Sidd2010-11-12 16:21:20
Here's a snippet from a log, if you read it, from what I can tell, Eamon double pins me, I writhe from one, then right at the end Eamon hits me twice in a row, while I'm still pinned by one rapier
My question is, Are you suppose to be able to swing both swords without rending first?
I want to bug this, but I want to make sure I'm not just being stupid and not reading it right
With a powerful lunge, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon strikes deep into your left
foot, pinning it down with an elfen rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of
nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
10266h, 3897m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26071w elrxkbp<>-got eventgot eventgot eventgot event(eat
calamus|outr 1 calamus|writhe)(-158 Health) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
With a powerful lunge, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon strikes deep into your left
foot, pinning it down with an elfen rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of
nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
10108h, 3897m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26071w elrxkbp<>-(-158 Health) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You flip the bird.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>-(-22 Mana) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You remove 1 calamus, bringing the total in the rift to 1653.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled your left foot.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
Asmodea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]tar lilian
clt1 Targeting: Lilian
Vadi takes a long drag off his pipe.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
The tendon in your left leg reattaches itself.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
A slaugh strokes a cold, beautiful finger across Lilian's cheek, and a sweat breaks out upon her
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
(eat calamus|outr calamus)
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything
other than thinking of escaping it.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
Fragrant smoke continues to billow up from a smoldering smudge stick.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You eat a calamus root.
Your glands cease their oily secretion.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You remove 1 calamus, bringing the total in the rift to 1652.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
A brownie runs up and tickles your sides.
10749h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>-(+641 Health, +421 Mana) !~SpSc *SPFA
An armoured badger stabs you with a deadly stinger attached to its bone armour.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
The cloud of fragrant smoke coalesces into the scene of a roaring forest fire. Flaming branches rain
down all around you.
A burl cracks open next to you, covering you in burning sap.
Your flesh is charred, and you receive first degree burns.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>-got eventgot eventgot event(-1356 Health) !~SpSc
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from the blade through your left foot.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Lilian takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Rearing up with wings spread, Xischa lets out an almighty roar towards Vadi, snapping at him with
vicious fangs.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
A redcap slashes Lilian with a thin razor, causing blood to spurt from the wound, which he soaks up
with his little cap.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi takes a drink from a dagger-shaped soapstone vial.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi points a ring of aromatic herbs at you, and sparks fly out of it.
Vadi raises his arms and a gust of wind slams into you, pushing you to the south but is unable to
move you.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi recharges a ring of aromatic herbs from an energy cube.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(focus body|apply liniment to chest|apply health to legs|smoke 129749|queuestance legs)
The aura surrounding you briefly pulses.
Ancestral spirits roar towards you from Asmodea, keening in rage and fury.
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>-(eat sparkleberry|outr sparkleberry|unparry|parry
lleg 100)(-1011 Health) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Eamon razes your aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier. ---razes
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
The crone crosses her shriveled arms and turns her dark, penetrating gaze upon Vadi.
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Eamon whips an elfen rapier through the air in front of you, to no effect. -- razes
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You bleed 50 health.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>-(-50 Health) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Lilian bows her head and closes her eyes, hooking her finger in a terrible wrenching motion as Vadi
squirms uncomfortably.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(queuestance legs)(smoke 114733)(apply health to legs)(m&m): Warning, lag detected!
Asmodea's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Asmodea plays the Icy Lyre of Winter's Fury and directs the disharmonic notes towards you.
The reverberating sound echoes through your head, pounding you with excruciating pain.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-(focus body|apply liniment to chest)(-1750 Health,
-18 Mana) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(unparry|parry lleg 100)(eat sparkleberry|outr sparkleberry)
You prepare a stance to protect your legs.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You take a long drag off your pipe.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-(smoke 129749) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-got event !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(-250 Mana) !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You flap your arms madly.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
The fluid seems to have no effect on you.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(+1074 Health, +506 Mana) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the rift to 754.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
The pipe has nothing smokeable in it.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(outr myrtle|put myrtle in 129749) !~!~Sc HSP*A
A banshee bound in shadows stares at Lilian, then suddenly emits a high-pitched screech at her,
causing the colour to drain from her face.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eamon slams an elfen rapier down upon you. You are hacked in the cheek
for a small flesh wound.
Your insomnia has cleared up.
