Aerotan2011-02-18 07:10:42
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Hmm, I do think I should learn more of said cuddlemancy.. before deciding how I feel about it."
Avianca beams broadly at Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, well. Who wishes to learn this most ancient and powerful of arts?"
You raise your hand high in the air, feeling hopeful.
With a hopeful smile, Saoirse raises her hand high in the air.
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says, "Oooh me!"
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "I'm up for it!"
With a hopeful smile, Elosia raises her hand high in the air.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Mind that you will be the first to possess such knowledge in many an age."
Saoirse squeals in excitement.
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth taps His fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "First, we must begin with a basic refresher, hm?"
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What are those things that you consider to be positive emotions?"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Elosia ponders the situation.
Elosia gives a brilliant white rose to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Positive emotions.. laughing I suppose.. or smiling.. those seem positive to me."
Lyreth smiles softly at Elosia.
Avianca pets Elosia ingratiatingly.
You say, "Love, compassion, comraderie."
You say, "And cake."
Avianca shouts out a happy "Yay!"
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says, "Cake!"
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Mmm cake."
Avianca turns her back on Saoirse and pointedly ignores her.
Pointing a brilliant white rose at Miciah, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, dear, but think a bit more deeply."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What causes you to do these things?"
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Elosia ponders the situation.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "I definately need to become more of a thinker."
Miciah nods his head sagely.
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says to Lyreth, "I think everyone just wants to be happy, Lord Lyreth."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Precisely!"
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Love. Compassion. Camaraderie, even blithe whimsy."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thankfulness, humility to a degree."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ultimately leading to that one eventual goal - happiness."
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Humility.. a lesson I'm still learning but have come far with."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You notice Avianca's eyelids are beginning to droop.
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says to Lyreth, "Do excuse me, Lord."
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Atleast, I sure hope so."
Avianca performs a graceful curtsey.
Lyreth nods His head at Avianca.
Avianca leaves to the up.
Merciful Judge Saoirse La'Saet says, "I must depart."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I do not believe that I am wrong in presuming that those present are familiar - at least in passing - with Magnagora, yes?"
Saoirse curtseys respectfully before Lyreth.
Lyreth smiles softly at Saoirse.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Saoirse, "Be well, dear."
Saoirse beams broadly at Lyreth.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I've heard of it, it doesn't sound very nice."
Elosia wrinkles her nose in distaste.
With a playful wink Saoirse explodes into a shower of iridescent bubbles that flow off to the up in a wave of shimmering colours.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Aye, Lord.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Well, dear, it is not."
You say, "Heard of them. Once or twice."
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Subject to a great tragedy. Not of their doing, initially, but they have embraced their fate, and with it become twisted and warped."
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
You say, "My nephew seems to be taken with them."
Lyreth glances askance at you.
Looking downtrodden, you sadly shake your head.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Regrettable."
You say, "Indeed."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case."
Elosia tilts her head curiously at Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Upon Celestia reside the five Holy Supernals, yes?"
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "And who, dear, are their counterparts, linked to Magnagora through the Megalith of Doom?"
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I haven't gotten to meet them, yet, but they all certainly sound very nice. Especially Lady Raziela."
Elosia sways back and forth.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says to Lyreth, "Oh! Oh! The Demon Lords!"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Nodding with a faint smile, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Just so!"
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Miciah snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Pitiful things, really. In the truest sense of the word - they are to be pitied."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What do you know of them? Anyone?"
Miciah looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Elosia sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
You say, "I'm passingly familiar with who they once were."
You say, "The Emanations, and some of their teahings."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "Precisely where I was heading. Do elaborate?"
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "All I know I've read in books..."
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
You say, "As I recall, though it's been years since I picked the information up, the Emanations once extolled the virtues of beauty, diplomacy, loyalty, and patience in achieving wholeness and happiness."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Succinctly put, quite so."
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "You are familiar with the Taint, perhaps? And its origins?"
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Splendid."
Miciah twirls his staff above himself and sparkling water rains upon him, making him shine with power.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The Tainted Plane of Nil was once known as Shallamar - remarkably similar, if you can believe, to our own Celestia."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Elosia blinks.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Here resided the five Holy Emanations, each paragons of their own teachings, remarkably analagous to the Supernals
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "But ours on Celestia are better, right?"
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I'm getting to that!"
