Revan2012-01-17 04:48:52
A voice dripping pure malevolence says, "Revan n'Kylbar, step forth."
Revan bows low and makes the sacred sign of the Ouroboros, stepping forth as he is bidden.
You say, "I am Yours, my Lord."
Reminiscent of a hissing snake, a sibilant voice says, "You are that and more, Our servant."
A woman's musical voice like wind chimes says, "You have toiled much of late, Our High Priest. In some variants, your efforts have fallen upon deaf ears. In others, you have done much to extend Our reach and bring new supplicants unto Us."
Blithely, a rich, lilting voice says, "Still, We are a gracious Lord, and reward that which is given so selflessly unto Us."
You say, "My Lord.. the richest reward is simply serving You."
A husky, rasping chuckle slices through the air like a knife.
Shattering the silence, a female voice full of hatred says, "We do not begrudge you this, Our child. Bathe your staff within the Font of Unquenchable Hunger, and witness Our further generosity."
Revan confidently steps forth, placing his staff reverently within the waters of the Font.
You put a twisted staff into the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Nacreous tendrils of water pull a twisted staff beneath the surface of the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Great plumes of steam suddenly spew forth from the waters, filling the air with a choking haze as the scent of ozone rises up.
The evanescent form of Legion coalesces, looming above the Font and chanting in a deep, baleful tone. Emerald light casts a sickly wash upon the environs as the air crackles with power.
For a horrible moment, the waters of the Font become coils and scales, hissing flesh scraping upon itself, soaked in venom and in blood as serpents writhe within the marble.
The voices of Legion reach a deafening volume, resounding again and again throughout the confines of the Palace as His arms extend above the Font, crackling with eldritch, oil-slick power. A great explosion suddenly rocks the air in a soundless burst of inexorable force, nearly buffeting you from your feet.
As the haze of white steam clears, the Font has returned to its normal state, waters unnaturally still and placid; within, something now lies, obscured by tendrils of nacreous mist and bending the light about it with a horrid emerald cast.
Morgfyre, the Legion flicks a hand dismissively, parting the waters of the Font in a white froth.
A sensual voice on the cusp of ecstasy says, "Take forth your weapon in Our name, High Priest. We grant you Ophiuchus, forged in Our image to slay Our enemies."
You take Ophiuchus from the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Ophiuchus flares with a sickly green luminescence as you grasp it, countless voices hissing incomprehensibly from the gaping maws of the warring serpents at its apex.
Flighty and timid, an apprehensive child's voice says, "Use it well, and crush those who would stand before you."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Morgfyre's lips.
Revan bows low and makes the sacred sign of the Ouroboros, stepping forth as he is bidden.
You say, "I am Yours, my Lord."
Reminiscent of a hissing snake, a sibilant voice says, "You are that and more, Our servant."
A woman's musical voice like wind chimes says, "You have toiled much of late, Our High Priest. In some variants, your efforts have fallen upon deaf ears. In others, you have done much to extend Our reach and bring new supplicants unto Us."
Blithely, a rich, lilting voice says, "Still, We are a gracious Lord, and reward that which is given so selflessly unto Us."
You say, "My Lord.. the richest reward is simply serving You."
A husky, rasping chuckle slices through the air like a knife.
Shattering the silence, a female voice full of hatred says, "We do not begrudge you this, Our child. Bathe your staff within the Font of Unquenchable Hunger, and witness Our further generosity."
Revan confidently steps forth, placing his staff reverently within the waters of the Font.
You put a twisted staff into the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Nacreous tendrils of water pull a twisted staff beneath the surface of the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Great plumes of steam suddenly spew forth from the waters, filling the air with a choking haze as the scent of ozone rises up.
The evanescent form of Legion coalesces, looming above the Font and chanting in a deep, baleful tone. Emerald light casts a sickly wash upon the environs as the air crackles with power.
For a horrible moment, the waters of the Font become coils and scales, hissing flesh scraping upon itself, soaked in venom and in blood as serpents writhe within the marble.
The voices of Legion reach a deafening volume, resounding again and again throughout the confines of the Palace as His arms extend above the Font, crackling with eldritch, oil-slick power. A great explosion suddenly rocks the air in a soundless burst of inexorable force, nearly buffeting you from your feet.
As the haze of white steam clears, the Font has returned to its normal state, waters unnaturally still and placid; within, something now lies, obscured by tendrils of nacreous mist and bending the light about it with a horrid emerald cast.
Morgfyre, the Legion flicks a hand dismissively, parting the waters of the Font in a white froth.
A sensual voice on the cusp of ecstasy says, "Take forth your weapon in Our name, High Priest. We grant you Ophiuchus, forged in Our image to slay Our enemies."
You take Ophiuchus from the Font of Unquenchable Hunger.
Ophiuchus flares with a sickly green luminescence as you grasp it, countless voices hissing incomprehensibly from the gaping maws of the warring serpents at its apex.
Flighty and timid, an apprehensive child's voice says, "Use it well, and crush those who would stand before you."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Morgfyre's lips.
Lehki2012-01-17 15:54:18
Pretty cool. I'm guessing Morgy was delivering a staff customization that you requested?
Also, what, no description for Ophiuchus? D:
Also, what, no description for Ophiuchus? D:
Ixion2012-01-17 16:51:27
He should post the ambient msg as well. Neat staff and log.
