Vadi2012-01-12 03:41:27
Hip, hip, horray, for the forums are back!
Xenthos2012-01-12 03:42:05
/me can now stop spamming refresh to see if the forums are alive.
/me goes back to spamming refresh to look for new posts.
/me goes back to spamming refresh to look for new posts.
Unknown2012-01-12 03:44:51
I missed the forums so much, I went and griped to other lusternians IRL.
Physically! It was insane.
Physically! It was insane.
Eventru2012-01-12 04:02:37
I've enjoyed Xenthos four-a-day reports not being e-mailed to me, though...
Xenthos2012-01-12 04:06:51
I've enjoyed Xenthos four-a-day reports not being e-mailed to me, though...
Hey, I give the spambots a nice couple of hours to live before I report them (usually)... and you only get one every 3-4 hours that it lives after that!
What can I say, I hate spambots. :(
Unknown2012-01-12 09:17:23
Hooray! I can stop having to work and can get back to reading the forums.
Zilias2012-01-12 17:05:48
Yay! I get to meander about trolling people again!
Jack2012-01-13 02:55:38
The forums would die when Hussie was on vacation. That's just how life rolls - like it's a boulder and I'm Sisyphus.
Unknown2012-01-13 06:35:27
The forums would die when Hussie was on vacation. That's just how life rolls - like it's a boulder and I'm Sisyphus.

You know, in some versions of the myth, Sisyphus isn't actually bound to roll the boulder, but is simply drawn to keep trying by pride.
Jack2012-01-14 19:36:36
That would certainly slot perfectly into my personal mythology.