Malarious2011-08-15 05:24:35
So I was sitting at work, immensely bored and I remember Estarra saying "Malarious Report" and wondered what I would put in that. I focused mainly on nerfing OP things and adjusting what was needing things outright. Also, the concept of a free insta is removed to my knowledge with this. Alot of effort was put into "on even grounds" suggestions. I avoided all stupidly crazy things. They are (or should be) in alphabetical order by skillset.
Power: 3 (any)
For a short period of time, you will ignore the ill effects of aeon and choke. Note that this will not consume equilibrium or balance but will require both.
Syntax: Prepare Jerky
Commodities: 5 meat, 8 salt (?)
Using dehydration techniques you can prepare meat that will be long lasting. Though not exceptionally filling it lasts a considerable amount of time. Be aware preparing jerky is very time consuming and can take a day or more to fully prepare.
Using your superior ability to discern changes in the environment you can locate specific traps. Next time you move in that direction you will avoid the trap, be aware however that the rest of your group will not be so fortunate. This can be time consuming and should be used carefully.
Power: 3p (Any)
Entering a comatose state allows you to use the powers of a dreambody while maintaining your ability to see and hear through your normal form. Be aware you cannot leave the room your body lies in but you can utilize control over the survival instinct to continue healing yourself. This requires but does not consume your balance or equilibrium.
Power: 2/3?
Flooding the mind will destroy its focus when harsh thoughts bombard it.
When you psyvamp or mindblast it causes a 2s loss of focus mind. Trying to balance it to not be nuts in groups (imagine no focus body against throatlock) But need a way for the telepathy to have use of it. Be aware that a flooded mind begins to return focus when exposed to a miasma.
- Tripleflash. Move to trans. The 50% should be retained while prone is the change.
- Hyperactive. This one took some thought mainly because we have been told it has to stay but the specifics can change. Most of acrobatics is about countering things, so I tried to think of something it could be useful against and I came up with a new version of it. This lasts 10 seconds.
Power: 3 (any)
For a short period of time, you will ignore the ill effects of aeon and choke. Note that this will not consume equilibrium or balance but will require both.
- Reduce the proc rate on foresight. We made an effort to remove most dodging previously, so lets make this no cost dodge skill weaker, or give it a suitable cost of say 3 power.
- Make windwalls removable with ignite similar to most other walls (icewall and briarwall). Right now its the only uncounterable wall but stops other walls. Just want to make it in line with others (even stone can be broken somehow).
- Sulfur needs to be increased in speed. As an Aslaran I recover .25s or so faster from nullify than sulfur. To prevent this from being entirely useless I would like to see a reduction in base balance on par with nullify/void.
- New skill:
Syntax: Prepare Jerky
Commodities: 5 meat, 8 salt (?)
Using dehydration techniques you can prepare meat that will be long lasting. Though not exceptionally filling it lasts a considerable amount of time. Be aware preparing jerky is very time consuming and can take a day or more to fully prepare.
- Make swoop free and create a TERRIFY syntax to attempt the insta for 3p. Allow SWOOP and TERRIFY to be used while flying or from trees, but without requiring perch.
- New Skill
Using your superior ability to discern changes in the environment you can locate specific traps. Next time you move in that direction you will avoid the trap, be aware however that the rest of your group will not be so fortunate. This can be time consuming and should be used carefully.
Make heartstop fail whiled graced.
- Make FeignDeath make you untargettable for 5s upon firing.
- New Skill
Power: 3p (Any)
Entering a comatose state allows you to use the powers of a dreambody while maintaining your ability to see and hear through your normal form. Be aware you cannot leave the room your body lies in but you can utilize control over the survival instinct to continue healing yourself. This requires but does not consume your balance or equilibrium.
Reduce the equilibrium on cleanse/cleanse enchant.
- Make flare always give afterimage right away, fascinate can still strip without costing power.
- Reduce the regeneration levels of harmonys chants
- Change diamond to block the next attack similar to reflect. Should fall if you attack. Or increase the time of it coming up to 20 seconds after discussion with researchers.
- Make kether/violet able to actually effect gems, fully sever them not just 5 charges of 50.
- Change Crystalweapon - Scalpel to cost at least 8p. For those unaware this is almost identical to trueheal in its power!
- Make neurosis auras and healing of "defenses" require declare on prime, especially when the healing of such can be done at range.
- Move gedulah lower in the skillset, to the level of green. (From virtuoso to gifted)
- Make brumetower act like gravity for trees.
- Make bonds check both rooms. Right now you can wisp into bonds but not out of.
- Make reimagination curable with focus spirit. It currently stacks with binah to give oh -7 con weight I think?
