Ibost2011-09-26 09:51:34
So. Lusternia is the best IRE mud, hands down. I have the burning desire to return to IRE muds, because I miss them, and so I went with Lusternia.
Fired up the elite membership, sat down at my computer chair, and went absolutely blank.
I played a long time ago. I remember where everything goes, for the most part. Took me a while to figure out some of the new alliances. Did we forget Glomdoring is the tainted forest?
I digress.
Basically, what I want is to be recruited. I've spent six hours piddling around, without a decent aim. I've ended up wasting my reincarnation (bought a dagger), jumping as a true novice from guild to guild (from the Nekotai to the Nihilists, actually). I just want a strong sales pitch I can get behind, because like most consumers I have no clue what I want.
I'd like to play a Dwarf, as being the stereotypical fantasy Dwarf is something I've always wanted to kick in the teeth. I have my own ideas on dwarven roleplay that I think would be fun.
I don't have a particular role in mind, although I do like to consider myself as playing the good guy (even when I'm evil).
I wholly intend to spend too much money on this game and get into combat, so if for some reason the position I am being pitched requires an optimal race/class combination, let me know.
I'm not stroking my own ego and saying I should be recruited, I'm just saying that reading some other 'newbie' threads asking questions has left me with a sour taste, so I figure this is a good way to go about it.
I don't want to ask a lot of questions, because people skim and don't answer. I want you to tell me why I should join your org, not because I'm anything special, but because your org is OP/A fun environment/Full of Roleplay/Whatever.
Fired up the elite membership, sat down at my computer chair, and went absolutely blank.
I played a long time ago. I remember where everything goes, for the most part. Took me a while to figure out some of the new alliances. Did we forget Glomdoring is the tainted forest?
I digress.
Basically, what I want is to be recruited. I've spent six hours piddling around, without a decent aim. I've ended up wasting my reincarnation (bought a dagger), jumping as a true novice from guild to guild (from the Nekotai to the Nihilists, actually). I just want a strong sales pitch I can get behind, because like most consumers I have no clue what I want.
I'd like to play a Dwarf, as being the stereotypical fantasy Dwarf is something I've always wanted to kick in the teeth. I have my own ideas on dwarven roleplay that I think would be fun.
I don't have a particular role in mind, although I do like to consider myself as playing the good guy (even when I'm evil).
I wholly intend to spend too much money on this game and get into combat, so if for some reason the position I am being pitched requires an optimal race/class combination, let me know.
I'm not stroking my own ego and saying I should be recruited, I'm just saying that reading some other 'newbie' threads asking questions has left me with a sour taste, so I figure this is a good way to go about it.
I don't want to ask a lot of questions, because people skim and don't answer. I want you to tell me why I should join your org, not because I'm anything special, but because your org is OP/A fun environment/Full of Roleplay/Whatever.
Ibost2011-09-26 11:41:32
Nobody has anything nice to say about their guild or city? I just want to get a feel for things
without making a hundred alts.Ushaara2011-09-26 11:43:47
Alright, I'll give this a shot, since the Sentinels are in dire need of members.
I'd like to play as a Dwarf - As a warrior, becoming an Axelord will give the racial bonus on your axes, and all your dwarven resistances make up for the poor DMP Sentinels receive. Also, with cleave you'll be in a better position to utilise Aeonics to complement your offence, with Aeonics in general being one of the better warrior tertiaries.
I have my own ideas on dwarven roleplay - Historically Hallifax and the Dwarven Kingdom clashed over mining rights, and in modern times, Hallifax has had a near stranglehold on Rockholm. It's a minor point, but this might be something that might spark some further roleplay ideas for you.
I like to consider myself as playing the good guy (even when I'm evil) - Don't want to give away too much, but as you delve further into Hallifax's culture, you learn that it has a pretty bleak aspect beneath the shiny "For Science/Art!" exterior. I like to compare it to HAL from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, so if you like that, you might like the more hidden city culture.
I wholly intend to spend too much money on this game and get into combat - Some people swear that you need to be a +balance race (like aslaran) to make warrior 'work,' but as one of the worse 'specced warrior' and balance neutral races (adamantine lucidian) myself, with practice you can do just fine against most archetypes. Have never been a dwarf, but it looks solid for warrior (aside from low dex, but racial weapon stat buff might help counter that). Also, Hallifax has a relatively small but improving group of combatants, so opportunity for you to be recognised and included early is there.
