Unknown2011-02-04 18:23:54
Found this on my hard drive.
Lacostian and Marina help discover a way to cure Astral Insanity--when it was discovered there was no way to cure it other than time.
Lacostian and Marina help discover a way to cure Astral Insanity--when it was discovered there was no way to cure it other than time.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Suhnaye is
here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Ianthe, Xyl's Shard is here, sprawled on
the floor. She wields a deck of Tarot cards in each hand. Chef Arix Windrider,
Aerial Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea
anemone in his left hand and a golden sun sling in his right. Ecclesiar Jace
Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a glowing powerstone in his
left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Marina, Oracle of
Mysteries is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields an athame dagger in her
left hand. Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Fellowship Faerie,
Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a
white kite shield in his left hand. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is here,
sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her left hand.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord levitates here, wreathed in coruscating plumes of
aetheric mist. Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour is
here, sprawled on the floor.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I am going to aide you in finding this
cure through a few steps of deep meditation. As some of you know, I am a
Meditator of the Third Circle of the Elder Gods; this affords me a certain
proficiency in this area. Meditation is not only used to heal the self, but may
be used to touch the minds of others, sense disturbances in the fabric or the
fields of magic, as well as healing."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "It also aids concentration to a
Suzari grins mischievously at Arix.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I wish for you all to follow with me into
a trance, I will slowly guide all of you. Only those of you that are skilled
healers will find the mind touch out of this, but any may travel on the road of
self-enlightenment and discovery."
Marina nods her head emphatically.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Shall we do as we were doing
You shut your eyes and concentrate on life. A moment later, you feel your link
with the strings of fate sever.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Yes."
Marina nods her head emphatically.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I will follow suit."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Begin again and combine
yourselves into one consciousness."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster closes his eyes and begins to breathe
You have emoted: Tully bows his head and begins to empty his mind of thought,
attempting to reach out to the other minds.
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei closes his eyes again and relaxes body and mind in
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-emote slows his breathing
You have emoted: Tully slows his breathing.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster breathes slowly and opens his mind to
those around him.
Apprentice Niyu Closes his eyes and breathes, Then melds his mind to the
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light closes her eyes and as her breath slows she
opens her mind to the others.
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
Aqua Adept Alnra Regamos closes her eyes and breathes slowly and deeply.
Suhnaye Whytetower allows his mind to slowly turn inward and open to the others
of the group.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour closes her eyes once
more, breathing deeply, opening her mind to the circle.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight breathes in deeply,
releasing his breath slowly as he closes his eyes. He continues his slow
breathing, his mind becoming gently at ease as he seeks the presence of the
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands breathes deeply, closing her eyes slowly. Once
relaxed she gently reaches out to touch your minds.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries closes her eyes and waits for them to
combine into one consciouscness. Seeing the whole ready, she closes her mind
to the outside world and turns inward, gathering the consciousness and
presenting it to Lord Lacostian with her own mind slowly being lost in the
Lacostian bows His head and spreads His wings behind Himself, as an aura of
grey light floods the chamber, caressing you mind.
You see the following people here:
Alnra, Suhnaye, Daxera, Lacostian, Ianthe, Arix, Jace, Niyu, Marina, Diamondais
, Laura, Suzari, Tully
A ghostly image of Lacostian comes into your minds eye as He walks over and
beckons to each in the circle, drawing your mind further from your body,
suspended in the aethereal fabric.
Lacostian tilts His head to you, "Look around, listen to the world, touch the
mind of your friend." He holds a hand above Marina's suspended self, touching
His palm to her forehead as a nimbus of white light suffuses her mind.
The shadows wane, perpetually avoiding the evanescent firelight.
"As is capable when the world of the physical is merely a dream," says
Lacostian. He closes His eyes, concentrating on the psyche of those in the
Basin of Life. He bows His head once more, as He draws the sickness into
Himself, siphoning the insanity from those outside the circle. His eyes open
once more, and He says "Try to siphon the insanity from your friends."
Glittering flashes of light radiate from the core of a spinning disk of smoky
A suffusion of light touches your mind, giving new strength to the circle.
