Furien2010-12-04 09:40:41
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Artists, Scientists, my most
Esteemed Colleagues and irrelevant plebians, your attention please."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "I and my team of
intellectually inferior yet useful assistants have conducted our final tests
related to artificial planar stabilisation. We are now ready to begin the
procedure that will lead to the powering of the Transdimensional Demiplane
Generator. This procedure may go accompanied by some minor side-effects. Please
do not be alarmed, there is no significant health and savety risk to individuals
who habitually dwell above the third tier of the city."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "We shall now begin
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. An
experimental type three situation is initiated. All citizens should be cautious
of expected side-effects of planar modification. Any unexpected side-effects are
to be reported to a representitive member of the Sentinel Company immediately.
High Caste citizens are advised not to dwell below the third city tier at this
time, to minimise radiation exposure.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Attention.
Attention. The Sentinel Company of Temporal Anomalies is directed to remain on
high alert during the procedure to deal with forseen and unforseen side-effects.
All Sentinels proceed to secure the merchant's quarter and remain on their
positions as designated by Senior Officers. Thank you.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Temporal
procedure initiated. Planar generation shall commence in two hours. The next
warning is due in thirty minutes.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Now now, that all sounds much
more severe than it actually is. Everyone retain your calm, my theories are
sound. There shall be no unexpected side-effects that will cause damage to
anyone of high social standing."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Commencing
temporal procedure in one hour. Thank you.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. All Sentinels
are now expected to be at their designated locations. Retain High Alert until
further notice.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Commencing start-up procedure."
A deep and ominous humming emanates from deep within the city as all seven
generators spurr into the next efficiency level.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Commencing
temporal procedure. Please report any missing limbs or acute mutations to the
nearest health official. Thank you.'
A slow, pulsing sound like a gargantuan heartbeat slowly reverberates through
the city as some gargantuan, unseen structure deep within the city is set in
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Excellent, excellent!"
All lights and conduits in Hallifax dim noticeably as their power is siphoned
off elsewhere.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Power levels
insufficient for procedure continuation.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Tarnation! I need more
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Plebians! Empower the primary
generator. And be quick about it, the construction is losing momentum!"
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Come come, my energy levels
are dwindling, my transdimensional alignment will shift."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Plan B. We require a
temporary energy boost. An Elemental Lord will do splendidly, go procure one and
place it inside the Matrix, we will use this to kick-start the demiplane
generator. It doesn't matter which type, Air would be easiest, but Fire, Water
or Earth Lords will serve fine as well."
<< Hasty Hallifax raid of Fire for irony here >>
As the body of the Elemental Lords are devoured, a fresh reservoir of energy
forms deep within the Matrix, resting only a few moments before disappearing
into the crystal conduits and into the City.
Energy levels in the city flare up brightly for a moment, and a powerful hum is
emanated from somewhere deep within Hallifax.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Brilliant! It's powering up!"
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Energy levels
are rising steadily. Temporal backlash likelihood approaching twenty percent.'
Violent discharges of energy arc from the crystal spires of Hallifax.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Excellent, as is proceeding
as expected."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Energy levels
rising steadily. Temporal backlash likelihood approaching fifty percent.'
Angry streaks of lightning radiate violentrly from the conduits throughout the
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Temporal
Distortion Imminent.'
You move sluggishly into action.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'ALERT. Temporal
Distortions detected on lower wards. Immediate action is required. Please follow
instructions issues by Senior Officers of the Sentinel Company.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'ALERT. Temporal
Distortions detected on lower wards. Immediate action is required. Please follow
instructions issues by Senior Officers of the Sentinel Company.'
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says, "Always dominators."
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says, "Why can't it be
something like...time bunnies?"
Ushaara wildly swings a hideous hammer of depraved steel at a one-eyed crimson
dominator. Ushaara pounds him, but it barely fazes him.
Ushaara wildly swings a hideous hammer of depraved steel at a one-eyed crimson
dominator. Ushaara pounds him, but it barely fazes him.
Phoebus points her staff at a one-eyed crimson dominator, and electricity
crackles across its length before it discharges a bolt of blue lightning that
slams into a one-eyed crimson dominator in an explosion of cobalt sparks.
Phoebus has scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!
Electricity coursing through his body, a one-eyed crimson dominator finally
collapses in a twitching heap.
A one-eyed crimson dominator has been slain by Phoebus.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
The corpse of a one-eyed crimson dominator lifts up and glides into Phoebus's
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. All temporal
distortions have dissipated. Maintain status one.'
The deep humming within the city takes on a new pitch and conduits throughout
the city sparkle with energy.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Yes! It is nearing terminal
A bright beam of light shoots out from the City of Hallifax, followed by a ring
of energy that quickly emanates from the city before dissipating into relative
quiet once more.
A soundless explosion accompanies the termination of temporal procedure,
followed by the quiet hum of a large structure deep within the city, now
progressing as intended.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Brilliant! Absolutely
brillaint! That is what I am! You hear me? It is functional, the Demiplane is in
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "All are invited to come view
this greatest of transdimensional achievements, it is located directly above the
primary generator."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'All energy levels have
returned to normal. All previous statuses have been lifted.'
