Ilyssa2011-02-20 05:37:02
After a broken link and a bad idea, here it is.
Llesvelt2011-02-20 08:20:07
Rivius2011-02-20 14:05:56
You probably forgot to put it in your public folder 

Tsianina2011-02-20 14:19:42
That "standard wedding contract" we were passing around is something Ilyssa and I actually wrote up OOC, but IC the premise is that it's just a standard form you get from the Ministry of Citizen Services or something; so I've been trying to get it made official by OOC channels in time for this. My ring got approved but the contract hasn't quite gotten through approval (hence my hemming and hawing about some bureaucratic review) but we'd spent so much time on it I wanted to use it anyway. Here's the actual document, with the proviso that it's not yet "official" retroactively. It's deadly dull, on purpose.
THIS MARRIAGE AGREEMENT is made this __________ day of ____________ on the _____ year after the Coming of Estarra, by and between _____________________ and _______________________.
Explanatory Statement
The parties hereto desire to enter into a mutual and exclusive relationship by which they reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives.  The express purpose of this partnership is mutual benefit, that each party might provide support to the other's activities for the greater good of the Collective, the relationship itself thus serving as a model of harmony.  In order to accomplish their aforesaid desires, the parties hereto desire to join together in a contract of marriage under and pursuant to the Uniform Cohabitation Act, as amended at the time of execution of this contract.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants, and agreements, and the Explanatory Statement, which Explanatory Statement is incorporated by reference herein and made a substantive part of this Marriage Agreement, the parties hereto do hereby promise, covenant and agree as follows:
Throughout this Marriage Agreement, and unless the context otherwise requires, the word or words set forth below within the quotation marks shall be deemed to mean the words which follow them:
  1. "Agreement" - This Marriage Agreement.
  2. "Spouse" - Each of the persons signatory hereto.
  3. "Marriage" - The exclusive and mutual relationship entered into by the Spouses, irrespective of incidental situational factors such as cohabitation.
  4. "Persons" - Individuals, partnership, corporations, unincorporated associations, trusts, estates, and any other type of entity.
Term Of Agreement
  1. This Marriage Agreement begins on the date of execution of the contract, and shall remain in place for the joint lives of both Spouses.
  2. Prior to the natural termination of the agreement as defined above, the agreement may be dissolved by mutual agreement of both Spouses.
  3. Should one Spouse wish to dissolve this agreement without the concurrent agreement of the second party, whether due to absence or inability to come to an agreement, dissolution is governed by the provisions of the Uniform Cohabitation Act, which is included by reference herein.
Familial Status
  1. As designated by universal convention and governed by the Ministry of Bureaucracy, the Spouses shall both be considered, after the execution of this contract, members of the family of the first of the Spouses listed on this contract.
  2. While the second Spouse may still bear such relationships as are deemed appropriate with the family in which he or she has heretofore been a member, legal membership in that family shall be deemed inactive for all legal purposes.
  3. Should this Agreement be dissolved, the second Spouse shall return to membership in his or her former family.
  4. Any children born to the Spouses during the term of this Agreement, or legally adopted by them, will be considered members of the first Spouse's family.
  5. Notwithstanding the above, should the first Spouse not be legally registered as a member of a family at the execution of this contract, a new family will thus be formed through this union, even if the second Spouse already is a member of a family.
Responsibilities Of Spouses
  1. Each Spouse agrees hereunder to exclusivity with the other for the purpose of marriage; that is, for the duration of this Agreement, neither party shall enter into any contract or agreement similar to, or conflicting with, this one.
  2. Should the Spouses choose to engage in physical relations, it is agreed by both parties that such relations shall be limited each to the other for the duration of this agreement.
  3. That the family formed or expanded by this union should prove beneficial to the Collective in the abstract and in the person of each individual member, the Spouses shall endeavor to foster the growth of this family through the production or adoption of children.
  4. Notwithstanding the above, the parties agree that the procurement of heirs be limited to mutual agreement, either through mutual procreation, or agreement to adoption.  In any case, the procurement of heirs shall be conducted only between the Spouses.
  5. Articles 1 to 4 of this section may be amended by mutual agreement of both Spouses through a written statement submitted to the Ministry of Bureaucracy in accordance with any regulations and procedures in place at the time of submission.  Such amendment may be struck down by either party at any time after submission, even without the agreement of the other.
  6. Should the union of the Spouses prove fruitful, the responsibilities of parenting shall fall to both parties, and each shall be beholden to provide support to the other in the execution of these responsibilities.
  7. Parenting shall be conducted in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Citizen Services.
  8. The Spouses agree to participation in and allegiance to the family which, by way of this union, they join or form, as well as in the greater goals of the Collective.
  9. Should the Spouses choose to build, maintain, or procure a domicile, they shall share all attendant responsibilities for maintaining, furnishing, supplying, and attending to the needs of the domicile, to be divided between them in accordance with their resources and capabilities according to their mutual agreement.