Reality needs to be changed to respect distort, nexii, and smobs. Alternatively suitable reason it should be the 1 exception to all raid/defense balance rules.- Increase the immunity timer on badluck to 2.5s. This means you will not trigger another tic off balance from a first unless you are ectoplasmed.
- Along the lines of crucify/sacrifice. Make the inquisition line require the same person cast it all the way through. If for some reason the ability of 2 people to do an inquisition line is needed. Make infidel close your aura to remove the 8 second inqui.
- Allow paintings to work within ones own manse. Additionally allow MANSE CREATE EXIT PAINTING which marks the room as having a painting exit, you can then disconnect all other exits if desired. For those who like the flavour of being able to use secret ways into places.
- Reduce the balance for rushing/truss to make use of the prone.
- Making elemental tattoos 50% chance to resist movement on their planes, instead of 5%.
- Change the spread of vessel rates so telekinesis is not a 100% kill rate over time. Similar changes would work.
Add a cure line for vessels. How specific this line is can be debated but even knowing when you have cured them all would be nice.
- Adjust mindlink to be more in line with covens, anyone can join. Hivemind will only increase ego based on the telepath count in the group.
- New skill: (Due to concerns about aeromancer telepaths who could get say 7 mental affs all at once with meld we are adding a change.)
Power: 2/3?
Flooding the mind will destroy its focus when harsh thoughts bombard it.
When you psyvamp or mindblast it causes a 2s loss of focus mind. Trying to balance it to not be nuts in groups (imagine no focus body against throatlock) But need a way for the telepathy to have use of it. Be aware that a flooded mind begins to return focus when exposed to a miasma.
- Make spring traps more resistable.
- Change spix to paralysis without the blind strip. The focus cure works well. Transfix is currently far to easy to just use beast spit with to make transfix reliable.
- Change mucous from sludge worm, reduce its tic to 16/18 seconds.
- Weaken Haegl or prevent it from allowing you to double sling it.
Enyalida2011-08-15 07:14:10
Remarkably, I agree with all of this except the tattoos and telepathy things.
Unknown2011-08-15 09:30:18
Whatever I don't mention I think is fine/okay, I might regret this in the morning:
-Hyperactive should just double eq too for x time, don't know why it doesn't.
-Tiph/Summer nerfs - Why? Truss is already a long balance if you try to writhe from it, but I'm fine with reducing the balance from trussing. Leave summer/tiph alone though.
-Brumetower is meant to stop people from entering trees/skies, insisting on changing it from the Vision is just ultimately futile, IMO. Better off asking for ways to take it down that don't involve moving the night user. I am not shocked that Enyalida agrees with this given her envoy news post to severely nerf it.
-Pretty sure bonds already does this, otherwise you'd be able rad into bonded rooms (this was changed a long time ago after complaining due to a chaos domoth loss). Can't hurt to check though.
-Reality was already envoyed to respect distort, it was rejected because it's an exception.
-Those omni tanks from polarity can't actually kill given they have severe balance/eq penalties. It's the same as complaining about tae'dae (any class here). Food for thought.
-Spring traps are already being envoyed, the solutions there are far more agreeable IMO.
-Unnecessary on the spix change, just eat faeleaf, you can change your cure priorities to put it up higher if it's a big deal. Timing beast spit with the spix is just good tactics, else you might as well complain that beast sleepcloud / pixie tick / sleep is OP too. You can also just kill the spix, use hadrudin, or shove the user away, since they don't even have channels (yet anyway).
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
-Kill the hekoskeri too if it bothers you, but I'd honestly just leave it alone and keep killing the spix and maybe the sludgeworm. It only ticks when you move out of the room anyway, and the only way it will take any meaningful amount of time would be if you tumbled with ectoplasm. This would be an issue if hekoskeri ticked every time, but IIRC it doesn't, not even half the time. I could be mistaken though.
-Hyperactive should just double eq too for x time, don't know why it doesn't.
-Tiph/Summer nerfs - Why? Truss is already a long balance if you try to writhe from it, but I'm fine with reducing the balance from trussing. Leave summer/tiph alone though.
-Brumetower is meant to stop people from entering trees/skies, insisting on changing it from the Vision is just ultimately futile, IMO. Better off asking for ways to take it down that don't involve moving the night user. I am not shocked that Enyalida agrees with this given her envoy news post to severely nerf it.
-Pretty sure bonds already does this, otherwise you'd be able rad into bonded rooms (this was changed a long time ago after complaining due to a chaos domoth loss). Can't hurt to check though.
-Reality was already envoyed to respect distort, it was rejected because it's an exception.
