Janalon2010-09-11 22:56:16
Looking ahead to guild credit sales and what not.... calculate that I should accumulate around 200 credits in the next several months through in-game means. Want to become more combat ready, and I'm thinking how I'll invest those credits with either an artie or skills. Looking for advice from a seasoned combatant about my next "must have."
Should I immediately trans discipline and pump up combat?
Already have my artie pipes and knight runes. Should I go with soap, another bleeding rune, or aim for a damage type rune?
Need another clan slot or two... but I can wait for now. What should be my priority?
Should I immediately trans discipline and pump up combat?
Common Skills        Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Virtuoso      Melee
Resilience            Fabled        Fitness
Discernment          Expert        Intellect
Lowmagic              Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Transcendent  Mysticism
Discipline            Fabled        Willpower
Environment          Gifted        Communion
Influence            Virtuoso      Magnetism
Dramatics            Adept          Performance
Arts                  Capable        Finearts
Beastmastery          Transcendent  Magnetism
Aethercraft          Transcendent  Mysticism
Trade Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Poisons              Transcendent  Communion
Guild Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Psionics              Transcendent  Intellect
Kata                  Transcendent  Melee
Stealth              Virtuoso      Communion
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Virtuoso      Melee
Resilience            Fabled        Fitness
Discernment          Expert        Intellect
Lowmagic              Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Transcendent  Mysticism
Discipline            Fabled        Willpower
Environment          Gifted        Communion
Influence            Virtuoso      Magnetism
Dramatics            Adept          Performance
Arts                  Capable        Finearts
Beastmastery          Transcendent  Magnetism
Aethercraft          Transcendent  Mysticism
Trade Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Poisons              Transcendent  Communion
Guild Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Psionics              Transcendent  Intellect
Kata                  Transcendent  Melee
Stealth              Virtuoso      Communion
Already have my artie pipes and knight runes. Should I go with soap, another bleeding rune, or aim for a damage type rune?
Number  Name                                Location                     Â
2541Â Â Â Â a nightmarish nekai of morbid oddit being held by Janalon
3364Â Â Â Â a nightmarish nekai of morbid oddit being held by Janalon
16374    a plush doll of Crow                being held by Janalon
32827    a ridiculous pig nose              being held by Janalon
44797Â Â Â Â Tribal Prayer Beads of the Predator being held by Janalon
45018Â Â Â Â a Great Rune of the Puissant Knight inside of "nekai2541"
49716    a Great Rune of Bleeding            inside of "nekai3364"
126464  a smoke wreathed pipe              being held by Janalon
179355Â Â a Great Rune of the Puissant Knight inside of "nekai3364"
197870  a jade scorpion pipe                being held by Janalon
217886  a felty bat-stoppered vial          being held by Janalon
230689  a silk-covered vial, topped with a  being held by Janalon
234961  a garnet scorpion pipe              being held by Janalon
236399  an amethyst scorpion pipe          being held by Janalon
Number  Name                                Location                     Â
2541Â Â Â Â a nightmarish nekai of morbid oddit being held by Janalon
3364Â Â Â Â a nightmarish nekai of morbid oddit being held by Janalon
16374    a plush doll of Crow                being held by Janalon
32827    a ridiculous pig nose              being held by Janalon
44797Â Â Â Â Tribal Prayer Beads of the Predator being held by Janalon
45018Â Â Â Â a Great Rune of the Puissant Knight inside of "nekai2541"
49716    a Great Rune of Bleeding            inside of "nekai3364"
126464  a smoke wreathed pipe              being held by Janalon
179355Â Â a Great Rune of the Puissant Knight inside of "nekai3364"
197870  a jade scorpion pipe                being held by Janalon
217886  a felty bat-stoppered vial          being held by Janalon
230689  a silk-covered vial, topped with a  being held by Janalon
234961  a garnet scorpion pipe              being held by Janalon
236399  an amethyst scorpion pipe          being held by Janalon
Need another clan slot or two... but I can wait for now. What should be my priority?
Rika2010-09-11 23:57:29
Combat would be the first one I would trans. Discipline second. Resilience and Lowmagic would come after that. In your case, being a loboshigaru, I'd go with Lowmagic first.
Razenth2010-09-12 00:16:53
I disagree. I'd prioritize Discipline over Combat. Power is used against all opponents, Combat only against warriors and monks.
Shaddus2010-09-12 02:28:28
Trans Resilience, or as close to it as possible.
Unknown2010-09-12 13:33:55
Core six (3 guildskills, discipline, resilience, and combat) always come first.
Janalon2010-09-12 15:41:24
Since I'm not one to train up one skill at the exclusion at all others, I'll prioritize to trans discipline first, and then work resilience and combat in equal measure. Might next grab an artie (maybe another bleeding rune) thereafter. Finishing stealth while training up lowmagic. That should set the course for the next 365 at the very least. Hope to hit demi by summer and pickup a second trade skill; that'll play into the mix.
Thanks for the advice!
Thanks for the advice!
Thendis2010-09-12 16:01:33
QUOTE (Janalon @ Sep 12 2010, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hope to hit demi by summer
As in next June or July? Does it really take that long? I was hoping to be demi by January, and you are about 100 ranks higher than me.

Janalon2010-09-12 17:07:28
QUOTE (Thendis @ Sep 12 2010, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As in next June or July? Does it really take that long? I was hoping to be demi by January, and you are about 100 ranks higher than me. 

I only have about 2 hours to actively play the game a night... so I am limited on how much I can EXP during a bonus weekend. Yeah, things get considerably harder the higher you go. And then Titan *shudder*. It will take me some time alright. Wouldn't doubt that you might pass me though.
Unknown2010-09-12 18:03:59
QUOTE (Janalon @ Sep 12 2010, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I only have about 2 hours to actively play the game a night... so I am limited on how much I can EXP during a bonus weekend.
I think being GA is just as big a detriment to your overall bash time.
Razenth would have a point about discipline if you were not a monk, nevermind a psymet monk. Stealth and Resilience is what I would pick. Seriously, no deepcover or veil yet? Sad times. (though I guess that's not REALLY all that combat necessary, but they're great to have in many situations)
Janalon2010-09-12 19:00:35
QUOTE (Vendetta Morendo @ Sep 12 2010, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think being GA is just as big a detriment to your overall bash time.
Razenth would have a point about discipline if you were not a monk, nevermind a psymet monk. Stealth and Resilience is what I would pick. Seriously, no deepcover or veil yet? Sad times. (though I guess that's not REALLY all that combat necessary, but they're great to have in many situations)
Razenth would have a point about discipline if you were not a monk, nevermind a psymet monk. Stealth and Resilience is what I would pick. Seriously, no deepcover or veil yet? Sad times. (though I guess that's not REALLY all that combat necessary, but they're great to have in many situations)
I can go days on end where I am working specifically with my Under/Secretaries. Other days where I am working with guild novices. I feel guilty when I have to put everything else on hold to get some bashing time. That's why I love astral bashing so much... very few distractions out in the cold of space.
Hrm. I can use forcedsymmetry with lifedrain to help manage wound levels (though, I need some more play testing to check the viability). So maybe combat isn't as crucial as it might be to an acrobat. Thul tells me that deepcover with Bodyfuel is a great combo. At any rate, I've already committed some credits to bringing discipline closer to Energylink. Maybe I'll stay there for a bit and change my focus on transing Stealth and Resilience before going back to Combat and Resilience.
Faymar2010-09-12 20:24:36
For bashing, concentrate on transing resilience. It will help a lot.