "I do not believe so. Although, Xyl's expressions were quite difficult to determine," He answers.
The corners of Doman's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Would you say he was...stonefaced?"
Doman shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
Hoaracle nods His head sagely at Doman.
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Er, yes. Quite."
Hoaracle looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Ileein, "Ah, but you had an idea?"
Sylandra tilts her head curiously at Ileein.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "My dreams beckon, small ones. I am most grateful for your invitation."
You nod your head emphatically.
You bow respectfully to Hoaracle.
Sylandra bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Farewell."
Maellio bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Yes, but like all really good ideas it requires some thought and nurturing care before it will grow to be more than a seed."
You say to Hoaracle, "It was wonderful to have You here, Lord. And Your thoughts were quite interesting to hear."
With a flourish of his arm, Arte bows deeply.
Ileein inclines his head politely to Hoaracle.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "It was a pleasure, Lord."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Be well, my Lord."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, home."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer waves a branch-like hand at you in farewells, as He glances skywards.
Birdsong and the rustling of leaves murmur through the aether as Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer fades out of the surrounding environment.
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
You pick up a saffron leaf with emerald filigree.
This leaf is almost paper-thin with ruffled edges and is the exotic colour of saffron. Emerald traces scroll like filigree across the leaf's surface and along the length of its tiny stem. It smells faintly of spices, but is so delicate that it takes a second sniff to notice it is there.
It is strangely weightless.
You say, "Now, what is this?"
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn blinks at the leaf.
You ponder a saffron leaf with emerald filigree thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Casilu says, "I seem to..."
The rustling of leaves and the murmur of wind through branches precedes the entry of Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer.
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Hoom, now, now, where did it go."
You bow respectfully to Hoaracle.
Sylandra curtseys respectfully before Hoaracle.
You say, "Are you looking for this leaf, Lord?"
Daraius bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
You point accusingly at a saffron leaf with emerald filigree.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to you, "You found it? Oh, good!"
You say, "It just blew by, and landed on the platform."
You nod your head affirmatively.
Sylandra flashes Hoaracle a joyous smile.
You give a saffron leaf with emerald filigree to Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer.
Doman arrives from the up.
You say, "Might I ask You, what it is?"
You tilt your head curiously.
Casilu asks, "A leaf?"
You say, "Besides just a leaf."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Awfully pesky, these winds. Blow birds and leaves everywhere."
A brief feeling of warmth suffuses the air -- the God smiles happily as this happens.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "It is just a leaf."
Hoaracle glances askance.
You chuckle long and heartily.
Sylandra giggles happily.
Casilu's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "If You say so."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Well it's a lovely leaf at any rate."
Hoaracle ponders the situation.
You say, "Ah...may I ask You something?"
You twiddle your thumbs.
Casilu says to you, "See? Simple solution."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Hoom, indeed, small one?"
Doman blinks.
Doman bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
You say, "I was there when You first came back, in Your fulcrux...You mentioned Lady Jadice...do you know where She is?"
You say, "I read of Her, and..."
You twiddle your thumbs.
Sylandra reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
The God shakes His mighty head. "Sadly, no, I do not," He replies. "I am not even sure if She fled to the Void."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You say, "I see. Thank You."
You say, "You mentioned She was Your friend?"
Sylandra ponders the situation.
Hoaracle nods His head at you.
You smile softly.
You say, "I hope, then, that we find out where She may be someday."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom!"
Arte flashes Hoaracle a joyous smile.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "Ah, you are the one which I was looking for."
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Sylandra's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "You mentioned, small one, that if I ever wished to see this place, I had the invitation, hoom?"
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "That's right, my Lord. I'm glad You chose to accept."
Hoaracle's mouth turns up as His face breaks into a smile.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I welcome You to the Beacon of Harmony."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "It's an honour to have You here."
Daraius nods his head in agreement.
You nod your head in agreement.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "I am most glad then, small ones."
Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.
Ileein arrives from the southwest.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus considers the tree-like Elder God with a touch of curiosity.
Ileein doffs a mathematically-flawless crystalline crown cordially.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Now then, I imagine My first inquiry is thus..." He points to the Matrix, "What is this?""
----had to leave the room for a second here

Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Well, it is a nexus of power. Similar to the Moonhart Mother Tree, which I'm sure You are familiar with by now, but with far greater technical capabilities."
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "That is the Matrix, my Lord, a temperoharmonic construct of resonant crystal and aeromantically-bound air intended to concentrate the ambient power of the City of Hallifax, the Elemental Plane of Air, and the Cosmic Plane of the Continuum, which You would know as the creche of Xyl."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Ah yes, our resident expert."
Doman snickers softly to himself.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "This one sounds like Xyl."
Sylandra smiles softly at Ileein.
Hoaracle peers at Ileein unscrupulously.