-Those omni tanks from polarity can't actually kill given they have severe balance/eq penalties. It's the same as complaining about tae'dae (any class here). Food for thought.
-Spring traps are already being envoyed, the solutions there are far more agreeable IMO.
-Unnecessary on the spix change, just eat faeleaf, you can change your cure priorities to put it up higher if it's a big deal. Timing beast spit with the spix is just good tactics, else you might as well complain that beast sleepcloud / pixie tick / sleep is OP too. You can also just kill the spix, use hadrudin, or shove the user away, since they don't even have channels (yet anyway).
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
-Kill the hekoskeri too if it bothers you, but I'd honestly just leave it alone and keep killing the spix and maybe the sludgeworm. It only ticks when you move out of the room anyway, and the only way it will take any meaningful amount of time would be if you tumbled with ectoplasm. This would be an issue if hekoskeri ticked every time, but IIRC it doesn't, not even half the time. I could be mistaken though.
Janalon2011-08-15 09:30:25
QUOTE (Malarious @ Aug 15 2011, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- Finalsting.... either make it a real insta that requires some affs. Or delay the cure? Something.
Nekotai have two ways to delay cures: Ootangk grapple (75% failure rate), and Sprongk kick (adds balance). Not sure we will ever to pull off a 1v1 FS against someone who can green/gedulah outta slitlock. BUT I'd be interested in having two Nekai insta, where one FS'es and the other pulls off Ootangk (or Ootangk+Sprongk). Though, the grapple's ka cost is too prohibitive. Needs a three form window to coordinate. Let's see what happens with the report.
Would love to see your ideas for psionics/psymet... please post your ideas here so I can weigh them for Envoy!
Xiel2011-08-15 09:38:30
No idea what you're trying to do with Crow, but:
1) Facepaints are already segregated. The AB's just haven't been updated yet, for some reason. You can either have Crowsfeet/Spiderweb or Bonenose/Deathmask. Obvious combination is obvious for optimum defense for wonky druids.
2) Unneeded change to how Swoop works (no idea what you're even trying to suggest, honestly).
3) Again, unneeded change to Haegl. Every org sans Gaudi or Halli has access to a mana kill, if I'm remembering correctly. No need to hit them all.
1) Facepaints are already segregated. The AB's just haven't been updated yet, for some reason. You can either have Crowsfeet/Spiderweb or Bonenose/Deathmask. Obvious combination is obvious for optimum defense for wonky druids.
2) Unneeded change to how Swoop works (no idea what you're even trying to suggest, honestly).
3) Again, unneeded change to Haegl. Every org sans Gaudi or Halli has access to a mana kill, if I'm remembering correctly. No need to hit them all.
Enyalida2011-08-15 09:47:09
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Aug 15 2011, 04:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
-Brumetower is meant to stop people from entering trees/skies, insisting on changing it from the Vision is just ultimately futile, IMO. Better off asking for ways to take it down that don't involve moving the night user. I am not shocked that Enyalida agrees with this given her envoy news post to severely nerf it.
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
The gravity thing is exactly my first thought as to possible changes. Having some way to remove brume/shadows could possibly work too, but is undesirable I think (for both parties). I wouldn't necessarily support that unless there was some opportunity cost to raising it/dropping shadows+raiseing it. If it were hindering to the night user, it would be less of an issue. I suggest reading the entirety of posts and relevant reports.
Balance time on cleanse could stand to be lowered, though I don't think it would help much. Increasing the time between tics would be nice. Perhaps also lowering the stopping rate, taking into account the terrible annoyance of keeping it constantly cleansed away.
I'm with him on the tiph/summer though. Leave them alone, and make necessary changes to truss, it seems less messy that way.
EDIT: Ninjas, scary. These are in order, from Viy's post.
Yeah, it's easy to miss that, because it's not in the AB's at all.
He's trying to remove the perch only requirement on swoop (making it perch/flying), and make there be an alternate syntax for the kill.
I don't think the Haegl thing was pointed at BT, so saying that everyone else gets it doesn't fix things. I personally think that having both double haegl and a manakill that you can use at once, together in one person, isn't a terribly good idea. Having a separate syntax for the swoop kill would help alleviate that due to contemplate difficulties. Those difficulties are presumably why swoop does not have an alternate syntax currently.
Daereth2011-08-15 10:03:02
Huge nerf to diamond that is, though I can't say it's not a pain.
Malarious2011-08-15 12:10:15
QUOTE (Sojiro @ Aug 15 2011, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whatever I don't mention I think is fine/okay, I might regret this in the morning:
-Hyperactive should just double eq too for x time, don't know why it doesn't.
