Druken2011-07-07 21:33:51
Our new little haunt is just too cute! Here's a brief encounter:
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion yells, "Hey girl...I hear you are running around again!
We're going to find you!"
The soft pitter-patter of bare feet precede a scrawny girl scampering in from the north.
An illithoid scourge bows respectfully to Lyora.
An illithoid scourge says, "Tidings, fellow Cultist."
Lyora gives a scrawny girl the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
A scrawny girl giggles happily.
A scrawny girl hides a grin behind her hand.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "Oh, there you are."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Are you making poeple worry about you again?"
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Nope!"
You stare implacably at a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl puts a finger to her lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Lyora points accusingly at Truda.
With feigned wonder, A scrawny girl says, "Why would anyone worry about me?"
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "You ran off before I could say, that actually,
lightning probably likes to hit tall people, more than short people."
Short black fur covers the scrawny body of this human girl in a patchy coat, leaving her feet, hands,
face, limbs, and torso bare. She is all skin and bones: creamy skin stretches over angular joints,
though her heart-shaped face glows with health and vitality. Fresh wounds and scabs cover her elbow
and knees, while small, jagged scars crisscross over her limbs and chest. Wide eyes of a deep forest
green hue survey her surroundings with an insatiable curiosity; beneath these sit a small nose and a
mouth lined with fangs. Two small, wolfish ears poke from between the tangled locks of her dirty
blonde hair, the chin-length tresses decorated with crimson feathers and blackened bones. A simply-
sewn dress of raw sable cotton clothes her slender frame, but her delicate feet are bare, braving
the wild earth beneath with little regard for the hazards therein, and seeming all the more
untouched for it.
A scrawny girl is a humble-looking creature.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Because your father will kill us if anything happens
to you!"
Brennan Stormcrow cocks his head to one side, looking Tacita over with an appraising stare.
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Mighty Crow has his eye upon you, Dark Savant!"
A dark nighthag turns her gaze to Tacita momentarily.
Peppy, a black-plumed ostrich glances Tacita's way and squawks happily while beating his wings,
creating a soft breeze.
A scrawny girl says, "Lightning? I'm not scared of lightning."
Before the Master Ravenwood Tree.
Lovely coltsfoot carpets the forest floor. A marjoram bush flourishes here, spreading its delicate
scent. Sprays of chervil cover the forest floor. Brennan Stormcrow paces here, his cadaverous body
twitching with sudden jerks. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a bat around
its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a spider around its skull. An
animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a beetle around its skull. An animated
skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a wasp around its skull. The Master Ravenwood Tree
towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power. Casting darkness all
around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the air. There are 15 dark nighthags
here. A giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. A mature
blackthorn tree stands proudly here. An illithoid scourge is here, sleeping soundly. There are 4
illithoid scourges here. Its petals glistening with ice, a delicate snoefaasia orchid grows here
from a clump of snow. There are 2 eye sigils here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil
lies here. A crudely crafted shrine of harsh black crystal stands here, thrumming powerfully.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. A nut from a ravenwood tree
leaf rests on the ground. A scrawny girl waits here, impatiently hopping back and forth on her feet.
A yellow speckled, sleepy pony with feathered wings stands here quietly. Wyrden Ravager Ankastra
Ysav'rai, the Pall-Bearer is here, shrouded. She wields a scaly, blackened claw in each hand. Wyrden
Ravager Truda is here, shrouded. She wields a vicious manticore claw in each hand. Nightwitch Yolei
Isilya is here. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a silver octagonal greatshield
etched with webs in her right. Tacita Ysav'rai floats here, enchanting notes weaving ceaselessly
about her form. She wields a miniature ravenwood viola in her left hand and a magic tome in her
right. Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion is here, shrouded. She wields an iron nekai in each
You see a single exit leading north.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "It was striking people a lot, the other month."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "You should meet my daddy!"
You say to Lyora, "Who is this, sprite?"
Lyora points accusingly at you.
A scrawny girl tilts her head curiously at you.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to you, "The newest and youngest member of Lord
Shikari's Pack."
Executing an exaggerated curtsey, A scrawny girl says to you, "Hello, Lyora's daddy."
You have emoted: Druken turns his full gaze to the little girl.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "She's mischievous...even more than me..."
You bow respectfully to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl giggles happily.
A scrawny girl says, "Pleased to meet you."
You smile and say to Lyora, "She is polite like you, as well."
Lyora beams broadly.
You say to a scrawny girl, "And I you."
Samyaza bows respectfully to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
You give a twilight blue rose to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl says, "Um, sorry, but I don't know what to do with this."
