Furien2010-11-20 05:32:22
Moved log thread as requested!
They'll be nerfed, don't worry. At least I swear I heard Sahmiam and Malarious telling the forum this six months or so ago.
It's not like you've been asking for for ridiculous excuses for nerfs in the past. Or even buffs, for that matter.
So how does one deal with this? So far, only Prav's managed to, and he's a healer.
(Yes, first log I ran out of regeneration, second I wasn't using sparkle/scroll, though I doubt it would have made any difference.)
And more!
They'll be nerfed, don't worry. At least I swear I heard Sahmiam and Malarious telling the forum this six months or so ago.
It's not like you've been asking for for ridiculous excuses for nerfs in the past. Or even buffs, for that matter.
#72 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - TwistedLimbs G: Ninjakari
#89 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Akogh G: Ninjakari
#90 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Illgathoru G: Paladins
#299 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ashlamkh G: Ninjakari
#300 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Umubah G: Ninjakari
#329 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninshi G: Ninjakari
#331 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Constrict G: Ninjakari
#387 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninombhi G: Ninjakari
#404 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Illgathoru G: Ninjakari
#427 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninaali G: Ninjakari
#462 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninini G: Ninjakari
#493 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Bhaddogho G: Ninjakari
#89 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Akogh G: Ninjakari
#90 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Illgathoru G: Paladins
#299 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ashlamkh G: Ninjakari
#300 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Umubah G: Ninjakari
#329 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninshi G: Ninjakari
#331 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Constrict G: Ninjakari
#387 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninombhi G: Ninjakari
#404 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Illgathoru G: Ninjakari
#427 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninaali G: Ninjakari
#462 a+ Skill: Ninjakari - Ninini G: Ninjakari
#493 r+ Skill: Ninjakari - Bhaddogho G: Ninjakari
So how does one deal with this? So far, only Prav's managed to, and he's a healer.
(Yes, first log I ran out of regeneration, second I wasn't using sparkle/scroll, though I doubt it would have made any difference.)
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-'dysolis N
You say, "Dysolis N."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-sq n
The Vortex Falls.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the
air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. Banks of clouds roil about
here. A squirming sludgeworm is here, writhing in a pool of flesh-toned, half-
congealed fluid. Junior Fellow Rodngar Naresni, DI-V283 is here, sprawled on the
ground. He wields an emerald wand in his left hand. Orbiting around his head are
several spinning crystals. Dysolis is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark
shield in his left hand.
You can see no further.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D says, "I will."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
Nataely Primrose yells, "How crude."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
(The Harmonic Array): Prav says, "TARGET Dysolis."
Targeting: Dysolis
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
You follow Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D north to the Vortex Falls.
A squirming sludgeworm releases a shrill scream and a stream of fluid from all
if its orifices as it squirms towards Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16738en, 20903w esSilrxkb-stup
psi id paralyse Dysolis
psi sub stupidity Dysolis
psi super psychicvampirism Dysolis
weave illusion You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Prav to cover Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20909w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 20859w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You mute the higher thought processes of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20809w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Dysolis and drink the psychic energies there.
Dysolis suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20988w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Prav takes a long drag off his pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Prav clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Dysolis fondles himself absently.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Malarious enters your demesne.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his gut.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks Rodngar in the gut with his left foot.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar eats a bog myrtle leaf.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm spits a wad of the grotesque fluid that it wallows in,
landing it impossibly in Prav's mouth. He promptly drops to the ground, spitting
and puking.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
A spinning sapphire around Rodngar beams a ray of blue light at Dysolis.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar eats a stalk of faeleaf.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Dysolis takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-(+25 Mana)
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Horror overcomes Rodngar's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
A spinning bloodstone around Rodngar bathes Dysolis with a bloody light.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
Dysolis eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
Dysolis eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Prav to cover Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
A spinning garnet around Rodngar casts a ruddy light onto Dysolis.
A spinning opal around Rodngar flashes dark hues onto Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his left leg.
Malarious jerks back a viciously barbed iron chain as it strikes, lacerating the
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-tp1v
psi id addiction Dysolis
psi sub recklessness Dysolis
psi super psychicvampirism Dysolis
weave illusion Ridley gracefully cuts a crystal nekai across your head with an
Angkhai arc, slicing open your throat in three crimson streaks.
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You rewire the mind of Dysolis to induce an addiction to potions.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 20939w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You telepathically alter the perceptions in the mind of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20889w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Dysolis and drink the psychic energies there.
Dysolis suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21068w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
A spinning onyx around Rodngar casts a sickly shadow over Dysolis.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav eats a yarrow sprig.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Dysolis leaves your demesne.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Rodngar's left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning diamond crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning garnet crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning sapphire crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning onyx crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning emerald crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning bloodstone crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning amethyst crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning turquoise crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning opal crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning jade crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning beryl crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Rodngar takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
A spinning diamond around Rodngar weaves a glittering shield around him.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-t Malarious
Targeting: Malarious
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Malarious razes Rodngar's magical shield with a viciously barbed iron chain.
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his left leg.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
left arm.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Rodngar eats a calamus root.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esilrxkb-clt4 malarious
(The Harmonic Array): You say, "Malarious."
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esilrxkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Rodngar's left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
Malarious leap into the air and kicks out at Rodngar, but falls short and misses.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-stupp
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-(+25 Mana)
One more time?
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D says, "Move south."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-stup
psi id paralyse Malarious
psi sub stupidity Malarious
psi super psychicvampirism Malarious
weave illusion You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
Rodngar takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 21033w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You mute the higher thought processes of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Malarious and drink the psychic energies there.
