Extra! Extra! Kalikai and Terentia Secret Lesbian Lovers!
by Unknown
Back to Chronicles of the Basin.
Unknown2011-02-10 06:30:12
For those of you that don't subscribe to the Gossip:
"The Gaudiguch Gossip", By the Free Commonwealth of Gaudiguch (Page 2)
Last month, in an unpopular and, according to Mayor Briaria, unsupported
decision, Archmage Lyria Valtyros has unenemied several high ranking
members of the Order of Terentia to the city, stating that "Said people
above are no longer a threat, and wished to end their days of raiding
and enemyship." As rumours fly about the possibility of an alliance
between the orders of Kalikai and Terentia, or even between Gaudiguch
and Celest, the Mayor has declared that these Celestians are still
enemies to Gaudiguch, and revoked their fines until such time as the
Council has debated the matter. We've decided to speak with the Lady
Kalikai about the topic, and conducted the following intereview:
Kalikai: My my, it seems there is a queue forming already, eh?
Iytha: I'm the last one, I'm afraid. For now, at least.
I: Seems I'm out of whiskey.
K: You may as well have some of Mine, eh? After all you are the -last-
of the queue.
I: So, I wanted to ask you a few questions. For the Gossip?
K: Before I answer any questions I want to know if I am to get a copy of
the Gossip for free for doing this.
I: I'll have to get Lyria to make some more copies, but sure.
I: Alot of wild rumours have been flying about about Your relationship
with the Lady Terentia, the rumours of an alliance between Your
respective orders, that You and the Lady Terentia were romantically
involved prior to the Elder Wars, and the reports that You have sworn
Your own order to silence about the whole thing. Is any of that true?
The world wants to know!
K: Very well then. Let's start with the rumours, eh?
K: There is a sad fact the rumours forget to mention. We had a chat,
Bluebells and I, and to My horror all She served was tea. This is an
issue that really needs improvement, if any citizen would like to send
Her some samples of -real- drinks.
K: As for the content of our little chat. We simply decided that the
resources of our respective orders would be better spent elsewhere than
fighting each other. A simple non-aggression agreement exists between
the orders, and only the orders. Although...
K: Although it does encompass the territories belonging to either city,
which means Gaudiguch will have to deal with a few less attacks.
I: Clever!
K: Any agreement that is made or not made between the cities in the
future is for the respective Councils to decide.
I: Any comment on the rumours that Lyria unenemied those Terentians at
Your request?
K: I have no interest whether they are enemied to the city or not. There
may be advantages gained by unenemying them, but that too is something
the Council will have to decide.
I: Suppose that makes sense. What about Your relationship with Terentia
prior to the Elder Wars? I understand that You were both of the Second
K: Oh shard, I am afraid that is an answer I won't give.
I: Oh well.
K: How about you simply ask Bluebells, eh? Be sure to bring a decent
drink though.
I: I may just do that. Or one of the more gossipy Elders.
I: So, we've already covered whether of not You and Terentia are allied
with eachother. How about the bit about swearing Your order to secrecy?
K: A secret is hardly a secret once shared among the entirety of My
Following, don't you think?
K: And if it wasn't common knowledge among them, there would be no point
to it.
I: Alrighty. I think that is just about everything. Anything else You'd
like to add?
K: Don't forget about My copy of this edition, eh?
I: And getting Bluebells that whiskey!
K: Oh yes. Definately.
K: Good luck with that too, eh?
K: You might need it.
Soon after, we went and got some drinks and headed over to Terentia's
Fulcrux. She was expecting us:
T: Greetings, Iytha.
I: Hello, Lady Terentia!
I: I just interviewed Lady Kalikai, for the Gossip. She told me to come
visit You, and to bring libations!
T: The Gossip?
I: A newspaper!
I see.
I: I wasn't sure what You'd like, so I got a bit of everything.
T: A newspaper... Interesting.
I: It is! Kalikai's already subscribed. I should deliver that to her.