7481h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26441en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(insomnia)(-175 Health) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
With a focused look, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon powerfully strikes your left
leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately. -- Again here he hits me twice again
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(-158 Health) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-got event(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
You are jerked awake by the pain. -- still impaled
My question is, Are you suppose to be able to swing both swords without rending first?
I want to bug this, but I want to make sure I'm not just being stupid and not reading it right
With a powerful lunge, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon strikes deep into your left
foot, pinning it down with an elfen rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of
nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily substance.
10266h, 3897m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26071w elrxkbp<>-got eventgot eventgot eventgot event(eat
calamus|outr 1 calamus|writhe)(-158 Health) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
With a powerful lunge, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon strikes deep into your left
foot, pinning it down with an elfen rapier. You involuntarily crumple to a crouch and can think of
nothing but freeing your impaled foot.
Hmmmm. Why must everything be so difficult to figure out?
10108h, 3897m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26071w elrxkbp<>-(-158 Health) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You flip the bird.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>-(-22 Mana) !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You remove 1 calamus, bringing the total in the rift to 1653.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You begin to writhe furiously to escape the blade that has impaled your left foot.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
Asmodea takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]tar lilian
clt1 Targeting: Lilian
Vadi takes a long drag off his pipe.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
The tendon in your left leg reattaches itself.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
A slaugh strokes a cold, beautiful finger across Lilian's cheek, and a sweat breaks out upon her
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
(eat calamus|outr calamus)
The sharp pain in your foot from the weapon pinning it to the ground makes you incapable of anything
other than thinking of escaping it.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
Fragrant smoke continues to billow up from a smoldering smudge stick.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You eat a calamus root.
Your glands cease their oily secretion.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You remove 1 calamus, bringing the total in the rift to 1652.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
10108h, 3875m, 8794e, 4p, 26426en, 26067w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
A brownie runs up and tickles your sides.
10749h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>-(+641 Health, +421 Mana) !~SpSc *SPFA
An armoured badger stabs you with a deadly stinger attached to its bone armour.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
The cloud of fragrant smoke coalesces into the scene of a roaring forest fire. Flaming branches rain
down all around you.
A burl cracks open next to you, covering you in burning sap.
Your flesh is charred, and you receive first degree burns.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>-got eventgot eventgot event(-1356 Health) !~SpSc
With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from the blade through your left foot.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- !~SpSc *SPFA ]
You may eat or smoke another herb.
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Lilian takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her arms.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Rearing up with wings spread, Xischa lets out an almighty roar towards Vadi, snapping at him with
vicious fangs.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
A redcap slashes Lilian with a thin razor, causing blood to spurt from the wound, which he soaks up
with his little cap.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi takes a drink from a dagger-shaped soapstone vial.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi points a ring of aromatic herbs at you, and sparks fly out of it.
Vadi raises his arms and a gust of wind slams into you, pushing you to the south but is unable to
move you.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Vadi recharges a ring of aromatic herbs from an energy cube.
9393h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(focus body|apply liniment to chest|apply health to legs|smoke 129749|queuestance legs)
The aura surrounding you briefly pulses.
Ancestral spirits roar towards you from Asmodea, keening in rage and fury.
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>-(eat sparkleberry|outr sparkleberry|unparry|parry
lleg 100)(-1011 Health) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Eamon razes your aura of rebounding with an elfen rapier. ---razes
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
The crone crosses her shriveled arms and turns her dark, penetrating gaze upon Vadi.
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Eamon whips an elfen rapier through the air in front of you, to no effect. -- razes
8382h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You bleed 50 health.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>-(-50 Health) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Tiny tremors spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
Lilian bows her head and closes her eyes, hooking her finger in a terrible wrenching motion as Vadi
squirms uncomfortably.
8332h, 4296m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26081w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(queuestance legs)(smoke 114733)(apply health to legs)(m&m): Warning, lag detected!
Asmodea's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
Asmodea plays the Icy Lyre of Winter's Fury and directs the disharmonic notes towards you.
The reverberating sound echoes through your head, pounding you with excruciating pain.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-(focus body|apply liniment to chest)(-1750 Health,
-18 Mana) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
(unparry|parry lleg 100)(eat sparkleberry|outr sparkleberry)
You prepare a stance to protect your legs.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>- SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You take a long drag off your pipe.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-(smoke 129749) SiSpSc HSPFA ]
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your legs.
The deep damage in your left leg partially heals.