"Ok!" Elosia exclaims.
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
The corners of Miciah's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Baalphegar, the Sublime Sage, extolled the virtues of knowledge to benefit the self, in order to benefit those around
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Nifilhema, the Queen of Illustrious Beauty, saw beauty in all things, and helped others to find beauty in all they viewed."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the Golden Bells, advocated peace and loyalty, the foundations of a strong and productive
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Luciphage, the Lord of Compassion, held such in his own heart, and helped those who followed him to spread the same emotion - and King Gorgaliel the Peacemaker tempered all of these things, bringing them into one conclusive whole."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Knowledge, loyalty, beauty, compassion, and peace - the five prime tenets of the Holy Emanations, as they were once taught."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Then, of course, tragedy struck. Nothing lasts, you know."
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Glorious Shallamar was tainted beyond repair, and with it the Emanations."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Beauty became pain, loyalty became wrath, knowledge became deceit."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Compassion became manipulation, and peace was so utterly warped that it lost its sentient form."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The point I attempt to make, in perhaps a long-winded fashion, is that Magnagora has been bereft of all of these things for a very, very long time."
-(Spam from Elosia's link dropping and her logging in again)
Elosia glances askance.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I am so so sorry!"
Lyreth smiles softly at Elosia.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "Not to worry, dear."
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "And I do hope you are paying attention, for you shall be required to teach the arts of this cuddlemancy in My absence."
Miciah grins mischievously at you.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case."
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
You nod your head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "This is why it is so terribly important to recognise what makes you happy, and why it does so."
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yet more important is to take it up, embrace it."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And share it with others."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Whether you're a brother of the Celestines or a savage of the Serenwilde."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "A business-minded lucidian of the spires or even - why, yes - a Magnagoran."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "There is not one thing living, not one, that does not have some spark of goodness within it."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That is the true power of what My sister has so chidingly termed 'cuddlemancy'"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It is truth, it is happiness, and it is showing common decency to your fellow man."
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "So taking happiness, and sharing it with everyone, regardless of who they are or where they reside?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Precisely. Some will reject it, and it cannot be helped."
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "It sounds very nice from what I've... err, pieced together."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "But some may well take it and use it to fan their own spark."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And in turn do to others what you have done for them."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus it is perpetuated, you see?"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth smiles softly.
You nod your head emphatically.
Elosia sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And that, My dears, is that."
Miciah smiles softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will
last for 1 month.
With a flourish of your arm, you bow deeply.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "And you, dear, bless you."
You thank Lyreth profusely.
Elosia, Aqua Spout smiles and says to Lyreth, "Oh, Lord Lyreth, if you do for others what they do for you... do you have a flower for me?"
The corners of Miciah's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Elosia beams broadly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "Thank you, Lord Lyreth!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I very well may, dear."
Elosia claps her hands together merrily.
Lyreth removes a glowing ivory rose.
Lyreth gives a glowing ivory rose to Elosia, Aqua Spout.
Utterly entranced, you emit a long "Ooooh."
"Oooooooooh!" Elosia says to a glowing ivory rose, eyes wide with wonder.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Take precious care of it, dear."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It will return to Me, in time, but for a while, you may call it yours."
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I certainly will!"
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Beauty must be shared, after all."
Miciah smiles softly.
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Elosia slips into a glowing ivory rose.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Be well, dear ones, and take what you will from this art."
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Motes of incandescent light whirl about Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince before dispersing, leaving naught but a faint melody hanging in the air.
Avianca beams broadly at Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, well. Who wishes to learn this most ancient and powerful of arts?"
You raise your hand high in the air, feeling hopeful.
With a hopeful smile, Saoirse raises her hand high in the air.
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says, "Oooh me!"
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "I'm up for it!"
With a hopeful smile, Elosia raises her hand high in the air.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Mind that you will be the first to possess such knowledge in many an age."
Saoirse squeals in excitement.
Saoirse bounces up and down.
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth taps His fingers together and murmurs, "Excellent..."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "First, we must begin with a basic refresher, hm?"
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What are those things that you consider to be positive emotions?"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Elosia ponders the situation.
Elosia gives a brilliant white rose to Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Positive emotions.. laughing I suppose.. or smiling.. those seem positive to me."
Lyreth smiles softly at Elosia.