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
A whisper fills your consciousness as it says, "I draw you back, follow my
A ping of light floods your mind, slowly drawing your mind back to your body.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Awaken."
Arix blinks.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight frowns and blinks as he
tries to focus.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light allows her eyes to open slowly.
You have emoted: Tully looks up.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Apprentice Niyu Opens his eyes and looks up at Lacosian.
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei calmly opens his eyes and looks around himself.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour opens her eyes and
shakes her head slowly, coming back into focus.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Suhnaye is
here, sprawled on the floor. Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord levitates here,
wreathed in coruscating plumes of aetheric mist. Diamondais, Accepted of the
Light is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her
left hand. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a
figurine of a bright pink sea anemone in his left hand and a golden sun sling
in his right. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields
a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of
himself. Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here,
sprawled on the floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand.
Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Ianthe, Xyl's Shard
is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a deck of Tarot cards in each hand.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour is here, sprawled on
the floor. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She wields an athame
dagger in her left hand.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "The healers of this circle have learned
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "And I hope our other guests have learned
other ways of healing."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries slowly opens her eyes, letting the last
bit of consciousness leave her. With a gentle mental kiss, she relases her
husband last though still longing for the union she felt with his mind. She
looks at him with a loving stare, her eyes swirling with the mists of her
Jace snuggles up close to Ianthe and leans comfortably on her.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Spread the knowledge I have given you."
Marina nods her head at Lacostian.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Aye, Father. We shall."
Suzari looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Jace nods his head sagely.
Suhnaye Whytetower breathes slightly deeper as his eyes come back into focus.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "All of you may now help those in need."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I will ty, at
A slow, mournful susurrus echoes across the brumal walls.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "Try, even."
Jace's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-ab healing insanity
I know of no skill called "Healing."
You beam broadly.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-l
Suzari crosses his arms on his chest, sticks out his lower lip, and pouts.
Daxera gives Suzari a compassionate hug.
Laura gives a pained sigh.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I need to
strengthen my skills."
Suzari nods his head sagely.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Can mages learn the healing
You say, "I am glad we now have a way to deal with this problem, Lacostian."
Suzari's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Suhnaye nods his head in agreement.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "Indeed."
Marina's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Only Wiccans and Celestines have
Healing isnt it?"
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Use it well."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "We now have a cure. Let the
healing begin."
You nod your head emphatically.
Suzari's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
With a slight wave of His hand, Lacostian vanishes in a cloud of coruscating
Arix blinks.
Ianthe is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands says to Arix, "I guess not."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says to Marina, "May I
learn healing from you?"
Marina nods her head at Suzari.
You say, "My city boyos ain't gonna be happy they aren't invited to the healing
You chuckle long and heartily.
Marina flashes you a joyous smile.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Meh."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "They were given the chance to
choose their finest healers."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says to you, "Ther were invited."
Jace nods his head at Marina.
You nod your head emphatically.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-qw
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says to you, "Are we
really the only ones capable?"
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "You were chosen in their stead."
Suhnaye purses his lips, deep in thought.
Marina nods her head at Suzari.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Aye. We all are."
You say, "I'm not a healer."
Suzari begs Marina to impart some of the knowledge of Healing to him.
Marina bows to Suzari and commences the lesson in Healing.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Me neither."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I cannot heal
insanity, I'm afraid."
Aqua Adept Alnra Regamos says, "Nor me."
You say, "But it was important to be part of this."
Alnra nods her head in agreement.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "But you know the people capable of healing."
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Ill learn when I can.."
Suzari flashes Diamondais a joyous smile.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "And that is an advantage others do not have."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says, "I haven't learned enough to put these teachings
to use yet, but I wll."
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour says, "Neither am
I....I wish I was, but it is not possible for me."
Marina bows to Suzari - the lesson in Healing is over.
You say, "One can always learn something even if we don't have the rote
Suzari begs Marina to impart some of the knowledge of Healing to him.
Marina bows to Suzari and commences the lesson in Healing.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Healing just isn't with the body.
You can also heal the spirit, the soul, and the mind."