Esteemed Colleagues and irrelevant plebians, your attention please."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "I and my team of
intellectually inferior yet useful assistants have conducted our final tests
related to artificial planar stabilisation. We are now ready to begin the
procedure that will lead to the powering of the Transdimensional Demiplane
Generator. This procedure may go accompanied by some minor side-effects. Please
do not be alarmed, there is no significant health and savety risk to individuals
who habitually dwell above the third tier of the city."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "We shall now begin
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. An
experimental type three situation is initiated. All citizens should be cautious
of expected side-effects of planar modification. Any unexpected side-effects are
to be reported to a representitive member of the Sentinel Company immediately.
High Caste citizens are advised not to dwell below the third city tier at this
time, to minimise radiation exposure.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Attention.
Attention. The Sentinel Company of Temporal Anomalies is directed to remain on
high alert during the procedure to deal with forseen and unforseen side-effects.
All Sentinels proceed to secure the merchant's quarter and remain on their
positions as designated by Senior Officers. Thank you.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Temporal
procedure initiated. Planar generation shall commence in two hours. The next
warning is due in thirty minutes.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Now now, that all sounds much
more severe than it actually is. Everyone retain your calm, my theories are
sound. There shall be no unexpected side-effects that will cause damage to
anyone of high social standing."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Commencing
temporal procedure in one hour. Thank you.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. All Sentinels
are now expected to be at their designated locations. Retain High Alert until
further notice.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Commencing start-up procedure."
A deep and ominous humming emanates from deep within the city as all seven
generators spurr into the next efficiency level.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Commencing
temporal procedure. Please report any missing limbs or acute mutations to the
nearest health official. Thank you.'
A slow, pulsing sound like a gargantuan heartbeat slowly reverberates through
the city as some gargantuan, unseen structure deep within the city is set in
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Excellent, excellent!"
All lights and conduits in Hallifax dim noticeably as their power is siphoned
off elsewhere.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Power levels
insufficient for procedure continuation.'
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Tarnation! I need more
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Plebians! Empower the primary
generator. And be quick about it, the construction is losing momentum!"
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Come come, my energy levels
are dwindling, my transdimensional alignment will shift."
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Plan B. We require a
temporary energy boost. An Elemental Lord will do splendidly, go procure one and
place it inside the Matrix, we will use this to kick-start the demiplane
generator. It doesn't matter which type, Air would be easiest, but Fire, Water
or Earth Lords will serve fine as well."
<< Hasty Hallifax raid of Fire for irony here >>
As the body of the Elemental Lords are devoured, a fresh reservoir of energy
forms deep within the Matrix, resting only a few moments before disappearing
into the crystal conduits and into the City.
Energy levels in the city flare up brightly for a moment, and a powerful hum is
emanated from somewhere deep within Hallifax.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Brilliant! It's powering up!"
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Energy levels
are rising steadily. Temporal backlash likelihood approaching twenty percent.'
Violent discharges of energy arc from the crystal spires of Hallifax.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Excellent, as is proceeding
as expected."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Energy levels
rising steadily. Temporal backlash likelihood approaching fifty percent.'
Angry streaks of lightning radiate violentrly from the conduits throughout the
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. Temporal
Distortion Imminent.'
You move sluggishly into action.
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'ALERT. Temporal
Distortions detected on lower wards. Immediate action is required. Please follow
instructions issues by Senior Officers of the Sentinel Company.'
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'ALERT. Temporal
Distortions detected on lower wards. Immediate action is required. Please follow
instructions issues by Senior Officers of the Sentinel Company.'
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says, "Always dominators."
Archmage Phoebus Skyplume, Keeper of the Four Winds says, "Why can't it be
something like...time bunnies?"
Ushaara wildly swings a hideous hammer of depraved steel at a one-eyed crimson
dominator. Ushaara pounds him, but it barely fazes him.
Ushaara wildly swings a hideous hammer of depraved steel at a one-eyed crimson
dominator. Ushaara pounds him, but it barely fazes him.
Phoebus points her staff at a one-eyed crimson dominator, and electricity
crackles across its length before it discharges a bolt of blue lightning that
slams into a one-eyed crimson dominator in an explosion of cobalt sparks.
Phoebus has scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!
Electricity coursing through his body, a one-eyed crimson dominator finally
collapses in a twitching heap.
A one-eyed crimson dominator has been slain by Phoebus.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
The corpse of a one-eyed crimson dominator lifts up and glides into Phoebus's
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'Attention. All temporal
distortions have dissipated. Maintain status one.'
The deep humming within the city takes on a new pitch and conduits throughout
the city sparkle with energy.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Yes! It is nearing terminal
A bright beam of light shoots out from the City of Hallifax, followed by a ring
of energy that quickly emanates from the city before dissipating into relative
quiet once more.
A soundless explosion accompanies the termination of temporal procedure,
followed by the quiet hum of a large structure deep within the city, now
progressing as intended.
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "Brilliant! Absolutely
brillaint! That is what I am! You hear me? It is functional, the Demiplane is in
(Hallifax): Senior Researcher Kx'Krel Eepex says, "All are invited to come view
this greatest of transdimensional achievements, it is located directly above the
primary generator."
A cold, monotone voice speaks from your surroundings: 'All energy levels have
returned to normal. All previous statuses have been lifted.'
Ileein2010-12-04 12:28:47
You missed my 'keep calm and carry on.' 
Unfortunately, I missed most of the last part of this because of going out to dinner. However, it's all quite lovely.