  10. In all other matters, the parties of this agreement consent to provide mutual support in both material and emotional needs, subject to the limits of their abilities, in token of the binding partnership which this Agreement signifies.
Rights Of Spouses
  1. Each Spouse has under this agreement the right to expect the other to fulfill the responsibilities listed in the previous section.
  2. While the Spouses are expected to accord one another the appropriate respects due based on their ranks within the Collective, as a matter of personal familiarity, the more formal modes of deference may be abrogated in part or full between them, at their mutual discretion.
  3. The parties to this Agreement have the right to expect consideration given to them, possibly in the form of consultation, by the other in the circumstance of decisions of import either to the family, the partnership, or its individual members.
  4. Each of the Spouses has the right to enter into, or choose not to enter into, organizations and allegiances such as guilds, orders, and clans, independently of one another, insofar as such organizations do not conflict with the other terms of this agreement.  Specifically, the parties have no obligation to express the same allegiances or religious preferences as the other.
  5. In the circumstance of disputes between the parties which cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction, the Spouses have the right to seek the aid of counseling services from the Ministry of Citizen Services, or any other such duly appointed organization of Hallifax, either separately or in conjunction as they see fit.
Termination Of Agreement
  1. Should only one Spouse survive the termination of this Agreement, all assets, rights, debts, and other appurtenances appertaining to the Spouses jointly shall, unless other arrangements have been duly recorded and registered with the Ministry of Bureaucracy, devolve to the surviving Spouse.
  2. In the circumstance of a mutually agreed-upon dissolution, all assets, rights, debts, and other appurtenances appertaining to the Spouses jointly shall devolve to the parties in accordance with any agreement they reach at that time, and if no agreement may be reached, any asset which predates the execution of this contract devolves to its original owner, while all others will be divided evenly between the parties.
  3. Dissolution by one party without consent of the other is governed by the provisions of the Uniform Cohabitation Act, which is included by reference herein.
  1. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules, then obtaining, of the Ministry of Citizen Services, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. In witness whereof the parties have signed this Agreement.
Executed this __________ day of ____________ on the _____ year after the Coming of Estarra, by and between _____________________ and _______________________.
________________________ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ________________________
Signature of Party 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Signature of Party 2
Signature of Witness
Explanatory Statement
The parties hereto desire to enter into a mutual and exclusive relationship by which they reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives.  The express purpose of this partnership is mutual benefit, that each party might provide support to the other's activities for the greater good of the Collective, the relationship itself thus serving as a model of harmony.  In order to accomplish their aforesaid desires, the parties hereto desire to join together in a contract of marriage under and pursuant to the Uniform Cohabitation Act, as amended at the time of execution of this contract.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants, and agreements, and the Explanatory Statement, which Explanatory Statement is incorporated by reference herein and made a substantive part of this Marriage Agreement, the parties hereto do hereby promise, covenant and agree as follows:
Throughout this Marriage Agreement, and unless the context otherwise requires, the word or words set forth below within the quotation marks shall be deemed to mean the words which follow them:
  1. "Agreement" - This Marriage Agreement.
  2. "Spouse" - Each of the persons signatory hereto.
  3. "Marriage" - The exclusive and mutual relationship entered into by the Spouses, irrespective of incidental situational factors such as cohabitation.
  4. "Persons" - Individuals, partnership, corporations, unincorporated associations, trusts, estates, and any other type of entity.
Term Of Agreement
  1. This Marriage Agreement begins on the date of execution of the contract, and shall remain in place for the joint lives of both Spouses.
  2. Prior to the natural termination of the agreement as defined above, the agreement may be dissolved by mutual agreement of both Spouses.
  3. Should one Spouse wish to dissolve this agreement without the concurrent agreement of the second party, whether due to absence or inability to come to an agreement, dissolution is governed by the provisions of the Uniform Cohabitation Act, which is included by reference herein.
Familial Status
  1. As designated by universal convention and governed by the Ministry of Bureaucracy, the Spouses shall both be considered, after the execution of this contract, members of the family of the first of the Spouses listed on this contract.
  2. While the second Spouse may still bear such relationships as are deemed appropriate with the family in which he or she has heretofore been a member, legal membership in that family shall be deemed inactive for all legal purposes.
  3. Should this Agreement be dissolved, the second Spouse shall return to membership in his or her former family.
  4. Any children born to the Spouses during the term of this Agreement, or legally adopted by them, will be considered members of the first Spouse's family.
  5. Notwithstanding the above, should the first Spouse not be legally registered as a member of a family at the execution of this contract, a new family will thus be formed through this union, even if the second Spouse already is a member of a family.
Responsibilities Of Spouses
  1. Each Spouse agrees hereunder to exclusivity with the other for the purpose of marriage; that is, for the duration of this Agreement, neither party shall enter into any contract or agreement similar to, or conflicting with, this one.
  2. Should the Spouses choose to engage in physical relations, it is agreed by both parties that such relations shall be limited each to the other for the duration of this agreement.
  3. That the family formed or expanded by this union should prove beneficial to the Collective in the abstract and in the person of each individual member, the Spouses shall endeavor to foster the growth of this family through the production or adoption of children.
