Arel2011-04-10 16:17:42
Really super awesome (and hilarious). I snipped out a lot of conversation that wasn't directly related to the event, but this is most of it!
Office of the Primus.
Several comfortable green leather chairs and a small table have been set before the large crystal
windows, seeming to be the dominant feature of this office. A medium-size desk has been lined along
one of the walls with several pieces of paper and books scattered across it, partially hidden by the
large bookcase which lines the far wall of this chamber. Books of all sorts and sizes fill every
last bit of available space in the bookcase, threatening to spill out of their confines. In between
the many books, a single expensive-looking bottle of suspicious liquid has been tucked away, hoping
to pass unnoticed. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
You see a single exit leading east (open door).
The aether around you shimmers subtly, carrying hushed, unintelligible whispers that fade a moment
Nihmriel arrives from the east.
You give Nihmriel a peck on the cheek.
*People asking on GT and CT if people saw the aether disturbance*
The air ripples and wisps of conversation drift around before fading into nothingness once again.
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "I sensed something bigger this time."
You tilt your head curiously.
(Hallifax): Xaldrin says, "Hm..."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Actual conversations almost."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "Those damn voices in my head are acting up again."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "That kinda reminds me of what happens when the Conclave is interacting with
people in different points in the timestream."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Hmm, asked a member of Serenwilde and she didn't see anything. It could
just be effecting members of Hallifax. Or she's just not paying attention."
You say, "No, I heard it too, unless everyone's voices are starting the revolution."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Was it Lord Elostian, perhaps?"
You ask Nihmriel, "Want to go check to see if the Matrix is about to implode and destroy us all?"
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Wouldn't he be able to speak to us directly though?"
Nihmriel begins to follow you.
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "If He wanted to, yes."
*Movement to the Matrix*
Before the Matrix.
Banks of clouds roil about here. A statue of Chairman Cririk Adom stands here, memorializing his
orderly spirit. Radiating with an incandescent brilliance, the Matrix floats within the circular
walkway, slowly turning and revealing flowering geometric patterns. Wind whipping through his wings,
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix is here, face upturned to the chill breeze. In the shape of an
open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 10 Guardians of the Dodecahedron here. There are 10
Sentinel Deputy Commissars here. There are 2 storm-coloured greyhounds here. A glass seer's candle
floats in the air here, its deep blue light suffusing the area with a comforting luminescence. An
energy cube sits upon the ground. Thrumming with a hollow reverberation, a primitive replicant of
Prav is here. On her way to perform an audit of the city's affairs, a comptroller is here. Dr. Prav
Objevit, the Blade of Twilight is here, shrouded. He wields an onyx domothean scalpel in his left
hand. Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields a delicate crystal
staff in his left hand. Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning is here, shrouded.
He wields a lilac-swept violin of ebony ceramic in his left hand and a kaleidoscopic shield of
fractal flowers in his right.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "In the past he's been unable to contact us."
You tilt your head curiously.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "We've thought him dead for a while before, after all."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Can anyone contact him now?"
The aether ripples for the briefest of moments, carrying smell and sound, nagging at the
consciousness like a long-lost memory.
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Whoa."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "I don't know, but there's something going on."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Strange."
(Hallifax): Xaldrin says, "Saw that too."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "I think... I'm going to head back to Hallifax. Just in case."
You have emoted: Arel leans forward to examine the Matrix, his eyes flickering a deep emerald.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 14th of Kiani, 293 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "For some reason everytime something
happends in this city I get a strange feeling that I'm going to get blown up."
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "I'm sorry? My attention was solicited?"
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Have you sensed the disturbances in the aether?"
(Hallifax): You say, "We're hearing voices, my Lord."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Not just voices, smells as well."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "More specifically, voices that don't appear to be coming from visible
mouths, Lord Elostian."
(Hallifax): Dramon says, "And it only seems to be those loyal to the Collective that are sensing
these things."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Unintelligible, even."
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "Primus, hearing voices is not something you want to broadcast over the
city aether. It makes people question your mental health."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "That seems to be the thing to happen in Hallifax."
(Hallifax): You say, "Everyone else is hearing them too, You know."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "We're totally not. It's just you."
You slump down in sadness, slowly throbbing a deep amber.
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "Are you? My, I haven't seen a mass psychosis of this magnitude since
Morgfyre decided to ward off His first temple."
You give a pained sigh.
Xaldrin ponders the situation.
You say, "I'm not psychotic."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Well, we've at least established that it's *not* a product of Lord
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "Of course not..."
Xaldrin pats you in a friendly manner.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Course not, I hear voices all the
time and I'm perfectly sane."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "The same!"
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "But it is still apparently a manipulation of the aetherial thread. Which
is something not to be trifled with lightly."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Perhaps we can find a way to focus it so we can find the source?"
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight pulls his gigantic hat down over his ears, grinning
wolfishly at you.
Shimmering waves wash over you for the briefest of moments, eliciting memories of times long past.
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Might I request that a few non-Supramortals take a nap? There may be
dreams that could helps."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "...Did anyone else just get washed with waves of memories?"
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Wha..? Hey, something inside Hallifax just hit me.."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Yes."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Weird, now we're seeing waves."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I blame Prav."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "He comes back and everything gets
all weird."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "It tends to be my fault whenever possible."
You peer at Prav unscrupulously.
Morbo says, "Yes, It must be Prav."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "It was a part of the contract I signed."
Another ripple washes around you, bringing back memories of a large city from your youth, though you
are relatively confident you've never actually seen this city.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "If this turns out to be wonderful and expansively
enlightening, surely, though, it will have been someone else's idea all along."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "And now i'm seeing cities. I did sleep a moment ago, but I got nothing
You blink.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "These facts I have come to accept."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Strange.."
You ask, "Did everyone else see that city?"
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Yes."