6582h, 4278m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26078w elrxkbp<>-got event !~SpSc HSPFA ]
You begin focusing your mind on your motor skills.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(-250 Mana) !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You flap your arms madly.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
The fluid seems to have no effect on you.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You adjust your attention spent parrying your left leg.
6582h, 4028m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~SpSc HSP*A ]
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(+1074 Health, +506 Mana) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the rift to 754.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
The pipe has nothing smokeable in it.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(outr myrtle|put myrtle in 129749) !~!~Sc HSP*A
A banshee bound in shadows stares at Lilian, then suddenly emits a high-pitched screech at her,
causing the colour to drain from her face.
7656h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26446en, 26003w elrxkbp<>- !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
With a heavy overhand stroke, Eamon slams an elfen rapier down upon you. You are hacked in the cheek
for a small flesh wound.
Your insomnia has cleared up.
7481h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26441en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(insomnia)(-175 Health) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
With a focused look, Eamon strikes at you with an elfen rapier. Eamon powerfully strikes your left
leg, and blood fountains out in a thick spray.
You feel incredibly tired, and fall asleep immediately. -- Again here he hits me twice again
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(-158 Health) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-got event(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
You are asleep and can do nothing. WAKE will attempt to wake you.
7323h, 4534m, 8794e, 4p, 26436en, 26003w elrxkbp<>-(wake up) !~!~Sc HSP*A ]
Your health continues to drain away as your impaled body shudders on the end of the weapon.
You are jerked awake by the pain. -- still impaled
Rivius2010-11-12 16:46:12
Yeah something is really up with that. I think I also saw another weird bug relating to writhing and pin-leg, but I'll need to go through all my logs to find it.
But yeah, unless I'm missing something too, that does look like a glaring bug.
But yeah, unless I'm missing something too, that does look like a glaring bug.
Unknown2010-11-12 16:59:36
Impalements are one of the buggiest things in Lusternia right now. The code is, of course, based on the old Achaea code, which only had two things that could impale a person. We've got more than that, but it's not being tracked properly, so you end up with lots of screwy things happening.
Xenthos2010-11-12 17:20:46
I bugged it way back when and got the response that it was "not a bug".
When you swing that second time it "releases" the pin though, as I recall, so it's in some weird limbo state after that first writhe.
Doesn't mean you can't re-bug it of course, but since it has already been reviewed and dismissed it's not "actually a bug" even though it pretty obviously is something weird... whatever, I guess?
It says you continue to writhe on the weapon, but you didn't try to do anything else that a pinleg would stop. Give that a shot too.
When you swing that second time it "releases" the pin though, as I recall, so it's in some weird limbo state after that first writhe.
Doesn't mean you can't re-bug it of course, but since it has already been reviewed and dismissed it's not "actually a bug" even though it pretty obviously is something weird... whatever, I guess?
It says you continue to writhe on the weapon, but you didn't try to do anything else that a pinleg would stop. Give that a shot too.
Jack2010-11-12 17:24:02
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 12 2010, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bugged it way back when and got the response that it was "not a bug".
Xenthos2010-11-12 17:25:22
QUOTE (Jack @ Nov 12 2010, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In this case, I believe that meant "It's very complex".

Jack2010-11-12 17:26:56
It might be a very complex bug, but I've never heard of something being so fubar'd that it loops back around and becomes acceptable again. 'Cept maybe flares?
Vadi2010-11-12 17:27:56
6059h, 6600m|100%, 100e%, 10p, 82w%, 100e%, ex k-showbug 12603
Bug #12603Â Â Status: Classified
When being hit by pinleg when already afflicted by pinleg, it seems the second one is
turned into impale gut instead.  Uploaded a short log showing it at http://nogfx.
Last one, I promise. This goes with bug#11263, 11272, and 11273. Testing on pinleg
uncovered a strange bug. If I use both of my weapons to pin the leg of a target, and the
target writhes out of one, the other sword is no longer pinning the leg, but is now
counted as a gut impale. This leads to strange things like adding wounds on the gut when
I've only hit the legs, a different amount of bleeding, etc. It is my understanding that
one writhe should clear all pinleg afflictions, but I might be wrong. Changing one to an
impale through the gut seems obviously wrong. Extensions of this test show that the same
thing happens if I pin one sword through each of the target's legs (I can pin the right
leg and the left leg, the target writhes once, and they are left with a gut impale).
