Azula2010-12-01 04:42:18
Before everything I realize of course that most people would consider my decision learning custom zap to be wasteful at best. Hopefully there will be some who'll understand my need to personalize this bit if only for the love of it's flair and such... anyway moving on...
I have several ideas that I'd wish to implement on my zap, and they can be generalized into three themes, the problem is, I tend to be very busy at times, I fear the descriptions and such would either fall short or worse, be over the top... so here they are...
First Theme: Diving Angel
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
Second Theme: Flying Kiss!
Yes to an extent I guess this could be tacky... but I still love the idea. Key elements to this theme involve the kiss mark blossoming on a certain part (cheek/neck not anywhere lewd...) on the target and they suddenly are awash with electric energy, weakening their knees etc... centralized on how "electric" love feels. Perhaps ecstasy beyond normal thresholds that it becomes unbearable pain... something like that. And second key element is that those who are in the local area who see the zap are somewhat enervated with thoughts of romance, a warm feeling, a moan of pleasure and longing escaping their lips... something to that extent...
Third Theme: Methrenton's Arsenal
To certain knowledgeable people, this would appear as a rip-off or a homage to a specific icon... but the thought here essentially involves a short muttered prayer to Methrenton, and then a cosmic gate opens and from it pours a stream of weapons made by Methrenton himself to strike the target...
So in general I'm leaning towards the development of the Second and First themes... I'm hoping someone could help me sort this out before I start submitting my custom zap. As for incentives... well I'm willing to part with as much as 10 credits I guess, should you feel you made an absolutely major constructive contribution! Thanks in advanced!
I have several ideas that I'd wish to implement on my zap, and they can be generalized into three themes, the problem is, I tend to be very busy at times, I fear the descriptions and such would either fall short or worse, be over the top... so here they are...
First Theme: Diving Angel
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
Second Theme: Flying Kiss!
Yes to an extent I guess this could be tacky... but I still love the idea. Key elements to this theme involve the kiss mark blossoming on a certain part (cheek/neck not anywhere lewd...) on the target and they suddenly are awash with electric energy, weakening their knees etc... centralized on how "electric" love feels. Perhaps ecstasy beyond normal thresholds that it becomes unbearable pain... something like that. And second key element is that those who are in the local area who see the zap are somewhat enervated with thoughts of romance, a warm feeling, a moan of pleasure and longing escaping their lips... something to that extent...
Third Theme: Methrenton's Arsenal
To certain knowledgeable people, this would appear as a rip-off or a homage to a specific icon... but the thought here essentially involves a short muttered prayer to Methrenton, and then a cosmic gate opens and from it pours a stream of weapons made by Methrenton himself to strike the target...
So in general I'm leaning towards the development of the Second and First themes... I'm hoping someone could help me sort this out before I start submitting my custom zap. As for incentives... well I'm willing to part with as much as 10 credits I guess, should you feel you made an absolutely major constructive contribution! Thanks in advanced!
Mirami2010-12-01 06:07:25
QUOTE (Azula @ Nov 30 2010, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Second Theme: Flying Kiss!
Yes to an extent I guess this could be tacky... but I still love the idea. Key elements to this theme involve the kiss mark blossoming on a certain part (cheek/neck not anywhere lewd...) on the target and they suddenly are awash with electric energy, weakening their knees etc... centralized on how "electric" love feels. Perhaps ecstasy beyond normal thresholds that it becomes unbearable pain... something like that. And second key element is that those who are in the local area who see the zap are somewhat enervated with thoughts of romance, a warm feeling, a moan of pleasure and longing escaping their lips... something to that extent...
Yes to an extent I guess this could be tacky... but I still love the idea. Key elements to this theme involve the kiss mark blossoming on a certain part (cheek/neck not anywhere lewd...) on the target and they suddenly are awash with electric energy, weakening their knees etc... centralized on how "electric" love feels. Perhaps ecstasy beyond normal thresholds that it becomes unbearable pain... something like that. And second key element is that those who are in the local area who see the zap are somewhat enervated with thoughts of romance, a warm feeling, a moan of pleasure and longing escaping their lips... something to that extent...