The resulting 1000 DPS from bards. If I used hyperactive I could get a pretty high DPS out of oothai too.
-Tiph/Summer nerfs - Why? Truss is already a long balance if you try to writhe from it, but I'm fine with reducing the balance from trussing. Leave summer/tiph alone though.
Report changed to make truss/rushing faster
-Brumetower is meant to stop people from entering trees/skies, insisting on changing it from the Vision is just ultimately futile, IMO. Better off asking for ways to take it down that don't involve moving the night user. I am not shocked that Enyalida agrees with this given her envoy news post to severely nerf it.
Sadly the vision is a hard counter to druids without even leeway, gravity would stop people dashing through but allow solo druids.
-Pretty sure bonds already does this, otherwise you'd be able rad into bonded rooms (this was changed a long time ago after complaining due to a chaos domoth loss). Can't hurt to check though.
Last I recall we could be wisped into bonds but not move someone out.
-Reality was already envoyed to respect distort, it was rejected because it's an exception.
Then it still needs the change. Unless they can explain why we need an exception to every rule we have made for magic movement (nexii, smobs, and distort) it needs the change both for balance and raid balance. Choke was given a change for smobs, why hasnt this?
-Those omni tanks from polarity can't actually kill given they have severe balance/eq penalties. It's the same as complaining about tae'dae (any class here). Food for thought.
Astrology would still work just fine, and their eq penalty is low enough you could make use of hexes perfectly fine.
-Spring traps are already being envoyed, the solutions there are far more agreeable IMO.
He is trying to buff it. I am trying to make it so you cant change 14 in a row and reliably go off. Be aware his 5% fail is only if it tries to move you through briars.
-Unnecessary on the spix change, just eat faeleaf, you can change your cure priorities to put it up higher if it's a big deal. Timing beast spit with the spix is just good tactics, else you might as well complain that beast sleepcloud / pixie tick / sleep is OP too. You can also just kill the spix, use hadrudin, or shove the user away, since they don't even have channels (yet anyway).
Cant kill it in arena. Disloyalty is easily countered. Gust I use more than those. The fact you can do a 6 second writhe every 12 seconds leads me to believe there could be a problem here for far too little work.
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
Report modified, added elementalism - cleanse, and increased tic on sludgeworm.
-Kill the hekoskeri too if it bothers you, but I'd honestly just leave it alone and keep killing the spix and maybe the sludgeworm. It only ticks when you move out of the room anyway, and the only way it will take any meaningful amount of time would be if you tumbled with ectoplasm. This would be an issue if hekoskeri ticked every time, but IIRC it doesn't, not even half the time. I could be mistaken though.
Cant kill in arena, but on the grounds it only fires on exit (though this has been problematic) I have removed it from the report.
-Hyperactive should just double eq too for x time, don't know why it doesn't.
The resulting 1000 DPS from bards. If I used hyperactive I could get a pretty high DPS out of oothai too.
-Tiph/Summer nerfs - Why? Truss is already a long balance if you try to writhe from it, but I'm fine with reducing the balance from trussing. Leave summer/tiph alone though.
Report changed to make truss/rushing faster
-Brumetower is meant to stop people from entering trees/skies, insisting on changing it from the Vision is just ultimately futile, IMO. Better off asking for ways to take it down that don't involve moving the night user. I am not shocked that Enyalida agrees with this given her envoy news post to severely nerf it.
Sadly the vision is a hard counter to druids without even leeway, gravity would stop people dashing through but allow solo druids.
-Pretty sure bonds already does this, otherwise you'd be able rad into bonded rooms (this was changed a long time ago after complaining due to a chaos domoth loss). Can't hurt to check though.
Last I recall we could be wisped into bonds but not move someone out.
-Reality was already envoyed to respect distort, it was rejected because it's an exception.
Then it still needs the change. Unless they can explain why we need an exception to every rule we have made for magic movement (nexii, smobs, and distort) it needs the change both for balance and raid balance. Choke was given a change for smobs, why hasnt this?
-Those omni tanks from polarity can't actually kill given they have severe balance/eq penalties. It's the same as complaining about tae'dae (any class here). Food for thought.
Astrology would still work just fine, and their eq penalty is low enough you could make use of hexes perfectly fine.
-Spring traps are already being envoyed, the solutions there are far more agreeable IMO.
He is trying to buff it. I am trying to make it so you cant change 14 in a row and reliably go off. Be aware his 5% fail is only if it tries to move you through briars.
-Unnecessary on the spix change, just eat faeleaf, you can change your cure priorities to put it up higher if it's a big deal. Timing beast spit with the spix is just good tactics, else you might as well complain that beast sleepcloud / pixie tick / sleep is OP too. You can also just kill the spix, use hadrudin, or shove the user away, since they don't even have channels (yet anyway).