A scrawny girl blushes and gives a twilight blue rose back to you.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Anyways, I must rest for now."
Emmeline performs a graceful curtsey.
A scrawny girl says, "Daddy says to be nice to strangers, but He never said anything about sisters
and brothers."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "Stay out of trouble!"
A scrawny girl ponders the situation.
Tacita snickers softly to herself.
"Heh heh heh" Truda chuckles.
A scrawny girl waves goodbye at Lyora.
A scrawny girl says, "Actually, Daddy says to kill strangers, but only if they try to kill you."
Comprehension flashes across Quorre's face.
Ankastra raises her hand in greeting to a scrawny girl and says "Hi!"
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Hello!"
A scrawny girl beams broadly.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "You should be nice to your sisters
and brothers too!"
You say to a scrawny girl, "Your father is... Lord Shikari?"
A scrawny girl nods her head enthusiastically.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Emmeline's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Holding her thumb and forefinger close together, A scrawny girl says, "I am only a little itty bitty
piece of His essence."
An impish grin creeps over Tacita's face as her eyes light up with mischief.
You say to a scrawny girl, "I am sorry to say that I have never met Him. Warden Xenthos speaks very
highly of Him, however, and so does my daughter."
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "I have met Lord Shikari, and, He is a little scary, but in a good kind
of way."
Truda nods her head at herself.
Excitedly, A scrawny girl exclaims, "It's because He's the best!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Ankastra ponders the situation.
It is the middle of the night in Lusternia.
The phase of the moon is the Waxing Crescent.
You say to a scrawny girl, "Have you my my Lord's daughter?"
Thin, scraggled clouds pass overhead, doing little to hide Mother Moon's face as they sail sombrely
across the sky.
A scrawny girl says, "And when I grow up I'm going to- Ooh?"
Shaking her head, A scrawny girl says, "Nope! Who is your Lord?"
You have emoted: Druken tilts his head slightly and lifts his gaze to the sky before turning it back
to the little girl.
Yolei chuckles long and heartily.
With clear traces of a smile flowing across his face, you say, "The Silent Lord."
A scrawny girl absently scratches at an itch.
A scrawny girl gasps and clasps her hands together.
You smile and say, "Let me teach you how to see His daughter."
You have emoted: Druken cups his hands together and raises them to one eye.
Quorre turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in interest.
A scrawny girl watches Druken intently.
You say, "Close your hands together, really tightly, so that no light can get in. What do you see?"
A scrawny girl raises her hands to her face and cups them around one eye.
A scrawny girl squints for a moment.
A scrawny girl says, "Nothing! It's all dark."
The last vestiges of midnight shadows flee as Mother Night hides herself from the luminous arrival
of her shining mate as he chases her across the bowl of the sky.
Sounding puzzled, you say, "Truly? There's nothing there?"
A wry smile spreads across Tacita's face.
You have emoted: Druken closes his hands into a cup again and peers inside.
A scrawny girl scratches her head in obvious confusion.
You say, "No-- She's there, alright."
A scrawny girl looks into her hands again.
Tacita Ysav'rai wraps her ebon hands over her eyes and peers into them.
You say to a scrawny girl, "Let me ask you something else. Are you afraid of the dark?"
Pulling her hands away, Tacita Ysav'rai says, "Yes Uncle, She's definitely there."
A scrawny girl shakes her head.
You smile softly at Tacita.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "She is not afraid of anything, I think."
Wyrden Ravager Truda sticks out her tongue and says, "Even things, that maybe she should be worried
A scrawny girl exclaims, "I'm not afraid of anything!"
You say to a scrawny girl, "Good! Fear is a silly emotion. You should especially never fear the dark,
so long as you know that it's really the Silent Lord's daughter you're looking at."
A scrawny girl nods slowly, though confusion still colours her face.
Pointing at the sky, A scrawny girl says, "But when Sun sets, Spirit Night is up there! Not in my
Tacita Ysav'rai says to a scrawny girl, "She is here always, even when we cannot see Her."
Tacita smiles softly.
Smiling with his eyes, you say to a scrawny girl, "Wherever there is the potential for a shadow to
be cast, you are looking at Mother Night."
A scrawny girl ponders her hands for a moment, then nods again, solemnly.
A scrawny girl says, "I think I understand."
You say to a scrawny girl, "If you're ever lonely and you want to be in the company of Someone Who
loves the forest your exalted Father protects, just cup your hands and look inside. Mother Night
will be there."
A scrawny girl cups her hands around her eyes again and beams.
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Hello, Night!"
You smile softly.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "I have to go, now, so, try not to get into trouble, or
do things that you are not supposed to do."
A scrawny girl nods her head at Truda.