Further, it doesn't matter how many pinlegs there are. We tried this with two blademasters
(4 weapons pinning one leg). The target writhed once, and they were left with one impale
through the gut. I hope this is helpful for you, and I can make myself available for
further testing if need be. Thanks for all your great work!
Again to do with pinleg. When I hit someone with pinleg and then rend, the message that I
(the render) and my target (the rendee) sees is as though I am rending from the gut: "You
give your weapon a vicious twist and withdraw it from Shamarah's gut in a shower of blood.
" If there is only one sword pinning the leg, the wounding is applied properly. If two
swords are pinning the leg, some wounds are applied to the gut, see bug #10904.
If you double pinleg someone, ie; perform the pinleg manuever twice on the same leg, the
first count's as a normal pinleg, preventing clot and insomina, however, after they writhe
from the first, the second is transferred to an Impale (gut) which prevents neither
clotting nor insomnia, and adds wounds to the gut (a rather small amount 50'sh)
When using the rend ability after pinleg in blademastery, the message for rend shows the
gut being rended, not the leg. Also, wounding on the gut is increased rather than the leg.
This is the rend message after using pinleg. You give your weapon a vicious twist and
withdraw it from Feyrll's gut in a shower of blood.
When afflicting someone with pinleg and attempting to rend after they writhe the impale
moves to the gut. rend \\\\There is no one impaled upon your weapon. \\\\ With a look of agony
on his face, Ixion manages to writhe himself free of the blade through his gut.
Also, it is hitting the wrong foot
The rend message for pinleg says "Eamon gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it
from your gut in a shower of blood." which is strange because it's not embedded in my gut,
it's in my foot.
Pinleg has improper tracking of what is pinned.  This is mainly caused by 2-*(might be 3-
*) pins and trying to writhe out of it.  I'll list the errors in the following appends.
Earlier when we were testing up to how many pins are allowed (max 2 pin/impales at any one
time despite how many pins have been placed on the target.)Â Â Usually when writhing out,
the first writhe will display the correct message for writhing target but the second
message will have the wrong location (usually gut).  This may be caused by the code that
puts all the impales into one counter and maxes it out to 2.  This does not seem to be an
issue with impalegut since it it all just shows writhing out from impale.
Also another bug with pin leg is that once someone writhes out from the a double pin we
cannot rend the other impale.  This is also abusable by the fact that we are able to
attack with both weapons despite them having to writhe out one more time.  Hard not to
abuse it though since that pretty much breaks us if we have to wait for them to writhe out
before proceeding with combat.
Also another issue with this is that wounds from rending and what not seem to not go into
the proper limbs since the targetting goes off.I really think there is something in the
code which puts all the impales into one category and when someone writhe off somewhere it
ends up not properly tracking where the impales are still.  Of course I'm assuming how
your code works with this one.
pinleg and gut impalement is buggy, and it happens very often with warriors who like to
use pinleg a lot. This bug report will be an assortment of cases to demonstrate that these
situations happen "not once in a blue moon". Here is the first case: http://paste.pocoo.
See: notice how were only ever impaled on the left leg,
we never writhed from the left leg, and we always writhed from the right leg.
Additional log, more general confusion as to where pinleg goes: http://paste.pocoo.
More pinleg bug demonstration, same right - at this point the possibility of it happening
often should be considered a feasible one:
------------- only left leg impales, writhed from it/them, still
were impaled. There are way more cases from this fight, but I think it gets the point
across so I won't append all other cases.
re-bugged due to no fix. Major Blademaster bug: Impaling (impale/pinleg) one limb with
both swords causes a few issues. If you pinleg lleg with both swords for example, I can
only rend one time in that after one rend it returns that I have no one impaled. I can
also leave the room after one rend/writhe and return to find the second pinleg still left
to be cured by the target. It's supposed to be one rend per impale, not one total if the
target writhes off of one. Pining one leg with each sword yields the proper result of two
rends possible, though, if there are -no- writhes. The target must writhe twice, once per
impale, as normal so that much is not bugged. However, if the target writhes one time
while I have both swords pinning one leg, I cannot rend at all and I can leave the room
too. Please contact me for testing/help/info if needed as the inability to double rend
reduces the skillset's effectively rather considerably. (Short version: on a double impale,
if an impale is writhed once it's bugged so we can't rend the second impale)
when writhing from pinleg, if my left leg is the leg pinned, the writhing messages all
come up saying I am writhing from the blade pinning my right foot, being pinned on the
right side works fine, it's just the left leg messages that are being switched and messed
in addition to the writhing messages, When being rended by a BM after being pinned, the
body part limb isn't always the same limb that was pinned, and wounds are being added to
the body part that is said in the rend line, but the part that is actually pinned
as an addendum to the first part as well, it doesn't matter which limb is pinned, but
writhe and rend messages will show random body parts
Blademaster pinleg bug--Â Â Alger double impaled with pinleg on my RLEG, first writhe cured
showing "With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from the blade through
your left foot." and the second cure showed " With an heroic effort you manage to writhe
yourself free from the blade through your gut." BOTH are wrong, and they seemingly caused
minor wounds to those two erroneous limbs.