Revan2012-01-18 03:38:18
Blessed by He Who is Legion and standing over two meters tall, this ornate staff is a graceful, imposing object of cruel elegance. Fashioned from petrified wood found deep beneath the bogs of Balach Swamp, Ophiuchus glistens with an oily darkness akin to shimmering obsidian and is whittled into the shape of a two-headed serpent spiraling up and through a dilapidated, granite spire. Haunting images of glowing blood-red runes cover the staff that appear and disappear randomly across its carved tower, flickering like candle flames in the wind, each rune revealing the name of prey devoured by the God Eater, Morgfyre. The serpent, smooth as a mammoth's tusk, undulates its way in and out of the spire. Its tail, forming the base of Ophiuchus, acts like a spear able to easily plunge back into the earth from where it came, drawing upon earthen energies more readily than most geomancer staves. A diamond shaped motif lines the back of the serpent, winding its way sinuously along the length of the creature. Upon each large diamond resides a silver Ouroboros, running all the way up the body of the beast and leading to two golden Ourobori which adorn the tops of the serpent's twin heads. At the apex of the staff a neck emerges from one of the several crags in the spire, twisting its way around toward the pinnacle and branching out to form its twin heads. Each head rises up on opposite sides of the spire and then turns and faces forward to create a circle at the top of the staff. Encompassed in a nebulous, writhing miasma of sickly green, the serpent leaves its mouths agape, fangs dripping with some dark secretion. From the mouths of the serpent come thousands of maddening cries, each distinct and yet indiscernible as the countless voices of the Legion pour forth from each gaping maw. Cloudy jade-green eyes flicker back and forth, surveying the area with a hypnotic glare and ensuring the maleficent orbs are the last thing their prey will see.
Upon the base of the staff are glowing runes.
A spellcrafted hexangle etching glows upon the staff.
A spellcrafted pentangle etching glows upon the staff.
It weighs about 10 pounds.
It does not retain any heat whatsoever.
It bears the distinctive mark of Lord Grandmagus Illustrious Revan n'Kylbar II Esquire, the Silver Tongue.
It has a Great Rune of Gripping attached to it (#105795).
It has a Great Rune of Shielding attached to it (#105813).
Ambient Message: A chorus of gibbering, angry voices fills the air as the atmosphere warps and twists eerily, the sinister mists surrounding Ophiuchus billowing outward momentarily while the twin heads of the serpentine staff sinuously stretch forward and flick their tongues as if sensing something.
Upon the base of the staff are glowing runes.
A spellcrafted hexangle etching glows upon the staff.
A spellcrafted pentangle etching glows upon the staff.
It weighs about 10 pounds.
It does not retain any heat whatsoever.
It bears the distinctive mark of Lord Grandmagus Illustrious Revan n'Kylbar II Esquire, the Silver Tongue.
It has a Great Rune of Gripping attached to it (#105795).
It has a Great Rune of Shielding attached to it (#105813).
Ambient Message: A chorus of gibbering, angry voices fills the air as the atmosphere warps and twists eerily, the sinister mists surrounding Ophiuchus billowing outward momentarily while the twin heads of the serpentine staff sinuously stretch forward and flick their tongues as if sensing something.
Ardmore2012-01-18 04:02:04
That's really cool. :)
Lothringen2012-01-18 05:04:59
Morgfyre is what I miss most about Magnagora. Very nice!
Unknown2012-01-18 07:08:06
Blessed by He Who is Legion and standing over two meters tall, this ornate staff is a graceful, imposing object of cruel elegance. Fashioned from petrified wood found deep beneath the bogs of Balach Swamp, Ophiuchus glistens with an oily darkness akin to shimmering obsidian and is whittled into the shape of a two-headed serpent spiraling up and through a dilapidated, granite spire. Haunting images of glowing blood-red runes cover the staff that appear and disappear randomly across its carved tower, flickering like candle flames in the wind, each rune revealing the name of prey devoured by the God Eater, Morgfyre. The serpent, smooth as a mammoth's tusk, undulates its way in and out of the spire. Its tail, forming the base of Ophiuchus, acts like a spear able to easily plunge back into the earth from where it came, drawing upon earthen energies more readily than most geomancer staves. A diamond shaped motif lines the back of the serpent, winding its way sinuously along the length of the creature. Upon each large diamond resides a silver Ouroboros, running all the way up the body of the beast and leading to two golden Ourobori which adorn the tops of the serpent's twin heads. At the apex of the staff a neck emerges from one of the several crags in the spire, twisting its way around toward the pinnacle and branching out to form its twin heads. Each head rises up on opposite sides of the spire and then turns and faces forward to create a circle at the top of the staff. Encompassed in a nebulous, writhing miasma of sickly green, the serpent leaves its mouths agape, fangs dripping with some dark secretion. From the mouths of the serpent come thousands of maddening cries, each distinct and yet indiscernible as the countless voices of the Legion pour forth from each gaping maw. Cloudy jade-green eyes flicker back and forth, surveying the area with a hypnotic glare and ensuring the maleficent orbs are the last thing their prey will see.
Upon the base of the staff are glowing runes.
A spellcrafted hexangle etching glows upon the staff.
A spellcrafted pentangle etching glows upon the staff.
It weighs about 10 pounds.
It does not retain any heat whatsoever.
It bears the distinctive mark of Lord Grandmagus Illustrious Revan n'Kylbar II Esquire, the Silver Tongue.
It has a Great Rune of Gripping attached to it (#105795).
It has a Great Rune of Shielding attached to it (#105813).
Ambient Message: A chorus of gibbering, angry voices fills the air as the atmosphere warps and twists eerily, the sinister mists surrounding Ophiuchus billowing outward momentarily while the twin heads of the serpentine staff sinuously stretch forward and flick their tongues as if sensing something.