Calixa2011-04-30 00:01:34
Common Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Combat Capable Melee (TrueShield)
Resilience Virtuoso Fitness (0%)
Discernment Expert Intellect (Magiclist)
Highmagic Gifted Arcana (Hexagram)
Planar Virtuoso Mysticism (Astrowave)
Discipline Virtuoso Willpower (Selfishness)
Environment Apprentice Communion (Squinting)
Influence Expert Magnetism (SuperEgo)
Dramatics Apprentice Performance (Sycophant)
Arts Capable Finearts (Glasswork)
Beastmastery Inept Magnetism (Riding)
Aethercraft Capable Mysticism (Siphon)
Trade Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Tailoring Expert Finearts (Greatrobes)
Guild Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Rituals Transcendent Arcana
Cosmic Transcendent Mysticism
Tarot Transcendent Willpower
------------- ------------ ------------
Combat Capable Melee (TrueShield)
Resilience Virtuoso Fitness (0%)
Discernment Expert Intellect (Magiclist)
Highmagic Gifted Arcana (Hexagram)
Planar Virtuoso Mysticism (Astrowave)
Discipline Virtuoso Willpower (Selfishness)
Environment Apprentice Communion (Squinting)
Influence Expert Magnetism (SuperEgo)
Dramatics Apprentice Performance (Sycophant)
Arts Capable Finearts (Glasswork)
Beastmastery Inept Magnetism (Riding)
Aethercraft Capable Mysticism (Siphon)
Trade Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Tailoring Expert Finearts (Greatrobes)
Guild Skills Rank Pool
------------- ------------ ------------
Rituals Transcendent Arcana
Cosmic Transcendent Mysticism
Tarot Transcendent Willpower
I'm kind of stuck as to how to continue and have 45 lessons right now that could go somewhere. My priorities are earning gold to buy more credits > earning experience > combat > the rest. I kind of have a rough idea of what I want out of each skillset, just not sure in which order to obtain it + also some questions on certain skills. I should also point out my biggest trouble at the moment is the staying alive part. I have sipping, healing scroll and herbs sorted for it.
Combat: Trans as required for combat.
Resilience: Trans for bashing and combat.
Discernment: Scan a priority to notice possibly getting jumped? Unsure of how the skill works. Powersense / contemplation / discerning for combat and aethersight since we're almost trans then anyway?
Highmagic: Gedulah as a priority for lock curing, no idea on the rest.
Planar: Contributes to damage output, so trans. Not sure how noticeable this is in bashing however. Assuming resilience should come first?
Discipline: I believe FocusMind is somewhat a priority for combat? Not sure on the rest. FocusSpirit seems useful but heavy mana cost

Environment: Mountaineering and sewers for exploration rank whoring (aka the rest), tumbling and crashing is useful in combat however? Attunement seems neat but is it worth going to trans for?
Influence: Should probably trans this!
Dramatics: Storytell flavors worth it for the extra exp? Else up to Vagabond seems where the usefulness ends.
Arts: Not a damn clue. Not a herber so I don't think I will be off cheaper to make my own palettes. Getting all the tints looks like quite the investment.
Beastmastery: Up to bodyguard, get a nice pony to help with influencing, bashing, and healing. Throw on some movement skills. Not sure before which personal skills this should come.
Aethercraft: Up to gliding at some point and then learn to pilot, as well as purser for empathing if that is needed more than pilots. Not that high a priority since my play times are too erratic for hunts or I play when hardly anyone is online.
Tailoring: Not making that much gold with this, but heard splendours are very much worth it. Better than resilience?
Also, bonus question for the enthusiasts: Arties, which and when? Should note that I don't buy credits, so I have to rely what I can get ingame, and through voting / Facebook.
Faymar2011-04-30 09:51:35
Get FocusMind in discipline. This is very important and it should be your number one priority.
Get Gebulah in HighMagic. This will save your life more than once. Until then, learn to manually use syphon when you're locked or having trouble curing properly.
Get Tumble in Environment. It's very useful.
Discipline decreases your focus body time to one second at trans, and increases your power regeneration (1 power every 8 seconds at trans). Extremely useful for combat. HighMagic also increases resistance to magic (24 DMP at trans, if I am not mistaken), so it's worth having. It works just like Resilience, but against magic.
I hear that attunement is a very good ability. You can also buy an artie which allows you to attune to two different environments, or to one if you aren't trans Environment.
So after FocusMind, Gebulah and Tumble I would trans Discipline. Then either Resilience (if you plan to do a lot of bashing), HighMagic and maybe Combat. After that Tailoring and Environment.
As for arties, get three Great Runes of the Tobacconist and a soap. I haven't thought what you should get after that, I'm still trying to get the credits to buy a soap.