The body of Apprentice Niyu appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill
it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion.
Marina bows to Suzari - the lesson in Healing is over.
Suzari nods his head emphatically.
Niyu gives a pained sigh.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "Yet, I have such
a long way to go to learn it."
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands says to Niyu, "Did you miss anything?"
Apprentice Niyu says, "I got all the way to the heal all my friends talk...."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "So will the ability to heal
insanity only be available to the people in this room?"
You say, "I don't know, maybe."
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "Perhaps..."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Those of you who can not heal
also learned something very valuable."
Suzari gives Laura a compassionate hug.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "You learned how to meditae from
Niyu waves goodbye at Laura.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "That is a rare experience."
Marina gives Laura a compassionate hug.
Laura turns translucent and then vanishes, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling
motes of light.
Jace flashes Marina a joyous smile.
Arix stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Suzari flashes Marina a joyous smile.
Daxera nods her head at Marina.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "That is the first time I've ever
felt so whole with anyone."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says to Marina, "One I'll always remember. Thank you
for inviting me."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I'm grateful for
it though."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says to Suhnaye, "Even with you, my
Suhnaye's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
A slow, mournful susurrus echoes across the brumal walls.
The eyes of Jace go briefly out of focus.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled on the
floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand. Suhnaye is here,
sprawled on the floor. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She
wields an athame dagger in her left hand. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is
here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her left hand.
Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial
Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea anemone
in his left hand and a golden sun sling in his right. Daxera McCloud, Sifter of
Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled
on the floor. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded
by one reflection of himself.
There are no obvious exits.
Marina reaches over and pushes a shimmering pearl on an ancient granite throne.
The ground begins to rumble as the four exiting archways begin to tremble.
With a flourish of his arm, Jace bows deeply.
Diamondais stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Granite slabs slowly begin their ascent within the exiting archways.
Marina gives Jace a compassionate hug.
The shadows wane as the slabs grow nearer to the apex of the archways.
Marina's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
The granite slabs clear each apex with a loud echoing thud, unsealing the
"Heh heh heh" Jace chuckles.
You say, "Well, that's for allowing me to attend."
Marina flashes you a joyous smile.
You give Marina a compassionate hug.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. An ancient throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning
disk of hollowed smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid
air. There are 4 thoughtful scholars here. Suhnaye is here, sprawled on the
floor. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is here. She wields a white kite
shield in her left hand. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster is here,
shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea anemone in his left hand
and a golden sun sling in his right. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the
floor. Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled
on the floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand. Daxera McCloud,
Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Apprentice Niyu is here,
sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor.
He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She
wields an athame dagger in her left hand.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Marina gives you a compassionate hug.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Hm.."
Suzari flashes you a joyous smile.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-teleport nexus
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
the Megalith of Doom.
You have recovered equilibrium.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-
You teleport along the aether strands to the Megalith of Doom.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Suhnaye is
here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Ianthe, Xyl's Shard is here, sprawled on
the floor. She wields a deck of Tarot cards in each hand. Chef Arix Windrider,
Aerial Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea
anemone in his left hand and a golden sun sling in his right. Ecclesiar Jace
Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a glowing powerstone in his
left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of himself. Marina, Oracle of
Mysteries is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields an athame dagger in her
left hand. Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Fellowship Faerie,
Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields a
white kite shield in his left hand. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is here,
sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her left hand.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord levitates here, wreathed in coruscating plumes of
aetheric mist. Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour is
here, sprawled on the floor.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I am going to aide you in finding this
cure through a few steps of deep meditation. As some of you know, I am a
Meditator of the Third Circle of the Elder Gods; this affords me a certain
proficiency in this area. Meditation is not only used to heal the self, but may
be used to touch the minds of others, sense disturbances in the fabric or the
fields of magic, as well as healing."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "It also aids concentration to a
Suzari grins mischievously at Arix.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I wish for you all to follow with me into
a trance, I will slowly guide all of you. Only those of you that are skilled
healers will find the mind touch out of this, but any may travel on the road of
self-enlightenment and discovery."
