Xiel2011-06-08 22:24:21
So, I was on my merry way chattering through a clan and an idea came upon us: why don't we have coupons? I mean, grand as shopkeeping is, I'd think it would be great if we could introduce another aspect to the fun that is being a shopkeeper and create a new thing that would benefit customers, owners and third-party Bookbinders too!
Basing off the same premise of hiring a Bookbinder for a stamp, a shopkeeper would buy one (or as many as they want) of the three basic coupon templates from the Hall of Records and contract a Bookbinder to make it. Buying the templates would specifically bind it to a shop one owns (add limitations here for org shops and org leadership just as the stamps do) and I assume these will be cheaper than a chop certificate considering the number of possible percentage and offerings a coupon can give.
With a template, the shopkeeper would go to a Bookbinder and have them design one of the three following types of coupons. The bookbinder wouldn't be able to submit a design without a template, and the variable surrounding each possible type would be like:
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Percentage: How much having this coupon will take off one's next purchase from a shop.
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Item: The kind of item one could get by redeeming it at the specific shop. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
*Unless the Administration wants to just make a redeem bin or tie a redeeming effect to a specific bin, anyway, then they could bypass the above Item variable with this bit of code and the customer can just redeem what is in the bin.
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Purchase: The item or type of item that has to be bought to redeem the prize. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
Gift: The item or type of item that will be gifted with the purchase of the item above. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
*Like the Redeem Coupon, if the Admin just want to make a redeem bin or tie a BOGO effect to a specific bin, then they could just work around this by enabling shopkeepers to set that in the shop itself.
Anyways, this is just to open up advertising and some discount fun for shopkeepers anyway. I think that these coupons will have to be made specific so that Susie can't make coupons for Bob's shop without Bob being in the room and agreeing to it. It's rough and I have a final to get to, but I think this'd be neat!
Basing off the same premise of hiring a Bookbinder for a stamp, a shopkeeper would buy one (or as many as they want) of the three basic coupon templates from the Hall of Records and contract a Bookbinder to make it. Buying the templates would specifically bind it to a shop one owns (add limitations here for org shops and org leadership just as the stamps do) and I assume these will be cheaper than a chop certificate considering the number of possible percentage and offerings a coupon can give.
With a template, the shopkeeper would go to a Bookbinder and have them design one of the three following types of coupons. The bookbinder wouldn't be able to submit a design without a template, and the variable surrounding each possible type would be like:
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Percentage: How much having this coupon will take off one's next purchase from a shop.
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Item: The kind of item one could get by redeeming it at the specific shop. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
*Unless the Administration wants to just make a redeem bin or tie a redeeming effect to a specific bin, anyway, then they could bypass the above Item variable with this bit of code and the customer can just redeem what is in the bin.
Duration: How many IC months the coupon will last before crumbling/becoming ineffective.
Purchase: The item or type of item that has to be bought to redeem the prize. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
Gift: The item or type of item that will be gifted with the purchase of the item above. Whether it be a specific 'galingale' or general 'ring'.
*Like the Redeem Coupon, if the Admin just want to make a redeem bin or tie a BOGO effect to a specific bin, then they could just work around this by enabling shopkeepers to set that in the shop itself.
Anyways, this is just to open up advertising and some discount fun for shopkeepers anyway. I think that these coupons will have to be made specific so that Susie can't make coupons for Bob's shop without Bob being in the room and agreeing to it. It's rough and I have a final to get to, but I think this'd be neat!
Ssaliss2011-06-08 22:27:21

Daraius2011-06-08 23:37:24
Sounds fun. This bookbinder approves.
Xiel2011-06-09 04:37:13
I still want.