Might look at nightkiss for inspiration? (particularly the long-distance Terror Coven lines?)
EDIT: Also, is there a character limit for custom zaps?
Placeus2010-12-01 10:04:39
QUOTE (Azula @ Dec 1 2010, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Second Theme: Flying Kiss!
Sonya Blade's fatality from Mortal Kombat. You know you want to.
Unknown2010-12-01 10:26:59
I kinda prefer the first one. There's a corny cheesy feel to it in a good way, kinda like Power Rangers style of attack.
As for the second one, not really liking it too much. I wouldn't be too happy about involuntarily moaning (gosh) in pleasure (ergh) when someone else does a zap in the same area, it's simply too forceful for me. Being forced to feel emotions that other people may not normally feel would be quite unfair. Imagine a Hallifaxian who roleplays as a cold, heartless lucidian, and you come in and force him/her/it to feel warm happy feelings and moan in pleasure. :shudder:
Also, by the way, I'm not sure if you're clear on what enervate means and your line seems like it could go either way, but enervate does not mean energize.
As for the second one, not really liking it too much. I wouldn't be too happy about involuntarily moaning (gosh) in pleasure (ergh) when someone else does a zap in the same area, it's simply too forceful for me. Being forced to feel emotions that other people may not normally feel would be quite unfair. Imagine a Hallifaxian who roleplays as a cold, heartless lucidian, and you come in and force him/her/it to feel warm happy feelings and moan in pleasure. :shudder:
Also, by the way, I'm not sure if you're clear on what enervate means and your line seems like it could go either way, but enervate does not mean energize.
Siam2010-12-01 10:45:11
But Azula, you could always call on Captain Planet Celestia!
Unknown2010-12-01 12:39:54
QUOTE (Azula @ Dec 1 2010, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First Theme: Diving Angel
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
I like this one the best. I have to agree with Caerulo on the second one; from an RP standpoint the second one isn't so great. A cute concept yes, but in actuality not so much and I think might break character for a lot of people.
And second key element is that those who are in the local area who see the zap are somewhat enervated with thoughts of romance, a warm feeling, a moan of pleasure and longing escaping their lips... something to that extent...
The only thing I would suggest for this as a substitute would be that it left them breathless, but even so. Not my first choice.
Can't remember the format. Will work on later.
Zuhayir2010-12-01 12:50:08
Doesn't Lusternia have some form of 'lust' magic?
Kiradawea2010-12-01 19:07:11
Of the ones you've suggested, the short answer is "love one and three, hate two".
The first one I wouldn't call cliche. Done before yes, but just because it is done before doesn't that mean it can't be awesome. As shown here (and perhaps you'll find further inspiration). Exhibits A B C (starts at 4:50) and especially D (with extra attention to the various Nibelung Valesti)
The problem with the second is that it feels so horribly misplaced. You're shooting someone with electricity, so the image of long-distance love-making just feels off. And the leaving of feelings of love is for certain a no-no as you're forcibly imposing a feeling upon the viewer. It ends up a bit similar to the "You look at him and wet your pants cuz he's so scary" descriptions IMO.
The third has a sound idea, but I think it can be improved. Until we're allowed to change the damage type of zaps, (at which point everyone's gonna change to fire or physical anyway) I would suggest that you channel Shakiniel instead, as she has already an electricity theme going on for her.
The first one I wouldn't call cliche. Done before yes, but just because it is done before doesn't that mean it can't be awesome. As shown here (and perhaps you'll find further inspiration). Exhibits A B C (starts at 4:50) and especially D (with extra attention to the various Nibelung Valesti)
The problem with the second is that it feels so horribly misplaced. You're shooting someone with electricity, so the image of long-distance love-making just feels off. And the leaving of feelings of love is for certain a no-no as you're forcibly imposing a feeling upon the viewer. It ends up a bit similar to the "You look at him and wet your pants cuz he's so scary" descriptions IMO.
The third has a sound idea, but I think it can be improved. Until we're allowed to change the damage type of zaps, (at which point everyone's gonna change to fire or physical anyway) I would suggest that you channel Shakiniel instead, as she has already an electricity theme going on for her.