Lowering her hands, A scrawny girl says, "I think I'll go home now."
Truda waves goodbye.
Ankastra waves goodbye at a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
You incline your head politely to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
A scrawny girl waves goodbye.
Ankastra waves goodbye.
Distracted by something new, a scrawny girl scampers out to the north.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion yells, "Hey girl...I hear you are running around again!
We're going to find you!"
The soft pitter-patter of bare feet precede a scrawny girl scampering in from the north.
An illithoid scourge bows respectfully to Lyora.
An illithoid scourge says, "Tidings, fellow Cultist."
Lyora gives a scrawny girl the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.
A scrawny girl giggles happily.
A scrawny girl hides a grin behind her hand.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "Oh, there you are."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Are you making poeple worry about you again?"
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Nope!"
You stare implacably at a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl puts a finger to her lips, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Lyora points accusingly at Truda.
With feigned wonder, A scrawny girl says, "Why would anyone worry about me?"
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "You ran off before I could say, that actually,
lightning probably likes to hit tall people, more than short people."
Short black fur covers the scrawny body of this human girl in a patchy coat, leaving her feet, hands,
face, limbs, and torso bare. She is all skin and bones: creamy skin stretches over angular joints,
though her heart-shaped face glows with health and vitality. Fresh wounds and scabs cover her elbow
and knees, while small, jagged scars crisscross over her limbs and chest. Wide eyes of a deep forest
green hue survey her surroundings with an insatiable curiosity; beneath these sit a small nose and a
mouth lined with fangs. Two small, wolfish ears poke from between the tangled locks of her dirty
blonde hair, the chin-length tresses decorated with crimson feathers and blackened bones. A simply-
sewn dress of raw sable cotton clothes her slender frame, but her delicate feet are bare, braving
the wild earth beneath with little regard for the hazards therein, and seeming all the more
untouched for it.
A scrawny girl is a humble-looking creature.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Because your father will kill us if anything happens
to you!"
Brennan Stormcrow cocks his head to one side, looking Tacita over with an appraising stare.
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Mighty Crow has his eye upon you, Dark Savant!"
A dark nighthag turns her gaze to Tacita momentarily.
Peppy, a black-plumed ostrich glances Tacita's way and squawks happily while beating his wings,
creating a soft breeze.
A scrawny girl says, "Lightning? I'm not scared of lightning."
Before the Master Ravenwood Tree.
Lovely coltsfoot carpets the forest floor. A marjoram bush flourishes here, spreading its delicate
scent. Sprays of chervil cover the forest floor. Brennan Stormcrow paces here, his cadaverous body
twitching with sudden jerks. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a bat around
its skull. An animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a spider around its skull. An
animated skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a beetle around its skull. An animated
skeleton stands here with a ghostly outline of a wasp around its skull. The Master Ravenwood Tree
towers over everything here, pulsing with an immeasurable yet dark power. Casting darkness all
around, a shadow totem thrusts up from the ground, chilling the air. There are 15 dark nighthags
here. A giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. A mature
blackthorn tree stands proudly here. An illithoid scourge is here, sleeping soundly. There are 4
illithoid scourges here. Its petals glistening with ice, a delicate snoefaasia orchid grows here
from a clump of snow. There are 2 eye sigils here. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil
lies here. A crudely crafted shrine of harsh black crystal stands here, thrumming powerfully.
Covered in bone armour, a green eyelash viper is slithering about here. A nut from a ravenwood tree
leaf rests on the ground. A scrawny girl waits here, impatiently hopping back and forth on her feet.
A yellow speckled, sleepy pony with feathered wings stands here quietly. Wyrden Ravager Ankastra
Ysav'rai, the Pall-Bearer is here, shrouded. She wields a scaly, blackened claw in each hand. Wyrden
Ravager Truda is here, shrouded. She wields a vicious manticore claw in each hand. Nightwitch Yolei
Isilya is here. She wields an athame dagger in her left hand and a silver octagonal greatshield
etched with webs in her right. Tacita Ysav'rai floats here, enchanting notes weaving ceaselessly
about her form. She wields a miniature ravenwood viola in her left hand and a magic tome in her
right. Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion is here, shrouded. She wields an iron nekai in each
You see a single exit leading north.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "It was striking people a lot, the other month."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "You should meet my daddy!"
You say to Lyora, "Who is this, sprite?"
Lyora points accusingly at you.
A scrawny girl tilts her head curiously at you.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to you, "The newest and youngest member of Lord
Shikari's Pack."
Executing an exaggerated curtsey, A scrawny girl says to you, "Hello, Lyora's daddy."