T: So, Kalikai told you to see Me?
I: She did!
T: Now then... Why did She tell you to come here?
I: Well, to bring You the libations, and to ask You a question.
T: I'm listening.
I: Like I said, I got a bit of everything. Most of Gaudi chipped in.
Elfen apricot brandy, mint and caynne whiskey, flaming lizard, phoenix,
some green wine from Celest, two sorts of moonshine, thousand lights and
some apple flavoured stuff...
T: Give the city of Fire My appreciation.
I: I will!
T: I have elected to relieve you of the thousand lights bottle.
I: It's my favourite. Good choice!
T: This should be interesting.
T: Go ahead, young one.
I: It is very strong stuff. Makes you see lights.
I: Oh, the question! "Well...
T: Delays make Me intrigued, and yet impatient, young one. For your
health, I suggest you speed up this process
I: There have been rumours going around, that You and Kalikai were, um,
in a relationship prior to the Elder Wars, and that is why You and She
have decided to go back to being on good terms now. Kalikai told me that
She wouldn't answer, but told me to go ask You about it. Please don't
zap me?
T: And where, by Yudhe, might you have heard this?
I: Well, there has been a great deal of speculation in Gaudiguch. I
think Arcanis first came up with the theory, but it's gotten rather
popular since then.
T: I see... And what is your theory, young one?
I: Well, it certainly seems plausable...
I: And it would be a wonderfully inspiring thing to hear, if it were
T: The two most prominent cadres within the Warriors were the Crimson
Eyes, and the Golden Circle...
T: ...Of course, the Golden Circle was the best, but the Crimson Eyes
did come closer than most...
T: ...You can surmise that there may have been a closer association than
some might have suspected, given that...
T: ...Our various formations, tactics, drills, assaults.. At one point
there was a reference to Us as scissor sisters, though I still do not
quite grasp why...
I: May I ask who said that?
T: It might have been Oovanti, or perhaps Ologri. Then again, it could
also have been Krokano... This was, you understand, several thousands of
years ago, as you understand time...
I: Of course.
T: Kalikai is the only known surviving member of Her cadre. As I am the
only one to survive of the Golden Circle. Any reference to that blob
that keeps a gaze on the Taintwalkers as being a Golden Circle still
would be ill advised.
T: Any other queries, Iytha?
I: What should I do with the rest of the libations, if You don't want
T: You can leave them here if you wish...they will be taken.
I: Alrighty! Did you like the thousand lights?
T: Indeed.
I: Great! I knew You would!
T: Walk Well...
I: Farewell, Lady Terentia!
There you have it, folks! Terentia and Kalikai, "scissor sisters" from
before the Elder Wars, now reunited by their love, and wanting peace
between Their orders!
Last month, in an unpopular and, according to Mayor Briaria, unsupported
decision, Archmage Lyria Valtyros has unenemied several high ranking
members of the Order of Terentia to the city, stating that "Said people
above are no longer a threat, and wished to end their days of raiding
and enemyship." As rumours fly about the possibility of an alliance
between the orders of Kalikai and Terentia, or even between Gaudiguch
and Celest, the Mayor has declared that these Celestians are still
enemies to Gaudiguch, and revoked their fines until such time as the
Council has debated the matter. We've decided to speak with the Lady
Kalikai about the topic, and conducted the following intereview:
Kalikai: My my, it seems there is a queue forming already, eh?
Iytha: I'm the last one, I'm afraid. For now, at least.
I: Seems I'm out of whiskey.
K: You may as well have some of Mine, eh? After all you are the -last-
of the queue.
I: So, I wanted to ask you a few questions. For the Gossip?
K: Before I answer any questions I want to know if I am to get a copy of
the Gossip for free for doing this.
I: I'll have to get Lyria to make some more copies, but sure.
