Ileein2010-11-30 01:57:39
Ladies and gentlemen, a high-society wedding long awaited and long in coming! A glamorous couple, a spectacular locale, a dignified crowd, a celebrity officiant (I kid)... and absolutely no fun of any kind. I present: the wedding of Llesvelt and Tulemrah Shevat.
In all seriousness, this was great fun, though I kept waiting for Lyreth to show up and make my tablet explode. (For the record, I would have laughed. It just would have been a soulless, despairing laugh, akin to the laugh of the damned as his soul is condemned to eternal tickling in the deepest pits of Hell.) Props to all involved.
Please note that I've mostly converted this log to the third person for ease of viewing, except for the marriage line, because there's no third person of that. How silly. Enjoy!
In all seriousness, this was great fun, though I kept waiting for Lyreth to show up and make my tablet explode. (For the record, I would have laughed. It just would have been a soulless, despairing laugh, akin to the laugh of the damned as his soul is condemned to eternal tickling in the deepest pits of Hell.) Props to all involved.
Please note that I've mostly converted this log to the third person for ease of viewing, except for the marriage line, because there's no third person of that. How silly. Enjoy!
Grand hall of the Shevat Gallery.
Banks of clouds roil about here. The walls are solid panes of pale, frosted beryl that run three
quarters of the way toward the ceiling before yielding to high, crystal clear windows. Shafts of
light descend to strike the polished umber floor giving the bright main hall of the gallery a warm,
golden glow. An artwork in its own right, the floor is comprised of individual shards of the tawny
crystal fitted seamlessly together in a broad spiral reaching out from the center of the room. A
wide center aisle is lined on the right by a series of tall crystalline sculptures, spaced like
pillars down the length of the hall. Crafted in glittering orange, yellow, gold, and even blue, each
resembles a swathe of fire, flames licking towards the ceiling. On the left a similarly spaced row
of intricately wrought wind chimes drop from above, myriad hollow shapes of varying lengths nearly
brushing the floor. A large fountain at the far end of the hall lends the soothing sound of flowing
water as the steady stream trickles over the smooth blocks of frosted crystal. Just past the
fountain, a wide spiral staircase twists upwards towards the studios above. Surrounded by white
lightning, a pure white thunderbird spreads her rainbow wings here, golden eyes glowing with a noble
intellect. Surrounded by black lightning, a black thunderbird spreads his leathery wings here, deep
grey eyes blazing with a keen intellect. Surrounded by forks of crackling lightning, a jade
thunderbird spreads his white-feathered wings here, yellow eyes alight with a keen intellect.
Regular Khydan is here. He wields a beclouded silver broadsword in each hand. Burghess Tulemrah,
Provost of the Aeromancers is here, surrounded by clouds. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her
left hand and an entrancing red rose in her right. Aeromage Ridley, Strategian First Class is here,
surrounded by clouds. He wields a delicate crystal staff in his left hand and a euphonious lyrebird
tower shield in his right. Force Commander Ioni Skyplume, Cirrus Incarnate is here, shrouded. He
wields a delicate crystal staff in his left hand and a silver-edged kite shield in his right.
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds is here, shrouded. She wields a luminous staff
of static-wreathed crystal in her left hand and a steel banded tower shield in her right. Oberst
Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace is here.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and up.
You see the following people here:
Khydan, Tulemrah, Ridley, Ioni, Phoebus, Llesvelt, Ileein
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Now, then!"
Tulemrah shuffles over to Llesvelt and shyly takes his hand in her own.
(Hallifax): Ileein says, "If there is anyone intending to attend the matrimony of Llesvelt and Tulemrah,
please inform me immediately."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "That is, anyone who isn't already here, of course."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Naturally."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods and folds up a small sheaf of gleaming documents, stowing them in his satchel. Straightening his black-and-gold stole, he proceeds to the center of the hall, standing at the base of the grand spiral staircase.
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds squints at Tulemrah and Llesvelt then mutters to
herself and produces a thin pair of spectacles from her coat, attempting to be subtle as she slides
them onto her face.
Phoebus coughs softly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "My fellow citizens of the Collective-- to use a Sentinel phrase, Comrades-- welcome. We are gathered here today to serve as formal witnesses for the legal transaction that is matrimony."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "If you will permit me a brief moment to soliloquize, I should point out that the precedent for this legal transaction is present from the very earliest of our histories. Many of you are familiar with the story, likely sensationalized but nonetheless apparently true, of the Elders Xyl and Trillillial, who Sharded into the twin races of Lucidian and Trill."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It was their bond, and that of the races they became, which formed the seeds of the great society that is our Collective. It is in that tradition, and in the tradition of many things becoming one, that we gather."
