Aison2011-07-16 03:53:55
I have a really long log of what all has happened over the last few days but I am just going to post the end of it.
And a few concluding notes:
1. I suck arse at quests. Like so hard. I also break everything. Eventru was nice enough to handle my (freaked out) messages so well. Wallace was also a good sport... idiot français >_>
2. I asked Eventru to give my beast as a gift. Needless to say, I had expected something like, "We found this. It chews Our shoes. You may have it." Not a quest and new area and this whole shebang. If you ask Eventru for stuff, he will go above and beyond the call of duty!
Thank you especially to Eventru for making this a really special occasion (despite my frustration with the quest and my impatience... so worth the wait, though). Thanks to Viynain who slaved over every aspect of the tiger with me (we wrestled with 4 or 5 other 'types' over a long period of time!). And also thanks to Faragan and Zynna for helping me with the final decision and making sure it all looked nice. And also to Aeral, for being there so I can say "Nyah, suck it" :]
Highly recommend Eventru for gifting things. A++.
Ribbons of ivory and golden light coalesce in the skies above New Celest, heralding the return of
the Exalted Lord.
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory and gold into the
glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
A golden luminosity heralds the entrance of a resplendent tiger who strides evenly into the room.
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Eventru with claws extended, warning
Him with a fierce snarl.
You kneel before Eventru and touch your head to the ground in worship.
Kelly gives Eventru a respectful salute.
Princess Kelly McCloud says, "Hail, Lord Eventru."
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Aeral blinks.
Aeral bows respectfully to Eventru.
You stand straight up.
Azula curtseys respectfully before Eventru.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Greetings, little ones."
Eventru steps down off of an ivory tiger with golden stripes.
Utterly entranced, Aeral emits a long "Ooooh."
Eventru pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Eventru with claws extended, warning
Him with a fierce snarl.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Ai..."
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Aidos?"
Utterly entranced, Draylor emits a long "Ooooh."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "A rather beautiful creature, is it not?"
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "He is indeed."
pr tiger
Rich ivory fur covers the huge bulk of this aristocratic tiger, golden stripes patterning his form
with a gleaming contrast of burnished amber hues. A slender tail languidly sways with his mood while
wisps of cosmic essence illuminate his impressive physique. Fierce eyes gaze intensely with the calm
light of justice, a deep intelligence gleaming in the vivid blue reminiscent of the Blessed Isles.
When he stretches, golden claws sharpened to a deadly point are made evident, and when his blackened
lips open wide, an imposing set of sharp teeth and large, yellowed fangs can be seen, framed by long
ivory whiskers. As a comfort to his maiden rider, a seat of ivory and gold manifests on his back
when necessary; a final ornament is a porcelain pendant hung around his neck, presenting the symbol
of the Exalted Lord, as well as the tiger's name.
An ivory tiger with golden stripes has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 300 pounds.
His feedbag is nearly full and he is looking quite nourished.
He is loyal to Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
You cannot see what an ivory tiger with golden stripes is holding.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Samas brought back this little cub on one of his rangings, and
Our order has been so kind to feed the creature."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And look how it has grown!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No mere wild cat, but a creature of some respect and beauty,
having matured within Our realm."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Is it going to be as big and shiny as Yourself, Lord?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Doubtful, little one."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "In truth, it is but an animal - Our glory and presence can only
do so much."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Beautiful as it is, it is no proper mount for one such as Our
Chuckling, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Of course, We are not one to ride beasts, but
instead the wind and the light and the waves, for such is Our glory."
Joylah nods her head at Eventru.
Eventru ponders an ivory tiger with golden stripes thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You reach over to an ivory tiger with golden stripes and itch his back.
Unable to contain himself, a delighted series of chuffs elicits from the tiger, who indolently sets
himself down for the well-deserved scratching.
Zixen nods his head emphatically.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No, no. This creature is not one for Us to keep - but perhaps,
instead, to gift."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "A gift for a Mortal? or For a Divine?"
Aeral pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Aeral with claws extended, warning her
with a fierce snarl.
"Eep!", Aeral screams in fright.
Joylah pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Joylah with claws extended, warning
her with a fierce snarl.
Ponderously, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "A mortal, We suppose. Beautiful as it is, none of
Our kind deserve such a gift, none that would appreciate it."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Such creature looks too Great for a Mortal, Lord."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Pardon my rudeness, Lord."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "One, in particular, laboured long over this animal's growth.
One who has served Us longer than any other, who once stood as Our Hand, and first walked the sands
of Our Realm."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Perhaps, then, Aison would like this animal?"