Cant kill it in arena. Disloyalty is easily countered. Gust I use more than those. The fact you can do a 6 second writhe every 12 seconds leads me to believe there could be a problem here for far too little work.
-If the admin created a whole new affliction (mucous) just for sludgeworms, I feel like they won't appreciate you just deleting it, deviates from the Vision you see. Switching the cure priorities for mucous/ecto was all that was needed, though I could actually see increasing the tick rate, because passive cleanse cures is such a pain to cure without soap. Though personally, I'd prefer cleanse balance to just be shortened quite a bit. Note the solutions about spix as well.
Report modified, added elementalism - cleanse, and increased tic on sludgeworm.
-Kill the hekoskeri too if it bothers you, but I'd honestly just leave it alone and keep killing the spix and maybe the sludgeworm. It only ticks when you move out of the room anyway, and the only way it will take any meaningful amount of time would be if you tumbled with ectoplasm. This would be an issue if hekoskeri ticked every time, but IIRC it doesn't, not even half the time. I could be mistaken though.
Cant kill in arena, but on the grounds it only fires on exit (though this has been problematic) I have removed it from the report.
QUOTE (Janalon @ Aug 15 2011, 05:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nekotai have two ways to delay cures: Ootangk grapple (75% failure rate), and Sprongk kick (adds balance). Not sure we will ever to pull off a 1v1 FS against someone who can green/gedulah outta slitlock. BUT I'd be interested in having two Nekai insta, where one FS'es and the other pulls off Ootangk (or Ootangk+Sprongk). Though, the grapple's ka cost is too prohibitive. Needs a three form window to coordinate. Let's see what happens with the report.
Would love to see your ideas for psionics/psymet... please post your ideas here so I can weigh them for Envoy!
Would love to see your ideas for psionics/psymet... please post your ideas here so I can weigh them for Envoy!
Sprongk will double the antidote sip, but wont stop the cure itself. Ootangk is a grapple meaning it has a cure window. You wont be able to stop them the whole time, when they writhe out/you end they will use it. Regrappling fails because the original writhe will finish still.
Psionics/Psymet is more of a challenge. While I wanted to make celladjustment useful I can see a flaw in being able to move 3000 ego to health and only be using like 30% of your ego.
QUOTE (Xiel @ Aug 15 2011, 05:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No idea what you're trying to do with Crow, but:
1) Facepaints are already segregated. The AB's just haven't been updated yet, for some reason. You can either have Crowsfeet/Spiderweb or Bonenose/Deathmask. Obvious combination is obvious for optimum defense for wonky druids.
2) Unneeded change to how Swoop works (no idea what you're even trying to suggest, honestly).
I am removing the "free insta" nature of it so you have to be attempting instead of spamming it. I removed perch so you wouldnt need to use balance on perch. I also added flying as an additional condition so it can be used outside of forests.
3) Again, unneeded change to Haegl. Every org sans Gaudi or Halli has access to a mana kill, if I'm remembering correctly. No need to hit them all.
Them all having it does not make double haegl balance. Just like double constellation wasnt balanced.
1) Facepaints are already segregated. The AB's just haven't been updated yet, for some reason. You can either have Crowsfeet/Spiderweb or Bonenose/Deathmask. Obvious combination is obvious for optimum defense for wonky druids.
2) Unneeded change to how Swoop works (no idea what you're even trying to suggest, honestly).
I am removing the "free insta" nature of it so you have to be attempting instead of spamming it. I removed perch so you wouldnt need to use balance on perch. I also added flying as an additional condition so it can be used outside of forests.
3) Again, unneeded change to Haegl. Every org sans Gaudi or Halli has access to a mana kill, if I'm remembering correctly. No need to hit them all.
Them all having it does not make double haegl balance. Just like double constellation wasnt balanced.
QUOTE (Enyalida @ Aug 15 2011, 05:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The gravity thing is exactly my first thought as to possible changes. Having some way to remove brume/shadows could possibly work too, but is undesirable I think (for both parties). I wouldn't necessarily support that unless there was some opportunity cost to raising it/dropping shadows+raiseing it. If it were hindering to the night user, it would be less of an issue. I suggest reading the entirety of posts and relevant reports.
Balance time on cleanse could stand to be lowered, though I don't think it would help much. Increasing the time between tics would be nice. Perhaps also lowering the stopping rate, taking into account the terrible annoyance of keeping it constantly cleansed away.
Increased tic time and reduced cleanse. Both changes put in. Because a 4s cure for a passive is a bit much I reduced cleanse too.