Malarious suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21109w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
Prav takes a long drag off his pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Prav clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious reads a scroll.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious recharges a Scroll of Healing from an energy cube.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
The pipe has nothing smokeable in it.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a commemorative iron vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w lrxkb-
Malarious swings a viciously barbed iron chain at Rodngar but hits nothing but
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a coral vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
Prav leaves to the south.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm writhes closer to you before spitting a stream of filth
at you. All of its pores begin to leak the crud, which froths and bubbles,
wrapping about your feet and legs, climbing higher.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-(writhe entangle)(-538 Health)
Elder Dragon Krin T'Soni Soldier of Freedom yells, "I hate to know what your
sucking at Rodngar."
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Malarious eats a yarrow sprig.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrkbp-
With a grotesque sucking noise, a squirming sludgeworm writhes off to the south.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrkbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his right leg.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
Unable to withstand more punishment, Rodngar collapses and dies.
Rodngar has been slain by Malarious.
Rodngar drops the corpse of a squirming sludgeworm.
Rodngar drops the corpse of a tangled hekoskeri.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Malarious eats kombu seaweed.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w eslrxkbp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w eslrxkbp-stand
Tight bindings cling to you, making that impossible.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w eslrxkbp-
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-g body
You must regain equilibrium first.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-g body
You must regain equilibrium first.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-
(Market): Teruelle says, "Selling 21 dingbats for 40 credits."
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-stand
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(put faeleaf in 281213|outr
You stand straight up.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-s
You fill your pipe with a stalk of faeleaf.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(smoke 281213)
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the rift to 41.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your left leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your left
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(apply melancholic to
chest|sip health|writhe grapple)(-1018 Health)
Your left leg is grappled by Malarious. You must writhe to escape.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Your lungs are much too constricted to smoke.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your chest.
Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(smoke 281213)
You take a drink from an onyx vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(+781 Health)
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
Dysolis enters your demesne.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-stand
You may apply another salve to yourself.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-(apply regeneration to legs)
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-stand
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
The soul of Rodngar Naresni says, "God damn it."
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
(apply regeneration to legs)
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-s
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Your left leg is grappled by Malarious. You must writhe to escape.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Your left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your head.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2319h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(outr sparkleberry|eat
sparkleberry)(-736 Health) s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(+191 Health, +25 Mana)
(apply regeneration to legs)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
(outr sparkleberry|eat sparkleberry)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
(apply regeneration to legs)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
(outr sparkleberry|eat sparkleberry)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Prav tells you, "South."
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Prav tells you, "South."
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the rift to 159.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(+383 Health)
You are no longer immune from stun.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
(apply regeneration to legs)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(diag)
Prav tells you, "South."
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(sip health)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
You are:
bleeding for 270 health.
has a numbed head.
has a numbed chest.
has a numbed gut.
has a numbed left arm.
suffering from a sliced tendon in the left leg.
sprawled on the ground.
an insomniac.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-
You take a drink from an onyx vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3546h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-(+653 Health)
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your right leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Colors fade and everything becomes dark and black.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your gut.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2315h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-(outr myrtle|eat
myrtle|writhe grapple)(-1231 Health)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2315h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)
You remove 1 myrtle, bringing the total in the rift to 187.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrxkbp-
You eat a bog myrtle leaf.
Blessed sight returns to you.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrxkp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-
You bleed 250 health.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-(read scroll204679)(-250
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-s
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w sSilrkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w sSilrkp-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4452m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21086w esSilrkp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
(apply regeneration to legs)s
(read scroll204679)
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21038w esSilrkp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-(eat faeleaf|outr faeleaf)
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4032m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21008w esSilrkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-stand
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)(eat faeleaf|outr faeleaf)
You eat a stalk of faeleaf.
You begin to concentrate on the sixth sense...
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the rift to 40.
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Your right leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Springing up, Malarious whirls his leg around, pounding your left leg with such
force that your limb crunches and dangles uselessly.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-(-844 Health)
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are no longer immune from stun.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
Krin arrives from the down.
Tail stub wagging, a great brindle mastiff bounds in from the down.
Krin enters your demesne.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-(apply health to chest)
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
A warmth flows through your chest.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-reply can't move lulz
Malarious whips himself's left leg with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing
the skin from his flesh.
Malarious whips himself's head with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the
skin from his flesh.
Springing up, Malarious whirls his leg around, pounding your head, and you reel
backwards as your vision blurs.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-(-677 Health)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D, "Can't move, meh."
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-stand
You now possess the gift of the sixth sense.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-
You bleed 234 health.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-(-234 Health)
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-(apply regeneration to
legs|read scroll204679)s
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
You are no longer immune from stun.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-s
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3732m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20954w esSilrxkbp-s
(read scroll204679)(apply regeneration to legs)
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3672m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrxkbp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
Malarious razes your aura of rebounding with a viciously barbed iron chain.
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your left leg.
You collapse to the ground and die as your body is no longer able to take the
You have been slain by Malarious.
You come back into focus as the blur illusion vanishes.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of your inventory.
A swirling force begins to tug at your soul and the world spins around you.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
(m&m): We died.
(-310 Health) diag
--- Area 273: The Vortex - v19491 ---
--- the Vortex Falls ------ 0:0:5 ---
The Vortex Falls.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the
air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. Banks of clouds roil about
here. A squirming sludgeworm is here, writhing in a pool of flesh-toned, half-
congealed fluid. Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D is here, sprawled on the ground. He
wields a garnet wand in his left hand. Orbiting around his head are several
spinning crystals.