You blush furiously.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "She is most deserving of it, aye."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Though he has grown in Our realm, the Blessed Isle is a place
of sea and sand and sky - not much in the way of wood."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And the jungle, lush as it is, is not much of a home for this
great creature."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Unless, of course, Aison would rather We give it to another."
Just before you start to say something, you think better of it and bite down on your lip.
Neos points accusingly at himself.
Neos coughs softly.
"Heh heh heh" Aeral chuckles.
Neos hums innocently to himself.
You stare coldly at Neos.
With a hopeful smile, Aeral raises her hand high in the air.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Then perhaps Munsia - We have always wanted to see what the
tiger might do with a cow for a companion..."
You say to Eventru, "I would gladly accept this gift."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well then! Geras has named these creature Aidos, a sweet
name that We are fond of. We hope you do not mind such a naming?"
You say to Eventru, "Not at all. Rather fitting!"
"Oooooooooh!" Joylah says, eyes wide with wonder.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well, then."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted reaches down and pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes with one hand,
earning a loud, pleased sound before gesturing to Aison.
An ivory tiger with golden stripes pads slowly from the Exalted Lord to Aison before pausing,
sniffing at her.
Aison extends a hand towards an ivory tiger with golden stripes.
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Such a Gift Needs to be Celebrated."
An ivory tiger with golden stripes bares his teeth briefly at Aison's hand, before nuzzling against
Aison's side in a sign of companionship.
Eventru ponders the situation.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Now that is a treat I do not see every day."
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well then, little ones. We fear We must retreat to Our
realm, to mourn the loss of such a fine animal."
the Exalted Lord.
A pinpoint of brilliant light forms in the air then expands in a flare of ivory and gold into the
glorious form of Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
A golden luminosity heralds the entrance of a resplendent tiger who strides evenly into the room.
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Eventru pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Eventru with claws extended, warning
Him with a fierce snarl.
You kneel before Eventru and touch your head to the ground in worship.
Kelly gives Eventru a respectful salute.
Princess Kelly McCloud says, "Hail, Lord Eventru."
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Aeral blinks.
Aeral bows respectfully to Eventru.
You stand straight up.
Azula curtseys respectfully before Eventru.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Greetings, little ones."
Eventru steps down off of an ivory tiger with golden stripes.
Utterly entranced, Aeral emits a long "Ooooh."
Eventru pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Eventru with claws extended, warning
Him with a fierce snarl.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Ai..."
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Aidos?"
Utterly entranced, Draylor emits a long "Ooooh."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "A rather beautiful creature, is it not?"
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "He is indeed."
pr tiger
Rich ivory fur covers the huge bulk of this aristocratic tiger, golden stripes patterning his form
with a gleaming contrast of burnished amber hues. A slender tail languidly sways with his mood while
wisps of cosmic essence illuminate his impressive physique. Fierce eyes gaze intensely with the calm
light of justice, a deep intelligence gleaming in the vivid blue reminiscent of the Blessed Isles.
When he stretches, golden claws sharpened to a deadly point are made evident, and when his blackened
lips open wide, an imposing set of sharp teeth and large, yellowed fangs can be seen, framed by long
ivory whiskers. As a comfort to his maiden rider, a seat of ivory and gold manifests on his back
when necessary; a final ornament is a porcelain pendant hung around his neck, presenting the symbol
of the Exalted Lord, as well as the tiger's name.
An ivory tiger with golden stripes has an air of extreme strength.
He weighs about 300 pounds.
His feedbag is nearly full and he is looking quite nourished.
He is loyal to Eventru, Crown of the Exalted.
You cannot see what an ivory tiger with golden stripes is holding.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Samas brought back this little cub on one of his rangings, and
Our order has been so kind to feed the creature."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And look how it has grown!"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No mere wild cat, but a creature of some respect and beauty,
having matured within Our realm."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Is it going to be as big and shiny as Yourself, Lord?"
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Doubtful, little one."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "In truth, it is but an animal - Our glory and presence can only
do so much."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Beautiful as it is, it is no proper mount for one such as Our
Chuckling, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Of course, We are not one to ride beasts, but
instead the wind and the light and the waves, for such is Our glory."
Joylah nods her head at Eventru.
Eventru ponders an ivory tiger with golden stripes thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You reach over to an ivory tiger with golden stripes and itch his back.
Unable to contain himself, a delighted series of chuffs elicits from the tiger, who indolently sets
himself down for the well-deserved scratching.