I'm with him on the tiph/summer though. Leave them alone, and make necessary changes to truss, it seems less messy that way.
EDIT: Ninjas, scary. These are in order, from Viy's post.
Yeah, it's easy to miss that, because it's not in the AB's at all.
He's trying to remove the perch only requirement on swoop (making it perch/flying), and make there be an alternate syntax for the kill.
Trying to make it a bit easier to swoop but making it no longer a free insta. You have to try for it, no more riskless insta spam.
I don't think the Haegl thing was pointed at BT, so saying that everyone else gets it doesn't fix things. I personally think that having both double haegl and a manakill that you can use at once, together in one person, isn't a terribly good idea. Having a separate syntax for the swoop kill would help alleviate that due to contemplate difficulties. Those difficulties are presumably why swoop does not have an alternate syntax currently.
Mana DPS too high. Nerf.
Balance time on cleanse could stand to be lowered, though I don't think it would help much. Increasing the time between tics would be nice. Perhaps also lowering the stopping rate, taking into account the terrible annoyance of keeping it constantly cleansed away.
Increased tic time and reduced cleanse. Both changes put in. Because a 4s cure for a passive is a bit much I reduced cleanse too.
I'm with him on the tiph/summer though. Leave them alone, and make necessary changes to truss, it seems less messy that way.
EDIT: Ninjas, scary. These are in order, from Viy's post.
Yeah, it's easy to miss that, because it's not in the AB's at all.
He's trying to remove the perch only requirement on swoop (making it perch/flying), and make there be an alternate syntax for the kill.
Trying to make it a bit easier to swoop but making it no longer a free insta. You have to try for it, no more riskless insta spam.
I don't think the Haegl thing was pointed at BT, so saying that everyone else gets it doesn't fix things. I personally think that having both double haegl and a manakill that you can use at once, together in one person, isn't a terribly good idea. Having a separate syntax for the swoop kill would help alleviate that due to contemplate difficulties. Those difficulties are presumably why swoop does not have an alternate syntax currently.
Mana DPS too high. Nerf.
So far I have also been given the following:
- Requests for reports on other skills.
- Pointed at Report 665 (springtrap, not the same fix).
- Pointed at Report 676 (Solution 3 is my report

- Pointed at Report 679 (Solution 1/2 is my report, but 3 would work too.)
- Pointed at Report 663 (Solution 2, though my version has hard limits.)
- Asked about some other opinions and clarification on some of the reports for possible discussion with envoys.
More is coming I assure you all. Will post when its up too

Clarified crow swoop, I had forgot to remove the perch requirement. Its harder to insta so the swoop is easier.
Added telepathy - mindlink
Added glamours - flare
after discussion with some others, I dont see a problem with these changes.
Also added the report numbers next to their changes if a report is up on it.
Janalon2011-08-15 12:37:53
Perhaps you should then apply for envoy?
Malarious2011-08-15 13:35:31
QUOTE (Janalon @ Aug 15 2011, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Perhaps you should then apply for envoy?
What makes you say that?
You are very easy to get along with and you have no history. I have quite a history, and I am sure my zealousy counts against me.
Unknown2011-08-15 14:06:47
QUOTE (Malarious @ Aug 15 2011, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What makes you say that?
You are very easy to get along with and you have no history. I have quite a history, and I am sure my zealousy counts against me.
You are very easy to get along with and you have no history. I have quite a history, and I am sure my zealousy counts against me.
On the other hand, since nobody playing in any org and be truly objective, at least your zealous nature shows interest, and your bias is a known quantity.
Malarious2011-08-15 14:24:52
QUOTE (Rainydays @ Aug 15 2011, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On the other hand, since nobody playing in any org and be truly objective, at least your zealous nature shows interest, and your bias is a known quantity.
Admin have to make that call and so far they never take me as the choice. So I have to say it counts against me. My "bias' actually waivers alot.
P.S. Haven't you heard, I have a crowd.
Spellcraft - Paintings.
Yes I have reports that aren't entirely combat.
Unknown2011-08-15 15:01:57
I don't feel bias itself should count against a person. In fact, anyone who claims to be objective and not behaving on some level as an advocate I pretty much assume is lying. The aproach of "What is person A getting from this" tends to, in my experience at least, provide far more accurate descriptions of a situation than giving someone the benefit of the doubt regarding their objectivity. Then again, I'm a significantly paranoid person!
Regarding envoys, this is reinforced by both anecdote and reason. In fact, it's a really basic prisoner's dillema. Anecdotally, look at what has often happened to the envoys that try to be reasonable and compromising- the "other side", rather than following suit, grabs the knife and twists the hell out of it. (Pyromancy report being an arguable example).
