Unknown2010-11-17 17:03:56
Hey guys! I've been toying around with my alt, and I've learned that I -really- need to learn how to code. Even with Treant (which I'm not downloading, because I want to learn coding first-hand, but I USED to have it), I'm still not very combat-savvy, and I'd love to fix that. This is also the first character I've ever had that can Influence, so I'm thinking of coding influencing-stuffs, as well. (I don't want to go to level eighty again without some sort of influence-targeter) So, does anyone know of any good ways/links to learn Lua/coding thoroughly? I'm a dummy with computer language and all that, so it'd have to be something....made for simplicity, I suppose. I use MUSHclient.
Another thing. Plugins. I have one plugin for auto-harvesting, and that's about it. Otherwise than that, all I know about them is that they're like external, complicated triggers, really. So, in essence, what are they? When you code something-battle commands, auto-sippers, auto-smokers, auto-influencers, targeting stuff-does it always have to be in a plugin, or is that just the more blocky stuff?
Sorry for sounding like a complete newbie, but I am (in this area, at least) so there it is. Help would be MUCH appreciated!
PS: Pardon the atrocious grammar/clutter and whatnot. I'm in a rush to write this before I have to go out.
Another thing. Plugins. I have one plugin for auto-harvesting, and that's about it. Otherwise than that, all I know about them is that they're like external, complicated triggers, really. So, in essence, what are they? When you code something-battle commands, auto-sippers, auto-smokers, auto-influencers, targeting stuff-does it always have to be in a plugin, or is that just the more blocky stuff?
Sorry for sounding like a complete newbie, but I am (in this area, at least) so there it is. Help would be MUCH appreciated!

PS: Pardon the atrocious grammar/clutter and whatnot. I'm in a rush to write this before I have to go out.