You have emoted: Druken turns his full gaze to the little girl.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "She's mischievous...even more than me..."
You bow respectfully to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl giggles happily.
A scrawny girl says, "Pleased to meet you."
You smile and say to Lyora, "She is polite like you, as well."
Lyora beams broadly.
You say to a scrawny girl, "And I you."
Samyaza bows respectfully to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
You give a twilight blue rose to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl says, "Um, sorry, but I don't know what to do with this."
A scrawny girl blushes and gives a twilight blue rose back to you.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says, "Anyways, I must rest for now."
Emmeline performs a graceful curtsey.
A scrawny girl says, "Daddy says to be nice to strangers, but He never said anything about sisters
and brothers."
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "Stay out of trouble!"
A scrawny girl ponders the situation.
Tacita snickers softly to herself.
"Heh heh heh" Truda chuckles.
A scrawny girl waves goodbye at Lyora.
A scrawny girl says, "Actually, Daddy says to kill strangers, but only if they try to kill you."
Comprehension flashes across Quorre's face.
Ankastra raises her hand in greeting to a scrawny girl and says "Hi!"
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Hello!"
A scrawny girl beams broadly.
Lyora Inseira, Celebrant of the Scorpion says to a scrawny girl, "You should be nice to your sisters
and brothers too!"
You say to a scrawny girl, "Your father is... Lord Shikari?"
A scrawny girl nods her head enthusiastically.
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Emmeline's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
Holding her thumb and forefinger close together, A scrawny girl says, "I am only a little itty bitty
piece of His essence."
An impish grin creeps over Tacita's face as her eyes light up with mischief.
You say to a scrawny girl, "I am sorry to say that I have never met Him. Warden Xenthos speaks very
highly of Him, however, and so does my daughter."
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "I have met Lord Shikari, and, He is a little scary, but in a good kind
of way."
Truda nods her head at herself.
Excitedly, A scrawny girl exclaims, "It's because He's the best!"
Your eyes sparkle with amusement.
Ankastra ponders the situation.
It is the middle of the night in Lusternia.
The phase of the moon is the Waxing Crescent.
You say to a scrawny girl, "Have you my my Lord's daughter?"
Thin, scraggled clouds pass overhead, doing little to hide Mother Moon's face as they sail sombrely
across the sky.
A scrawny girl says, "And when I grow up I'm going to- Ooh?"
Shaking her head, A scrawny girl says, "Nope! Who is your Lord?"
You have emoted: Druken tilts his head slightly and lifts his gaze to the sky before turning it back
to the little girl.
Yolei chuckles long and heartily.
With clear traces of a smile flowing across his face, you say, "The Silent Lord."
A scrawny girl absently scratches at an itch.
A scrawny girl gasps and clasps her hands together.
You smile and say, "Let me teach you how to see His daughter."
You have emoted: Druken cups his hands together and raises them to one eye.
Quorre turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in interest.
A scrawny girl watches Druken intently.
You say, "Close your hands together, really tightly, so that no light can get in. What do you see?"
A scrawny girl raises her hands to her face and cups them around one eye.
A scrawny girl squints for a moment.
A scrawny girl says, "Nothing! It's all dark."
The last vestiges of midnight shadows flee as Mother Night hides herself from the luminous arrival
of her shining mate as he chases her across the bowl of the sky.
Sounding puzzled, you say, "Truly? There's nothing there?"
A wry smile spreads across Tacita's face.
You have emoted: Druken closes his hands into a cup again and peers inside.
A scrawny girl scratches her head in obvious confusion.
You say, "No-- She's there, alright."
A scrawny girl looks into her hands again.
Tacita Ysav'rai wraps her ebon hands over her eyes and peers into them.
You say to a scrawny girl, "Let me ask you something else. Are you afraid of the dark?"
Pulling her hands away, Tacita Ysav'rai says, "Yes Uncle, She's definitely there."
A scrawny girl shakes her head.
You smile softly at Tacita.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says, "She is not afraid of anything, I think."
Wyrden Ravager Truda sticks out her tongue and says, "Even things, that maybe she should be worried
A scrawny girl exclaims, "I'm not afraid of anything!"
You say to a scrawny girl, "Good! Fear is a silly emotion. You should especially never fear the dark,
so long as you know that it's really the Silent Lord's daughter you're looking at."
A scrawny girl nods slowly, though confusion still colours her face.
Pointing at the sky, A scrawny girl says, "But when Sun sets, Spirit Night is up there! Not in my
Tacita Ysav'rai says to a scrawny girl, "She is here always, even when we cannot see Her."
Tacita smiles softly.
Smiling with his eyes, you say to a scrawny girl, "Wherever there is the potential for a shadow to
be cast, you are looking at Mother Night."