Conversely, if you advocate like some sort of raging activist or blathering windbag, it often seems like the report gets the laissez-faire treatment, and is often left alone. (Or at least solution 4'd).
Regarding game theory/prisoner's dillema:
Everyone would be better off if everyone was objective.
If party A is objective, and party B is a "zelous advocate", then A loses any compromise, and at best will maintain the status quo.
If A is an advocate, and B is objective, the reverse is true.
If both A and B are advocates, then it could go any direction, often winding up with a load of comments and a status quo/solution 4 result.
Therefore, the least worst outcome for A or B is to always advocate- the dominant strategy, to keep with the game theory structure. Though the best overall solution is objectivity, the best strategy for any participant is advocacy.
If this holds true, it means that a responsible envoy, in defense from keeping their own skills from being run roughshod over, must adopt some sort of argumentative bias, because the barbarians are ever at the gates of even those who would like to be more middling in their views.
This isn't to say that the admin can't see through the situation and find some sort of truth in the mess, but it does make it a bit of a quagmire, and even the very best admin is ultimately human. Its why I feel the system should be re-worked and streamlined down to a few people, who, while carrying their own agendas at the end of the day, at least would represent far fewer variables and voices shoving and pulling. Anything of truly great contention could be (arguably invariably would be) dragged to the forums.
(This view, hypocritically on my part, goes directly against the Chesterton quote in my signature. Or maybe the argument justifies the quote. It rather boils down to what constitutes the "few" I suppose. Also, pardon any typos above. I have some sort of micro splinter in the tip of my index finger, and pushing the keys normally hurts like a dickens.)
Regarding envoys, this is reinforced by both anecdote and reason. In fact, it's a really basic prisoner's dillema. Anecdotally, look at what has often happened to the envoys that try to be reasonable and compromising- the "other side", rather than following suit, grabs the knife and twists the hell out of it. (Pyromancy report being an arguable example).
Conversely, if you advocate like some sort of raging activist or blathering windbag, it often seems like the report gets the laissez-faire treatment, and is often left alone. (Or at least solution 4'd).
Regarding game theory/prisoner's dillema:
Everyone would be better off if everyone was objective.
If party A is objective, and party B is a "zelous advocate", then A loses any compromise, and at best will maintain the status quo.
If A is an advocate, and B is objective, the reverse is true.
If both A and B are advocates, then it could go any direction, often winding up with a load of comments and a status quo/solution 4 result.
Therefore, the least worst outcome for A or B is to always advocate- the dominant strategy, to keep with the game theory structure. Though the best overall solution is objectivity, the best strategy for any participant is advocacy.
If this holds true, it means that a responsible envoy, in defense from keeping their own skills from being run roughshod over, must adopt some sort of argumentative bias, because the barbarians are ever at the gates of even those who would like to be more middling in their views.
This isn't to say that the admin can't see through the situation and find some sort of truth in the mess, but it does make it a bit of a quagmire, and even the very best admin is ultimately human. Its why I feel the system should be re-worked and streamlined down to a few people, who, while carrying their own agendas at the end of the day, at least would represent far fewer variables and voices shoving and pulling. Anything of truly great contention could be (arguably invariably would be) dragged to the forums.
(This view, hypocritically on my part, goes directly against the Chesterton quote in my signature. Or maybe the argument justifies the quote. It rather boils down to what constitutes the "few" I suppose. Also, pardon any typos above. I have some sort of micro splinter in the tip of my index finger, and pushing the keys normally hurts like a dickens.)
Lilia2011-08-15 22:18:10
QUOTE (Malarious @ Aug 15 2011, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe allow it to let you continue curing? Idea is to let you use dreamweaving skills fast after something.
- New Skill
Power: 3p (Any)
Entering a comatose state allows you to use the powers of a dreambody while maintaining your ability to see and hear through your normal form. Be aware you cannot leave the room your body lies in nor can you control it.  This requires but does not consume your balance or equilibrium.
Power: 3p (Any)
Entering a comatose state allows you to use the powers of a dreambody while maintaining your ability to see and hear through your normal form. Be aware you cannot leave the room your body lies in nor can you control it.  This requires but does not consume your balance or equilibrium.
Maybe allow it to let you continue curing? Idea is to let you use dreamweaving skills fast after something.
I would never use this:
-If you stay in the same room as your corporeal body, you can already see and hear just fine. The only thing that doesn't work is tells.
-The eq loss for switching is very short. Leaving your body for long enough to do one or two things is not that big of a deal.
-I like the fact that dreamweaving is separated between dreambody abilities and corporeal abilities. If you want to use your dreambody, you have to take care to protect your corporeal body, which isn't difficult to do.
