Unknown2011-02-12 22:25:56
Episode two of the old favorite "Perceptions of Characters!" We've gotten to many new people, and so much has happened over the last year, that we've got the material for another thread.
Rules are simple
1. Keep it civil.
2. Be honest!
3. Talk about the character above you, don't go talking about some random person!
I would start with the person who posted with the last thread last, but that was me, so I suppose it'll start with the next poster.
Rules are simple
1. Keep it civil.
2. Be honest!
3. Talk about the character above you, don't go talking about some random person!
I would start with the person who posted with the last thread last, but that was me, so I suppose it'll start with the next poster.
Ileein2011-02-13 00:46:08
Alas, Ileein doesn't really know Kialkarkea very well. I suppose he views him in the same way he views all Gaudiguchians: pointless barbarians best ignored.
Sylandra2011-02-13 00:54:33
Didn't the old thread suggest you could talk about anyone? 
As for Ileein, Sylandra originally was rather intimidated by him - which went for all the Shevats, really. For awhile, she felt very compelled to prove herself to them, and a bit irritated at how easily they seemed to achieve. Ileein in particular seemed a bit cold and above everyone. He was known to make offhand comments about "those Skyplumes," too.
But as years went by, especially once Sylandra went into politics, she found out Ileein's exterior was actually not as intimidating as she'd assumed. He treats everyone the same practical, regimented way, has a funny sense of understated humor, and genuinely wants to see Hallifax do well. He quietly guides people into succeeding, and often - despite all his achievements - seems a bit unaware of how successful he, himself, is. Sylandra thinks he's prone to overextending himself (which she can sympathize with) and as a result sometimes tries to joke with him and get him out of his stoicism. From this, she also learned it's entertaining to get Ileein flustered.

As for Ileein, Sylandra originally was rather intimidated by him - which went for all the Shevats, really. For awhile, she felt very compelled to prove herself to them, and a bit irritated at how easily they seemed to achieve. Ileein in particular seemed a bit cold and above everyone. He was known to make offhand comments about "those Skyplumes," too.

But as years went by, especially once Sylandra went into politics, she found out Ileein's exterior was actually not as intimidating as she'd assumed. He treats everyone the same practical, regimented way, has a funny sense of understated humor, and genuinely wants to see Hallifax do well. He quietly guides people into succeeding, and often - despite all his achievements - seems a bit unaware of how successful he, himself, is. Sylandra thinks he's prone to overextending himself (which she can sympathize with) and as a result sometimes tries to joke with him and get him out of his stoicism. From this, she also learned it's entertaining to get Ileein flustered.

Unknown2011-02-13 00:57:42
(This post doesn't exist for the purposes of the thread)
QUOTE (Mr Conor @ Aug 26 2008, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(snip)My request is simple: describe how you perceive the character of the person who posts above you. It may help to post the name of your character at the end of your post. After all, Lusternia is based around character interaction. An skilled actor is one who conveys the right message about his character to his audience, after all.
Ilyssa2011-02-13 01:05:21
QUOTE (Sylandra @ Feb 12 2011, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Didn't the old thread suggest you could talk about anyone? 
As for Ileein, Sylandra originally was rather intimidated by him - which went for all the Shevats, really. For awhile, she felt very compelled to prove herself to them, and a bit irritated at how easily they seemed to achieve. Ileein in particular seemed a bit cold and above everyone. He was known to make offhand comments about "those Skyplumes," too.
But as years went by, especially once Sylandra went into politics, she found out Ileein's exterior was actually not as intimidating as she'd assumed. He treats everyone the same practical, regimented way, has a funny sense of understated humor, and genuinely wants to see Hallifax do well. He quietly guides people into succeeding, and often - despite all his achievements - seems a bit unaware of how successful he, himself, is. Sylandra thinks he's prone to overextending himself (which she can sympathize with) and as a result sometimes tries to joke with him and get him out of his stoicism. From this, she also learned it's entertaining to get Ileein flustered.

As for Ileein, Sylandra originally was rather intimidated by him - which went for all the Shevats, really. For awhile, she felt very compelled to prove herself to them, and a bit irritated at how easily they seemed to achieve. Ileein in particular seemed a bit cold and above everyone. He was known to make offhand comments about "those Skyplumes," too.

But as years went by, especially once Sylandra went into politics, she found out Ileein's exterior was actually not as intimidating as she'd assumed. He treats everyone the same practical, regimented way, has a funny sense of understated humor, and genuinely wants to see Hallifax do well. He quietly guides people into succeeding, and often - despite all his achievements - seems a bit unaware of how successful he, himself, is. Sylandra thinks he's prone to overextending himself (which she can sympathize with) and as a result sometimes tries to joke with him and get him out of his stoicism. From this, she also learned it's entertaining to get Ileein flustered.