Sergeant Dramon Somnius, of the Order of Cririk B.TSA says, "Helen did.."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "We seem to be experiencing someone else's memories."
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says, "Yes."
A thunderclap amidst lightning announces the entrance of a young thunderbird from the southwest.
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Then it would seem to be an issue with our nexus perhaps?"
(Hallifax): You say, "I checked the Matrix, but nothing appears to be overtly wrong with it. Energy
levels are stable."
The air around you whips momentarily, carrying hushed whispers which speak of a library hidden
within the mists.
(Hallifax): Helen says, "A library hidden in the mists?"
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Well, I do love me a library."
You have emoted: Arel flickers with golden light as he taps his forefinger thoughtfully against his
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "How lovely, more libraries."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Can never have enough of those."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Has anyone ever heard legends or stories about a hidden or lost library?"
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Is there not a library in Lord Elostian's realm."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "There's likely many legends, there used to be a lot of cities."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning asks, "Is His realm misty?"
Tulemrah nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Yes, I believe there is one near the Apex of the Mists."
The air around you shimmers with brief visions, showing a maelstrom shrouded in dusk and endless
crystal halls filled with mists.
Morbo says, "Yep, sounds like Tulemrah was right."
(Hallifax): You say, "Please join me at the Matrix if you wish to investigate the source of these
aetheric disturbances. I believe Tulemrah has pinned down a possible location."
Another vision drifts from the aether, carrying an image of a crystal bookcase, filled with lost
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Oh great, sounding more and more
like it has to do with books."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I knew they were evil."
Tulemrah smirks at Daedalion.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says to Daedalion, "Books are good."
*grouping and movement spam*
Within a crystallised library.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Large piles of books, scrolls and tomes are everywhere in this area,
rising from the quartz floor like monuments of knowledge shrouded in the ever-present mist that
suffuses the area. Closer inspection quickly reveals that the books consist of the same black quartz
as the floor, a fact first hidden by the obscuring mist. The books look real; their covers are worn
and torn, pages stick out at odd angles and scrolls display cracks, leaving little doubt that these
books were once real works of scholarship. The works have now completely turned to quartz; sealing
them forever and keeping their contents safe from the world.Thrumming with a hollow reverberation, a primitive replicant of
Prav is here. Tempus Rasa, the Crystal Construct is here, hovering ominously. Surrounded by white
lightning, a pure white thunderbird spreads her rainbow wings here, golden eyes glowing with a noble
intellect. Morbo is here, shrouded. He wields an amethyst domothean scalpel in his left hand. Dr.
Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight is here, shrouded. He wields an onyx domothean scalpel in his
left hand.
You see exits leading southwest and west.
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Get so turned around in here."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "I believe the Castellan and I have located the crystal bookcase."
Helen's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "As have you, okay."
Sky Runner Helen says, "Look there."
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Sky Runner Helen points at the bookshelf.
Sky Runner Helen says, "How..."
Daedalion ponders the situation.
You say, "Hmm... the whole thing is solid crystal."
Tulemrah nods her head emphatically.
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "It's like it's sending out a signal."
You say, "My Lord, if You are here, we could use Your divine wisdom."
Sky Runner Helen says, "I cannot seem to touch it..."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Be neither."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Hmm..."
Sky Runner Helen says, "It's stopped pulsing."
Helen sways back and forth.
Tulemrah ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Prav ponders the situation.
The light draws back into the book before it trembles and falls from the bookcase, coming to rest on
the ground.
Helen blinks.
With a wistful look on her face, Helen touches a thin book of etched crystal.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ialech Eapas?"
Sky Runner Helen says, "Oh my."
Glinting dully, the cover of this thin book is composed of fractured
crystal. Some of the corners have been chipped away, exposing the
circular pattern of broken mineral. Thin lines streak through the
crystal in irregular patterns, marring both the surface and internal
structure of the book. Conchoidal rings slant across the centre of the
cover where a raised symbol or design has broken away. Within, the pages
are crisp and yellowed, showing signs of extreme age.
It is entitled "Lost Lancenti" and the author is listed as being Ialech Eapas. It is written in the
common tongue.
It weighs about 5 pounds.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Lost lancenti."
The mists around you begin to roil and coalesce into insubstantial shapes. The solid crystal library
becomes obscured by foggy tapestries and misty furniture.
"Are you coming, Ialeck?"
The mists swirl as the hazy form of a young lucidian comes into view, carrying gemstone discs to an
insubtantial desk.
The young lucidian turns to face another lucidian, slightly more distinguished and older looking.
"Of course, Master Jecyk. I just wanted to make sure your research notes were ready to organize when
we return." the young lucidian, Ialeck, says as he deposits the discs on the desk.
Jecyk's misty form begins to glow with a muted, colourless light as he says, "Ah yes, I had
forgotten that I wanted to review those notes on the transmutational flux radiance effect. Sometimes
I feel that we will never discover everything."
Pushing a door open and stepping aside to allow Jecyk though, Ialeck says, "The library of Lancenti
in nearly bursting with your work."
"Ah, that reminds me," Jecyk says as he steps through the doorway, "I need to pick up that treatise
by Lady Etubaik on the way past the library."
The mists being to ripple, slowly losing shape. The fog begins to eddy, twisting into strange shapes
before fading away again. When the churning mists finally settle, hundreds of ephemeral lucidian
figures stand in a large square before an enormous crystal spire.
"I've heard that whole cities have been wiped out," a thin lucidian says the the broad-shouldered
woman next to him.
"Yes, yes, I've heard of so many killed. How many of the Edifices of Power along the coast of the
Amberle Sea have been destroyed?" the broad-shouldered woman asks coldly.
Two of the insubstantial figures near the front of the crowd take on a more defined form, showing
themselves to be Ialeck and Jecyk. Both have their attention focused on a small party at the base of
the crystal spire.