Other Pro/Cons depending on your viewpoint:
Challenging and 'Interesting' combat - Warriors have the most hurdles to clear to even land a hit/affliction with natural miss/rebounding/stance/parry/RNG (+dodging for acrobats), and outside of a group, it takes a lot of build-up and strategy (with a bit of luck from the RNG) to get your kill, and it's 'fun/frustrating' to try and develop new strategies and poison combinations. As such it's very non-linear and will give you plenty to work on, rather than just relying on the same strategy over and over again. N.B. some masochism required at times!
Sentinels are really, -really- low on members (Hallifax in general has the smallest population), so you would have to accept being the only guild member awake more often than not. With this though, you pretty much have a lot of freedom to do your own thing.
Company RP has suffered simply because we don't have the people to do anything with it, but you could check out my play 'Submission' for one potential avenue. Sentinels being highly indoctrinated fanatics of Chairman Cririk Adom's teachings (think propaganda/Red Army) for another. The 'Time Police' stuff is hard to do outside of admin events, though it does essentially give us carte blanche to oppose and raid Gaudiguch. Unexplored aspects are the sides influenced from the mercenary company background and Swiss Guards/ceremonial guard theme.
Warrior expense - It's pretty much accepted that at the very least you'll need Lv2 weapon runes (with others saying demigod too) to do anything other than low to mid-tier combat. Though you've said you'll likely be spending money, just keep in mind, they've a high investment level.
Basically my recruiting post comes down to an "Ushaara wants YOU for the Sentinel Company!" propaganda poster, because unless we get some new people in, I'll be the loneliest Sentinel forever
I'd like to play as a Dwarf - As a warrior, becoming an Axelord will give the racial bonus on your axes, and all your dwarven resistances make up for the poor DMP Sentinels receive. Also, with cleave you'll be in a better position to utilise Aeonics to complement your offence, with Aeonics in general being one of the better warrior tertiaries.
I have my own ideas on dwarven roleplay - Historically Hallifax and the Dwarven Kingdom clashed over mining rights, and in modern times, Hallifax has had a near stranglehold on Rockholm. It's a minor point, but this might be something that might spark some further roleplay ideas for you.
I like to consider myself as playing the good guy (even when I'm evil) - Don't want to give away too much, but as you delve further into Hallifax's culture, you learn that it has a pretty bleak aspect beneath the shiny "For Science/Art!" exterior. I like to compare it to HAL from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, so if you like that, you might like the more hidden city culture.
I wholly intend to spend too much money on this game and get into combat - Some people swear that you need to be a +balance race (like aslaran) to make warrior 'work,' but as one of the worse 'specced warrior' and balance neutral races (adamantine lucidian) myself, with practice you can do just fine against most archetypes. Have never been a dwarf, but it looks solid for warrior (aside from low dex, but racial weapon stat buff might help counter that). Also, Hallifax has a relatively small but improving group of combatants, so opportunity for you to be recognised and included early is there.
Other Pro/Cons depending on your viewpoint:
Challenging and 'Interesting' combat - Warriors have the most hurdles to clear to even land a hit/affliction with natural miss/rebounding/stance/parry/RNG (+dodging for acrobats), and outside of a group, it takes a lot of build-up and strategy (with a bit of luck from the RNG) to get your kill, and it's 'fun/frustrating' to try and develop new strategies and poison combinations. As such it's very non-linear and will give you plenty to work on, rather than just relying on the same strategy over and over again. N.B. some masochism required at times!

Sentinels are really, -really- low on members (Hallifax in general has the smallest population), so you would have to accept being the only guild member awake more often than not. With this though, you pretty much have a lot of freedom to do your own thing.
Company RP has suffered simply because we don't have the people to do anything with it, but you could check out my play 'Submission' for one potential avenue. Sentinels being highly indoctrinated fanatics of Chairman Cririk Adom's teachings (think propaganda/Red Army) for another. The 'Time Police' stuff is hard to do outside of admin events, though it does essentially give us carte blanche to oppose and raid Gaudiguch. Unexplored aspects are the sides influenced from the mercenary company background and Swiss Guards/ceremonial guard theme.
Warrior expense - It's pretty much accepted that at the very least you'll need Lv2 weapon runes (with others saying demigod too) to do anything other than low to mid-tier combat. Though you've said you'll likely be spending money, just keep in mind, they've a high investment level.