Marina nods her head emphatically.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Shall we do as we were doing
You shut your eyes and concentrate on life. A moment later, you feel your link
with the strings of fate sever.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Yes."
Marina nods her head emphatically.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "I will follow suit."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Begin again and combine
yourselves into one consciousness."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster closes his eyes and begins to breathe
You have emoted: Tully bows his head and begins to empty his mind of thought,
attempting to reach out to the other minds.
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei closes his eyes again and relaxes body and mind in
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-emote slows his breathing
You have emoted: Tully slows his breathing.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster breathes slowly and opens his mind to
those around him.
Apprentice Niyu Closes his eyes and breathes, Then melds his mind to the
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light closes her eyes and as her breath slows she
opens her mind to the others.
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
Aqua Adept Alnra Regamos closes her eyes and breathes slowly and deeply.
Suhnaye Whytetower allows his mind to slowly turn inward and open to the others
of the group.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour closes her eyes once
more, breathing deeply, opening her mind to the circle.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight breathes in deeply,
releasing his breath slowly as he closes his eyes. He continues his slow
breathing, his mind becoming gently at ease as he seeks the presence of the
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands breathes deeply, closing her eyes slowly. Once
relaxed she gently reaches out to touch your minds.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries closes her eyes and waits for them to
combine into one consciouscness. Seeing the whole ready, she closes her mind
to the outside world and turns inward, gathering the consciousness and
presenting it to Lord Lacostian with her own mind slowly being lost in the
Lacostian bows His head and spreads His wings behind Himself, as an aura of
grey light floods the chamber, caressing you mind.
You see the following people here:
Alnra, Suhnaye, Daxera, Lacostian, Ianthe, Arix, Jace, Niyu, Marina, Diamondais
, Laura, Suzari, Tully
A ghostly image of Lacostian comes into your minds eye as He walks over and
beckons to each in the circle, drawing your mind further from your body,
suspended in the aethereal fabric.
Lacostian tilts His head to you, "Look around, listen to the world, touch the
mind of your friend." He holds a hand above Marina's suspended self, touching
His palm to her forehead as a nimbus of white light suffuses her mind.
The shadows wane, perpetually avoiding the evanescent firelight.
"As is capable when the world of the physical is merely a dream," says
Lacostian. He closes His eyes, concentrating on the psyche of those in the
Basin of Life. He bows His head once more, as He draws the sickness into
Himself, siphoning the insanity from those outside the circle. His eyes open
once more, and He says "Try to siphon the insanity from your friends."
Glittering flashes of light radiate from the core of a spinning disk of smoky
A suffusion of light touches your mind, giving new strength to the circle.
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
A whisper fills your consciousness as it says, "I draw you back, follow my
A ping of light floods your mind, slowly drawing your mind back to your body.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Awaken."
Arix blinks.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight frowns and blinks as he
tries to focus.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light allows her eyes to open slowly.
You have emoted: Tully looks up.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Apprentice Niyu Opens his eyes and looks up at Lacosian.
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei calmly opens his eyes and looks around himself.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour opens her eyes and
shakes her head slowly, coming back into focus.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Suhnaye is
here, sprawled on the floor. Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord levitates here,
wreathed in coruscating plumes of aetheric mist. Diamondais, Accepted of the
Light is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her
left hand. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a
figurine of a bright pink sea anemone in his left hand and a golden sun sling
in his right. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor. He wields
a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded by one reflection of
himself. Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here,
sprawled on the floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand.
Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Ianthe, Xyl's Shard
is here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a deck of Tarot cards in each hand.
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour is here, sprawled on
the floor. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She wields an athame
dagger in her left hand.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "The healers of this circle have learned
Swirls of mist sinuously rise from the floor, dancing perpetually into the
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "And I hope our other guests have learned
other ways of healing."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries slowly opens her eyes, letting the last
bit of consciousness leave her. With a gentle mental kiss, she relases her
husband last though still longing for the union she felt with his mind. She
looks at him with a loving stare, her eyes swirling with the mists of her
Jace snuggles up close to Ianthe and leans comfortably on her.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Spread the knowledge I have given you."
