
by Malarious

Back to Meet and Greet.

Malarious2011-12-02 00:54:16
Hey I had a thought that would let people pseudo meet and greet.

What would everyone think if we had players rotate running a ustream so you could talk to someone each stream and they can answer questions and such? We may not be admin but I am sure some people would like to know "what is up with ". We will vary people obviously, but just wanted to see if people would be up for that.
Everiine2011-12-02 01:21:11
If people don't like that, but about a general planned Skype session for people to meet each other?
Unknown2011-12-02 07:43:05
Or Livestream?
Unknown2011-12-02 09:32:33
I think Skype would be better, personally. Livestream/uStream is a no-go for a lot of us.
Janalon2011-12-02 21:39:18
Hahaha. Would it be possible to stage a virtual Lusternia convention?