Basically my recruiting post comes down to an "Ushaara wants YOU for the Sentinel Company!" propaganda poster, because unless we get some new people in, I'll be the loneliest Sentinel forever

Ibost2011-09-26 11:51:20
Thank you. considered. I'm posting from my phone, I'll figure out some stuff to ask when I get to work.
Lavinya2011-09-26 11:53:29
Stick with us Nihilists! Our RP is strong, we are well fleshed out with much lore and history. We don't have a lot of PKers at present, but obviously Nihilists have the skill to own on the battlefield. We are spiritual leaders, and choosing any one of the Demon Lords/Lady gives you lots of room to develop your own character and still embody their tenets and be what a Nihilist should be.
Calixa2011-09-26 13:31:34
What Lavi said. PKing is also being worked on, at least I am trying o_o But with Nihilists being an excellent support class, even with basic moves you're an asset in combat. Which gives you lots of room to learn and eventually kick ass on your own.
Aithera2011-09-26 13:32:43
If you like the idea of Hallifax, but feel daunted by the warriors, you might consider going researcher in the Institute. The academic roleplay style isn't for everyone, of course, but the crazy science discussions can be a lot of fun, if you're into that sort of thing. We also could use more people willing to put the time into fighting (this is true of Hallifax as a whole).
Researchers are weird in that harmonics takes balance, rather than equilibrium. Go tarot (which gives us a useful kill condition and nice hindering, as well as having really nice utility) and two out of three of your guild skills won't be hampered by the equilibrium penalty.
But I definitely encourage you to think about the Sentinels as well.
Edit: Grammar from rewriting a sentence halfway through was really bothering me.
Researchers are weird in that harmonics takes balance, rather than equilibrium. Go tarot (which gives us a useful kill condition and nice hindering, as well as having really nice utility) and two out of three of your guild skills won't be hampered by the equilibrium penalty.
But I definitely encourage you to think about the Sentinels as well.
Edit: Grammar from rewriting a sentence halfway through was really bothering me.
Ibost2011-09-26 15:23:18
Good stuff. I can think of halifax roleplay, especially as a dwarf. Although I gotta shell out for reincarnation. Viscanti boo.
Unknown2011-09-26 15:38:28
I want to go wooo, Aeromancers!! here, but I can't. I have to side with Ushaara, and recommend the Sentinels.
I love the Sentinels- they're the guild I'd jump over to if I ever left the Aeromancers (no!) for sure- and poor Ushaara is pretty much their entire guild lately. I'd be interested in seeing a dwarf in Hallifax, especially if it was someone who was looking to get into racial RP.

Unknown2011-09-26 16:03:15
I recommend celest glomdoring or magnagora as they're the three cities I've been a part of andall of them were a ton of fun. Everyone is very nice and very helpful. Shadowdancers was awesome for rp and ok without having artifacts. Tahtetso was gun but I couldn't get into it with the forms thing......too much work for me. Now im a geomancer which is a ton of fun as we'll with the whole demesne thing. Really I don't think you can go wrong with anything but I have heard that warriors require at least a thousand credits in artifacts and demigod......which demigod seems like it takes forever yo get and im only 85.
Astraea2011-09-26 16:22:39
Did we forget Glomdoring is the tainted forest?
Say that ICly around someone from Glomdoring and you'll be in for a load of trouble.

Glomdoring is exciting because it is not a tainted forest (In somuch as a stereotypical 'evil' forest would be). The admin have given Glomdoring enough room to be wonderfully vague, and while there are those who still consider it Tainted, the prevailing mindset in Glomdoring is rather: This is what happens when nature survives a catastrophic event. Natural selection on steroids, if you will. Glomdoring has always been an exciting place to be, in my opinion, because of the environment. The people are amazingly helpful (Pretty darn helpful for a merciless forest), the guilds are each very different while maintaining an overall link to the driving force of Glomdoring (The Wyrd), and what I personally like about Glomdoring, the Lesser and Greater House situation is pretty excitingly diverse.
As a dwarf, you'd probably get some looks, as they're rare, but Wyrd comes before anything else, truly. Combat wise, I can't really tell you anything, I'm a bit of a noncom, but we do have some really great combatants who would most likely be willing to work with and help you settle in. Overall, I find Glomdoring very thrilling.
Hazar2011-09-26 17:04:45
It's worth noting that one of the things I love about Lusternia is that at heart, every organization thinks they're the good guys. There is no right and there is no wrong, just six incomplete stabs at being right.