When Ilyssa first moved to Hallifax, she viewed 99% of the people as uptight, and not wanting to associate with her. There were one or two who actually took the time to do so, and Sylandra was one of them. There was a whole mess and a falling out later, which hurt the level of close-ness that I won't talk about but it did have an impact on Ilyssa and how she would act for the rest of her life, even though she'd eventually get over it. Sylandra is one of the few people she can actually talk to, but she also feels that she drags on and dominates the conversation without letting her (Sylandra) get a word in.

As far as personality goes, she also views her as a tad bit quiet and reserved, but Ilyssa doesn't trust politicians and their mean political games to a large extent, so she remains a tad bit wary.

I'm sorry I just murdered you all with my pronoun usage.
Unknown2011-02-13 07:18:04
Iytha thinks of Ilyssa as one of the few sane Hallifaxers, due to the fact that she does not try to send her on wild goose chases after Ministers and Ministries that don't actually exist. She still doesn't really like her all that much, though.
Unknown2011-02-13 08:49:28
Caerulo thinks Iytha is awesome. Articulate, and never at a loss for words, Iytha can talk circles around anyone. However, Caerulo sometimes find her actions a little strange at times, but what the heck, everyone's a little strange in Gaudiguch and especially the Illuminati.
Of course, they both share a love for sweets, which is totally awesome.
Of course, they both share a love for sweets, which is totally awesome.
Unknown2011-02-13 09:14:39
Alacardael finds Caerulo to be a traitor, though not one that is hopelessly out of his reach. As a Shadowdancer, he knows Caerulo's insatiable lust for knowledge; this, he supposes, caused Caerulo to move to Serenwilde and then Gaudiguch to draw from more pools of intellect. As with all those who've left the Glomdoring, Caerulo, in Alacardael's eyes, can be welcomed back - at a bloody price, of course.
Neos2011-02-13 09:24:29
QUOTE (Alacardael! @ Feb 13 2011, 04:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alacardael finds Caerulo to be a traitor, though not one that is hopelessly out of his reach. As a Shadowdancer, he knows Caerulo's insatiable lust for knowledge; this, he supposes, caused Caerulo to move to Serenwilde and then Gaudiguch to draw from more pools of intellect. As with all those who've left the Glomdoring, Caerulo, in Alacardael's eyes, can be welcomed back - at a bloody price, of course.
Neos hates Alac, because they did not meet on good terms. Alac called him a traitorous elfen, and then killed his turtle in Tosha, so Neos plans on killing Alac first chance he gets, and also wants to get him back for getting his turtle killed during the gnafia event.

Unknown2011-02-13 10:03:33
Iytha is amused by Neos and recalls convining him that he was pregent with baby hyfaelings after talking him into pollenating his hair with loti spores.
Sylandra2011-02-13 11:04:54
QUOTE (Greleag @ Feb 13 2011, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Iytha is amused by Neos and recalls convining him that he was pregent with baby hyfaelings after talking him into pollenating his hair with loti spores.
Sylandra secretly (or not-so-secretly) finds Iytha highly entertaining. As Mayor, she'd secretly pull strings with foreign friends to get copies of the Gossip, which she would excitedly show to horrified Hallifaxians, asking them if they'd read it yet.

But Sylandra finds Iytha's wordplay very clever, her attention to detail and sense of humor admirable, and would enjoy talking to her more if it weren't for the fact of Hallifax's enmity with Gaudiguch. When in certain settings, she in fact pretends to completely loathe the Gossip.
Unknown2011-02-13 14:03:37
Synbios highly respects Sylandra, both for being a Governor who often takes the time to help out young ones, and for being able to make tough - if often painful - decisions with the Collective's best interests at heart.
Unknown2011-02-13 15:56:39
Mael has enjoyed the various short conversations he's had with Synbios, finding him to be a bright and fairly well grounded individual (and by extension will shamelessly attempt to acquire him as progeny (again)).
Eliron2011-02-13 18:49:00
QUOTE (Maellio @ Feb 13 2011, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mael has enjoyed the various short conversations he's had with Synbios, finding him to be a bright and fairly well grounded individual (and by extension will shamelessly attempt to acquire him as progeny (again)).