Also, the impaler does not see the correct limb when RENDing. This seems to be part of the
same bug.
Bug #12603Â Â Status: Classified
When being hit by pinleg when already afflicted by pinleg, it seems the second one is
turned into impale gut instead.  Uploaded a short log showing it at http://nogfx.
Last one, I promise. This goes with bug#11263, 11272, and 11273. Testing on pinleg
uncovered a strange bug. If I use both of my weapons to pin the leg of a target, and the
target writhes out of one, the other sword is no longer pinning the leg, but is now
counted as a gut impale. This leads to strange things like adding wounds on the gut when
I've only hit the legs, a different amount of bleeding, etc. It is my understanding that
one writhe should clear all pinleg afflictions, but I might be wrong. Changing one to an
impale through the gut seems obviously wrong. Extensions of this test show that the same
thing happens if I pin one sword through each of the target's legs (I can pin the right
leg and the left leg, the target writhes once, and they are left with a gut impale).
Further, it doesn't matter how many pinlegs there are. We tried this with two blademasters
(4 weapons pinning one leg). The target writhed once, and they were left with one impale
through the gut. I hope this is helpful for you, and I can make myself available for
further testing if need be. Thanks for all your great work!
Again to do with pinleg. When I hit someone with pinleg and then rend, the message that I
(the render) and my target (the rendee) sees is as though I am rending from the gut: "You
give your weapon a vicious twist and withdraw it from Shamarah's gut in a shower of blood.
" If there is only one sword pinning the leg, the wounding is applied properly. If two
swords are pinning the leg, some wounds are applied to the gut, see bug #10904.
If you double pinleg someone, ie; perform the pinleg manuever twice on the same leg, the
first count's as a normal pinleg, preventing clot and insomina, however, after they writhe
from the first, the second is transferred to an Impale (gut) which prevents neither
clotting nor insomnia, and adds wounds to the gut (a rather small amount 50'sh)
When using the rend ability after pinleg in blademastery, the message for rend shows the
gut being rended, not the leg. Also, wounding on the gut is increased rather than the leg.
This is the rend message after using pinleg. You give your weapon a vicious twist and
withdraw it from Feyrll's gut in a shower of blood.
When afflicting someone with pinleg and attempting to rend after they writhe the impale
moves to the gut. rend \\\\There is no one impaled upon your weapon. \\\\ With a look of agony
on his face, Ixion manages to writhe himself free of the blade through his gut.
Also, it is hitting the wrong foot
The rend message for pinleg says "Eamon gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it
from your gut in a shower of blood." which is strange because it's not embedded in my gut,
it's in my foot.
Pinleg has improper tracking of what is pinned.  This is mainly caused by 2-*(might be 3-
*) pins and trying to writhe out of it.  I'll list the errors in the following appends.
Earlier when we were testing up to how many pins are allowed (max 2 pin/impales at any one
time despite how many pins have been placed on the target.)Â Â Usually when writhing out,
the first writhe will display the correct message for writhing target but the second
message will have the wrong location (usually gut).  This may be caused by the code that
puts all the impales into one counter and maxes it out to 2.  This does not seem to be an
issue with impalegut since it it all just shows writhing out from impale.
Also another bug with pin leg is that once someone writhes out from the a double pin we
cannot rend the other impale.  This is also abusable by the fact that we are able to
attack with both weapons despite them having to writhe out one more time.  Hard not to
abuse it though since that pretty much breaks us if we have to wait for them to writhe out
before proceeding with combat.