Avianca pets Elosia ingratiatingly.
You say, "Love, compassion, comraderie."
You say, "And cake."
Avianca shouts out a happy "Yay!"
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says, "Cake!"
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Mmm cake."
Avianca turns her back on Saoirse and pointedly ignores her.
Pointing a brilliant white rose at Miciah, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yes, dear, but think a bit more deeply."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What causes you to do these things?"
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Elosia ponders the situation.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "I definately need to become more of a thinker."
Miciah nods his head sagely.
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says to Lyreth, "I think everyone just wants to be happy, Lord Lyreth."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Precisely!"
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Love. Compassion. Camaraderie, even blithe whimsy."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thankfulness, humility to a degree."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ultimately leading to that one eventual goal - happiness."
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Humility.. a lesson I'm still learning but have come far with."
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
You notice Avianca's eyelids are beginning to droop.
Aquamage Avianca, Spirit of Skerriagh says to Lyreth, "Do excuse me, Lord."
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Atleast, I sure hope so."
Avianca performs a graceful curtsey.
Lyreth nods His head at Avianca.
Avianca leaves to the up.
Merciful Judge Saoirse La'Saet says, "I must depart."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I do not believe that I am wrong in presuming that those present are familiar - at least in passing - with Magnagora, yes?"
Saoirse curtseys respectfully before Lyreth.
Lyreth smiles softly at Saoirse.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Saoirse, "Be well, dear."
Saoirse beams broadly at Lyreth.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I've heard of it, it doesn't sound very nice."
Elosia wrinkles her nose in distaste.
With a playful wink Saoirse explodes into a shower of iridescent bubbles that flow off to the up in a wave of shimmering colours.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "Aye, Lord.."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Well, dear, it is not."
You say, "Heard of them. Once or twice."
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Subject to a great tragedy. Not of their doing, initially, but they have embraced their fate, and with it become twisted and warped."
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
You say, "My nephew seems to be taken with them."
Lyreth glances askance at you.
Looking downtrodden, you sadly shake your head.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Regrettable."
You say, "Indeed."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case."
Elosia tilts her head curiously at Lyreth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Upon Celestia reside the five Holy Supernals, yes?"
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "And who, dear, are their counterparts, linked to Magnagora through the Megalith of Doom?"
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I haven't gotten to meet them, yet, but they all certainly sound very nice. Especially Lady Raziela."
Elosia sways back and forth.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says to Lyreth, "Oh! Oh! The Demon Lords!"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Nodding with a faint smile, Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Just so!"
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Miciah snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Pitiful things, really. In the truest sense of the word - they are to be pitied."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "What do you know of them? Anyone?"
Miciah looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Elosia sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
You say, "I'm passingly familiar with who they once were."
You say, "The Emanations, and some of their teahings."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "Precisely where I was heading. Do elaborate?"
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "All I know I've read in books..."
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
You say, "As I recall, though it's been years since I picked the information up, the Emanations once extolled the virtues of beauty, diplomacy, loyalty, and patience in achieving wholeness and happiness."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Succinctly put, quite so."
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "You are familiar with the Taint, perhaps? And its origins?"
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Splendid."
Miciah twirls his staff above himself and sparkling water rains upon him, making him shine with power.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The Tainted Plane of Nil was once known as Shallamar - remarkably similar, if you can believe, to our own Celestia."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Elosia blinks.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Here resided the five Holy Emanations, each paragons of their own teachings, remarkably analagous to the Supernals
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "But ours on Celestia are better, right?"
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I'm getting to that!"
"Ok!" Elosia exclaims.
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
The corners of Miciah's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Baalphegar, the Sublime Sage, extolled the virtues of knowledge to benefit the self, in order to benefit those around
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Nifilhema, the Queen of Illustrious Beauty, saw beauty in all things, and helped others to find beauty in all they viewed."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Ashtorath, Blessed Lord of the Golden Bells, advocated peace and loyalty, the foundations of a strong and productive
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Luciphage, the Lord of Compassion, held such in his own heart, and helped those who followed him to spread the same emotion - and King Gorgaliel the Peacemaker tempered all of these things, bringing them into one conclusive whole."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Knowledge, loyalty, beauty, compassion, and peace - the five prime tenets of the Holy Emanations, as they were once taught."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Then, of course, tragedy struck. Nothing lasts, you know."