You see exits leading north and up.
A squirming sludgeworm releases a shrill scream and a stream of fluid from all
if its orifices as it squirms towards you.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
A squirming sludgeworm mutters and pokes his index finger towards Prav and makes
a hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against Prav, ripping apart his
magical shield of protection.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
A spinning garnet around Prav casts a ruddy light onto Dysolis.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
A spinning bloodstone around Prav bathes Dysolis with a bloody light.
A spinning onyx around Prav casts a sickly shadow over Dysolis.
A spinning opal around Prav flashes dark hues onto Dysolis.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Prav has writhed free of his entanglement.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Prav stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Dysolis eats a stem of galingale.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
With a grotesque sucking noise, a squirming sludgeworm writhes off to the up.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Tail stub wagging, a great brindle mastiff bounds in from the north.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Malarious snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Malarious writes a word across a Magical Map of Mystery with a flourish, and
lines blossom across the blank page, forming a map before his questing eyes.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Nataely Primrose yells, "Told yas."
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Prav tells you, ":censor:."
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20948w esSilrx-tell prav just get out, this is ridiculous
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D, "Just get out, this is ridiculous."
You say, "Dysolis N."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-sq n
The Vortex Falls.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the
air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. Banks of clouds roil about
here. A squirming sludgeworm is here, writhing in a pool of flesh-toned, half-
congealed fluid. Junior Fellow Rodngar Naresni, DI-V283 is here, sprawled on the
ground. He wields an emerald wand in his left hand. Orbiting around his head are
several spinning crystals. Dysolis is here, shrouded. He wields a metal treebark
shield in his left hand.
You can see no further.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D says, "I will."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
Nataely Primrose yells, "How crude."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
(The Harmonic Array): Prav says, "TARGET Dysolis."
Targeting: Dysolis
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20903w esSilrxkb-
You follow Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D north to the Vortex Falls.
A squirming sludgeworm releases a shrill scream and a stream of fluid from all
if its orifices as it squirms towards Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16738en, 20903w esSilrxkb-stup
psi id paralyse Dysolis
psi sub stupidity Dysolis
psi super psychicvampirism Dysolis
weave illusion You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Prav to cover Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20909w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 20859w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You mute the higher thought processes of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20809w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Dysolis and drink the psychic energies there.
Dysolis suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20988w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Prav takes a long drag off his pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Prav clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Dysolis fondles himself absently.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
Malarious enters your demesne.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his gut.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks Rodngar in the gut with his left foot.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar eats a bog myrtle leaf.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm spits a wad of the grotesque fluid that it wallows in,
landing it impossibly in Prav's mouth. He promptly drops to the ground, spitting
and puking.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
A spinning sapphire around Rodngar beams a ray of blue light at Dysolis.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Rodngar eats a stalk of faeleaf.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w elrxkb-
Dysolis takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-(+25 Mana)
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Horror overcomes Rodngar's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
A spinning bloodstone around Rodngar bathes Dysolis with a bloody light.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
Dysolis eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w elrxkb-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
Dysolis eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
Sticky strands of webbing spray out from Prav to cover Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
A spinning garnet around Rodngar casts a ruddy light onto Dysolis.
A spinning opal around Rodngar flashes dark hues onto Dysolis.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his left leg.
Malarious jerks back a viciously barbed iron chain as it strikes, lacerating the
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esilrxkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-tp1v
psi id addiction Dysolis
psi sub recklessness Dysolis
psi super psychicvampirism Dysolis
weave illusion Ridley gracefully cuts a crystal nekai across your head with an
Angkhai arc, slicing open your throat in three crimson streaks.
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20989w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You rewire the mind of Dysolis to induce an addiction to potions.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 20939w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You telepathically alter the perceptions in the mind of Dysolis.
Dysolis winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20889w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Dysolis and drink the psychic energies there.
Dysolis suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21068w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
A spinning onyx around Rodngar casts a sickly shadow over Dysolis.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Prav eats a yarrow sprig.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Dysolis leaves your demesne.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his head.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21063w lrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Rodngar's left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning diamond crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning garnet crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning sapphire crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning onyx crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning emerald crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning bloodstone crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning amethyst crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning turquoise crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning opal crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning jade crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Prav taps a spinning beryl crystal, which flares with a brilliant light.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
Rodngar takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
A spinning diamond around Rodngar weaves a glittering shield around him.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w elrxkb-t Malarious
Targeting: Malarious
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Malarious razes Rodngar's magical shield with a viciously barbed iron chain.
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his left leg.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
left arm.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
Rodngar eats a calamus root.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21077w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esilrxkb-clt4 malarious
(The Harmonic Array): You say, "Malarious."
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esilrxkb-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from Rodngar, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Rodngar is jerked off his feet and slams heavily against the ground.
Rodngar's left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
Malarious leap into the air and kicks out at Rodngar, but falls short and misses.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-stupp
A squirming sludgeworm draws up like a snake, its pores sucking hungrily at the
fluid they just excreted. With a horrific suctioning sound, the creature spits a
stream from both slits on its face at Prav.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-(+25 Mana)
One more time?
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D says, "Move south."
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-stup
psi id paralyse Malarious
psi sub stupidity Malarious
psi super psychicvampirism Malarious
weave illusion You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
Rodngar takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21083w esSilrxkb-
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3342e, 10p, 16740en, 21033w esSlrxkb-(smoke 281213)(-150 Ego)
You mute the higher thought processes of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3830h, 4632m, 3192e, 10p, 16740en, 20983w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Malarious and drink the psychic energies there.