I: Alot of wild rumours have been flying about about Your relationship
with the Lady Terentia, the rumours of an alliance between Your
respective orders, that You and the Lady Terentia were romantically
involved prior to the Elder Wars, and the reports that You have sworn
Your own order to silence about the whole thing. Is any of that true?
The world wants to know!
K: Very well then. Let's start with the rumours, eh?
K: There is a sad fact the rumours forget to mention. We had a chat,
Bluebells and I, and to My horror all She served was tea. This is an
issue that really needs improvement, if any citizen would like to send
Her some samples of -real- drinks.
K: As for the content of our little chat. We simply decided that the
resources of our respective orders would be better spent elsewhere than
fighting each other. A simple non-aggression agreement exists between
the orders, and only the orders. Although...
K: Although it does encompass the territories belonging to either city,
which means Gaudiguch will have to deal with a few less attacks.
I: Clever!
K: Any agreement that is made or not made between the cities in the
future is for the respective Councils to decide.
I: Any comment on the rumours that Lyria unenemied those Terentians at
Your request?
K: I have no interest whether they are enemied to the city or not. There
may be advantages gained by unenemying them, but that too is something
the Council will have to decide.
I: Suppose that makes sense. What about Your relationship with Terentia
prior to the Elder Wars? I understand that You were both of the Second
K: Oh shard, I am afraid that is an answer I won't give.
I: Oh well.
K: How about you simply ask Bluebells, eh? Be sure to bring a decent
drink though.
I: I may just do that. Or one of the more gossipy Elders.
I: So, we've already covered whether of not You and Terentia are allied
with eachother. How about the bit about swearing Your order to secrecy?
K: A secret is hardly a secret once shared among the entirety of My
Following, don't you think?
K: And if it wasn't common knowledge among them, there would be no point
to it.
I: Alrighty. I think that is just about everything. Anything else You'd
like to add?
K: Don't forget about My copy of this edition, eh?
I: And getting Bluebells that whiskey!
K: Oh yes. Definately.
K: Good luck with that too, eh?
K: You might need it.
Soon after, we went and got some drinks and headed over to Terentia's
Fulcrux. She was expecting us:
T: Greetings, Iytha.
I: Hello, Lady Terentia!
I: I just interviewed Lady Kalikai, for the Gossip. She told me to come
visit You, and to bring libations!
T: The Gossip?
I: A newspaper!
I see.
I: I wasn't sure what You'd like, so I got a bit of everything.
T: A newspaper... Interesting.
I: It is! Kalikai's already subscribed. I should deliver that to her.
T: So, Kalikai told you to see Me?
I: She did!
T: Now then... Why did She tell you to come here?
I: Well, to bring You the libations, and to ask You a question.
T: I'm listening.
I: Like I said, I got a bit of everything. Most of Gaudi chipped in.
Elfen apricot brandy, mint and caynne whiskey, flaming lizard, phoenix,
some green wine from Celest, two sorts of moonshine, thousand lights and
some apple flavoured stuff...
T: Give the city of Fire My appreciation.
I: I will!
T: I have elected to relieve you of the thousand lights bottle.
I: It's my favourite. Good choice!
T: This should be interesting.
T: Go ahead, young one.
I: It is very strong stuff. Makes you see lights.
I: Oh, the question! "Well...
T: Delays make Me intrigued, and yet impatient, young one. For your
health, I suggest you speed up this process
I: There have been rumours going around, that You and Kalikai were, um,
in a relationship prior to the Elder Wars, and that is why You and She
have decided to go back to being on good terms now. Kalikai told me that
She wouldn't answer, but told me to go ask You about it. Please don't
zap me?
T: And where, by Yudhe, might you have heard this?
I: Well, there has been a great deal of speculation in Gaudiguch. I
think Arcanis first came up with the theory, but it's gotten rather
popular since then.
T: I see... And what is your theory, young one?
I: Well, it certainly seems plausable...
I: And it would be a wonderfully inspiring thing to hear, if it were
T: The two most prominent cadres within the Warriors were the Crimson
Eyes, and the Golden Circle...
