Yzerios2010-11-11 03:20:39
Pretty much failed on the Bloodfaire Quiz a few months earlier much to the displeasure of the quiz host - Nariah. Later, talking about politics and such the subject changes:
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Name all eight Great Houses."
Finger extended, Nariah pokes you.
You say, in Orclach, "Umm, now, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "I don't count Kalas or Feyranti, that's new money."
Nariah waves her hand dismissively.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, now."
You look skeptical and say, in Orclach, "Alright.."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Kylbar."
You say, in Orclach, "D'Murani."
You say, in Orclach, "I'Xiia."
You say, in Orclach, "Ah, wait."
You say, in Orclach, "Great Houses?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation taps her foot impatiently.
You murmur softly to yourself.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, Great Houses."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We refer to all eight as Great Houses since they were either major and minor all at one point, depending how they fared at the time."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You mentioned three so far."
You say, in Orclach, "D'Vanecu?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes..."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And..."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation lightly taps her furled up fan against an open palm of the other hand.
You say, in Orclach, "Wait, wait, I'm thinking."
You say, in Orclach, "That's n'Kylbar, d'Murani, i'Xiia, d'Vanecu so far.."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Rotri."
You say, in Orclach, "Three more."
You nod your head at yourself.
You ponder the situation.
You say, in Orclach, "Y'Bolgari."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Lochli."
You say, in Orclach, "One missing, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "There he goes."
"Hmph!" Nariah snorts.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "D'Lardick."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Now which has been a bannerhouse to which of the three major ones."
You say, in Orclach, "We were a bannerhouse to n'Kylbar."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And so were..."
You say, in Orclach, "Correct, yes?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes."
You nod your head enthusiastically.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation crosses her arms at her chest and glowers impatiently.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Want a cookie? Go on already."
You say, in Orclach, "I'Xiia was a bannerhouse to.. d'Murani."
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "No!"
You shout "Oi!" at the top of your voice.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "I'Xiia, d'Murani, and n'Kylbar were the Great Houses Major."
You say, in Orclach, "Ah, minor error."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "N'Rotri and d'Vanecu were loyal to n'Kylbar."
You say, in Orclach, "Yes, we had the steel industry."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Y'Bolgari and d'Lardick were loyal to d'Murani."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And i'Xiia had n'Lochli."
You say, in Orclach, "The scientists?"
Nariah nods her head at you.
You say, in Orclach, "D'Murani group favouring the arts?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "Yes, now what each of the Houses was known for?"
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Trade."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You said i'Xiia were the scientists."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You know d'Murani to be the traders now."
You nod your head affirmatively.
You say, in Orclach, "Yep."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We are the spiritual of the Houses."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Now, the famous artists come from y'Bolgari."
You say, in Orclach, "We also had a strong foothold in steel, did we not?"
Nariah nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
You say, in Orclach, "Coal and such."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We did indeed, a steel one, if I may say so."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Don't change the subject."
Nariah scowls miserably at you.
Nariah brandishes a smouldering black fan of unholy vistas menacingly.
You say, in Orclach, "I wasn't, Mother."
You wink conspiratorially at Nariah.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Then n'Rotri."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "They were the military army of the Engine, strong capable men."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Much like Savara n'Rotri in the Presidio."
You say, in Orclach, "Savara, yes."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "The secondo of d'Murani bannerhouses was the d'Lardick who were the socialists extraordinare, very extravagant and now impoverished a house."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And finally the n'Lochli, the philosophers and scholars."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "What of n'Kylbar?"
You ponder the situation.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation attempts to shove you in righteous fury but merely pushes you a little back due to your bulk and size.
Nariah scowls miserably.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Politics!"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Why politics, how can you not remember that."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "It is always politics and money."
You say, in Orclach, "All that came to mind was Revan."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation begins to pace around the chamber in irritation.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation pauses for a moment.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Oh, I can see the issue."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "Very well, Warlords! Who was the very first Warlord after the Taint Wars?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "That was at the quiz too."
You ask, in Orclach, "In modern times?"
Nariah glares at her surroundings with unmistakeable rage, breathing out small clouds of tainted gas.
You pat Nariah in a friendly manner.