I hope my suggestions help.
EDIT: Who told you that Planar increases your damage? I have never heard that before. Is it because it is in the same pool as Nihilism (Mysticism)?
Get Gebulah in HighMagic. This will save your life more than once. Until then, learn to manually use syphon when you're locked or having trouble curing properly.
Get Tumble in Environment. It's very useful.
Discipline decreases your focus body time to one second at trans, and increases your power regeneration (1 power every 8 seconds at trans). Extremely useful for combat. HighMagic also increases resistance to magic (24 DMP at trans, if I am not mistaken), so it's worth having. It works just like Resilience, but against magic.
I hear that attunement is a very good ability. You can also buy an artie which allows you to attune to two different environments, or to one if you aren't trans Environment.
So after FocusMind, Gebulah and Tumble I would trans Discipline. Then either Resilience (if you plan to do a lot of bashing), HighMagic and maybe Combat. After that Tailoring and Environment.
As for arties, get three Great Runes of the Tobacconist and a soap. I haven't thought what you should get after that, I'm still trying to get the credits to buy a soap.
I hope my suggestions help.
EDIT: Who told you that Planar increases your damage? I have never heard that before. Is it because it is in the same pool as Nihilism (Mysticism)?
Sylphas2011-04-30 13:48:11
QUOTE (Faymar @ Apr 30 2011, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
EDIT: Who told you that Planar increases your damage? I have never heard that before. Is it because it is in the same pool as Nihilism (Mysticism)?
The parent pools help, yes. Dramatics, for example affects song length for bards. Unsure what happens for other skillsets, but IIRC the parent pools functions as extra lessons in the skill for things that count that.
Calixa2011-04-30 16:39:37
Searching through the forums I found info that planar increases the damage output of symbol, as the planar pool parents the Cosmic pool which Nihilism belongs to. I have been thinking on how this could be trained, but you'd need something like two equal individuals with one having way less lessons spent in planar, and then see how the damage differs. Which with arties and what not affecting things may be a pain. I really wish the admins would give out clearer information sometimes, I know min-maxing is sort of frowned upon but knowing where to put lessons to perform better is more likely to keep people playing.
Unknown2011-05-02 14:31:07
(psst, highmagic is the parent for cosmic, not planar)
Neos2011-05-02 17:27:58
So, I have 90 credits left from my Great Hunt winnings, and not sure where to drop them.
Aethercraft is a low priority, because I don't care enough about aetherhunting to trans it. I have Bombard, I'm content.
What do?
So, I have 90 credits left from my Great Hunt winnings, and not sure where to drop them.
Common Skills        Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Virtuoso      Melee
Resilience            Mythical      Fitness
Discernment          Virtuoso      Intellect
Highmagic            Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Fabled        Mysticism
Discipline            Fabled        Willpower
Environment          Virtuoso      Communion
Influence            Expert        Magnetism
Dramatics            Master        Performance
Arts                  Capable        Finearts
Beastmastery          Gifted        Magnetism
Aethercraft          Gifted        Mysticism
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Virtuoso      Melee
Resilience            Mythical      Fitness
Discernment          Virtuoso      Intellect
Highmagic            Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Fabled        Mysticism
Discipline            Fabled        Willpower
Environment          Virtuoso      Communion
Influence            Expert        Magnetism
Dramatics            Master        Performance
Arts                  Capable        Finearts
Beastmastery          Gifted        Magnetism
Aethercraft          Gifted        Mysticism
Aethercraft is a low priority, because I don't care enough about aetherhunting to trans it. I have Bombard, I'm content.
What do?
Unknown2011-05-02 18:18:01
I'd jump for Influence, but that's just me being in love with CharismaticAura. Ohh, if only all trans skills could be so darn useful. 
OR YOU COULD GET SOME COMBAT STUFF I GUESS but trans Influence is so much shinier.

OR YOU COULD GET SOME COMBAT STUFF I GUESS but trans Influence is so much shinier.

Faymar2011-05-02 18:48:29
You're a good fighter. Get combat stuff. I would go for trans discipline, it's -extremely- useful.
If you won'get credits for some time, maybe you should go for an ability in the other skills. 90 lessons will not make any difference.
Hope this helps.
If you won'get credits for some time, maybe you should go for an ability in the other skills. 90 lessons will not make any difference.
Hope this helps.
Shamarah2011-05-02 18:50:51
Definitely trans discipline. I recently did on my alt and the difference in power regen between Fabled and Trans is like night and day.
Unknown2011-05-02 19:37:25
QUOTE (Shamarah @ May 2 2011, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Definitely trans discipline. I recently did on my alt and the difference in power regen between Fabled and Trans is like night and day.
Don't you mean...night and moon?