"Is it true what the plan is?" Ialeck asks with a troubled tone. "Do they plan to fill her with the
energy from the Crystal Spire so that she will fight the Soulless?"
A sudden silence descends up the area as the Crystal Spire begins to glow, increasing intensity
until the incandescence is blinding.
When the light fades, the mists of the Twilight Maelstrom shift, showing a glowing ball of azure
light hovering in the air.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning asks, "That's it?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What's this then, a congregation
dedicated to My worship without My knowledge?"
Helen blinks.
Zehava peers about herself unscrupulously.
You drop one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Morbo suddenly scoops up a thin book of etched crystal.
You say, "Greetings, Great Lord."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "More of dedicated to Your knowledge without Your knowledge..."
With a flourish of her arm, Zehava bows deeply.
Tulemrah inclines her head politely to those around her.
Prav kneels onto one knee, demonstrating his humility and respect.
Ethanae drops one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Xaldrin ponders the situation.
With a flourish of his arm, Morbo bows deeply.
Helen sways back and forth.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, Legend has it that My knowledge
is Endless."
Helen performs a graceful curtsey.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Did You know about this book?"
Lawliet Letara, The Duality laughingly says, "Then how could we have a congregation for you without
your knowledge?"
You say, "Perhaps You could clarify what caused this disturbance then, All Knowing One."
You tilt your head curiously.
Helen tilts her head and listens intently.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "I wonder if it was Tzariziko they were raising."
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "What was that city?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Don't question the Knowledge."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says to Helen, "An ancient lucidian city, from the time
of the Soulless wars."
With a slow nod to Tulemrah, Helen shows her understanding.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Now then. You are all here delving
into the remnants of My predecessor's library then?"
Morbo says, "Yes, Lord. A humming brought us here and a book fell from the case. I have it here."
Sky Runner Helen says, "It was pulsing."
Lawliet brushes her hair vainly.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "It seemed to activate a memory crystal of sorts."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "These works here are crystalised with
a reason. Lacostian hid many works from the clutches of those that had no business reading or
possessing them."
Showing that she understands, Tulemrah nods her head slowly.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "It would appear some of these wards
are weakening and releasing."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "It seemed like it wanted to be found."
Morbo says, "Then it stands to reason either that the wards are weakening or we have business
reading this, Lord?"
Tulemrah nods her head at Lawliet.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You never have business reading
anything, Morbo."
Morbo chuckles long and heartily.
You ask, "Is there any way to restore the wards, Great Lord?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Especially not this, many of these
works are dangerous in the hands of the wrong people."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning sighs, "And I wanted to know what happend
Tulemrah nods her head at Daedalion.
Morbo says to Daedalion, "They all died."
Sky Runner Helen bites her lower lip, staring thoughtfully at the bookshelf.
Daedalion says, "Pssshhhh..."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes murmurs, "True enough."
Morbo gives a thin book of etched crystal to you.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Does it only have the one page?"
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "Why just this one book that fell out though?"
You have emoted: Arel runs his hands slowly across the chipped cover of the book.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "The wards could be restored, surely,
but then, I am not My predecessor."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Perhaps it was relevent."
Helen nods her head in agreement.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Relevent?"
Nervously, Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Yes, dangerous..." as he edges closer to
the bookshelf, scanning the titles, " leave them to me. Yes, very dangerous."
Prav hums innocently to himself.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Relevant, rather."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "How could a book know when it was needed?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Ah, that makes sense now."
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says to Tulemrah, "It may be more than one page, but there are ways to
obscure books and their pages."
You raise an eyebrow at Prav.
Prav nods his head at you.
Sky Runner Helen clasps her hands behind her back as she peers more closely at the shelves.
You ask, "So then, what do we do to keep the knowledge in the library safe, if we are not to restore
the wards?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless. As I said, I am not My
predecessor, far be it from Me to hold works from mortality as a whole. Though that does not discard
the fact that such works as these should be managed."
Showing that she understands, Tulemrah nods her head slowly.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "So does that mean we can read the rest of these nice, shiny
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "And since you are quite clearly
volunteering, Primus, consider yourself drafted."
You tilt your head curiously.
You say, "I live to serve, my Lord."
You say, "I just not really sure how, in this case."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You are now responsible for any
information coming out of this library."
You nod solemnly.
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says, "Far be it from me to ruin the advancing joviality of all the
scholars in the room, but these books appear to have been sealed for a very specific reason. Perhaps,
even though we are being given permission to manage them, it is best to leave them closed and
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "In fact, let's do this right. You are
now responsible for making sure no knowledge that should rightfully be Ours end up in the wrong
You ask, "Just one lucidian against the full force of the dangerous ignorance of the world?"
Morbo says to Ethanae, "Hallifax wouldn't be where it is without the usage and management of
dangerous information."
Tulemrah's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "All knowledge is worth having."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to you, "Good luck, I shall tell the heathens to keep
you in their "prayers"."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You think I am being too demanding?"
You say, "No, of course not, my Lord. I am just an imperfect crystal in the glow of your perfection
and magnificence."
Helen sways back and forth.
Zehava fidgets impatiently.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Hmm, well, I suppose it is a bit much
to ask of one person."
You say, "Well, I do have Prav's 'prayers' to back me up."
Prav nods his head at you.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Very well. I shall bestow upon you
some ancillary abilities to support your own ineptitude."
Congratulations! You have formed an Divine Cult under the auspices of Elostian, the Enigma.
You use 10000000 of your divine essence.
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "Oh my."
You drop one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
You say, "I am honoured, Great Lord."
Zephyr Zehava murmurs, "This one book projected itself across all the minds linked with the Matrix,
so far as we can tell.. It does seem prudent to have some, ah, backup, as it were."
Lawliet peers about herself unscrupulously.