T: ...Of course, the Golden Circle was the best, but the Crimson Eyes
did come closer than most...
T: ...You can surmise that there may have been a closer association than
some might have suspected, given that...
T: ...Our various formations, tactics, drills, assaults.. At one point
there was a reference to Us as scissor sisters, though I still do not
quite grasp why...
I: May I ask who said that?
T: It might have been Oovanti, or perhaps Ologri. Then again, it could
also have been Krokano... This was, you understand, several thousands of
years ago, as you understand time...
I: Of course.
T: Kalikai is the only known surviving member of Her cadre. As I am the
only one to survive of the Golden Circle. Any reference to that blob
that keeps a gaze on the Taintwalkers as being a Golden Circle still
would be ill advised.
T: Any other queries, Iytha?
I: What should I do with the rest of the libations, if You don't want
T: You can leave them here if you wish...they will be taken.
I: Alrighty! Did you like the thousand lights?
T: Indeed.
I: Great! I knew You would!
T: Walk Well...
I: Farewell, Lady Terentia!
There you have it, folks! Terentia and Kalikai, "scissor sisters" from
before the Elder Wars, now reunited by their love, and wanting peace
between Their orders!
Tekora2011-02-10 07:10:53

Casilu2011-02-10 07:19:07
I lol'd at scissor sisters. Damn you, /u/,
Llandros2011-02-10 07:30:44
well scissor me timbers
Sylandra2011-02-10 07:51:35
The Basin demands fanfic.
Kalikentia? Terentai?
Kalikentia? Terentai?
Unknown2011-02-10 10:36:19
I love the Gossip, it is Awesome. 

Unknown2011-02-10 13:06:27
QUOTE (Sylandra @ Feb 10 2011, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Basin demands fanfic.
Kalikentia? Terentai?
Kalikentia? Terentai?
My Hallifaxian instincts tell me no, but...damn...too late:
Battlefield record TU-R1R6UT3N4
Withdrawing their weapons from the lifeless corpses of the Soulless, the two Goddesses began surveying the crystalline landscape.
"Is that the last of them?"
"I believe so, Blu..."
Terentia placed a finger against Kalikai's lips, causing her to blush.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, dear Kalikai. Looks like I'm going to have to 'punish' you for calling me that nickname when we get back."
The Even-Bladed grinned, the warmth in her eyes not quite matching her cool exterior.
"My, you blush so easily."
"S-shut up, Bluebells!"
"Whoops, you did it again. Looks like it'll be 'double-punishment' later. "
Withdrawing their weapons from the lifeless corpses of the Soulless, the two Goddesses began surveying the crystalline landscape.
"Is that the last of them?"
"I believe so, Blu..."
Terentia placed a finger against Kalikai's lips, causing her to blush.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, dear Kalikai. Looks like I'm going to have to 'punish' you for calling me that nickname when we get back."
The Even-Bladed grinned, the warmth in her eyes not quite matching her cool exterior.
"My, you blush so easily."
"S-shut up, Bluebells!"
"Whoops, you did it again. Looks like it'll be 'double-punishment' later. "
I feel like I should not continue, but all in all, this happens:

Calixa2011-02-10 13:27:27
Oh dear, cannot stop giggling.
Noola2011-02-10 13:42:35
Scissor sisters! 

Llesvelt2011-02-10 13:59:25
Catarin2011-02-10 15:42:05
Hahaha, this is great. Nice job Iytha.
Lehki2011-02-10 16:41:39
Oh my god
Unknown2011-02-11 15:19:39
Also, nice, Iytha! And Synbios for the partial fanfic. ...must go write more later...
Also, nice, Iytha! And Synbios for the partial fanfic. ...must go write more later...
Unknown2011-02-11 15:28:32
@Kayte: Incidentally, Terentia does act like an icy ojou-sama, while Kalikai is more of a hotblooded girl. With a bit of a drinking habit.