Sylandra giggles happily at Hoaracle.
Doman chuckles long and heartily.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "A living library if any of us."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus blinks and his cheeks are touched with a most uncharacteristic blush for a moment before he recovers his composure.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "How interesting though, hoom, he lacks Xyl's countenance."
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Eh, Ileein obviously is just a mistake."
Doman nods his head at himself.
The corners of Doman's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Far too Crystalline to be a real Trill."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The Matrix incorporates several intriguing design features which set it apart from any other nexus of power. Its inner workings are... well, they are classified."
Quietly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I am from a family of those who do, my Lord. Myself, I bear the countanence of His companion, Trillillial."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "A very lucky mistake, I'd say."
Casilu says to Arte, "Seems like everything is classified."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "The source of the shard is hardly indicative of their ending disposition."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer nods His head at Ileein whilst saying, "Indeed." Quickly, He turns to Arte, a pondering expression upon His arboreal face.
Cheerfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says to Casilu, "Quite a few things are, indeed. We wouldn't want just -anyone- poking around in there. Especially if it involved cats."
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
Casilu says to Maellio, "It is a start, though."
Returning to the Matrix, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer asks, "And this connects you to the creche of Xyl?"
Casilu asks Ileein, "Or babies?"
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "Lord Lyreth was none too pleased about that cat..."
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Correct. Several of His early experiments are still functional."
You say, "Ok, ok, -enough- about the cat...we have company."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "Back to the topic on hand..."
Maellio coughs softly.
Casilu says to you, "It is an amusing story, dahling."
Sylandra reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says to Hoaracle, "Indeed, as well as to the Elemental Plane of Air and one of the spheres of the farthest plane, Astral, though it is much diminished in its appearance there from the sheer expenditure of energy it takes to bridge the planar gap."
Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The creche not only of Xyl, but of Jadice, if I remember my history correctly."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, that would be the case, hoom."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Would it please You to look upon it?"
The God intones, "Surely!"
Sylandra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "If you'd like to take the trip directly through the nexus, any guardian here could take you."
Arte makes a beckoning motion to no one in particular.
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I shall make the leap, if it pleases, as I can do it in one trip."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "Going to Continuum are we? We? I'm not sure how to intone that."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It matters not, so long as we all end up in the same place."
Ileein's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "How many volunteers You have!"
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom."
Ileein shrugs helplessly.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Well, I shall be on the Continuum."
Ileein inclines his head politely to Hoaracle.
Arte takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of his face softens and shifts in colour, a muted glow appearing within.
Ileein doffs a mathematically-flawless crystalline crown cordially.
Ileein places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
Maellio leaves, following Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus.
You tilt your head curiously.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "Shall we go then, small one?"
Arte nods his head at Hoaracle.
Sylandra hums a happy tune.
Arte places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume ether to eddies of cloud surrounding the Crystal Matrix.
Sylandra follows you ether.
The Matrix suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arte steps through.
A warm draft of air washes over you, comforting and consoling.
Arte places his hands on the Matrix and disappears in a fountain of pulsating energy.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume ether to before the Matrix.
Sylandra follows you ether.
The Matrix suddenly flares with pulsating energy as Arte steps through.
Orventa blinks.
You follow Captain Arte Skyplume up to before the Opal Sphere.
Sylandra follows you up.
Maellio arrives following Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus.
Ileein arrives from the down.
Doman arrives from the down.
Offhandedly, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Yes, well, I did warn them there was a procession coming up."
Hoaracle ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Yes, I can imagine Xyl and Jadice come from this place."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer laughs mightily.
Ileein's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Arte smiles softly.
Sylandra smiles softly.
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It does seem appropriate."
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Well, to be fair, the plane has likely changed since then..."
Arte pats the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord in a friendly manner.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Here is one of His creations, which we have repurposed to serve our own ends."
Hoaracle tilts His head and listens intently.
Doman places a hand upon the surface of the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, then slowly pulls his hand away, trailing tendrils of light from each fingertip. As he brings his fingertips together, the light flares and forms a glowing opal.
The Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord dulls slightly as its surface recompiles, losing one of its facets.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Ileein can tell you more of the Master Crystals, though not all."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It shall also be long and complicated, as is his way."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer peers at the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord, and with a furrowed, mossy brow utters a breathy "hoom."
Thoughtfully, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It absorbs opal gemstones and harmonizes them to the vibrations of the plane through some mechanic which we are still investigating. It also suffocates cats."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "The cat was returned."
Muttering, you say, "The cat was not -suffocated-.."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It was more... energized."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
You say, "Can we please not talk about the cat?"
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Not -completely-, perhaps."
Arte's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across his face.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "The cat had enough lives to sustain itself."
Showing that He understands, Hoaracle nods His head slowly.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "It did gain a sense of vengence."