Jack2011-06-28 07:31:15
QUOTE (Zuhayir @ Dec 1 2010, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doesn't Lusternia have some form of 'lust' magic?
Yyyeah, but it's forcefully imposed (so you can batter the person who did it) and tastefully done (so no involuntary moaning). It's generally frowned upon to force emotional reactions on players, irrespective of precedent; I know I involuntarily shudder when I read someone's description to see "you sense that" or "you flinch from his gaze".
Anywho, on the topic itself, my vote goes for the Methrenton one. I concur that the first one is Power Rangers style cheesy (which is a definitive compliment!): I'm turned off the concept of the second one, since it seems like a stilted, defanged nightkiss. The third one sounds both original and pretty dang cool, though I'd recommend a single weapon arcing out of a portal rather than a bunch, since it seems more elegant. While you'd have to give it an "energy sword" style favour - since it is a zap - a magic blade doesn't seem too out-of-place amongst the Supernals.
Tetra2011-06-28 23:37:10
QUOTE (Azula @ Dec 1 2010, 04:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Before everything I realize of course that most people would consider my decision learning custom zap to be wasteful at best. Hopefully there will be some who'll understand my need to personalize this bit if only for the love of it's flair and such... anyway moving on...
I have several ideas that I'd wish to implement on my zap, and they can be generalized into three themes, the problem is, I tend to be very busy at times, I fear the descriptions and such would either fall short or worse, be over the top... so here they are...
First Theme: Diving Angel
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
I have several ideas that I'd wish to implement on my zap, and they can be generalized into three themes, the problem is, I tend to be very busy at times, I fear the descriptions and such would either fall short or worse, be over the top... so here they are...
First Theme: Diving Angel
In essence the concept involves a spear/sword of energy that i fashion and an angel carries it for me to the target, throwing/striking it. I am also fixed on the thought that I absolutely have to hurl the spear skywards so the angel could snatch it in midair and deliver my vengeance.
Reminds me of the spell Lex Aeterna from Ragnarok. The priest has cherubs descend on the foe and scewer them with multiple swords of pure light.
Seraku2011-06-29 01:37:51
QUOTE (Tetra @ Jun 28 2011, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reminds me of the spell Lex Aeterna from Ragnarok. The priest has cherubs descend on the foe and scewer them with multiple swords of pure light.
Dangit, I felt a pang of nostalgia from that.
Lehki2011-06-29 06:36:18
I think I vaguely recall somebody having a zap that sent a pair of lips to kiss the target and then fry them, back when everybody had custom zap.
Xenthos2011-06-30 01:50:04
QUOTE (Lehki @ Jun 29 2011, 02:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think I vaguely recall somebody having a zap that sent a pair of lips to kiss the target and then fry them, back when everybody had custom zap.
She still has it.
Neos2011-08-23 17:53:41
QUOTE (Xenthos @ Aug 23 2011, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is this? Spam bots who actually read the thread and make a relevant post, while still having their spam-links in the signature?
Spam-man hybrids!
Edit: I feel like you guys got your wires confused with this fellow:
^-- Your spam links are supposed to be in this sig!
Spam-man hybrids!
Edit: I feel like you guys got your wires confused with this fellow:
^-- Your spam links are supposed to be in this sig!
They've evolved.
Rivius2011-09-09 01:58:39
That's a tad bit eerie, really.
The bots are getting smarter
The bots are getting smarter
Xenthos2011-09-09 02:35:36
QUOTE (Rivius @ Sep 8 2011, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's a tad bit eerie, really.
The bots are getting smarter
The bots are getting smarter
And they're still here.
Where are you, Shiribot?!

Lorina2011-09-09 05:13:34
Omg that is awesome, but scary...
Skynet online.
Skynet online.
Unknown2011-09-22 15:04:47
You've got to be kidding me...
Shiri2011-09-22 15:36:54
Stop covering spam posts with regular posts if it's not content you're posting!
Xenthos2011-09-23 00:20:11
QUOTE (Shiri @ Sep 22 2011, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Stop covering spam posts with regular posts if it's not content you're posting!