Malarious suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21109w elrxkb-(+300 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
Prav takes a long drag off his pipe.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Prav clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious reads a scroll.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious recharges a Scroll of Healing from an energy cube.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Rodngar takes a drink from a jade vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
The pipe has nothing smokeable in it.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21104w lrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a commemorative iron vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w lrxkb-
Malarious swings a viciously barbed iron chain at Rodngar but hits nothing but
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a coral vial.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
Prav leaves to the south.
3830h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkb-
A squirming sludgeworm writhes closer to you before spitting a stream of filth
at you. All of its pores begin to leak the crud, which froths and bubbles,
wrapping about your feet and legs, climbing higher.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-(writhe entangle)(-538 Health)
Elder Dragon Krin T'Soni Soldier of Freedom yells, "I hate to know what your
sucking at Rodngar."
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Malarious eats a yarrow sprig.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrkbp-
With a grotesque sucking noise, a squirming sludgeworm writhes off to the south.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrkbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon Rodngar, tearing his flesh and coiling
it tightly about his right leg.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at Rodngar's
Unable to withstand more punishment, Rodngar collapses and dies.
Rodngar has been slain by Malarious.
Rodngar drops the corpse of a squirming sludgeworm.
Rodngar drops the corpse of a tangled hekoskeri.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
Malarious eats kombu seaweed.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w elrxkbp-
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w eslrxkbp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w eslrxkbp-stand
Tight bindings cling to you, making that impossible.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w eslrxkbp-
You have writhed free of your entanglement.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w eslrxkb-
You feel the Id channel open again.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-g body
You must regain equilibrium first.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-g body
You must regain equilibrium first.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-
(Market): Teruelle says, "Selling 21 dingbats for 40 credits."
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esilrxkb-stand
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
    ··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(put faeleaf in 281213|outr
You stand straight up.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-s
You fill your pipe with a stalk of faeleaf.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(smoke 281213)
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the rift to 41.
3292h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your left leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your left
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(apply melancholic to
chest|sip health|writhe grapple)(-1018 Health)
Your left leg is grappled by Malarious. You must writhe to escape.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Your lungs are much too constricted to smoke.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your chest.
Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
2274h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(smoke 281213)
You take a drink from an onyx vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-(+781 Health)
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
You take a long drag off your pipe.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
Dysolis enters your demesne.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-stand
You may apply another salve to yourself.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-(apply regeneration to legs)
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-stand
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
The soul of Rodngar Naresni says, "God damn it."
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
(apply regeneration to legs)
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrkb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-s
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21116w esSilrxkb-
Your left leg is grappled by Malarious. You must writhe to escape.
3055h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Your left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your head.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2319h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(outr sparkleberry|eat
sparkleberry)(-736 Health) s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(+191 Health, +25 Mana)
(apply regeneration to legs)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
(outr sparkleberry|eat sparkleberry)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
(apply regeneration to legs)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Dysolis eats a sparkleberry.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
(outr sparkleberry|eat sparkleberry)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Prav tells you, "South."
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
Prav tells you, "South."
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You remove 1 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the rift to 159.
2510h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You eat a sparkleberry.
You feel your health, mana and ego replenished.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(+383 Health)
You are no longer immune from stun.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
(apply regeneration to legs)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(diag)
Prav tells you, "South."
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-(sip health)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w esSilrxkbp-stand
You are:
bleeding for 270 health.
has a numbed head.
has a numbed chest.
has a numbed gut.
has a numbed left arm.
suffering from a sliced tendon in the left leg.
sprawled on the ground.
an insomniac.
2893h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-
You take a drink from an onyx vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3546h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-(+653 Health)
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your right leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Colors fade and everything becomes dark and black.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your gut.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
2315h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-(outr myrtle|eat
myrtle|writhe grapple)(-1231 Health)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2315h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21122w sSilrxkbp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)
You remove 1 myrtle, bringing the total in the rift to 187.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrxkbp-
You eat a bog myrtle leaf.
Blessed sight returns to you.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrxkp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
2315h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-
You bleed 250 health.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-(read scroll204679)(-250
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
2065h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21110w sSilrkp-s
You gag a bit as you inhale your own stink.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w sSilrkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w sSilrkp-
You have recovered equilibrium.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 4512m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21098w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4452m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21086w esSilrkp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
(apply regeneration to legs)s
(read scroll204679)
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21038w esSilrkp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-(eat faeleaf|outr faeleaf)
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21044w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 4032m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 21008w esSilrkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You must regain balance first.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
2065h, 3972m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20996w esSilrkp-
You twist and turn as you attempt to escape from your entanglement.
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-stand
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)(eat faeleaf|outr faeleaf)
You eat a stalk of faeleaf.
You begin to concentrate on the sixth sense...
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-
You remove 1 faeleaf, bringing the total in the rift to 40.
2065h, 3912m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20984w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
2065h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Your right leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Springing up, Malarious whirls his leg around, pounding your left leg with such
force that your limb crunches and dangles uselessly.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrkp-(-844 Health)
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You are no longer immune from stun.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
Krin arrives from the down.
Tail stub wagging, a great brindle mastiff bounds in from the down.
Krin enters your demesne.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-(apply health to chest)
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your chest.
A warmth flows through your chest.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
1221h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-reply can't move lulz
Malarious whips himself's left leg with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing
the skin from his flesh.
Malarious whips himself's head with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the
skin from his flesh.
