Announce 1903

by Ssaliss

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Ssaliss2011-11-10 01:50:15
Date: 11/10/2011 at 0:04
From: Iosai the Anomaly
To : Everyone
Subj: A few updates.

o In an adjustment to the resolution of report 721, Wildarrane Faeditty
will now only knock a target off equilibrium if they are not still off
equilibrium from a previous FaeDitty.

o The gold drop for influence has been slightly increased overall.

o Denizens will now accrue money over time, so begging from or killing
something that has recently lost its gold will drop less than a denizen
that has been alive for a long time. This will not affect low-level mobs
(such as Newton and elemental/ethereal planes).

o You can now COAT items with oils stored in any bandoliers you own.

o The caster for many veneration rituals will no longer see two
disparate messages.

o Refreshing in an arena (duels only) will no longer use essence or
count against your daily allowance.

o Nature Rooting will now perform various checks before draining mana,
such as being on the ground and not standing in water.

o Pedestals will no longer display attached flame sigils.

Penned by My hand on the 5th of Dioni, in the year 310 CE.
Xiel2011-11-10 02:25:15
Funky gold drop change. Keph, one of the more frequently bashed things, went from 100 - 250 per kill to 40-70 gold per kill now. Must do more tests.
Estarra2011-11-10 02:36:57
Re gold drop, mobs now slowly accumulate gold the longer they are alive. If you kill a mob, it will be reborn with little gold which will then slowly accumulate to some pretty hefty sums. Thus, if you really wish to go treasure hunting, you should start searching for targets that others may not know about or infrequently bash.

(Of course, since this just started today, all mobs are pretty poor, so give it a few more days to see the difference!)
Janalon2011-11-10 02:39:38
So this means I can get richer by playing off peak hours? Does this penalize people who live in certain timezones?
Enyalida2011-11-10 02:41:29

(Of course, since this just started today, all mobs are pretty poor, so give it a few more days to see the difference!)

Hehe, I think that most of the mobs in the game that drop gold are killed more often then every few days on average
Unknown2011-11-10 02:53:49
Aslarans and krokani in the Grey Moors are dropping about 30-40 gold. Since the genocide of their peoples happens like clockwork, I think I may need a new way to make money. I generally do the aslaran/krokani for gold (they can still be turned in so it's not too bad, but it comes out to a few thousand less gold), and then rocs/manticores and kephera. Which are all pretty popular. Where can I hunt at 82 that is both worthwhile for gold and relatively unknown?
Xiel2011-11-10 02:56:14

Hehe, I think that most of the mobs in the game that drop gold are killed more often then every few days on average.



Where can I hunt at 82 that is both worthwhile for gold and relatively unknown?

Thing is, posting information like that up kinda eliminates such areas' status of being unknown.
Siam2011-11-10 03:11:13

Thing is, with the damage resistances in place, bashing's for gold's gonna be tricky now.
Unknown2011-11-10 03:12:10

Thing is, posting information like that up kinda eliminates such areas' status of being unknown. true! :blush:
Vadi2011-11-10 03:16:18
Great change, I approve.
Ssaliss2011-11-10 03:22:12
Roughly how long would a mob need to be alive to double its gold, since it seems to be roughly halved now?
Unknown2011-11-10 03:59:52
Well. That's one way of working on the gold problem. :P
We still need to get rid of the MASSIVE stockpiles of the stuff, but this will help!
Unknown2011-11-10 04:46:57

Re gold drop, mobs now slowly accumulate gold the longer they are alive. If you kill a mob, it will be reborn with little gold which will then slowly accumulate to some pretty hefty sums. Thus, if you really wish to go treasure hunting, you should start searching for targets that others may not know about or infrequently bash.

(Of course, since this just started today, all mobs are pretty poor, so give it a few more days to see the difference!)

It's because they need time to eat more gold, isn't it? How do they not get Heavy Metal Toxicity?!
Unknown2011-11-10 09:54:25
This change seems to have nerfed gold drops for higher level mobs like gars and domoth creatures, is this intended :(
Raeri2011-11-10 10:33:41

This change seems to have nerfed gold drops for higher level mobs like gars and domoth creatures, is this intended :(

I wonder if on the flipside, weevils in random rooms that no-one bothers to check will be stuffed full of gold.
Iosai2011-11-10 10:56:19
The first death of each mob since the reload will not be indicative of how the system works, so we're going to have to wait a few days for everything to die before we can start to interpret the results. Note that I am keeping a very close eye on the gold drop adjustments and the average time that mobs stay alive for the time being (I see every gold drop from bashing/influencing and the adjustment made). For newly spawned creatures (domoth creatures, ice devils etc), the gold drop will be about a third of what it used to be.

Re:Ssaliss, you'll have to test and see!
Saran2011-11-10 11:40:01

I wonder if on the flipside, weevils in random rooms that no-one bothers to check will be stuffed full of gold.

I am willing to bet that vermin are only created randomly when someone is in the room with VERMIN on. And the number that can spawn is stored as an int somewhere.
Ssaliss2011-11-10 11:45:51
What will accrue masses of gold are the rarely-killed things (Maeve, nexus-guardians, etc).
Kiradawea2011-11-10 11:58:14
The crystals in the Hallifax nexus world are gonna end up carrying tons of gold for sure.
Iosai2011-11-10 12:08:58
There is a limit to the amount of gold a denizen will ever hold (a little over 3x the normal). Still well worth it if you find a mob that is hardly ever killed!