A deep twilight suffuses the room which settles and forms into an altar.
Fashioned from a single flawless block of dark grey quartz, this altar exudes an aura of grave
dignity. Rectangular in shape, the quartz has been cut in clean, precise lines. Gleaming in the
twilight ambience, a stylised seer's candle has been inlaid in pure skysilver alone each face of the
altar, the flame seeming to dance in the shifting light of the realm. At each corner of the altar
angular hexagonal spires of the same gray quartz rise above the altar, each spire terminating into a
sharp point. At the centre of the altar an impenetrable mist roils within an inset pool, sometimes
rolling out across the surface of the altar in thick waves. At times, the mist shifts, revealing not
the dark quartz of the altar but the endless twilight depths of a dusk sky.
It weighs about 375 pounds.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ah. A cult?"
Xaldrin blinks.
Tulemrah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I'll make a sign and put it in
front of the shroud. "Arel is guarding dangerous books inside. Do not enter." or some such."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "That was fairly unexpected."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ooh, I'll do it."
Lawliet pats a mechanical chromapen in a friendly manner.
You say, "Thank You for Your confidence, my Lord. I shall enlist the faithful of Your congregation
to help me in this endeavour."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Very well, we're done here. Go see to
your tasks."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "That sounded like a dismissal. Most of us should
head back to Hallifax, I presume?"
Prav nods his head at Tulemrah.
You ask Nihmriel, "Will you do me the honour of being the first on our crack team of defenders of
You say, "The followers of Lord Elostian may remain if they wish."
Morbo says, "Are you going to assemble a crew? Who is going to be the rebel? Who will be the
technology junky."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says to you, "Am I qualified?"
You say to Nihmriel, "More qualified than I am, I'm sure."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I'd like to be the hot tempered ethnic stereotype who
has a secret heart of gold."
(Hallifax): You say, "Thank you everyone for your work in this discovery. I trust we will all hold
this knowledge close and protect it from those who would misuse it."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Morbo says, "I don't think an ethnically stereotypical lucidian can be hot tempered."
(Hallifax): Lawliet (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I think that asked more questions than it
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says to you, "I accept, if only for the free cake."
Morbo says, "However, that sounds like the perfect role for an Aslaran."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "That's sort of the point, isn't it?"
As twilight descends, the deep, resonant chime of a magnificent bell reverberates through the
Twilight Maelstrom.
You say, "Yes, there will be cake."
Morbo says, "A certain handsome young demigod Aslaran."
Nihmriel nods her head sagely.
(Hallifax): Lawliet (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I prefer it the other way around."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Nihmriel into your Divine Cult.
Nihmriel falls to her knees and begins to worship you.
You roll your eyes.
You ask Prav, "Are you sticking with your ethnic stereotype with the heart of gold?"
Morbo says, "Hotheaded ethnic stereotype with a heart of gold."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Prav ponders the situation.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I may, I don't think I could pull off the sexy
diplomat who moonlights as a notorious cat burglar."
You say, "I already took that role anyway."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Prav into your Divine Cult.
Prav gives you a respectful salute.
You ask Morbo, "Were you going to be the tech junkie then?"
Morbo says, "I guess I have to be, I have the glasses for it."
Finger extended, Morbo pokes Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "What is my role? I feel unassigned."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Morbo into your Divine Cult.
Morbo says to Nihmriel, "Sexy librarian."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Thoughtfully, Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "Hm. I might be able to handle that."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to Nihmriel, "The overlooked and homely librarian who
later encounters her childhood friends and reveals herself to be beautiful by taking her glasses off
and shaking her head to and fro."
Morbo nods his head at Prav.
Morbo says, "Also, is the expert at the honeypot technique, a method of seducing the target and
extracting information."
Morbo says, "Which in this case, means seducing books."
You say to Nihmriel, "I never knew you had all these talents."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD unbinds her hair and mimes the removal of a pair of invisible
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "I can do this."
Opening his mouth wide, Prav gapes in wonder.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I never knew!"
Morbo removes Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Morbo gives Spectacles of Clairvoyance to Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to Morbo, "You are still ugly, however."
Morbo says, "I didn't shake."
Morbo shakes his head.
Morbo says, "Yes?"
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Nope."
Nihmriel slips into Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Morbo says, "Yeah, you're seduced."
Several comfortable green leather chairs and a small table have been set before the large crystal
windows, seeming to be the dominant feature of this office. A medium-size desk has been lined along
one of the walls with several pieces of paper and books scattered across it, partially hidden by the
large bookcase which lines the far wall of this chamber. Books of all sorts and sizes fill every
last bit of available space in the bookcase, threatening to spill out of their confines. In between
the many books, a single expensive-looking bottle of suspicious liquid has been tucked away, hoping
to pass unnoticed. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
You see a single exit leading east (open door).
The aether around you shimmers subtly, carrying hushed, unintelligible whispers that fade a moment
Nihmriel arrives from the east.
You give Nihmriel a peck on the cheek.
*People asking on GT and CT if people saw the aether disturbance*
The air ripples and wisps of conversation drift around before fading into nothingness once again.
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "I sensed something bigger this time."
You tilt your head curiously.
(Hallifax): Xaldrin says, "Hm..."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Actual conversations almost."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "Those damn voices in my head are acting up again."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "That kinda reminds me of what happens when the Conclave is interacting with
people in different points in the timestream."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Hmm, asked a member of Serenwilde and she didn't see anything. It could
just be effecting members of Hallifax. Or she's just not paying attention."
You say, "No, I heard it too, unless everyone's voices are starting the revolution."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Was it Lord Elostian, perhaps?"
You ask Nihmriel, "Want to go check to see if the Matrix is about to implode and destroy us all?"
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Wouldn't he be able to speak to us directly though?"
Nihmriel begins to follow you.
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "If He wanted to, yes."