His voice echoing from the vaulted hall, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Minister Llesvelt Shevat, please approach."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers lets go of Llesvelt's hand as he walks away.
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace approaches Ileein, quietly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Minister, do you, before these assembled witnesses, attest and affirm that you have legal standing to enter into this legal transaction, and having understood the ramifications thereof, intend to do so?"
With some weight behind his words, Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "I do."
Withdrawing a glimmering crystal tablet from his satchel and holding it at chest height before him, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Then please place your hand upon this tablet to signify."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods at the contact, pausing. The tablet lights up, lines of gleaming data busily blurring back and forth, forming an outline of the Minister's hand, and then chimes softly. The Professor withdraws the tablet and turns to face the other side of the assembly.
Raising his voice once more, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Provost Tulemrah, Burgess of this Collective, please approach."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers walks foreward to stand before you.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Provost, do you, before these assembled witnesses, attest and affirm that you have legal standing to enter into this legal transaction, and having understood the ramifications thereof, intend to do so?"
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "I do."
Proffering the recording tablet once more, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Then please place your hand upon this tablet to signify."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers places her hand firmly on the tablet, giving Llesvelt a small smile as she does so.
Llesvelt smiles softly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods and allows the same small pause for the tablet to consider. It does so, the data brightening and blurring the crystal surface once more. Finally, it chimes once again, its surface freezing to reflect the image of two handprints layered over one another, the lines of light formed from scintillating streams of information. The Professor nods and lowers the tablet.
More quietly, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "At this time, the ceremony allows for an exchange of personal verbal contracts, or vows, as well as tokens if deemed appropriate. Minister, Provost?"
Turning to face Llesvelt, Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "Llesvelt, my love. My hope for our marriage is that we are able to make each other better people, and therefore better servants to the Collective."
Smiling brightly, Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "This ring is a symbol of my commitment to you, the Shevat family, and the Collective."
Tulemrah gives a diamond wedding band to Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace.
Llesvelt slips into a diamond wedding band.
Smiling softly, Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Tulemrah dearest, it is my hope that this marriage will be the start of many productive years given to the betterment of the Collective as well as each other as individuals."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "This ring, likewise, is a symbol of my commitment to you, the family and the Collective."
Llesvelt gives a diamond wedding band to Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers.
Tulemrah slips into a diamond wedding band.
Tulemrah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Llesvelt's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Holding the tablet in front of him and tapping it deliberately in three locations, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Very well. In the presence of these assembled witness, and in accordance with the directive and authority granted me as a representative of the Elder Elostian within the Commonwealth, I hereby bestow upon you, Minister Llesvelt Shevat, and you, Provost Tulemrah, the legal transaction of matrimony. May your use of it reflect well upon the bounty of the Collective."
You formally wed Tulemrah to Llesvelt.
Lowering the tablet and smiling for the first time, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Assembled witnesses, allow me to present to you Llesvelt and Tulemrah Shevat."
Khydan's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
To the matrimonial couple, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Congratulations. If you so desire, you may engage in a tasteful display of affection at this time."
Ridley's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Daraius arrives from the up.
Daraius tilts his head curiously.
Tulemrah kisses Llesvelt passionately.
You give up a round of applause.
Khydan gives up a round of applause.
Ioni claps his hands together merrily.
Aeromage Ridley, Strategian First Class says, "Congratulations, you two."
Minister Daraius Shevat claps politely, looking bewildered.
Phoebus takes Llesvelt by the hand and shakes it warmly.
Llesvelt smiles softly.
Burghess Tulemrah Shevat, Provost of the Aeromancers says to Daraius, "You're just in time for the reception."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Thank you, all."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Daraius's lips.
Burghess Tulemrah Shevat, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "Thank you."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "The matrimonial couple would like for me to convey to you all that there will be a reception on the landing above. Refreshments have already been laid, and it is a perfect time to mingle and give more personal words of congratulation to the bride and groom."
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says to Llesvelt, "I better not hear any reports of you disrupting the happiness of my Provost."
A wry smile spreads across Phoebus's face.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus smiles and says, "Congratulations, you two."
Llesvelt coughs softly.
Minister Daraius Shevat says, "Ah, lucky I cleared out my paperwork."