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
You wince in pain.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "After the Taint Wars is not modern times."
You say, in Orclach, "Stop with the lights."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Start with the answers."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Don't sass me young man."
Nariah scowls miserably at you.
You mutter discontentedly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Modern times is after the Coming of Estarra."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "More or less."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "So, after the Taint Wars is Saverian n'Kylbar."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "The Dark Saviour of the Viscanti People as they call him."
You say, in Orclach, "Yes."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And as the man who ruined our family, as we know him."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation sighs with irritation and finally gives up, her posture relaxing.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says to you, in Orclach, "I -will- question you on that next month again, you better know the symbol and heraldic colours of each family by then."
You say, in Orclach, "The symbol and heraldic colours.."
Defensively raising your hands, you back away from this predicament slowly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, Nymerya's book."
You say, in Orclach, "I read that."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And all over our arena."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "At each stand."
You say, in Orclach, "Twice."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And it's there."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "On the page about Great Houses."
You say, in Orclach, "And you'll stop questioning me after that, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "On that subject, yes."
Nariah flashes a charming smile that never touches her eyes.
You say, in Orclach, "Oh, alright..- that subject?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation pats your cheek lightly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes dear, on -that- subject."
Nariah inclines her head politely to those around her.
As Nariah leaves to the down, the sense of stern authority lifts from the area.
You stumble forward clumsily before throwing your hands up and screaming "Noooooooo!" melodramatically.
Finger extended, Nariah pokes you.
You say, in Orclach, "Umm, now, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "I don't count Kalas or Feyranti, that's new money."
Nariah waves her hand dismissively.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, now."
You look skeptical and say, in Orclach, "Alright.."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Kylbar."
You say, in Orclach, "D'Murani."
You say, in Orclach, "I'Xiia."
You say, in Orclach, "Ah, wait."
You say, in Orclach, "Great Houses?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation taps her foot impatiently.
You murmur softly to yourself.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, Great Houses."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We refer to all eight as Great Houses since they were either major and minor all at one point, depending how they fared at the time."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You mentioned three so far."
You say, in Orclach, "D'Vanecu?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes..."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And..."
You ponder for a moment and say "Hrm..."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation lightly taps her furled up fan against an open palm of the other hand.
You say, in Orclach, "Wait, wait, I'm thinking."
You say, in Orclach, "That's n'Kylbar, d'Murani, i'Xiia, d'Vanecu so far.."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Rotri."
You say, in Orclach, "Three more."
You nod your head at yourself.
You ponder the situation.
You say, in Orclach, "Y'Bolgari."
You say, in Orclach, "N'Lochli."
You say, in Orclach, "One missing, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "There he goes."
"Hmph!" Nariah snorts.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "D'Lardick."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Now which has been a bannerhouse to which of the three major ones."
You say, in Orclach, "We were a bannerhouse to n'Kylbar."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And so were..."
You say, in Orclach, "Correct, yes?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes."
You nod your head enthusiastically.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation crosses her arms at her chest and glowers impatiently.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Want a cookie? Go on already."
You say, in Orclach, "I'Xiia was a bannerhouse to.. d'Murani."
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "No!"
You shout "Oi!" at the top of your voice.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "I'Xiia, d'Murani, and n'Kylbar were the Great Houses Major."
You say, in Orclach, "Ah, minor error."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "N'Rotri and d'Vanecu were loyal to n'Kylbar."
You say, in Orclach, "Yes, we had the steel industry."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Y'Bolgari and d'Lardick were loyal to d'Murani."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And i'Xiia had n'Lochli."
You say, in Orclach, "The scientists?"
Nariah nods her head at you.
You say, in Orclach, "D'Murani group favouring the arts?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "Yes, now what each of the Houses was known for?"
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Trade."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You said i'Xiia were the scientists."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "You know d'Murani to be the traders now."
You nod your head affirmatively.
You say, in Orclach, "Yep."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We are the spiritual of the Houses."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Now, the famous artists come from y'Bolgari."
You say, in Orclach, "We also had a strong foothold in steel, did we not?"
Nariah nods her head at you, showing her acceptance.
You say, in Orclach, "Coal and such."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "We did indeed, a steel one, if I may say so."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Don't change the subject."