Springing up, Malarious whirls his leg around, pounding your head, and you reel
backwards as your vision blurs.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-(-677 Health)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D, "Can't move, meh."
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-
Malarious takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkp-stand
You now possess the gift of the sixth sense.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-
You may eat another herb that gives the sparkleberry effect.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-s
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
544h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-
You bleed 234 health.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20960w esSilrxkbp-(-234 Health)
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-(apply regeneration to
legs|read scroll204679)s
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
You are no longer immune from stun.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
310h, 3792m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20966w esSilrxkbp-s
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3732m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20954w esSilrxkbp-s
(read scroll204679)(apply regeneration to legs)
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3672m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrxkbp-s
(apply regeneration to legs)(read scroll204679)
There is nothing noteworthy there for you to read.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
I don't see the container here from which you wish to apply some salve.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
You slowly hobble south.
310h, 3612m, 3492e, 10p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrxkbp-
Malarious razes your aura of rebounding with a viciously barbed iron chain.
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your left leg.
You collapse to the ground and die as your body is no longer able to take the
You have been slain by Malarious.
You come back into focus as the blur illusion vanishes.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of your inventory.
A swirling force begins to tug at your soul and the world spins around you.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
(m&m): We died.
(-310 Health) diag
--- Area 273: The Vortex - v19491 ---
--- the Vortex Falls ------ 0:0:5 ---
The Vortex Falls.
Threads of burning aether radiate a blistering heat as they drift through the
air, originating from a war shrine of Kalikai nearby. Banks of clouds roil about
here. A squirming sludgeworm is here, writhing in a pool of flesh-toned, half-
congealed fluid. Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D is here, sprawled on the ground. He
wields a garnet wand in his left hand. Orbiting around his head are several
spinning crystals.
You see exits leading north and up.
A squirming sludgeworm releases a shrill scream and a stream of fluid from all
if its orifices as it squirms towards you.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You are dead and cannot do that.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
A squirming sludgeworm mutters and pokes his index finger towards Prav and makes
a hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against Prav, ripping apart his
magical shield of protection.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
A spinning garnet around Prav casts a ruddy light onto Dysolis.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20930w esSilrx-
Prav takes a drink from a pearl vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
A spinning bloodstone around Prav bathes Dysolis with a bloody light.
A spinning onyx around Prav casts a sickly shadow over Dysolis.
A spinning opal around Prav flashes dark hues onto Dysolis.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Prav has writhed free of his entanglement.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Prav stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Dysolis eats a stem of galingale.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
With a grotesque sucking noise, a squirming sludgeworm writhes off to the up.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20936w esSilrx-
Tail stub wagging, a great brindle mastiff bounds in from the north.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Malarious snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Malarious writes a word across a Magical Map of Mystery with a flourish, and
lines blossom across the blank page, forming a map before his questing eyes.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Nataely Primrose yells, "Told yas."
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Dysolis takes a drink from a garnet vial.
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20942w esSilrx-
Prav tells you, ":censor:."
(p) 0h, 3612m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20948w esSilrx-tell prav just get out, this is ridiculous
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, Psy.D, "Just get out, this is ridiculous."
And more!
A viciously barbed iron chain whips in from the south and wraps around you.
The chain around you tightens, and you are jerked off to the south, falling
before the feet of Malarious.
(Only guild-unique beckon skill in the game. Alright.)
-------------- v19568 ---------------
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-------------- 0:-64:2 --------------
Walking upon turquoise waves.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Sohei Kalas Malarious, of the Quietus is here,
shrouded. He wields a viciously barbed iron chain with both hands.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, west, and northwest.
4286h, 4602m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20088w esSilrxkb-
Springing up, Malarious whirls his leg around, pounding your gut with such force
that your head snaps back and you see nothing but stars.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
(Followed up by immediate forced offbalance ... I don't remember beckon or wisp doing this. You kindof needed people.)
3917h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20088w esSilrkb-(-369 Health, +30 Mana) sq s
There is nothing southwards for you to squint at!
3917h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20088w esSilrkb-
Malarious firmly holds you in place with an iron-strong grip.
3917h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20088w esSilrkb-(writhe grapple)
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3917h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20088w esSilrkb-stand
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your gut.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-(apply health to gut)(-428
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You take out some healing potion and quickly rub it on your gut.
The deep damage in your gut completely heals.
A warmth flows through your gut.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You are held down by a full-body grapple.
3489h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
Malarious loses control of his grapple on you.
Malarious loses control of his grapple on you.
Malarious swings a viciously barbed iron chain at you, and you raise your shield
which absorbs the blow.
Yay parry!
Malarious snaps a viciously barbed iron chain at your throat, crushing your
... :|
Warriors Affs: 1 (windpipe, BC)
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily
3295h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-(smoke 275665)(-194 Health)
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3295h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-stand
You take a long drag off your pipe.
The cartilage and nerves in your windpipe heal and your voice returns.
3295h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-
You must possess balance in order to do that.
3295h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrkb-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
3295h, 4632m, 3453e, 10p, 19020en, 20094w esSilrxkb-stup
psi id paralyse Malarious
psi sub stupidity Malarious
psi super psychicvampirism Malarious
You reach out and paralyse the thoughts of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3295h, 4632m, 3303e, 10p, 19020en, 20044w esSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You mute the higher thought processes of Malarious.
Malarious winces and rubs his temples.
3295h, 4632m, 3153e, 10p, 19020en, 19994w eSlrxkb-(-150 Ego)
You tunnel into the identity of Malarious and drink the psychic energies there.
Malarious suddenly slumps his shoulders, looking very tired and drawn.