Lyreth creases His brow in a frown.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Glorious Shallamar was tainted beyond repair, and with it the Emanations."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Beauty became pain, loyalty became wrath, knowledge became deceit."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Compassion became manipulation, and peace was so utterly warped that it lost its sentient form."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "The point I attempt to make, in perhaps a long-winded fashion, is that Magnagora has been bereft of all of these things for a very, very long time."
-(Spam from Elosia's link dropping and her logging in again)
Elosia glances askance.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I am so so sorry!"
Lyreth smiles softly at Elosia.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "Not to worry, dear."
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to you, "And I do hope you are paying attention, for you shall be required to teach the arts of this cuddlemancy in My absence."
Miciah grins mischievously at you.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "In any case."
Elosia tilts her head and listens intently to Lyreth.
You nod your head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "This is why it is so terribly important to recognise what makes you happy, and why it does so."
Miciah sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Yet more important is to take it up, embrace it."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And share it with others."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Whether you're a brother of the Celestines or a savage of the Serenwilde."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "A business-minded lucidian of the spires or even - why, yes - a Magnagoran."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "There is not one thing living, not one, that does not have some spark of goodness within it."
Showing that he understands, Miciah nods his head slowly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "That is the true power of what My sister has so chidingly termed 'cuddlemancy'"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It is truth, it is happiness, and it is showing common decency to your fellow man."
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Aqua Transfer Miciah Windwing says, "So taking happiness, and sharing it with everyone, regardless of who they are or where they reside?"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Precisely. Some will reject it, and it cannot be helped."
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "It sounds very nice from what I've... err, pieced together."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "But some may well take it and use it to fan their own spark."
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And in turn do to others what you have done for them."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Thus it is perpetuated, you see?"
Miciah nods his head emphatically.
Lyreth smiles softly.
You nod your head emphatically.
Elosia sucks thoughtfully on her teeth.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "And that, My dears, is that."
Miciah smiles softly.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will
last for 1 month.
With a flourish of your arm, you bow deeply.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says to Elosia, "And you, dear, bless you."
You thank Lyreth profusely.
Elosia, Aqua Spout smiles and says to Lyreth, "Oh, Lord Lyreth, if you do for others what they do for you... do you have a flower for me?"
The corners of Miciah's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Elosia beams broadly.
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "Thank you, Lord Lyreth!"
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "I very well may, dear."
Elosia claps her hands together merrily.
Lyreth removes a glowing ivory rose.
Lyreth gives a glowing ivory rose to Elosia, Aqua Spout.
Utterly entranced, you emit a long "Ooooh."
"Oooooooooh!" Elosia says to a glowing ivory rose, eyes wide with wonder.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Take precious care of it, dear."
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "It will return to Me, in time, but for a while, you may call it yours."
Elosia, Aqua Spout says, "I certainly will!"
Comprehension flashes across Elosia's face.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Beauty must be shared, after all."
Miciah smiles softly.
Lyreth's eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Elosia nods her head emphatically.
Elosia slips into a glowing ivory rose.
Elosia's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince says, "Be well, dear ones, and take what you will from this art."
The corners of Lyreth's mouth turn up as He grins mischievously.
Motes of incandescent light whirl about Lyreth, the Sidereal Prince before dispersing, leaving naught but a faint melody hanging in the air.
And the description of the rose, as provided by Elosia:
Each of its petals the colour of pure snow with a light golden tinge, this rose has an air of purity and an unnatural aura surrounding it. Its verdant emerald stem glows a healthy, life-filled emerald, while its leaves are a verdant green. Each of the veins running across the leaves are a brilliant gold colour, pulsing and moving softly and rhythmically, as though alive. The salty scent of the ocean lingers across its petals, bringing to mind the pre-dawn image of the Isle of Light.
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
It weighs 2 ounce(s).
Sylandra2011-02-18 07:28:52
Aw I love Lyreth. And His rose. 
Very nice log!

Very nice log!
Unknown2011-02-18 14:43:53
Awww, I'm sorry I missed this. 
Also, Elosia is such a dear.

Also, Elosia is such a dear.

Unknown2011-02-18 14:50:38
That is very cute, and still manages to tie in the Lusternian lore. Nice!
Calixa2011-02-19 14:27:38
Too. Much. Cute. *explodes*