Astrology nativities in Lua format

by Vadi

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Vadi2010-09-09 23:14:10
Just a small tidbit here in case someone else will need to do this and stumble upon it first - here is the astrology nativities in one of the possible formats in Lua tables:

  local t = {
    Moon = {
      hallucinating = {"Volcano", "Dolphin", "Burning Censer", "Skull"},
      dizziness = {"Antlers", "Lion", "Spider", "Bumblebee"},
      dementia = {"Twin Crystals", "Crocodile", "Dragon", "Glacier"}},
    Eroee = {
      sensitivity = {"Volcano", "Dolphin", "Burning Censer", "Skull"},
      peace = {"Antlers", "Lion", "Spider", "Bumblebee"},
      lovepotion = {"Twin Crystals", "Crocodile", "Dragon", "Glacier"}},
    Sidiak = {
      stupidity = {"Volcano", "Dolphin", "Burning Censer", "Skull"},
      epilepsy = {"Antlers", "Lion", "Spider", "Bumblebee"},
      confusion = {"Twin Crystals", "Crocodile", "Dragon", "Glacier"}},
    Tarox = {
      recklessness = {"Volcano", "Dolphin", "Burning Censer", "Skull"},
      asthma = {"Antlers", "Lion", "Spider", "Bumblebee"},
      impatience = {"Twin Crystals", "Crocodile", "Dragon", "Glacier"}},
    Aapek = {
      aeon = {"Volcano", "Dolphin", "Burning Censer", "Skull"},
      anorexia = {"Antlers", "Lion", "Spider", "Bumblebee"},
      scabies = {"Twin Crystals", "Crocodile", "Dragon", "Glacier"}}