3295h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20120w elrxkb-(+339 Ego)
You weave your illusion.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-(-25 Mana)
"The voices! The voices! Get them out of my head!!" Malarious moans, holding his
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-
Malarious takes a drink from a coral vial.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-
Malarious reads a scroll.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-
Malarious recharges a Scroll of Healing from an energy cube.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-
Malarious eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w lrxkb-(outr calamus|eat calamus)
You remove 1 calamus, bringing the total in the rift to 85.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w lrxkb-
You eat a calamus root.
Your glands cease their oily secretion.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w lrxkb-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkb-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3295h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkb-(sip health)
You take a drink from a pearl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
4007h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkb-(+712 Health)
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your left leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your left
(1k damage kick)
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
3056h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkb-(apply regeneration to
legs|writhe grapple)(-951 Health)
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
(Preapply! Yay m&m!)
3056h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkb-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
3056h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrkb-
You may eat or smoke another herb.
3056h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrkb-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
(Stun + prone grapple ender)
Your left leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
Warriors Affs: 2 (Windpipe, BC. Tendon, PB.)
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrkbp-(-37 Health)
You may apply another salve to yourself.
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrkbp-
(Hallifax): Saran (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Target at the matrix?"
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrkbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w elrxkbp-clt4 holding him best I can
You feel the Substratus channel open again.
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrxkbp-
(The Harmonic Array): You say, "Holding him best I can."
(I mean, it's not like web is going to do anything vs. an acrobat)
3019h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrxkbp-
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your right leg.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Malarious leaps into the air and kicks out at you, but falls short and misses.
2417h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrxkbp-(writhe grapple)(-602 Health)
You are no longer immune from stun.
2417h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrxkbp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
2417h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrkbp-stand
You must have two good legs to do that.
2417h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20121w eslrkbp-stand
You must have two good legs to do that.
2417h, 4607m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w eslrkbp-stand
You feel the Id channel open again.
2631h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-(+214 Health, +25 Mana)
You must have two good legs to do that.
2631h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
Jerked off your feet, you slam heavily against the ground.
Your right leg buckles as the chain nearly saws it off.
(Double tendon. :|)
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
You feel a tightening sensation grow in your lungs.
(Poisons let them do pipelocks too? orz)
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your head.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-(apply melancholic to chest)(-
722 Health)
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-(sip health)
The tendon in your left leg reattaches itself.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-diag
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esilrkbp-
You feel the Superstratus channel open again.
··« Superstratus: UNLOCKED »··
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrkbp-stand
(sip health)(apply melancholic to chest)
You are too stunned to be able to do anything.
1909h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrkbp-
You are no longer stunned and have a brief stun immunity.
You take a drink from a pearl vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2732h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrkbp-(+823 Health) stand
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your chest.
Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.
2732h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrkbp-
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
2732h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrxkbp-(diag)
With a look of concentration, Malarious unleashes a powerful kick at your right
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your head.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
1581h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrxkbp-(writhe grapple)(-1151
You must have two good legs to do that.
1581h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w esSilrxkbp-
You are:
bleeding for 484 health.
grappled by Malarious.
has a numbed head.
has a numbed chest.
has a numbed gut.
has a numbed right arm.
has a numbed left arm.
has a numbed right leg.
has a numbed left leg.
suffering from a sliced tendon in the right leg.
sprawled on the ground.
an insomniac.
(... passive wounds everywhere? Why is this a health cure?)
1581h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w sSilrxkbp-
You twist and turn as you struggle to break free of the grapple that holds you.
1581h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w sSilrkbp-
You are no longer immune from stun.
1581h, 4632m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20127w sSilrkbp-
You bleed 464 health.
1117h, 4572m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20115w sSilrkbp-(-464 Health)
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may apply another salve to yourself.
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your legs.
1117h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20043w esSilrkbp-
Malarious wraps a viciously barbed iron chain about his wrists and wrenches it
violently from you, tearing skin and mincing flesh.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
A viciously barbed iron chain rips from your throat with such force that bits of
flesh fly into the air and your head almost spins around in a full circle.
The clouds around you thunder and a bolt of lightning strikes Malarious.
(m&m): Enabled blackout curing.
(-1117 Health, -4212 Mana, -3492 Ego)
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
(Forced unconsciousness? Game over
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
You may apply another salve to yourself.
psi id paralyse Malarious
psi sub stupidity Malarious
psi super psychicvampirism Malarious
weave illusion You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrkbp-
(m&m): Out of blackout, disabled blackout curing.
(+221 Health, +4212 Mana, +3492 Ego)
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrxkbp-
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrxkbp-
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrxkbp-
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrxkbp-
You are unconscious and thus incapable of action.
221h, 4212m, 3492e, 10p, 19020en, 20049w esSilrxkbp-
(The Harmonic Array): Phoebus says, "He was just trying to get me and Prav
Furien2010-11-20 05:35:40
Might as well complete the collection:
3035h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkp-(-591 Health)
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your gut.
Colors fade and everything becomes dark and black.
1971h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkbp-(-1064 Health)
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the gut with his left foot.
1180h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkbp-(-791 Health)
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20841w esSilr-
Malarious whips you with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the skin from
your left leg.
The chain catches your ankle and pulls your feet from under you.
Malarious whips you with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the skin from
your left leg.
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the left leg with his left foot.
1484h, 4632m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20841w esSilrp- (-2346 Health)
3546h, 2946m, 4317e, 10p elrxkb (xhspfwb)
Malarious thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Malarious razes your aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the gut with his left foot.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
Malarious snaps a viciously barbed iron chain at your chest, snapping some ribs.