Unknown2011-05-17 14:25:03
What would you transcend/get up to first as a:
Nekotai with Herbs tradeskill.
Templar (BM/Rituals and tradeskill Poisons).
Just curious as to if I'm anywhere close to what I need. Keep in mind that they're all combatant characters.
What would you transcend/get up to first as a:
Nekotai with Herbs tradeskill.
Templar (BM/Rituals and tradeskill Poisons).
Just curious as to if I'm anywhere close to what I need. Keep in mind that they're all combatant characters.
Aison2011-05-18 16:55:44
QUOTE (Kayte @ May 17 2011, 06:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What would you transcend/get up to first as a:
Nekotai with Herbs tradeskill.
Templar (BM/Rituals and tradeskill Poisons).
Just curious as to if I'm anywhere close to what I need. Keep in mind that they're all combatant characters.
What would you transcend/get up to first as a:
Nekotai with Herbs tradeskill.
Templar (BM/Rituals and tradeskill Poisons).
Just curious as to if I'm anywhere close to what I need. Keep in mind that they're all combatant characters.
I'd trans herbs first as Nekotai, since you can make absolute bank off selling herbs, which in turns allows you to mass purchase credits in-game.
Not sure with templar, since I'm not crazy familiar with them:/.
Unknown2011-05-19 09:57:26
As a Faeling templar? I would get Polarity, quickly. Going from seven strength to fifteen should be fairly noticable.
Turnus2011-05-21 22:59:52
All warriors need to trans their knighthood spec ASAP. With only a small detour for other skills that aren't too far out of the way.
Unknown2011-05-27 07:17:31
Lulz. Don't delude the poor bastards. If you're a warrior, you're not gonna do squat until demi, trans all of the core6, virt highmagic, and if you're not a tracker, a minimum of lvl2 knight/champ runes.
So, if you're buying creds OOC, and are already a demi, go straight for those. Otherwise ignore them entirely until you've trans'd influence, gotten vagabond in dramatics, influence in beastmastery, and trans'd aethercraft. Once you've got those supplying you with a steady income of experience and gold, then worry about the hideously expensive prospect of becoming combat viable as a warrior.
Para-Templars may be borderline viable without runes, as BM or PB. However, faeling Templars have a glass jaw. However, there's a very similar race balance boost-wise, though with less charisma, just as devastating stat-wise with polarity, but far more durable.
So, if you're buying creds OOC, and are already a demi, go straight for those. Otherwise ignore them entirely until you've trans'd influence, gotten vagabond in dramatics, influence in beastmastery, and trans'd aethercraft. Once you've got those supplying you with a steady income of experience and gold, then worry about the hideously expensive prospect of becoming combat viable as a warrior.
Para-Templars may be borderline viable without runes, as BM or PB. However, faeling Templars have a glass jaw. However, there's a very similar race balance boost-wise, though with less charisma, just as devastating stat-wise with polarity, but far more durable.
Lerad2011-05-29 04:15:39
Getting into top tier combat requires all that, but if you're sticking to group fights and big raids, an unartied, undemi warrior can do plenty with the right skill builds. I understand that Lusty combat has a high enter threshold (lol requiring gedulah, parry and conglut to even start taking part in combat semi-seriously) but you're exaggerating when you claim warriors are useless without demi and decked out arties. Every little bit of wounds help in group combat. Monks get up to 250% damage boost depending on the targetted bodypart's wounds. Even if you don't land kills, helping to add wounds as a warrior goes a long way to winning the battle with your team.
1v1 is another story altogether, of course.
Nekotai should (apart from the gedulah/parry/conglut reqs I listed already) concentrate on transing their guild skills. The exact progress is up to you, but generally, the Nekotai skill takes priority, up until myth (don't bother with finalsting). Trans it for the little bit of extra accuracy or whatever bonus if you have extra lessons. Milestones to look to in the other skills are somersault, contort and scissorflip in acro, masquerade and waylay in stealth, and doublepain, bodyfuel and forcedsymmetry in psymet. Bloodboil if you're a high ego race for the bashing. The trans of stealth/acro/psymet are all great, and should be considered once you reach amihai (or scorpfury, if you really want) in nekotai.
With trans guildskills, you can go for a trade if you can trans it, but otherwise, go for discipline (trans) followed by combat and subsequently resilience/lowmagic. Trade wise, herbs are good for money making, but only if you have the time to invest into harvesting, (which is boring as hell to boot), otherwise, trans tailoring or tattoos are good (better) choices for a combatant.
1v1 is another story altogether, of course.