A scrawny girl ponders her hands for a moment, then nods again, solemnly.
A scrawny girl says, "I think I understand."
You say to a scrawny girl, "If you're ever lonely and you want to be in the company of Someone Who
loves the forest your exalted Father protects, just cup your hands and look inside. Mother Night
will be there."
A scrawny girl cups her hands around her eyes again and beams.
A scrawny girl exclaims, "Hello, Night!"
You smile softly.
Wyrden Ravager Truda says to a scrawny girl, "I have to go, now, so, try not to get into trouble, or
do things that you are not supposed to do."
A scrawny girl nods her head at Truda.
Lowering her hands, A scrawny girl says, "I think I'll go home now."
Truda waves goodbye.
Ankastra waves goodbye at a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
You incline your head politely to a scrawny girl.
A scrawny girl grins widely, baring her fangs.
A scrawny girl waves goodbye.
Ankastra waves goodbye.
Distracted by something new, a scrawny girl scampers out to the north.
Diamondais2011-07-07 21:38:36
Yeah, she's something! We love her though, she's been adorable and fun since day one. 

vorld2011-07-07 21:40:20
I'd say. Very interesting thing. 

Unknown2011-07-07 21:45:48
Do things the right way as a Glom.
Sacrifice her to Night and feed her corpse to the wyrdling.
Sacrifice her to Night and feed her corpse to the wyrdling.
Diamondais2011-07-07 21:48:35
QUOTE (Kialkarkea @ Jul 7 2011, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do things the right way as a Glom.
Sacrifice her to Night and feed her corpse to the wyrdling.
Sacrifice her to Night and feed her corpse to the wyrdling.
No way, she's not a baby anymore, the time has passed. We only sacrifice babies.
Druken2011-07-07 22:29:07
Do YOU want to be the one to tell Shikari, the Predator that we sacrificed His kid?
Ayisdra2011-07-07 22:31:44
QUOTE (Druken @ Jul 7 2011, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do YOU want to be the one to tell Shikari, the Predator that we sacrificed His kid?
It would make a great interaction....
Casilu2011-07-08 00:03:15
QUOTE (Druken @ Jul 7 2011, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do YOU want to be the one to tell Shikari, the Predator that we sacrificed His kid?
Unknown2011-07-08 04:34:22
I thought Gods couldn't make children?
Ayisdra2011-07-08 04:37:40
QUOTE (Greleag @ Jul 8 2011, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought Gods couldn't make children?
Not by reproduction. However they have other means.
Casilu2011-07-08 04:54:14
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Jul 7 2011, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not by reproduction. However they have other means.
Ileein2011-07-08 05:13:08
Elostian's theoretical child is named Dolly.
Rivius2011-07-08 06:23:17
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Jul 8 2011, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not by reproduction. However they have other means.
So no shikariX

Rivius2011-07-08 06:23:17
QUOTE (Ayisdra @ Jul 8 2011, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not by reproduction. However they have other means.
So no shikariX

Casilu2011-07-08 06:50:12
QUOTE (Rivius @ Jul 7 2011, 11:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So no shikariX? 

That doesn't mean I can't write it. Who do you want to see?
Unknown2011-07-08 07:11:36
QUOTE (casilu @ Jul 8 2011, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That doesn't mean I can't write it. Who do you want to see?
There's a whole untapped market for MysraixMysraixMysrai.

Eventru2011-07-08 13:22:24
Divine cannot reproduce. Certainly doesn't stop them from adopting some wayward child they discover.
Jack2011-07-08 14:00:11
I always assumed all Divine possessed the same latent abilities, but not necessarily the will to utilize them. So Shikari'd be able to create a lifeform with a portion of his essence, the same way a Seventh Circle divinity could, but it might not be as powerful or refined as one made by a true creator.
(cool log bro)
(cool log bro)
Eventru2011-07-08 14:06:25
QUOTE (Jack @ Jul 8 2011, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always assumed all Divine possessed the same latent abilities, but not necessarily the will to utilize them. So Shikari'd be able to create a lifeform with a portion of his essence, the same way a Seventh Circle divinity could, but it might not be as powerful or refined as one made by a true creator.
(cool log bro)
(cool log bro)
A lifeform, maybe. A rabid squirrel or a feral donkey, perhaps. Sapient, no. Elder Gods cannot create sapient life.
Unknown2011-07-08 14:07:15
I've been actually surprised the gods haven't really attempted to create new life forms on Prime in the CoE age. After all, they did that a lot in the past. (Unless I missed something). They've done a few in the godrealms I believe, but I'm just a little curious about that.