You say, "Seriously. Enough about the cat."
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
You say, "You're being quite rude."
You quickly wipe the dust from your shoulders.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Hoaracle, "We do apologize if we've offended."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It did yield interesting results, and that's what is important."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "These fellows here we are quite in the dark about."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "No apologies necessary, small one. Though it seems that it is someone else who may be offended."
Arte ponders a hefty hexahedron thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
A hefty hexahedron glows brightly before releasing a ray of light that washes over Arte thin as paper but wide enough to cover him. After a moment the light disappears, and the shape appears uninterested.
You fold your wings around your body, wrapping yourself in a feathered embrace.
Sylandra gives you a peck on the cheek.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Though they are quite determined to protect the spheres, and for that we are thankful."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "We do have some theories about them. Most notably, they appear to serve as some sort of internal maintainence subsystem, as well as engaging in certain defensive capacities."
Eyes alight with interest, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Interesting."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Might I pose a question for You, my Lord?"
Hoaracle tilts His head and listens intently to Arte.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "The members of the forests communes, their spirits, their divine patrons, all hold the civilized people of the Basin with at least some degree of contempt, for many reasons - some sensible, most illogical..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer directs His attention solely upon Arte as He listens.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Most of their kind would look upon the Continuum and see nothing but death and stagnation. What do You see?"
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus runs his fingers across the surface of the Sphere, sending opaline sparks skittering across its surface in their wake. He frowns in thought.
Hoaracle ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "This creche possesses an vying facade. For example, while topically, it appears cold and empty, it has developed its own unique eco-system."
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
Deep in thought, Sylandra leans her cheek on her hand.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Notice these..." He glances to Ileein for a moment, "'Internal maintainence subsystem'? This is very much comparable to other biomes, save for the fact that this may appear less topically organic."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, hoom, it is also a part of holistic creation, which implies that it is connected to the universe -- perhaps for very important reasons."
Phoebus's eyes brighten as she listens, the subject obviously interesting to her.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus glances up from where he stands engrossed in his work, appearing a bit bewildered. Then a flash of comprehension overtakes his features and he nods and busies himself with the Sphere once more, though he keeps one ear angled toward the conversation.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Stagnation requires more than just 'death'."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Simply because something has died does not mean that it is no longer useful."
Meprion puts an opal into the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord.
An incandescent sheen rushes across the Opal Sphere of Symmetrical Accord's surface. As the sheen passes, there are 3 new facets.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "A most insightful answer, and an unexpected one."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer murmurs softly to Himself, uttering soft 'hooms' in the process. "That was suitable, then?" He inquires.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "It is a rare God of the forest who can illuminate the nature of a cosmic plane."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer smiles impishly and says, "Hoom, I shall take that as a yes then."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Sylandra giggles happily.
You say, "I believe they're all busy pondering over Your answer."
Arte hums a happy tune.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says, "A fair assessment, I'd imagine."
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says to you, "For what you said... I mean..."
Maellio coughs softly.
He is a radiant immortal and has features reminiscent of an ancient tree with a flowing, mossy beard and wizened amber eyes. Puckered and withered, His skin takes the ashen-brown hue of bark and His limbs are gnarled like branches and roots. Glistening, iridescent moss drapes across His shoulders and creeps down and around His chest and back. Panoplied pockets of phosphorescent fungi multiply across His figure in tiny faerie circles, attracting the attention of a bevy of silvery and golden fireflies. The crowning glory of His head carries the weight of a dense canopy: a veritable ecosystem rife with birds and liveliness. He is wearing an enchanted coat of moss and fungi, and a loop of mantric beads.
You say to Hoaracle, "Ah...what sorts of birds are those, that You've got there?"
Glancing up from the Sphere, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It sounds accurate to me."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Realise, small ones, this is My ponderings, I do not imagine others may view such."
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Many of us mortals get cold feet in the presence of the divine. And we're all used to Lord Elostian materializing out of the ether and picking our heads apart."
Sylandra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Amenuensis Maellio Onz'Verheu, the Penumbral Observer says to Arte, "He is horribly good at that."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "It's a fun sort of picking apart."
You say to Hoaracle, "I'm interested in ecology, see..."
Sylandra's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Ileein's eyes repeatedly shut as he tries to stay awake.
You ruffle your own hair, attempting to make yourself presentable.
Ileein's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
Nodding slowly, Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "I see."
Ileein's exhausted mind can stay awake no longer, and he falls into a deep sleep.
Ileein opens his eyes and yawns mightily.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus frowns and says, "Clearly I need to stop the overnight experiments."
Ileein stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Ileein wrinkles his nose and sniffs.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to you, "I am not sure, some of them nest there without Me noticing them."
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Ileein, "You work hard enough to put the whole city to shame, I'd imagine."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "They're quite nice, regardless!"