  4. Notwithstanding the above, the parties agree that the procurement of heirs be limited to mutual agreement, either through mutual procreation, or agreement to adoption.  In any case, the procurement of heirs shall be conducted only between the Spouses.
  5. Articles 1 to 4 of this section may be amended by mutual agreement of both Spouses through a written statement submitted to the Ministry of Bureaucracy in accordance with any regulations and procedures in place at the time of submission.  Such amendment may be struck down by either party at any time after submission, even without the agreement of the other.
  6. Should the union of the Spouses prove fruitful, the responsibilities of parenting shall fall to both parties, and each shall be beholden to provide support to the other in the execution of these responsibilities.
  7. Parenting shall be conducted in accordance with the policies of the Ministry of Citizen Services.
  8. The Spouses agree to participation in and allegiance to the family which, by way of this union, they join or form, as well as in the greater goals of the Collective.
  9. Should the Spouses choose to build, maintain, or procure a domicile, they shall share all attendant responsibilities for maintaining, furnishing, supplying, and attending to the needs of the domicile, to be divided between them in accordance with their resources and capabilities according to their mutual agreement.
  10. In all other matters, the parties of this agreement consent to provide mutual support in both material and emotional needs, subject to the limits of their abilities, in token of the binding partnership which this Agreement signifies.
Rights Of Spouses
  1. Each Spouse has under this agreement the right to expect the other to fulfill the responsibilities listed in the previous section.
  2. While the Spouses are expected to accord one another the appropriate respects due based on their ranks within the Collective, as a matter of personal familiarity, the more formal modes of deference may be abrogated in part or full between them, at their mutual discretion.
  3. The parties to this Agreement have the right to expect consideration given to them, possibly in the form of consultation, by the other in the circumstance of decisions of import either to the family, the partnership, or its individual members.
  4. Each of the Spouses has the right to enter into, or choose not to enter into, organizations and allegiances such as guilds, orders, and clans, independently of one another, insofar as such organizations do not conflict with the other terms of this agreement.  Specifically, the parties have no obligation to express the same allegiances or religious preferences as the other.
  5. In the circumstance of disputes between the parties which cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction, the Spouses have the right to seek the aid of counseling services from the Ministry of Citizen Services, or any other such duly appointed organization of Hallifax, either separately or in conjunction as they see fit.
Termination Of Agreement
  1. Should only one Spouse survive the termination of this Agreement, all assets, rights, debts, and other appurtenances appertaining to the Spouses jointly shall, unless other arrangements have been duly recorded and registered with the Ministry of Bureaucracy, devolve to the surviving Spouse.
  2. In the circumstance of a mutually agreed-upon dissolution, all assets, rights, debts, and other appurtenances appertaining to the Spouses jointly shall devolve to the parties in accordance with any agreement they reach at that time, and if no agreement may be reached, any asset which predates the execution of this contract devolves to its original owner, while all others will be divided evenly between the parties.
  3. Dissolution by one party without consent of the other is governed by the provisions of the Uniform Cohabitation Act, which is included by reference herein.
  1. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules, then obtaining, of the Ministry of Citizen Services, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. In witness whereof the parties have signed this Agreement.
Executed this __________ day of ____________ on the _____ year after the Coming of Estarra, by and between _____________________ and _______________________.
________________________ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ________________________
Signature of Party 1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Signature of Party 2
Signature of Witness
Daraius2011-02-20 14:31:16
QUOTE (Tsianina Skyplume @ Feb 20 2011, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That "standard wedding contract" we were passing around is something Ilyssa and I actually wrote up OOC, but IC the premise is that it's just a standard form you get from the Ministry of Citizen Services or something; so I've been trying to get it made official by OOC channels in time for this. My ring got approved but the contract hasn't quite gotten through approval (hence my hemming and hawing about some bureaucratic review) but we'd spent so much time on it I wanted to use it anyway. Here's the actual document, with the proviso that it's not yet "official" retroactively. It's deadly dull, on purpose.
I was expecting to have a little more time.

As for it being deadly dull... I think that makes it hilarious.
Llesvelt2011-02-20 14:36:55
We can totally make it official.
The sky's the limit.
The sky's the limit.
Tsianina2011-02-20 14:58:39
QUOTE (Daraius @ Feb 20 2011, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was expecting to have a little more time. 

So was I! I didn't mean to sound like I was grumping. The whole thing happened so fast.
Sylandra2011-02-20 21:02:22
Oh thank god you cut out 95% of the OOC clan nonsense. 
Also, on performing a ninja wedding:

Also, on performing a ninja wedding:
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight, "If it weren't terribly obscene, I'd do that action known as "fistbumping" with you right now, Castellan."
Prav tells you, "Perhaps later, in private."
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight, "That would be agreeable."
Prav tells you, "Perhaps later, in private."
You tell Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight, "That would be agreeable."
Ilyssa2011-02-20 21:04:03
Oh, I missed some?