Also another issue with this is that wounds from rending and what not seem to not go into
the proper limbs since the targetting goes off.I really think there is something in the
code which puts all the impales into one category and when someone writhe off somewhere it
ends up not properly tracking where the impales are still.  Of course I'm assuming how
your code works with this one.
pinleg and gut impalement is buggy, and it happens very often with warriors who like to
use pinleg a lot. This bug report will be an assortment of cases to demonstrate that these
situations happen "not once in a blue moon". Here is the first case: http://paste.pocoo.
See: notice how were only ever impaled on the left leg,
we never writhed from the left leg, and we always writhed from the right leg.
Additional log, more general confusion as to where pinleg goes: http://paste.pocoo.
More pinleg bug demonstration, same right - at this point the possibility of it happening
often should be considered a feasible one:
------------- only left leg impales, writhed from it/them, still
were impaled. There are way more cases from this fight, but I think it gets the point
across so I won't append all other cases.
re-bugged due to no fix. Major Blademaster bug: Impaling (impale/pinleg) one limb with
both swords causes a few issues. If you pinleg lleg with both swords for example, I can
only rend one time in that after one rend it returns that I have no one impaled. I can
also leave the room after one rend/writhe and return to find the second pinleg still left
to be cured by the target. It's supposed to be one rend per impale, not one total if the
target writhes off of one. Pining one leg with each sword yields the proper result of two
rends possible, though, if there are -no- writhes. The target must writhe twice, once per
impale, as normal so that much is not bugged. However, if the target writhes one time
while I have both swords pinning one leg, I cannot rend at all and I can leave the room
too. Please contact me for testing/help/info if needed as the inability to double rend
reduces the skillset's effectively rather considerably. (Short version: on a double impale,
if an impale is writhed once it's bugged so we can't rend the second impale)
when writhing from pinleg, if my left leg is the leg pinned, the writhing messages all
come up saying I am writhing from the blade pinning my right foot, being pinned on the
right side works fine, it's just the left leg messages that are being switched and messed
in addition to the writhing messages, When being rended by a BM after being pinned, the
body part limb isn't always the same limb that was pinned, and wounds are being added to
the body part that is said in the rend line, but the part that is actually pinned
as an addendum to the first part as well, it doesn't matter which limb is pinned, but
writhe and rend messages will show random body parts
Blademaster pinleg bug--Â Â Alger double impaled with pinleg on my RLEG, first writhe cured
showing "With an heroic effort you manage to writhe yourself free from the blade through
your left foot." and the second cure showed " With an heroic effort you manage to writhe
yourself free from the blade through your gut." BOTH are wrong, and they seemingly caused
minor wounds to those two erroneous limbs.
Also, the impaler does not see the correct limb when RENDing. This seems to be part of the
same bug.
Unfortunately the bug fixing month didn't cover this
Xenthos2010-11-12 17:28:10
QUOTE (Jack @ Nov 12 2010, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It might be a very complex bug, but I've never heard of something being so fubar'd that it loops back around and becomes acceptable again. 'Cept maybe flares?
Unknown2010-11-12 17:28:15
Different coders see the code in different ways, so you're likely to get different answers depending on who reviews the report first. Oftentimes, you have to give a very, very specific set of directions to recreate the issue before it can even be considered for fixing, especially for bizarre things like this.
Besides, Sior acknowledged it in his Ustream when I asked him about it. It'll get fixed... eventually. It's just a PITA.
Besides, Sior acknowledged it in his Ustream when I asked him about it. It'll get fixed... eventually. It's just a PITA.
Jack2010-11-12 17:30:55
Xenthos2010-11-12 17:31:05
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Nov 12 2010, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Different coders see the code in different ways, so you're likely to get different answers depending on who reviews the report first. Oftentimes, you have to give a very, very specific set of directions to recreate the issue before it can even be considered for fixing, especially for bizarre things like this.
It's really not difficult to reproduce at all.
1) 2x pin a leg.
2) Wait for them to writhe.
3) Do a double attack; both will go through.
Which was what my bug report stated, with various other supporting information and the like (as to what it was allowing). I usually do try (admittedly not always, sometimes frustration runs rampant!) to write pretty complete bug reports, because I know how annoying it is to get something in that can't be reproduced.
"It doesn't work, fix it now" is the worst. Especially when they neglect to tell me what the "it" in question is.
Ixion2010-11-12 18:15:03
Close, delete thread. This is a bug and has been bugged appropriately (many times)
Sior2010-11-12 18:24:29
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Nov 12 2010, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It'll get fixed... eventually. It's just a PITA.
This pretty much sums it up.