Banks of clouds roil about here. The walls are solid panes of pale, frosted beryl that run three
quarters of the way toward the ceiling before yielding to high, crystal clear windows. Shafts of
light descend to strike the polished umber floor giving the bright main hall of the gallery a warm,
golden glow. An artwork in its own right, the floor is comprised of individual shards of the tawny
crystal fitted seamlessly together in a broad spiral reaching out from the center of the room. A
wide center aisle is lined on the right by a series of tall crystalline sculptures, spaced like
pillars down the length of the hall. Crafted in glittering orange, yellow, gold, and even blue, each
resembles a swathe of fire, flames licking towards the ceiling. On the left a similarly spaced row
of intricately wrought wind chimes drop from above, myriad hollow shapes of varying lengths nearly
brushing the floor. A large fountain at the far end of the hall lends the soothing sound of flowing
water as the steady stream trickles over the smooth blocks of frosted crystal. Just past the
fountain, a wide spiral staircase twists upwards towards the studios above. Surrounded by white
lightning, a pure white thunderbird spreads her rainbow wings here, golden eyes glowing with a noble
intellect. Surrounded by black lightning, a black thunderbird spreads his leathery wings here, deep
grey eyes blazing with a keen intellect. Surrounded by forks of crackling lightning, a jade
thunderbird spreads his white-feathered wings here, yellow eyes alight with a keen intellect.
Regular Khydan is here. He wields a beclouded silver broadsword in each hand. Burghess Tulemrah,
Provost of the Aeromancers is here, surrounded by clouds. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her
left hand and an entrancing red rose in her right. Aeromage Ridley, Strategian First Class is here,
surrounded by clouds. He wields a delicate crystal staff in his left hand and a euphonious lyrebird
tower shield in his right. Force Commander Ioni Skyplume, Cirrus Incarnate is here, shrouded. He
wields a delicate crystal staff in his left hand and a silver-edged kite shield in his right.
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds is here, shrouded. She wields a luminous staff
of static-wreathed crystal in her left hand and a steel banded tower shield in her right. Oberst
Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace is here.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and up.
You see the following people here:
Khydan, Tulemrah, Ridley, Ioni, Phoebus, Llesvelt, Ileein
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Now, then!"
Tulemrah shuffles over to Llesvelt and shyly takes his hand in her own.
(Hallifax): Ileein says, "If there is anyone intending to attend the matrimony of Llesvelt and Tulemrah,
please inform me immediately."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "That is, anyone who isn't already here, of course."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Naturally."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods and folds up a small sheaf of gleaming documents, stowing them in his satchel. Straightening his black-and-gold stole, he proceeds to the center of the hall, standing at the base of the grand spiral staircase.
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds squints at Tulemrah and Llesvelt then mutters to
herself and produces a thin pair of spectacles from her coat, attempting to be subtle as she slides
them onto her face.
Phoebus coughs softly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "My fellow citizens of the Collective-- to use a Sentinel phrase, Comrades-- welcome. We are gathered here today to serve as formal witnesses for the legal transaction that is matrimony."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "If you will permit me a brief moment to soliloquize, I should point out that the precedent for this legal transaction is present from the very earliest of our histories. Many of you are familiar with the story, likely sensationalized but nonetheless apparently true, of the Elders Xyl and Trillillial, who Sharded into the twin races of Lucidian and Trill."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "It was their bond, and that of the races they became, which formed the seeds of the great society that is our Collective. It is in that tradition, and in the tradition of many things becoming one, that we gather."
His voice echoing from the vaulted hall, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Minister Llesvelt Shevat, please approach."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers lets go of Llesvelt's hand as he walks away.
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace approaches Ileein, quietly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Minister, do you, before these assembled witnesses, attest and affirm that you have legal standing to enter into this legal transaction, and having understood the ramifications thereof, intend to do so?"
With some weight behind his words, Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "I do."
Withdrawing a glimmering crystal tablet from his satchel and holding it at chest height before him, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Then please place your hand upon this tablet to signify."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods at the contact, pausing. The tablet lights up, lines of gleaming data busily blurring back and forth, forming an outline of the Minister's hand, and then chimes softly. The Professor withdraws the tablet and turns to face the other side of the assembly.
Raising his voice once more, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Provost Tulemrah, Burgess of this Collective, please approach."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers walks foreward to stand before you.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Provost, do you, before these assembled witnesses, attest and affirm that you have legal standing to enter into this legal transaction, and having understood the ramifications thereof, intend to do so?"
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "I do."
Proffering the recording tablet once more, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Then please place your hand upon this tablet to signify."
Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers places her hand firmly on the tablet, giving Llesvelt a small smile as she does so.
Llesvelt smiles softly.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus nods and allows the same small pause for the tablet to consider. It does so, the data brightening and blurring the crystal surface once more. Finally, it chimes once again, its surface freezing to reflect the image of two handprints layered over one another, the lines of light formed from scintillating streams of information. The Professor nods and lowers the tablet.
More quietly, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "At this time, the ceremony allows for an exchange of personal verbal contracts, or vows, as well as tokens if deemed appropriate. Minister, Provost?"