Marina nods her head at Lacostian.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Aye, Father. We shall."
Suzari looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Jace nods his head sagely.
Suhnaye Whytetower breathes slightly deeper as his eyes come back into focus.
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "All of you may now help those in need."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I will ty, at
A slow, mournful susurrus echoes across the brumal walls.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "Try, even."
Jace's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-ab healing insanity
I know of no skill called "Healing."
You beam broadly.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-l
Suzari crosses his arms on his chest, sticks out his lower lip, and pouts.
Daxera gives Suzari a compassionate hug.
Laura gives a pained sigh.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I need to
strengthen my skills."
Suzari nods his head sagely.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Can mages learn the healing
You say, "I am glad we now have a way to deal with this problem, Lacostian."
Suzari's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
Suhnaye nods his head in agreement.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "Indeed."
Marina's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Only Wiccans and Celestines have
Healing isnt it?"
Lacostian, the Mysterial Lord says, "Use it well."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "We now have a cure. Let the
healing begin."
You nod your head emphatically.
Suzari's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
With a slight wave of His hand, Lacostian vanishes in a cloud of coruscating
Arix blinks.
Ianthe is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands says to Arix, "I guess not."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says to Marina, "May I
learn healing from you?"
Marina nods her head at Suzari.
You say, "My city boyos ain't gonna be happy they aren't invited to the healing
You chuckle long and heartily.
Marina flashes you a joyous smile.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Meh."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "They were given the chance to
choose their finest healers."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says to you, "Ther were invited."
Jace nods his head at Marina.
You nod your head emphatically.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-qw
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says to you, "Are we
really the only ones capable?"
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "You were chosen in their stead."
Suhnaye purses his lips, deep in thought.
Marina nods her head at Suzari.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Aye. We all are."
You say, "I'm not a healer."
Suzari begs Marina to impart some of the knowledge of Healing to him.
Marina bows to Suzari and commences the lesson in Healing.
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "Me neither."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I cannot heal
insanity, I'm afraid."
Aqua Adept Alnra Regamos says, "Nor me."
You say, "But it was important to be part of this."
Alnra nods her head in agreement.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "But you know the people capable of healing."
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Ill learn when I can.."
Suzari flashes Diamondais a joyous smile.
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "And that is an advantage others do not have."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says, "I haven't learned enough to put these teachings
to use yet, but I wll."
Lady of Lacerations, Laura d'Erlette, of the Darkest Hour says, "Neither am
I....I wish I was, but it is not possible for me."
Marina bows to Suzari - the lesson in Healing is over.
You say, "One can always learn something even if we don't have the rote
Suzari begs Marina to impart some of the knowledge of Healing to him.
Marina bows to Suzari and commences the lesson in Healing.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Healing just isn't with the body.
You can also heal the spirit, the soul, and the mind."
The body of Apprentice Niyu appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill
it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion.
Marina bows to Suzari - the lesson in Healing is over.
Suzari nods his head emphatically.
Niyu gives a pained sigh.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "Yet, I have such
a long way to go to learn it."
Daxera McCloud, Sifter of Sands says to Niyu, "Did you miss anything?"
Apprentice Niyu says, "I got all the way to the heal all my friends talk...."
Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster says, "So will the ability to heal
insanity only be available to the people in this room?"
You say, "I don't know, maybe."
Suhnaye Whytetower says, "Perhaps..."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "Those of you who can not heal
also learned something very valuable."
Suzari gives Laura a compassionate hug.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "You learned how to meditae from
Niyu waves goodbye at Laura.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "That is a rare experience."
Marina gives Laura a compassionate hug.
Laura turns translucent and then vanishes, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling
motes of light.
Jace flashes Marina a joyous smile.
Arix stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
Suzari flashes Marina a joyous smile.
Daxera nods her head at Marina.
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says, "That is the first time I've ever
felt so whole with anyone."
Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei says to Marina, "One I'll always remember. Thank you
for inviting me."
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight says, "I'm grateful for
it though."