Unfortunately, I missed most of the last part of this because of going out to dinner. However, it's all quite lovely.

Calixa2010-12-04 12:48:31
Daraius2010-12-04 14:15:22
Inside is pretty sweet too. 

Vadi2010-12-04 16:44:28
Very nice. Reading this has been rather educational.
Diamondais2010-12-04 16:46:56
Stop looking so awesome. 
(Though that was fun to read, especially the parts about how the high caste should remain above a certain point and any mutations and missing limbs should be reported

(Though that was fun to read, especially the parts about how the high caste should remain above a certain point and any mutations and missing limbs should be reported

Nariah2010-12-04 17:03:47
This is awesomely awesome!
PS. Furien, that avatar haunts my dreams, go away! >:
PS. Furien, that avatar haunts my dreams, go away! >:
Furien2010-12-04 17:10:22
Shamarah2010-12-04 17:11:20
Widow's peak of disapproval?
PS. Great log.
PS. Great log.
Llesvelt2010-12-04 17:13:44
I can not believe I was not there for the occasion 
Anyways, Skylark Commemorative Demiplane? That sounds, interesting

Anyways, Skylark Commemorative Demiplane? That sounds, interesting

Lorina2010-12-04 18:25:39

*runs off to join Hallifax*
Neos2010-12-04 18:31:25
QUOTE (Lorina @ Dec 4 2010, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

*runs off to join Hallifax*
*chains Lorina to the Pool*
Oh no you don't. We have work to do.
It's actually not as complicated as people make it out to be after I got the chance to explore it. Just... a lot of looping around and exits not leading to where you assume they would from the map.
Jack2010-12-04 19:02:37
Sylandra2010-12-04 20:09:26
QUOTE (Lorina @ Dec 4 2010, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

*runs off to join Hallifax*
Duu eet.

This made me all kinds of happy. I think I did a little happy dance in my chair, I was like, oh god is this the arena is it is it I just paid for it is this the arena oh god, YESS arena.

Also, think Elo had fun with this or what?

Lorina2010-12-05 00:36:14
That whole commentary was just delightful to read. Celest needs one of those announcers. Or maybe our own Elostian...Wonder how much trouble I will get in if I godnap him? How about a swap. I will trade your Elostian for my Eventru. Still in good condition! I swear.

Ileein2010-12-05 01:19:55
Yeah, well, to get a computer voice announcing things like that you'll have to .
Aloysha2010-12-05 01:49:34
Make Hallifax build you an announcer!
Everiine2010-12-05 02:02:45
QUOTE (Aloysha @ Dec 4 2010, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Make Hallifax build you an announcer!
Like the TBC?

Ushaara2010-12-05 11:03:51
The 'irrelevant plebeians' and 'team of intellectually inferior yet useful assistants' lines at the start I thought were fantastic. 

Elostian2010-12-05 12:14:08
QUOTE (Lorina @ Dec 5 2010, 01:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Celest needs one of those announcers.
Well, credit where credit is due, Evie progged that voice for me. It's beyond my meagre progging abilities. I just pull the strings.
And thank you for the positive feedback, it's what keeps me building these things.