*Movement to the Matrix*
Before the Matrix.
Banks of clouds roil about here. A statue of Chairman Cririk Adom stands here, memorializing his
orderly spirit. Radiating with an incandescent brilliance, the Matrix floats within the circular
walkway, slowly turning and revealing flowering geometric patterns. Wind whipping through his wings,
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix is here, face upturned to the chill breeze. In the shape of an
open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. There are 10 Guardians of the Dodecahedron here. There are 10
Sentinel Deputy Commissars here. There are 2 storm-coloured greyhounds here. A glass seer's candle
floats in the air here, its deep blue light suffusing the area with a comforting luminescence. An
energy cube sits upon the ground. Thrumming with a hollow reverberation, a primitive replicant of
Prav is here. On her way to perform an audit of the city's affairs, a comptroller is here. Dr. Prav
Objevit, the Blade of Twilight is here, shrouded. He wields an onyx domothean scalpel in his left
hand. Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight is here, shrouded. He wields a delicate crystal
staff in his left hand. Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning is here, shrouded.
He wields a lilac-swept violin of ebony ceramic in his left hand and a kaleidoscopic shield of
fractal flowers in his right.
You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "In the past he's been unable to contact us."
You tilt your head curiously.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "We've thought him dead for a while before, after all."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Can anyone contact him now?"
The aether ripples for the briefest of moments, carrying smell and sound, nagging at the
consciousness like a long-lost memory.
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Whoa."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "I don't know, but there's something going on."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Strange."
(Hallifax): Xaldrin says, "Saw that too."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "I think... I'm going to head back to Hallifax. Just in case."
You have emoted: Arel leans forward to examine the Matrix, his eyes flickering a deep emerald.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 14th of Kiani, 293 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "For some reason everytime something
happends in this city I get a strange feeling that I'm going to get blown up."
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "I'm sorry? My attention was solicited?"
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Have you sensed the disturbances in the aether?"
(Hallifax): You say, "We're hearing voices, my Lord."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Not just voices, smells as well."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "More specifically, voices that don't appear to be coming from visible
mouths, Lord Elostian."
(Hallifax): Dramon says, "And it only seems to be those loyal to the Collective that are sensing
these things."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Unintelligible, even."
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "Primus, hearing voices is not something you want to broadcast over the
city aether. It makes people question your mental health."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "That seems to be the thing to happen in Hallifax."
(Hallifax): You say, "Everyone else is hearing them too, You know."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "We're totally not. It's just you."
You slump down in sadness, slowly throbbing a deep amber.
(Hallifax): Elostian says, "Are you? My, I haven't seen a mass psychosis of this magnitude since
Morgfyre decided to ward off His first temple."
You give a pained sigh.
Xaldrin ponders the situation.
You say, "I'm not psychotic."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Well, we've at least established that it's *not* a product of Lord
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "Of course not..."
Xaldrin pats you in a friendly manner.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Course not, I hear voices all the
time and I'm perfectly sane."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "The same!"
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "But it is still apparently a manipulation of the aetherial thread. Which
is something not to be trifled with lightly."
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Perhaps we can find a way to focus it so we can find the source?"
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight pulls his gigantic hat down over his ears, grinning
wolfishly at you.
Shimmering waves wash over you for the briefest of moments, eliciting memories of times long past.
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "Might I request that a few non-Supramortals take a nap? There may be
dreams that could helps."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "...Did anyone else just get washed with waves of memories?"
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Wha..? Hey, something inside Hallifax just hit me.."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Yes."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Weird, now we're seeing waves."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I blame Prav."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "He comes back and everything gets
all weird."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "It tends to be my fault whenever possible."
You peer at Prav unscrupulously.
Morbo says, "Yes, It must be Prav."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "It was a part of the contract I signed."
Another ripple washes around you, bringing back memories of a large city from your youth, though you
are relatively confident you've never actually seen this city.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "If this turns out to be wonderful and expansively
enlightening, surely, though, it will have been someone else's idea all along."
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "And now i'm seeing cities. I did sleep a moment ago, but I got nothing
You blink.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "These facts I have come to accept."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Strange.."
You ask, "Did everyone else see that city?"
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Yes."
Sergeant Dramon Somnius, of the Order of Cririk B.TSA says, "Helen did.."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "We seem to be experiencing someone else's memories."
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says, "Yes."
A thunderclap amidst lightning announces the entrance of a young thunderbird from the southwest.
(Hallifax): Ethanae says, "Then it would seem to be an issue with our nexus perhaps?"
(Hallifax): You say, "I checked the Matrix, but nothing appears to be overtly wrong with it. Energy
levels are stable."
The air around you whips momentarily, carrying hushed whispers which speak of a library hidden
within the mists.
(Hallifax): Helen says, "A library hidden in the mists?"
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "Well, I do love me a library."
You have emoted: Arel flickers with golden light as he taps his forefinger thoughtfully against his
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "How lovely, more libraries."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Can never have enough of those."
(Hallifax): Zehava says, "Has anyone ever heard legends or stories about a hidden or lost library?"
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Is there not a library in Lord Elostian's realm."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
(Hallifax): Lawliet says, "There's likely many legends, there used to be a lot of cities."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning asks, "Is His realm misty?"
Tulemrah nods her head emphatically.
You say, "Yes, I believe there is one near the Apex of the Mists."
The air around you shimmers with brief visions, showing a maelstrom shrouded in dusk and endless
crystal halls filled with mists.
Morbo says, "Yep, sounds like Tulemrah was right."
(Hallifax): You say, "Please join me at the Matrix if you wish to investigate the source of these
aetheric disturbances. I believe Tulemrah has pinned down a possible location."
Another vision drifts from the aether, carrying an image of a crystal bookcase, filled with lost
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Oh great, sounding more and more
like it has to do with books."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I knew they were evil."