Nekotai should (apart from the gedulah/parry/conglut reqs I listed already) concentrate on transing their guild skills. The exact progress is up to you, but generally, the Nekotai skill takes priority, up until myth (don't bother with finalsting). Trans it for the little bit of extra accuracy or whatever bonus if you have extra lessons. Milestones to look to in the other skills are somersault, contort and scissorflip in acro, masquerade and waylay in stealth, and doublepain, bodyfuel and forcedsymmetry in psymet. Bloodboil if you're a high ego race for the bashing. The trans of stealth/acro/psymet are all great, and should be considered once you reach amihai (or scorpfury, if you really want) in nekotai.
With trans guildskills, you can go for a trade if you can trans it, but otherwise, go for discipline (trans) followed by combat and subsequently resilience/lowmagic. Trade wise, herbs are good for money making, but only if you have the time to invest into harvesting, (which is boring as hell to boot), otherwise, trans tailoring or tattoos are good (better) choices for a combatant.
Unknown2011-05-29 18:15:51
In group, if you're a non-tracker warrior, prior to getting all of those mentioned things... Stick to headslam and a web enchantment.
Unknown2011-07-28 15:16:21
So this is Liet with relevant skill-derived DMP up. From the looks of it, I don't really need Resilience/Lowmagic, especially since if I join an order and put up easy-to-keepup additional DMP I get an additional 20 DMP to all, so the traditional approach of transing Resilience/Lowmagic seems kind of unnecessary. I'll have 117 dingbats in a day or two from the monthly thing, and have enough gold for roughly 150 credits. So, I could sell most of my dingbats for credits/lessons or I could buy more dingbats to get a dingbat artie. Advice on what to spring and/or save for? I think I've got absolutely everything that's strictly needed already.
Common Skills        Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Fabled        Melee
Resilience            Inept          Fitness
Discernment          Master        Intellect
Lowmagic              Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Expert        Mysticism
Discipline            Transcendent  Willpower
Environment          Inept          Communion
Influence            Capable        Magnetism
Dramatics            Inept          Performance
Arts                  Inept          Finearts
Beastmastery          Inept          Magnetism
Aethercraft          Inept          Mysticism
Trade Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Tattoos              Transcendent  Finearts
Guild Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Psionics              Transcendent  Intellect
Kata                  Transcendent  Melee
Harmony              Mythical      Communion
                    Type        Base DMP      Total DMP            Resistance
                      All              0              -                    -
                Elemental              22              -                    -
                  Cosmic              0              -                    -
                  Cutting              58              58                  36%
                    Blunt              58              58                  36%
            Asphyxiation              30              30                  25%
                  Poison              20              20                  20%
                  Psychic              41              41                  30%
                  Magical              35              35                  27%
                    Cold              10              32                  26%
              Electricity              10              32                  26%
                    Fire              26              48                  32%
                  Divinus              0              0                    0%
                Excorable              0              0                    0%
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Combat                Fabled        Melee
Resilience            Inept          Fitness
Discernment          Master        Intellect
Lowmagic              Virtuoso      Arcana
Planar                Expert        Mysticism
Discipline            Transcendent  Willpower
Environment          Inept          Communion
Influence            Capable        Magnetism
Dramatics            Inept          Performance
Arts                  Inept          Finearts
Beastmastery          Inept          Magnetism
Aethercraft          Inept          Mysticism
Trade Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Tattoos              Transcendent  Finearts
Guild Skills          Rank          Pool
-------------Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ------------Â Â ------------
Psionics              Transcendent  Intellect
Kata                  Transcendent  Melee
Harmony              Mythical      Communion
                    Type        Base DMP      Total DMP            Resistance
                      All              0              -                    -
                Elemental              22              -                    -
                  Cosmic              0              -                    -
                  Cutting              58              58                  36%
                    Blunt              58              58                  36%
            Asphyxiation              30              30                  25%
                  Poison              20              20                  20%
                  Psychic              41              41                  30%
                  Magical              35              35                  27%
                    Cold              10              32                  26%
              Electricity              10              32                  26%
                    Fire              26              48                  32%
                  Divinus              0              0                    0%
                Excorable              0              0                    0%
So this is Liet with relevant skill-derived DMP up. From the looks of it, I don't really need Resilience/Lowmagic, especially since if I join an order and put up easy-to-keepup additional DMP I get an additional 20 DMP to all, so the traditional approach of transing Resilience/Lowmagic seems kind of unnecessary. I'll have 117 dingbats in a day or two from the monthly thing, and have enough gold for roughly 150 credits. So, I could sell most of my dingbats for credits/lessons or I could buy more dingbats to get a dingbat artie. Advice on what to spring and/or save for? I think I've got absolutely everything that's strictly needed already.
Unknown2011-07-28 15:41:04
Unknown2011-07-28 15:46:03
QUOTE (Zarquan @ Jul 28 2011, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess. I thought Mantra Wind was like tumble+ though. Dunno what stops it besides no power.