Zixen nods his head emphatically.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "No, no. This creature is not one for Us to keep - but perhaps,
instead, to gift."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "A gift for a Mortal? or For a Divine?"
Aeral pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Aeral with claws extended, warning her
with a fierce snarl.
"Eep!", Aeral screams in fright.
Joylah pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes ingratiatingly.
Laying his ears back, the tiger bares his fangs and swipes at Joylah with claws extended, warning
her with a fierce snarl.
Ponderously, Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "A mortal, We suppose. Beautiful as it is, none of
Our kind deserve such a gift, none that would appreciate it."
Eventru chuckles long and heartily.
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Such creature looks too Great for a Mortal, Lord."
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Pardon my rudeness, Lord."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "One, in particular, laboured long over this animal's growth.
One who has served Us longer than any other, who once stood as Our Hand, and first walked the sands
of Our Realm."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Perhaps, then, Aison would like this animal?"
You blush furiously.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "She is most deserving of it, aye."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Though he has grown in Our realm, the Blessed Isle is a place
of sea and sand and sky - not much in the way of wood."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "And the jungle, lush as it is, is not much of a home for this
great creature."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Unless, of course, Aison would rather We give it to another."
Just before you start to say something, you think better of it and bite down on your lip.
Neos points accusingly at himself.
Neos coughs softly.
"Heh heh heh" Aeral chuckles.
Neos hums innocently to himself.
You stare coldly at Neos.
With a hopeful smile, Aeral raises her hand high in the air.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Then perhaps Munsia - We have always wanted to see what the
tiger might do with a cow for a companion..."
You say to Eventru, "I would gladly accept this gift."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well then! Geras has named these creature Aidos, a sweet
name that We are fond of. We hope you do not mind such a naming?"
You say to Eventru, "Not at all. Rather fitting!"
"Oooooooooh!" Joylah says, eyes wide with wonder.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well, then."
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted reaches down and pets an ivory tiger with golden stripes with one hand,
earning a loud, pleased sound before gesturing to Aison.
An ivory tiger with golden stripes pads slowly from the Exalted Lord to Aison before pausing,
sniffing at her.
Aison extends a hand towards an ivory tiger with golden stripes.
Lord Zixen Eli'Silar, Pilot of songs says, "Such a Gift Needs to be Celebrated."
An ivory tiger with golden stripes bares his teeth briefly at Aison's hand, before nuzzling against
Aison's side in a sign of companionship.
Eventru ponders the situation.
Archmage Aeral Ves'ril, Lady of the Shining Storm says, "Now that is a treat I do not see every day."
Eventru's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Eventru, Crown of the Exalted says, "Very well then, little ones. We fear We must retreat to Our
realm, to mourn the loss of such a fine animal."
And a few concluding notes:
1. I suck arse at quests. Like so hard. I also break everything. Eventru was nice enough to handle my (freaked out) messages so well. Wallace was also a good sport... idiot français >_>
2. I asked Eventru to give my beast as a gift. Needless to say, I had expected something like, "We found this. It chews Our shoes. You may have it." Not a quest and new area and this whole shebang. If you ask Eventru for stuff, he will go above and beyond the call of duty!
Thank you especially to Eventru for making this a really special occasion (despite my frustration with the quest and my impatience... so worth the wait, though). Thanks to Viynain who slaved over every aspect of the tiger with me (we wrestled with 4 or 5 other 'types' over a long period of time!). And also thanks to Faragan and Zynna for helping me with the final decision and making sure it all looked nice. And also to Aeral, for being there so I can say "Nyah, suck it" :]
Highly recommend Eventru for gifting things. A++.
Casilu2011-07-16 05:15:15
The white tiger made me think of Lyreth and Eventru as Sigfried and Roy.
Malicia2011-07-16 05:16:18

Zynna2011-07-16 12:59:01
Yay, Aison!!! I'm so glad you have your tiger! He's awesome, and what an awesome delivery!
Druken2011-07-16 13:50:38
Really cool! 

Eventru2011-07-16 14:31:09
To be fair, I normally ask people to tell me what they want - I went above and beyond because Aison has been such a big part of Eventru's experience (having been his first order member, first OH, etc).
I am, of course, always happy to help people with a nice little beast release, but I was more than happy to go above-and-beyond for someone who has been so involved for Eventru!
I am, of course, always happy to help people with a nice little beast release, but I was more than happy to go above-and-beyond for someone who has been so involved for Eventru!
Unknown2011-07-16 15:04:06
There's a damned good reason I much prefer Lusternia and it was demonstrated in that post. Thanks.