Tulemrah smirks at Daedalion.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says to Daedalion, "Books are good."
*grouping and movement spam*
Within a crystallised library.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Large piles of books, scrolls and tomes are everywhere in this area,
rising from the quartz floor like monuments of knowledge shrouded in the ever-present mist that
suffuses the area. Closer inspection quickly reveals that the books consist of the same black quartz
as the floor, a fact first hidden by the obscuring mist. The books look real; their covers are worn
and torn, pages stick out at odd angles and scrolls display cracks, leaving little doubt that these
books were once real works of scholarship. The works have now completely turned to quartz; sealing
them forever and keeping their contents safe from the world.Thrumming with a hollow reverberation, a primitive replicant of
Prav is here. Tempus Rasa, the Crystal Construct is here, hovering ominously. Surrounded by white
lightning, a pure white thunderbird spreads her rainbow wings here, golden eyes glowing with a noble
intellect. Morbo is here, shrouded. He wields an amethyst domothean scalpel in his left hand. Dr.
Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight is here, shrouded. He wields an onyx domothean scalpel in his
left hand.
You see exits leading southwest and west.
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Get so turned around in here."
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "I believe the Castellan and I have located the crystal bookcase."
Helen's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
(Hallifax): Morbo says, "As have you, okay."
Sky Runner Helen says, "Look there."
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Sky Runner Helen points at the bookshelf.
Sky Runner Helen says, "How..."
Daedalion ponders the situation.
You say, "Hmm... the whole thing is solid crystal."
Tulemrah nods her head emphatically.
A soft light emanates from one of the crystalised books, pulsing with a subtle rhythm.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "It's like it's sending out a signal."
You say, "My Lord, if You are here, we could use Your divine wisdom."
Sky Runner Helen says, "I cannot seem to touch it..."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Be neither."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Hmm..."
Sky Runner Helen says, "It's stopped pulsing."
Helen sways back and forth.
Tulemrah ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Prav ponders the situation.
The light draws back into the book before it trembles and falls from the bookcase, coming to rest on
the ground.
Helen blinks.
With a wistful look on her face, Helen touches a thin book of etched crystal.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ialech Eapas?"
Sky Runner Helen says, "Oh my."
Glinting dully, the cover of this thin book is composed of fractured
crystal. Some of the corners have been chipped away, exposing the
circular pattern of broken mineral. Thin lines streak through the
crystal in irregular patterns, marring both the surface and internal
structure of the book. Conchoidal rings slant across the centre of the
cover where a raised symbol or design has broken away. Within, the pages
are crisp and yellowed, showing signs of extreme age.
It is entitled "Lost Lancenti" and the author is listed as being Ialech Eapas. It is written in the
common tongue.
It weighs about 5 pounds.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "Lost lancenti."
The mists around you begin to roil and coalesce into insubstantial shapes. The solid crystal library
becomes obscured by foggy tapestries and misty furniture.
"Are you coming, Ialeck?"
The mists swirl as the hazy form of a young lucidian comes into view, carrying gemstone discs to an
insubtantial desk.
The young lucidian turns to face another lucidian, slightly more distinguished and older looking.
"Of course, Master Jecyk. I just wanted to make sure your research notes were ready to organize when
we return." the young lucidian, Ialeck, says as he deposits the discs on the desk.
Jecyk's misty form begins to glow with a muted, colourless light as he says, "Ah yes, I had
forgotten that I wanted to review those notes on the transmutational flux radiance effect. Sometimes
I feel that we will never discover everything."
Pushing a door open and stepping aside to allow Jecyk though, Ialeck says, "The library of Lancenti
in nearly bursting with your work."
"Ah, that reminds me," Jecyk says as he steps through the doorway, "I need to pick up that treatise
by Lady Etubaik on the way past the library."
The mists being to ripple, slowly losing shape. The fog begins to eddy, twisting into strange shapes
before fading away again. When the churning mists finally settle, hundreds of ephemeral lucidian
figures stand in a large square before an enormous crystal spire.
"I've heard that whole cities have been wiped out," a thin lucidian says the the broad-shouldered
woman next to him.
"Yes, yes, I've heard of so many killed. How many of the Edifices of Power along the coast of the
Amberle Sea have been destroyed?" the broad-shouldered woman asks coldly.
Two of the insubstantial figures near the front of the crowd take on a more defined form, showing
themselves to be Ialeck and Jecyk. Both have their attention focused on a small party at the base of
the crystal spire.
"Is it true what the plan is?" Ialeck asks with a troubled tone. "Do they plan to fill her with the
energy from the Crystal Spire so that she will fight the Soulless?"
A sudden silence descends up the area as the Crystal Spire begins to glow, increasing intensity
until the incandescence is blinding.
When the light fades, the mists of the Twilight Maelstrom shift, showing a glowing ball of azure
light hovering in the air.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning asks, "That's it?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "What's this then, a congregation
dedicated to My worship without My knowledge?"
Helen blinks.
Zehava peers about herself unscrupulously.
You drop one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Morbo suddenly scoops up a thin book of etched crystal.
You say, "Greetings, Great Lord."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "More of dedicated to Your knowledge without Your knowledge..."
With a flourish of her arm, Zehava bows deeply.
Tulemrah inclines her head politely to those around her.
Prav kneels onto one knee, demonstrating his humility and respect.
Ethanae drops one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
Xaldrin ponders the situation.
With a flourish of his arm, Morbo bows deeply.
Helen sways back and forth.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Well, Legend has it that My knowledge
is Endless."
Helen performs a graceful curtsey.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Did You know about this book?"
Lawliet Letara, The Duality laughingly says, "Then how could we have a congregation for you without
your knowledge?"
You say, "Perhaps You could clarify what caused this disturbance then, All Knowing One."
You tilt your head curiously.