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "I suppose that's enough deep questions for one divine visit."
The corners of Hoaracle's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Captain Arte Skyplume says to Hoaracle, "How do You fare in the Serenwilde? Gotten a lot of converts?"
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says to Arte, "The Serynwodenhillirim is well, nearly as I remember it. And few -- which I am happy to have."
Sylandra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
With a flash of light, an illumined icosahedron floats off to the north.
With a slight frown, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Actually, Lord, Your thoughts may have given me an idea."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Then, hoom, why do you frown, small one?"
Hoaracle frowns at Ileein.
A diaphanous dodecahedron floats in from the south, carried by a passing breeze.
Raising a downy eyebrow, Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "I'm not entirely certain. Did Xyl frown when He had ideas?"
Sylandra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer glances away, as if He were recalling a memory. "I do not believe so. Although, Xyl's expressions were quite difficult to determine," He answers.
The corners of Doman's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Fellow Doman Salceto, Temporal Visionary says, "Would you say he was...stonefaced?"
Doman shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You look up into the air for divine inspiration.
Hoaracle nods His head sagely at Doman.
Sylandra hides a grin behind her hand.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Er, yes. Quite."
Hoaracle looks exhausted and opens His mouth in an enormous yawn.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says to Ileein, "Ah, but you had an idea?"
Sylandra tilts her head curiously at Ileein.
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "My dreams beckon, small ones. I am most grateful for your invitation."
You nod your head emphatically.
You bow respectfully to Hoaracle.
Sylandra bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
Captain Arte Skyplume says, "Farewell."
Maellio bows respectfully to Hoaracle.
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Yes, but like all really good ideas it requires some thought and nurturing care before it will grow to be more than a seed."
You say to Hoaracle, "It was wonderful to have You here, Lord. And Your thoughts were quite interesting to hear."
With a flourish of his arm, Arte bows deeply.
Ileein inclines his head politely to Hoaracle.
Sylandra Skyplume, the Gentle Dawn says, "It was a pleasure, Lord."
Professor Ileein Shavatt, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Be well, my Lord."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer says, "Indeed, home."
Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer waves a branch-like hand at you in farewells, as He glances skywards.
Birdsong and the rustling of leaves murmur through the aether as Hoaracle, the Forest Dreamer fades out of the surrounding environment.
This was interesting!
Ileein2010-08-30 05:27:06
You're never going to live the cat down, you know.
EDIT: But it was quite fun, and I do love Hoaracle as I have mentioned elsewhere. This conversation brought to my attention the need for me to purchase extremely geeky glasses, and possibly a slide rule.
EDIT: But it was quite fun, and I do love Hoaracle as I have mentioned elsewhere. This conversation brought to my attention the need for me to purchase extremely geeky glasses, and possibly a slide rule.
Unknown2010-08-30 05:28:03
QUOTE (Ileein @ Aug 30 2010, 01:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're never going to live the cat down, you know.
Furien2010-08-30 05:45:40

Llesvelt2010-08-30 05:58:11
I was wondering why Hoaracle seemed less hostile towards the cities than other forest gods.
Quite a wonderful divine, though, gives off the wise-vibe quite a bit.
Quite a wonderful divine, though, gives off the wise-vibe quite a bit.
Unknown2010-08-30 05:59:19
QUOTE (Phoebus @ Aug 30 2010, 01:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Llesvelt2010-08-30 06:14:25
QUOTE (Taraj @ Aug 30 2010, 05:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Less memetic.
Unknown2010-08-30 06:33:52
QUOTE (Llesvelt @ Aug 30 2010, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering why Hoaracle seemed less hostile towards the cities than other forest gods.
Quite a wonderful divine, though, gives off the wise-vibe quite a bit.
Quite a wonderful divine, though, gives off the wise-vibe quite a bit.
Yeah, he's a lot more co-existance than CITIES SHOULD BURN.
He's quite cool, hoom.
Unknown2010-08-30 17:01:09
QUOTE (Solanis @ Aug 30 2010, 02:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, he's a lot more co-existance than CITIES SHOULD BURN.
He's quite cool, hoom.
He's quite cool, hoom.
Yeah, that's Gaudi's shtick. They even started with their own!
Kaalak2010-08-31 07:23:39
Neat log.
Where does 'hoom' come from?
Is this a Lord of the Rings reference I'm missing?
Where does 'hoom' come from?
Is this a Lord of the Rings reference I'm missing?
Xenthos2010-08-31 16:15:44
QUOTE (Kaalak @ Aug 31 2010, 03:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Neat log.
Where does 'hoom' come from?
Is this a Lord of the Rings reference I'm missing?
Where does 'hoom' come from?
Is this a Lord of the Rings reference I'm missing?
Shiri2010-08-31 16:16:41
(or the sandman)