Well, that's the only perception he'll admit to in public. On the quiet he's in the much more interesting position of believing Maellio has finally found his home after years of a rootless existence that allowed him to live a life that crossed political borders. Thus Maellio's recent choices are perfectly understandable within Eliron's own standards of loyalty, and a rather disturbing portrayal of what being on the outside of a "Nothing Matter's But Glomdoring" level of loyalty is like.
Ayisdra2011-02-13 19:03:44
QUOTE (Eliron @ Feb 13 2011, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Well, that's the only perception he'll admit to in public. On the quiet he's in the much more interesting position of believing Maellio has finally found his home after years of a rootless existence that allowed him to live a life that crossed political borders. Thus Maellio's recent choices are perfectly understandable within Eliron's own standards of loyalty, and a rather disturbing portrayal of what being on the outside of a "Nothing Matter's But Glomdoring" level of loyalty is like.
Ayisdra is not sure how he feels about Eliron, on one side he feels intimidated by Eliron. but on the other side he feels like he shouldn't be at all. Eliron is one of the few harbingers that Ayisdra actually interacts with and so far it has been more or less pleasant.
Llesvelt2011-02-13 21:39:48
Llesvelt's perception of Ayisdra was never a very favorable one, he vaguely remembers that Ayisdra was once either the Minister of Cultural Affairs or the Librarian in Hallifax and that he was an Aide to that self-same Ministry at the time. For some reason, he never really liked her, but it was more like cold detachment than any real dislike and still attempted to do whatever he was told.
Currently Llesvelt has no idea whom Ayisdra is, but if he knew of his current situation he most certainly would not approve.
Currently Llesvelt has no idea whom Ayisdra is, but if he knew of his current situation he most certainly would not approve.
Sylandra2011-02-13 23:24:20
QUOTE (Llesvelt @ Feb 13 2011, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Llesvelt's perception of Ayisdra was never a very favorable one, he vaguely remembers that Ayisdra was once either the Minister of Cultural Affairs or the Librarian in Hallifax and that he was an Aide to that self-same Ministry at the time. For some reason, he never really liked her, but it was more like cold detachment than any real dislike and still attempted to do whatever he was told.
Currently Llesvelt has no idea whom Ayisdra is, but if he knew of his current situation he most certainly would not approve.
Currently Llesvelt has no idea whom Ayisdra is, but if he knew of his current situation he most certainly would not approve.
Sylandra finds Llesvelt absolutely frustrating. As someone who always works under the assumption that she may be wrong, seeing Llesvelt constantly being assured that his stance is the right one drives her batty. They both want what's best for the Collective, but Sylandra believes Llesvelt sees that through too narrow a lens, and can get into very heated arguments with him as a result. He voices disapproval about her foreign friendships and occasional sympathies towards other nations (like, say, Celest or Gaudiguch). She still hasn't forgiven him for that one time he called Lord Lyreth "hedonistic" either!
However, sans politics, she likes Llesvelt and often playfully teases him about his xenophobia. She thinks he needs to loosen up a bit, and bonds with him over the arts and family matters. He's also proven to be a very loyal and kind individual, sometimes surprisingly so.
Krackenor2011-02-13 23:28:50
Krackenor is rather annoyed with Sylandra, because even though they never met, every research petition that he has sent to Hallifax has been mysteriously misplaced after allegedly arriving at her desk for approval. If it keeps up, he may need to consider a more direct approach to bypass the beaurocracy. Incidentally, Krackenor hopes she likes crotamine steeped tea.
Janalon2011-02-13 23:38:02
QUOTE (Krackenor @ Feb 13 2011, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Krackenor is rather annoyed with Sylandra, because even though they never met, every research petition that he has sent to Hallifax has been mysteriously misplaced after allegedly arriving at her desk for approval. If it keeps up, he may need to consider a more direct approach to bypass the beaurocracy. Incidentally, Krackenor hopes she likes crotamine steeped tea.
Janalon met Krakenor as a former illithoid ninjakari turned nekotai. At the time, I was researching the foundations of nekotai (and only knew as far as the illithoid were involved). Spoke with Krackenor-- perhaps the only hardline illithoid out there-- and scared me. Really scared me. It's one thing to be illithoid and feel a connection back to Illith and the UV. It's another to entirely believe it heart and soul(less). Haven't seen anyone play the race with such ferocious intent since then. Good thing too, some things are better left sleeping under ice and shadows.
Seraku2011-02-13 23:44:00
Seraku has always held janalon in high regard. She was one of the first people in the ninjakari to actually notice him and has always been nice to him. He was a bit bummed when she left the guild however he doesn't care that she's in glom. He's happy to have her as his aunt in law and hopes that someday she'll have a few drinks with him again.