Helen tilts her head and listens intently.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "I wonder if it was Tzariziko they were raising."
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "What was that city?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Don't question the Knowledge."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says to Helen, "An ancient lucidian city, from the time
of the Soulless wars."
With a slow nod to Tulemrah, Helen shows her understanding.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Now then. You are all here delving
into the remnants of My predecessor's library then?"
Morbo says, "Yes, Lord. A humming brought us here and a book fell from the case. I have it here."
Sky Runner Helen says, "It was pulsing."
Lawliet brushes her hair vainly.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "It seemed to activate a memory crystal of sorts."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "These works here are crystalised with
a reason. Lacostian hid many works from the clutches of those that had no business reading or
possessing them."
Showing that she understands, Tulemrah nods her head slowly.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "It would appear some of these wards
are weakening and releasing."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "It seemed like it wanted to be found."
Morbo says, "Then it stands to reason either that the wards are weakening or we have business
reading this, Lord?"
Tulemrah nods her head at Lawliet.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You never have business reading
anything, Morbo."
Morbo chuckles long and heartily.
You ask, "Is there any way to restore the wards, Great Lord?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Especially not this, many of these
works are dangerous in the hands of the wrong people."
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning sighs, "And I wanted to know what happend
Tulemrah nods her head at Daedalion.
Morbo says to Daedalion, "They all died."
Sky Runner Helen bites her lower lip, staring thoughtfully at the bookshelf.
Daedalion says, "Pssshhhh..."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes murmurs, "True enough."
Morbo gives a thin book of etched crystal to you.
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Does it only have the one page?"
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "Why just this one book that fell out though?"
You have emoted: Arel runs his hands slowly across the chipped cover of the book.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "The wards could be restored, surely,
but then, I am not My predecessor."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Perhaps it was relevent."
Helen nods her head in agreement.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Relevent?"
Nervously, Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Yes, dangerous..." as he edges closer to
the bookshelf, scanning the titles, " leave them to me. Yes, very dangerous."
Prav hums innocently to himself.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Relevant, rather."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "How could a book know when it was needed?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Ah, that makes sense now."
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says to Tulemrah, "It may be more than one page, but there are ways to
obscure books and their pages."
You raise an eyebrow at Prav.
Prav nods his head at you.
Sky Runner Helen clasps her hands behind her back as she peers more closely at the shelves.
You ask, "So then, what do we do to keep the knowledge in the library safe, if we are not to restore
the wards?"
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Regardless. As I said, I am not My
predecessor, far be it from Me to hold works from mortality as a whole. Though that does not discard
the fact that such works as these should be managed."
Showing that she understands, Tulemrah nods her head slowly.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "So does that mean we can read the rest of these nice, shiny
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "And since you are quite clearly
volunteering, Primus, consider yourself drafted."
You tilt your head curiously.
You say, "I live to serve, my Lord."
You say, "I just not really sure how, in this case."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You are now responsible for any
information coming out of this library."
You nod solemnly.
Ethanae, Wind of Binding says, "Far be it from me to ruin the advancing joviality of all the
scholars in the room, but these books appear to have been sealed for a very specific reason. Perhaps,
even though we are being given permission to manage them, it is best to leave them closed and
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "In fact, let's do this right. You are
now responsible for making sure no knowledge that should rightfully be Ours end up in the wrong
You ask, "Just one lucidian against the full force of the dangerous ignorance of the world?"
Morbo says to Ethanae, "Hallifax wouldn't be where it is without the usage and management of
dangerous information."
Tulemrah's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "All knowledge is worth having."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to you, "Good luck, I shall tell the heathens to keep
you in their "prayers"."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "You think I am being too demanding?"
You say, "No, of course not, my Lord. I am just an imperfect crystal in the glow of your perfection
and magnificence."
Helen sways back and forth.
Zehava fidgets impatiently.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Hmm, well, I suppose it is a bit much
to ask of one person."
You say, "Well, I do have Prav's 'prayers' to back me up."
Prav nods his head at you.
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Very well. I shall bestow upon you
some ancillary abilities to support your own ineptitude."
Congratulations! You have formed an Divine Cult under the auspices of Elostian, the Enigma.
You use 10000000 of your divine essence.
Sky Runner Helen murmurs, "Oh my."
You drop one knee to the ground, genuflecting in sheer reverence.
You say, "I am honoured, Great Lord."
Zephyr Zehava murmurs, "This one book projected itself across all the minds linked with the Matrix,
so far as we can tell.. It does seem prudent to have some, ah, backup, as it were."
Lawliet peers about herself unscrupulously.
A deep twilight suffuses the room which settles and forms into an altar.
Fashioned from a single flawless block of dark grey quartz, this altar exudes an aura of grave
dignity. Rectangular in shape, the quartz has been cut in clean, precise lines. Gleaming in the
twilight ambience, a stylised seer's candle has been inlaid in pure skysilver alone each face of the
altar, the flame seeming to dance in the shifting light of the realm. At each corner of the altar
angular hexagonal spires of the same gray quartz rise above the altar, each spire terminating into a
sharp point. At the centre of the altar an impenetrable mist roils within an inset pool, sometimes
rolling out across the surface of the altar in thick waves. At times, the mist shifts, revealing not
the dark quartz of the altar but the endless twilight depths of a dusk sky.
It weighs about 375 pounds.
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ah. A cult?"
Xaldrin blinks.
Tulemrah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Lord Deathchord Daedalion Rillaen, the Prince of Mourning says, "I'll make a sign and put it in
front of the shroud. "Arel is guarding dangerous books inside. Do not enter." or some such."
Instructor Xaldrin Somnius, Winter's Knight says, "That was fairly unexpected."
Lawliet Letara, The Duality says, "Ooh, I'll do it."
Lawliet pats a mechanical chromapen in a friendly manner.