Turning to face Llesvelt, Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "Llesvelt, my love. My hope for our marriage is that we are able to make each other better people, and therefore better servants to the Collective."
Smiling brightly, Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "This ring is a symbol of my commitment to you, the Shevat family, and the Collective."
Tulemrah gives a diamond wedding band to Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace.
Llesvelt slips into a diamond wedding band.
Smiling softly, Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Tulemrah dearest, it is my hope that this marriage will be the start of many productive years given to the betterment of the Collective as well as each other as individuals."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "This ring, likewise, is a symbol of my commitment to you, the family and the Collective."
Llesvelt gives a diamond wedding band to Burghess Tulemrah, Provost of the Aeromancers.
Tulemrah slips into a diamond wedding band.
Tulemrah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Llesvelt's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Holding the tablet in front of him and tapping it deliberately in three locations, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Very well. In the presence of these assembled witness, and in accordance with the directive and authority granted me as a representative of the Elder Elostian within the Commonwealth, I hereby bestow upon you, Minister Llesvelt Shevat, and you, Provost Tulemrah, the legal transaction of matrimony. May your use of it reflect well upon the bounty of the Collective."
You formally wed Tulemrah to Llesvelt.
Lowering the tablet and smiling for the first time, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Assembled witnesses, allow me to present to you Llesvelt and Tulemrah Shevat."
Khydan's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
To the matrimonial couple, Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "Congratulations. If you so desire, you may engage in a tasteful display of affection at this time."
Ridley's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Daraius arrives from the up.
Daraius tilts his head curiously.
Tulemrah kisses Llesvelt passionately.
You give up a round of applause.
Khydan gives up a round of applause.
Ioni claps his hands together merrily.
Aeromage Ridley, Strategian First Class says, "Congratulations, you two."
Minister Daraius Shevat claps politely, looking bewildered.
Phoebus takes Llesvelt by the hand and shakes it warmly.
Llesvelt smiles softly.
Burghess Tulemrah Shevat, Provost of the Aeromancers says to Daraius, "You're just in time for the reception."
Oberst Llesvelt Shevat, Minister of Peace says, "Thank you, all."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Daraius's lips.
Burghess Tulemrah Shevat, Provost of the Aeromancers says, "Thank you."
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus says, "The matrimonial couple would like for me to convey to you all that there will be a reception on the landing above. Refreshments have already been laid, and it is a perfect time to mingle and give more personal words of congratulation to the bride and groom."
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says to Llesvelt, "I better not hear any reports of you disrupting the happiness of my Provost."
A wry smile spreads across Phoebus's face.
Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus smiles and says, "Congratulations, you two."
Llesvelt coughs softly.
Minister Daraius Shevat says, "Ah, lucky I cleared out my paperwork."
Daraius2010-11-30 02:53:39
Shevats are win incarnate. 
Congrats, lovebirds! Get to work on more of those awesome kids.

Congrats, lovebirds! Get to work on more of those awesome kids.
Sylandra2010-11-30 04:54:26
I woulda illusioned an exploding tablet. Totally woulda.
Lyreth2010-11-30 05:22:23
Shameless parody is the sincerest form of flattery? 

Unknown2010-11-30 06:03:44
Not enough pirates, wenches and grog. Gooodd.. No one has any grog anymore.
Lilia2010-11-30 07:16:31
Thanks for posting this! I was not looking forward to cleaning up my log.
Nihmriel2010-11-30 11:00:15
How superbly Hallifaxian and Shevat. I'm sorry I missed this (and given how much I dislike weddings that is quite a concession...).
Unknown2010-11-30 13:33:53
This is simply fantastic. I wish my wedding had been as role-play intensive as this one.
Calixa2010-12-01 02:49:49
QUOTE (Kayte @ Nov 30 2010, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is simply fantastic. I wish my wedding had been as role-play intensive as this one.
Time to plan a renewal of vows? Some people do it in the real world for about the same reason (money did not allow for a big enough party, doing wedding like parents would have wanted it ect.).
Also, awesome log is awesome, if I weren't in Mag I'd certainly love to be in Hali ... though as another more suited character, most likely

Unknown2010-12-01 03:04:59
QUOTE (Calixa @ Nov 30 2010, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Time to plan a renewal of vows? Some people do it in the real world for about the same reason (money did not allow for a big enough party, doing wedding like parents would have wanted it ect.).
Also, awesome log is awesome, if I weren't in Mag I'd certainly love to be in Hali ... though as another more suited character, most likely
Also, awesome log is awesome, if I weren't in Mag I'd certainly love to be in Hali ... though as another more suited character, most likely

Maybe when we have a big anniversary.