Nariah scowls miserably at you.
Nariah brandishes a smouldering black fan of unholy vistas menacingly.
You say, in Orclach, "I wasn't, Mother."
You wink conspiratorially at Nariah.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Then n'Rotri."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "They were the military army of the Engine, strong capable men."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Much like Savara n'Rotri in the Presidio."
You say, in Orclach, "Savara, yes."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "The secondo of d'Murani bannerhouses was the d'Lardick who were the socialists extraordinare, very extravagant and now impoverished a house."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And finally the n'Lochli, the philosophers and scholars."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "What of n'Kylbar?"
You ponder the situation.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation attempts to shove you in righteous fury but merely pushes you a little back due to your bulk and size.
Nariah scowls miserably.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Politics!"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Why politics, how can you not remember that."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "It is always politics and money."
You say, in Orclach, "All that came to mind was Revan."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation begins to pace around the chamber in irritation.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation pauses for a moment.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Oh, I can see the issue."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation asks, in Orclach, "Very well, Warlords! Who was the very first Warlord after the Taint Wars?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "That was at the quiz too."
You ask, in Orclach, "In modern times?"
Nariah glares at her surroundings with unmistakeable rage, breathing out small clouds of tainted gas.
You pat Nariah in a friendly manner.
Nariah raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns into a sparkling current of energy that slams into you, dissolving your flesh.
You wince in pain.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "After the Taint Wars is not modern times."
You say, in Orclach, "Stop with the lights."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Start with the answers."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Don't sass me young man."
Nariah scowls miserably at you.
You mutter discontentedly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Modern times is after the Coming of Estarra."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "More or less."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "So, after the Taint Wars is Saverian n'Kylbar."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "The Dark Saviour of the Viscanti People as they call him."
You say, in Orclach, "Yes."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And as the man who ruined our family, as we know him."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation sighs with irritation and finally gives up, her posture relaxing.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says to you, in Orclach, "I -will- question you on that next month again, you better know the symbol and heraldic colours of each family by then."
You say, in Orclach, "The symbol and heraldic colours.."
Defensively raising your hands, you back away from this predicament slowly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes, Nymerya's book."
You say, in Orclach, "I read that."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And all over our arena."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "At each stand."
You say, in Orclach, "Twice."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "And it's there."
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "On the page about Great Houses."
You say, in Orclach, "And you'll stop questioning me after that, Mother?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "On that subject, yes."
Nariah flashes a charming smile that never touches her eyes.
You say, in Orclach, "Oh, alright..- that subject?"
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation pats your cheek lightly.
Heresiarch Nariah d'Vanecu, Carmine Damnation says, in Orclach, "Yes dear, on -that- subject."
Nariah inclines her head politely to those around her.
As Nariah leaves to the down, the sense of stern authority lifts from the area.
You stumble forward clumsily before throwing your hands up and screaming "Noooooooo!" melodramatically.
Nariah2010-11-11 03:29:20

Aramel2010-11-11 04:39:56
Ooh, awesome.
*tempted to go alting and pester Nariah now*
*tempted to go alting and pester Nariah now*
Casilu2010-11-11 05:35:35
Don't fall for Nariah's tricks, Aramel. This is all a trap so she can harass you about the dead vine you have cutting into your skin on your arm.
Nariah2010-11-11 16:58:29
QUOTE (casilu @ Nov 11 2010, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't fall for Nariah's tricks, Aramel. This is all a trap so she can harass you about the dead vine you have cutting into your skin on your arm.
Wait what...? 

Sylandra2010-11-11 20:37:18

Casilu2010-11-12 06:10:57
QUOTE (Nariah @ Nov 11 2010, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait what...?

We've had this conversation before. Now it is an infinite loop to fit in with Hallifax.
Kaalak2010-11-12 07:08:06
Good show.
I think this deserves a painting. `School of Nariah' perhaps.
I think this deserves a painting. `School of Nariah' perhaps.
Calixa2010-11-12 12:37:54
Oh boy, I now consider my character to have been very lucky when messing up the colors and symbols of the Demon Lords and Lady. Or is Nariah's wrath reserved for family members only?
Excellent log though, thanks for sharing that Yz