Malarious jerks back a viciously barbed iron chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
903h, 2946m, 4317e, 10p elrxkbp (xhspfwb - PRONE!) (-2643h)
3035h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkp-(-591 Health)
Taking a viciously barbed iron chain in two hands, Malarious throws it out to
its full length, then whips it down upon you, tearing your flesh and coiling it
tightly about your gut.
Colors fade and everything becomes dark and black.
1971h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkbp-(-1064 Health)
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the gut with his left foot.
1180h, 4507m, 3806e, 10p, 16740en, 21300w elrxkbp-(-791 Health)
3830h, 4632m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20841w esSilr-
Malarious whips you with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the skin from
your left leg.
The chain catches your ankle and pulls your feet from under you.
Malarious whips you with a viciously barbed iron chain, lashing the skin from
your left leg.
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the left leg with his left foot.
1484h, 4632m, 3492e, 0p, 16740en, 20841w esSilrp- (-2346 Health)
3546h, 2946m, 4317e, 10p elrxkb (xhspfwb)
Malarious thrusts a clawed fist towards you, ripping at the air before your face.
Malarious razes your aura of rebounding with a clawed fist.
With a quick spin, Malarious kicks you in the gut with his left foot.
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.
Malarious snaps a viciously barbed iron chain at your chest, snapping some ribs.
Malarious jerks back a viciously barbed iron chain as it strikes, lacerating the flesh.
903h, 2946m, 4317e, 10p elrxkbp (xhspfwb - PRONE!) (-2643h)
Rodngar2010-11-20 05:40:05
Like I said in tweets, Ninjakari sure do hit hard.
EDIT: Looking over this log, I am startled I managed to endure so many attacks with Dysolis trying to force me prone while Malarious just comboed out like a triggerhappy Johnny at his first PTQ.
EDIT: Looking over this log, I am startled I managed to endure so many attacks with Dysolis trying to force me prone while Malarious just comboed out like a triggerhappy Johnny at his first PTQ.
Lothringen2010-11-20 05:46:25
Monks are strong.
Rodngar2010-11-20 05:48:36
QUOTE (Lothringen @ Nov 20 2010, 12:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Monks are strong.
This is an understatement. It might be the prone, or the sensitivity that isn't getting shrugged (can you even shrug that here?).. or a combination. It could be the mechanics of the class. It could be all three. However, something is just not right here.
Lothringen2010-11-20 05:56:05
I don't disagree, but coming from an Aeromancer and a Researcher it's sorta lulzy.
Rodngar2010-11-20 05:57:17
QUOTE (Lothringen @ Nov 20 2010, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't disagree, but coming from an Aeromancer and a Researcher it's sorta lulzy.
I never denied there were problems with either class, or really with any class.
Malarious2010-11-20 05:59:51
Use timestamps, I was also hyperactive, but "it isn't necessary" we change it right?
Furien2010-11-20 06:02:03
QUOTE (Malarious @ Nov 19 2010, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Use timestamps, I was also hyperactive, but "it isn't necessary" we change it right?
(Also, what's overpowered about Aeromancy? Better than other demesnes, perhaps, but I wouldn't call it overpowered.)
Xenthos2010-11-20 06:02:18
QUOTE (Malarious @ Nov 20 2010, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Use timestamps, I was also hyperactive, but "it isn't necessary" we change it right?
Since the log doesn't have timestamps it does not appear as if hyperactive matters at all in terms of the damage-parts of the log (which is the main point of the log).
Unless hyperactive increases damage now, too.
Prav2010-11-20 06:04:33
Man... sludgeworms.
Bunch of jerks, I swear.
Bunch of jerks, I swear.
Malarious2010-11-20 06:05:03
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Nov 20 2010, 01:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since the log doesn't have timestamps it does not appear as if hyperactive matters at all in terms of the damage-parts of the log (which is the main point of the log).
Unless hyperactive increases damage now, too.
Unless hyperactive increases damage now, too.
Wounds do, hitting twice before you can apply again will always hike damage.
Just realized, you are also Lucidian, weakness to blunt damage (all my attacks), you are taking more than many.
Also, sensitivity is shruggable but I hit with it twice automatically.
As for Rodngar, he died fast, I have no idea why, I wasnt even hyper in that, unless chain still had sensitivity on it he should not have died that fast if he has resilience.
Rodngar also needs to apply early and sip later. he applied while about to die and sipped while fairly fine.
Rodngar2010-11-20 06:25:44
QUOTE (Malarious @ Nov 20 2010, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As for Rodngar, he died fast, I have no idea why, I wasnt even hyper in that, unless chain still had sensitivity on it he should not have died that fast if he has resilience.
Rodngar also needs to apply early and sip later. he applied while about to die and sipped while fairly fine.
Rodngar also needs to apply early and sip later. he applied while about to die and sipped while fairly fine.
I'm fixing these in my system as we speak, actually. I also have trans resil. I'm not sure when you sensitivity'd me but it was sort of early. The whole 'prone and stun me' over and over :censor: from two sources kind of is a pain in the ass to deal with.
Malarious2010-11-20 06:44:30
QUOTE (Rodngar @ Nov 20 2010, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm fixing these in my system as we speak, actually. I also have trans resil. I'm not sure when you sensitivity'd me but it was sort of early. The whole 'prone and stun me' over and over
from two sources kind of is a pain in the ass to deal with.

Dysolis was told to keep you down so I could get damage together faster. Dysolis was actually in place to distract you. You were at the cubix exit, I could see you and wait for the moment to go in.