You say, "Thank You for Your confidence, my Lord. I shall enlist the faithful of Your congregation
to help me in this endeavour."
Emanating from the aether, a sonorous multi-toned voice says, "Very well, we're done here. Go see to
your tasks."
Provost Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "That sounded like a dismissal. Most of us should
head back to Hallifax, I presume?"
Prav nods his head at Tulemrah.
You ask Nihmriel, "Will you do me the honour of being the first on our crack team of defenders of
You say, "The followers of Lord Elostian may remain if they wish."
Morbo says, "Are you going to assemble a crew? Who is going to be the rebel? Who will be the
technology junky."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says to you, "Am I qualified?"
You say to Nihmriel, "More qualified than I am, I'm sure."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I'd like to be the hot tempered ethnic stereotype who
has a secret heart of gold."
(Hallifax): You say, "Thank you everyone for your work in this discovery. I trust we will all hold
this knowledge close and protect it from those who would misuse it."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Morbo says, "I don't think an ethnically stereotypical lucidian can be hot tempered."
(Hallifax): Lawliet (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I think that asked more questions than it
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says to you, "I accept, if only for the free cake."
Morbo says, "However, that sounds like the perfect role for an Aslaran."
(Hallifax): Tulemrah says, "That's sort of the point, isn't it?"
As twilight descends, the deep, resonant chime of a magnificent bell reverberates through the
Twilight Maelstrom.
You say, "Yes, there will be cake."
Morbo says, "A certain handsome young demigod Aslaran."
Nihmriel nods her head sagely.
(Hallifax): Lawliet (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I prefer it the other way around."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Nihmriel into your Divine Cult.
Nihmriel falls to her knees and begins to worship you.
You roll your eyes.
You ask Prav, "Are you sticking with your ethnic stereotype with the heart of gold?"
Morbo says, "Hotheaded ethnic stereotype with a heart of gold."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Prav ponders the situation.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I may, I don't think I could pull off the sexy
diplomat who moonlights as a notorious cat burglar."
You say, "I already took that role anyway."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Prav into your Divine Cult.
Prav gives you a respectful salute.
You ask Morbo, "Were you going to be the tech junkie then?"
Morbo says, "I guess I have to be, I have the glasses for it."
Finger extended, Morbo pokes Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "What is my role? I feel unassigned."
You use 50000 of your divine essence.
You welcome Morbo into your Divine Cult.
Morbo says to Nihmriel, "Sexy librarian."
You utter a deep, rumbling laugh.
Thoughtfully, Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "Hm. I might be able to handle that."
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to Nihmriel, "The overlooked and homely librarian who
later encounters her childhood friends and reveals herself to be beautiful by taking her glasses off
and shaking her head to and fro."
Morbo nods his head at Prav.
Morbo says, "Also, is the expert at the honeypot technique, a method of seducing the target and
extracting information."
Morbo says, "Which in this case, means seducing books."
You say to Nihmriel, "I never knew you had all these talents."
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD unbinds her hair and mimes the removal of a pair of invisible
Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD says, "I can do this."
Opening his mouth wide, Prav gapes in wonder.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "I never knew!"
Morbo removes Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Morbo gives Spectacles of Clairvoyance to Lady Nihmriel Shevat, FIS. TPhD.
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says to Morbo, "You are still ugly, however."
Morbo says, "I didn't shake."
Morbo shakes his head.
Morbo says, "Yes?"
Dr. Prav Objevit, the Blade of Twilight says, "Nope."
Nihmriel slips into Spectacles of Clairvoyance.
Morbo says, "Yeah, you're seduced."
Lawliet2011-04-10 17:17:25
Things I've learnt:
When Elostian flinged me to astral for questioning him it was invisible
Elostians order people are far too silly.
It costs essence to bring people into a cult o.0
When Elostian flinged me to astral for questioning him it was invisible
Elostians order people are far too silly.
It costs essence to bring people into a cult o.0
Daereth2011-04-10 17:18:25
The last part is hilarious.
Ileein2011-04-10 17:20:53
I'm still not sure which one I am.
Unknown2011-04-10 17:24:57
You're the electric sheep, the one who androids dream of. 

Arcanis2011-04-16 23:29:23
Just recently read this, I dont skim through here that often. Was going to state some important historical points that may (if this is going in the direction I believe it is revealing to be going, but hopefully I am wrong) actually ruin or rewrite some facts of Lusternia history. Just a warning incase from the excitment that one of the important facts of us not actually knowing which edifice Tzaraziko was raised from (either the Crystal Spire of Lancenti or the Great Pyramid fo Alin'dor) is forgotten and just suddenly thrown in somehow.
We all dont want threads of ranting popping up from players, with Eventru becoming overworked trying to close them all.
We all dont want threads of ranting popping up from players, with Eventru becoming overworked trying to close them all.

Ileein2011-04-17 00:46:00
Keep in mind that 1) the actual historical veracity of the source can't be verified and 2) we don't actually know anything about who the candidate is, or whether it worked!
Arcanis2011-04-17 10:32:05
QUOTE (Ileein @ Apr 17 2011, 04:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep in mind that 1) the actual historical veracity of the source can't be verified and 2) we don't actually know anything about who the candidate is, or whether it worked!
Yeah I know, it is thanks to it not being stated exactly who it was, and if it worked, that I believe this isnt (yet) being blown out of proportions. But as for the source being correct or not, I have not known yet "memories of the past" in lusternia to be fake

Though if anything, will be interesting to see how/where this will go.
Arel2011-04-17 18:59:10
QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 17 2011, 06:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Though if anything, will be interesting to see how/where this will go.
I doubt it would really go anywhere. It looks like the event was purposefully ambiguous and I really doubt some crazy revelation is just going to pop out of no where to completely change the way things have been thought of for the past five years.