Marina Whytetower, Oracle of Mysteries says to Suhnaye, "Even with you, my
Suhnaye's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.
A slow, mournful susurrus echoes across the brumal walls.
The eyes of Jace go briefly out of focus.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. A slab of black granite seals the four exiting archways. An ancient
throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning disk of hollowed
smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid air. There are 4
thoughtful scholars here. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the floor.
Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled on the
floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand. Suhnaye is here,
sprawled on the floor. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She
wields an athame dagger in her left hand. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is
here, sprawled on the floor. She wields a white kite shield in her left hand.
Apprentice Niyu is here, sprawled on the floor. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial
Trickster is here, shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea anemone
in his left hand and a golden sun sling in his right. Daxera McCloud, Sifter of
Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled
on the floor. He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded
by one reflection of himself.
There are no obvious exits.
Marina reaches over and pushes a shimmering pearl on an ancient granite throne.
The ground begins to rumble as the four exiting archways begin to tremble.
With a flourish of his arm, Jace bows deeply.
Diamondais stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
Granite slabs slowly begin their ascent within the exiting archways.
Marina gives Jace a compassionate hug.
The shadows wane as the slabs grow nearer to the apex of the archways.
Marina's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
The granite slabs clear each apex with a loud echoing thud, unsealing the
"Heh heh heh" Jace chuckles.
You say, "Well, that's for allowing me to attend."
Marina flashes you a joyous smile.
You give Marina a compassionate hug.
Dais of Thaumaturgy.
The hallways converge here into a broad court of crystalline flagstone, which
stretches the entirety of this monolithic circular chamber. A dais of pure
smoky quartz rises some five feet from the centre of the court, while stairs of
pearl provide access to it from each of the four walkways. Two channels of
water line each of the walkways, converging seamlessly into a placid circle
around the base of the dais. Massive urns of silver burn fiercely near the
outer walls, the heatless white fire crackling in the distance. Overhead a
single balcony is visible, encircling the chamber forming a second floor, and
further up a giant dome of dark smoky quartz looms in the vast heights, serving
to encapsulate the chamber from the impeding waterfall which drums
hypnotically. The dome sheets the water into four open ducts that line the
walls, each ending at the opening of the balustrades where the water is then
curtained, separating the upper floor and this chamber by a pane of clear
falling water. The water then follows the curve of the walls, gathering in the
channels by each of the crystalline archways flowing out to other channels. A
sinuous mist plumes across the floors, perpetually moving into the hazy heights
above. An ancient throne floats here above a dais of smoky quartz. A spinning
disk of hollowed smoky quartz floats near the northern wall, suspended in mid
air. There are 4 thoughtful scholars here. Suhnaye is here, sprawled on the
floor. Diamondais, Accepted of the Light is here. She wields a white kite
shield in her left hand. Chef Arix Windrider, Aerial Trickster is here,
shrouded. He wields a figurine of a bright pink sea anemone in his left hand
and a golden sun sling in his right. Aqua Adept Alnra is here, sprawled on the
floor. Fellowship Faerie, Suzari "Zachs" Lithara, of Twilight is here, sprawled
on the floor. He wields a white kite shield in his left hand. Daxera McCloud,
Sifter of Sands is here, sprawled on the floor. Apprentice Niyu is here,
sprawled on the floor. Ecclesiar Jace Natsurei is here, sprawled on the floor.
He wields a glowing powerstone in his left hand. He is surrounded by one
reflection of himself. Marina, Oracle of Mysteries is here, shrouded. She
wields an athame dagger in her left hand.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Marina gives you a compassionate hug.
Diamondais, Accepted of the Light says, "Hm.."
Suzari flashes you a joyous smile.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-teleport nexus
You tug upon the aether strands around you, searching for one that connects to
the Megalith of Doom.
You have recovered equilibrium.
1770h, 1055m, 1320e, 10p, 7750en, 6400w exp-
You teleport along the aether strands to the Megalith of Doom.
Unknown2011-02-09 15:15:31
I missed this log getting posted, but neato! 

Unknown2011-08-01 22:12:54
This really brings back memories...
I really miss those days.