Unknown2010-11-20 06:49:09
Didn't hinder enough.
Unknown2010-11-20 07:04:09
Monk Damage (as best as we know it):
Prone: +50%
Critical wounds: +250%
Sensitivity: +33%
Hard: +10% to +15%
Sparkle/scroll doesn't matter? You use health applications to cure wounds, sparkle AND scroll to regain health. They definitely -do- matter. If you don't cure wounds, you'll be taking quite a bit of damage.
Not once does the log show what your wounds were at, but given that you weren't using sparkle and scroll, you would have been forced to sip more and as a result, have more wounds.
Hyperactivity plays a huge part in damage, afflictions, wounds, everything. It may cut balance in half, but the gain is far more than double. Hyperactivity can take any monk and make it super monk.
If this thread is in regards to damage, claiming that a Ninjakari hits hard is correct, but not because a Ninjakari is a Ninjakari. It's because a Ninjakari is a monk. Any monk is capable of this sort of damage if they know what they're doing and how to maximize the damage. If you don't see other monks reaching the ridiculous damage, it's not because the other guilds are incapable, it's because their players haven't figured out how to do it yet.
I fail to see the relevance of posting reports that deal with the Ninjakari skillset. If it's a slight against me, the first seven reports are from before I became envoy, and of the five posted, one was a nerf while I think others are hard-pressed to say that the buffs were ridiculous (unneeded, maybe). But even then, there are other reports that I've submitted or supported that nerfed or would have nerfed monks. It's simply a mistake to think that I don't speak with and share ideas with the other envoys. For the ones that failed, take that up with the admin.
If this is addressed at specific afflictions, there are -many- individuals that can survive against myself or Malarious for extended periods of time. Without introducing people kiting from me, Lothringen, Fillin, Kio, Prav, and Ixion, at the very least, survive. If you introduce people kiting, the list grows quite a bit. Granted, demigod and trans abilities help quite a good amount, but I think a single log is more evidence of bad curing than of unbalanced skills (I actually think a single log shows neither except when there's an obvious bug).
I also stated on the forums that I welcome suggestions on how to fix the damage, specifically from wounds. So far, no one has offered suggestions. I'm not sure if just reducing the bonus is sufficient, how much, etc. +250% sounds like a lot because it is, but as no one has been able to tell me what their highest wounds were when fighting myself or Malarious, I can't know if he and I are reaching that point.
Prone: +50%
Critical wounds: +250%
Sensitivity: +33%
Hard: +10% to +15%
Sparkle/scroll doesn't matter? You use health applications to cure wounds, sparkle AND scroll to regain health. They definitely -do- matter. If you don't cure wounds, you'll be taking quite a bit of damage.
Not once does the log show what your wounds were at, but given that you weren't using sparkle and scroll, you would have been forced to sip more and as a result, have more wounds.
Hyperactivity plays a huge part in damage, afflictions, wounds, everything. It may cut balance in half, but the gain is far more than double. Hyperactivity can take any monk and make it super monk.
If this thread is in regards to damage, claiming that a Ninjakari hits hard is correct, but not because a Ninjakari is a Ninjakari. It's because a Ninjakari is a monk. Any monk is capable of this sort of damage if they know what they're doing and how to maximize the damage. If you don't see other monks reaching the ridiculous damage, it's not because the other guilds are incapable, it's because their players haven't figured out how to do it yet.
I fail to see the relevance of posting reports that deal with the Ninjakari skillset. If it's a slight against me, the first seven reports are from before I became envoy, and of the five posted, one was a nerf while I think others are hard-pressed to say that the buffs were ridiculous (unneeded, maybe). But even then, there are other reports that I've submitted or supported that nerfed or would have nerfed monks. It's simply a mistake to think that I don't speak with and share ideas with the other envoys. For the ones that failed, take that up with the admin.
If this is addressed at specific afflictions, there are -many- individuals that can survive against myself or Malarious for extended periods of time. Without introducing people kiting from me, Lothringen, Fillin, Kio, Prav, and Ixion, at the very least, survive. If you introduce people kiting, the list grows quite a bit. Granted, demigod and trans abilities help quite a good amount, but I think a single log is more evidence of bad curing than of unbalanced skills (I actually think a single log shows neither except when there's an obvious bug).
I also stated on the forums that I welcome suggestions on how to fix the damage, specifically from wounds. So far, no one has offered suggestions. I'm not sure if just reducing the bonus is sufficient, how much, etc. +250% sounds like a lot because it is, but as no one has been able to tell me what their highest wounds were when fighting myself or Malarious, I can't know if he and I are reaching that point.
Furien2010-11-20 07:04:14
It's not like web would be any better. 

Unknown2010-11-20 12:46:33
Everyone except (most) monks knows that monks have been broken since their inception, and no amount of "nerfs" has yet fixed the problems with the archetype. Momentum mechanics are fundamentally flawed, not to mention the number of things one can do with a single combo.
Asmodea2010-11-20 14:52:25
Three things I think that would help level monks.
1. Cap their speed. 2.5 - 3.0 seconds. (Already in the works I believe)
2. Remove chaining forms. Make them hit an alias for every form performed.
3. Just disable Hyperactive until someone can actually come up with a replacement that is worth it for Bards and Monks to use.

1. Cap their speed. 2.5 - 3.0 seconds. (Already in the works I believe)
2. Remove chaining forms. Make them hit an alias for every form performed.
3. Just disable Hyperactive until someone can actually come up with a replacement that is worth it for Bards and Monks to use.

Unknown2010-11-20 14:57:42
Hyperactive should be more on par with Puissance.