Lilian2011-09-26 17:14:08
But obviously Serenwilde is the best.
Ibost2011-09-26 18:10:38
As much as it's going to pain me to have to pony up the 100 credits to reincarnate, the fact that I've written 'peak dwarf' over the majority of my work notes is evidence enough that I've found a place to go.
Hazar2011-09-26 18:33:54
You probably have a free reincarnation left, you only made the character like yesterday.
Sakr2011-09-26 18:44:45
Are you keen on staying a warrior? If you go bard brewmeister for instance (the art of making the fine nectar of the gods), you can work in many of the bard guilds. I would agree with Astraea and say that you should come to Glomdoring. You'll find a rich background there, a fun filled forest to live in as well. As far as novices go, you would get attention due to the "insert sarcasm" flowing amount of harbinger novices.
But as for race / combo, alright well as a non-com i'm not much to say but I believe that if you want to get the best race / class combo you might as well through rp out of the window. So don't let your choice be based on that. Pull of something unique, like Thul who was a bear monk for instance, and have fun with it.
But come to Glomdoring, be a bard, ditch the axe and pick up the lyre, and build that strong lasting bond with the forest that is against what every dwarf should be like, but you would pull it off because if you are going into a game head first with pre-conceived notions about how the world should be beforehand, you will not exactly like the ride.
But as for race / combo, alright well as a non-com i'm not much to say but I believe that if you want to get the best race / class combo you might as well through rp out of the window. So don't let your choice be based on that. Pull of something unique, like Thul who was a bear monk for instance, and have fun with it.
But come to Glomdoring, be a bard, ditch the axe and pick up the lyre, and build that strong lasting bond with the forest that is against what every dwarf should be like, but you would pull it off because if you are going into a game head first with pre-conceived notions about how the world should be beforehand, you will not exactly like the ride.
Talan2011-09-26 19:52:55
I'm actually going to disagree with this one for the sake of the player. Not that we don't want new people - we definitely do, BUT with Glom's rather staid views on public merriment, coupled with the excellence of our spec race (shadowsinger faelings get very high charisma), brewmeister dwarves have never really gone over well in Glomdoring. This is definitely a nice spec, being tankier than bards generally are with decent charisma... but probably not in an org where being drunk in public is frowned upon, if not outright illegal. Maybe a pitch from the Cacophony or the Cantors is in order?
Ibost2011-09-26 20:22:16
I actually racechanged from Dwarf to Viscanti already, and have my descrip set up for a tainted Dwarf. I wish I could reinc for free again before level 20 or whatever, but meh, I bought the elite thing, so I guess I can use my first 100 credits to hop back to Dwarf.
And bard seems like a pretty heavy eq class, which doesn't mesh with any dwarf racials besides the brewmeister thing.
Doing some reading, I've gathered up an (in my opinion, I imagine I'ma have to fake it until i make it with Hallifax) decent bit of backstory involving dwarves with Hallifax, and think I'm going to give the sentinels a try. Peak Dwarves, ho!
As an aside, I don't see a whole lot of player or divine history that pidgeonhole dwarves as the usual grunt and bluster stereotypical drunks. We'll have to see how well what's in my head pans out though.
And bard seems like a pretty heavy eq class, which doesn't mesh with any dwarf racials besides the brewmeister thing.
Doing some reading, I've gathered up an (in my opinion, I imagine I'ma have to fake it until i make it with Hallifax) decent bit of backstory involving dwarves with Hallifax, and think I'm going to give the sentinels a try. Peak Dwarves, ho!
As an aside, I don't see a whole lot of player or divine history that pidgeonhole dwarves as the usual grunt and bluster stereotypical drunks. We'll have to see how well what's in my head pans out though.
Ushaara2011-09-26 20:28:41
Excellent, be sure to seek me out if you need anything!
Welcome and hope you enjoy it!
(Also, really, if you're still under Level20, you should just consider a fresh start and create a new character. Credits would be better spent on skills than a dagger!)
Welcome and hope you enjoy it!
(Also, really, if you're still under Level20, you should just consider a fresh start and create a new character. Credits would be better spent on skills than a dagger!)
Ibost2011-09-26 20:59:19
Well this char has bound credits on him from the membership. I doubt I could convince anybody in power to assist me in so far as moving those untouched bound credits to a new character. Which sucks, but I'm the idiot who got all reincarnation happy. Maybe it'll make for some good, if expensive roleplay.