Enyalida2011-08-15 23:23:58
I've always wanted a utility ability that lets dreamweavers put themselves and willing others into a light sleep, so that you don't automatically wake and can dream.
Unknown2011-08-15 23:36:11
QUOTE (Malarious @ Aug 15 2011, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- Make auras require either a confirm or declare on prime.
No. Its healing i.e., alleviating pain from others. The only thing healing can be used for that might be even close to offensive would be to radiate a neurosis aura and put them on someone else. However, you already have Metawake and several others abilities that negate neurosis completely. The other two, Bedevil and AuraWarp, already require a declare against the target.
Conclusion? This would be completely and utterly pointless.
Ardmore2011-08-16 00:15:16
QUOTE (Marina_Whytetower @ Aug 15 2011, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No. Its healing i.e., alleviating pain from others. The only thing healing can be used for that might be even close to offensive would be to radiate a neurosis aura and put them on someone else. However, you already have Metawake and several others abilities that negate neurosis completely. The other two, Bedevil and AuraWarp, already require a declare against the target.
Conclusion? This would be completely and utterly pointless.
Conclusion? This would be completely and utterly pointless.
Can you heal someone who's being attacked at no risk to yourself? Do you not have to defend them or anything, if it's Prime?
Unknown2011-08-16 00:19:54
QUOTE (Ardmore @ Aug 15 2011, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can you heal someone who's being attacked at no risk to yourself? Do you not have to defend them or anything, if it's Prime?
If we heal someone else, as per their health, then we take damage and heal theirs. And we're healers. Usually, we're off standing on the side lines. If we are in the mix of things, chances are we're already dead.
Enyalida2011-08-16 01:38:22
I agree with adding a confirm or declare on healing auras. Neurosis comes to mind, and metawake does not nullify its use. If you are forced into metawake by neurosis, a manadraining enemy has the advantage already, especially if your system repeatedly is putting up insomnia. I know that some major systems require you to manually instruct them ahead of time to not put up insomnia in aeon effects, which means that with neurosis stripping insomnia, you monkey with their curing.
In addition, I often find unnecessary healing auras to be EXTREMELY annoying, but asking for them to be removed after they've been put on without permission is rather rude. I'd rather have the option to decline before having them placed on me. I also find it very annoying to be constantly scoped and randomly healed or poked about afflictions by healers outside of battle (which is the normal state for prime, where this applies.) I support a confirm message for healing auras.
EDIT: And you realize that one of the claims to fame of healers is being very tanky? Being a healer and in the fray does not mean you are dead, look at Institute members. Totally outrageous to afflict in any way.
In addition, I often find unnecessary healing auras to be EXTREMELY annoying, but asking for them to be removed after they've been put on without permission is rather rude. I'd rather have the option to decline before having them placed on me. I also find it very annoying to be constantly scoped and randomly healed or poked about afflictions by healers outside of battle (which is the normal state for prime, where this applies.) I support a confirm message for healing auras.
EDIT: And you realize that one of the claims to fame of healers is being very tanky? Being a healer and in the fray does not mean you are dead, look at Institute members. Totally outrageous to afflict in any way.
Malarious2011-08-16 02:01:36
QUOTE (Marina_Whytetower @ Aug 15 2011, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No. Its healing i.e., alleviating pain from others. The only thing healing can be used for that might be even close to offensive would be to radiate a neurosis aura and put them on someone else. However, you already have Metawake and several others abilities that negate neurosis completely. The other two, Bedevil and AuraWarp, already require a declare against the target.
Conclusion? This would be completely and utterly pointless.
Conclusion? This would be completely and utterly pointless.
Both Ardmore and Enyalida are correct. Ardmore about being able to heal someone whose declared others, thereby avoiding avenger for assisting them. Enyalida about neurosis aura, mana drain through forced insomnia is mana damage, that should require declare.
QUOTE (Ardmore @ Aug 15 2011, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can you heal someone who's being attacked at no risk to yourself? Do you not have to defend them or anything, if it's Prime?
Yes you can.
QUOTE (Marina_Whytetower @ Aug 15 2011, 08:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If we heal someone else, as per their health, then we take damage and heal theirs. And we're healers. Usually, we're off standing on the side lines. If we are in the mix of things, chances are we're already dead.
A healer should never be dead from being in the fight, they are the single most likely people to not be dead between health aura, curing auras, and active mass curing. If someone has lead you to believe healers tend to stay out of combat to use healing, thats incorrect and would be highly inefficient.
I have had some requested ideas for here and will update accordingly. Will note what the additions are of course.