Unknown2012-01-27 17:49:25
I decided sometime last night that I want to get away from the enviroments of Mag and Seren for a while, and decided that the best way of doing this is to create an alt on the other side.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to make a Tae'dae bard. How are the enviroments of both the Cantors and the Mintrels, and the cities in general? I really need to be somewhere without significant drama for a while.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to make a Tae'dae bard. How are the enviroments of both the Cantors and the Mintrels, and the cities in general? I really need to be somewhere without significant drama for a while.
Unknown2012-01-27 19:07:36
Well. First of all, Tae'dae? Granted, it will depend on reasoning and what you wish to do. The low dex and int of the race will most definitely hinder you combat-wise. If you are all out influencing, of course; this race would suffice for that.
Cantors are starting to pick up again, somewhat. As for drama? It's pretty much stopped here now, if only for the reason that it's all happened and passed by. Not sure about the Minstrels, they're pretty new, but Gaudi houses a few decent people, so you would certainly not do badly, there.
Cantors are starting to pick up again, somewhat. As for drama? It's pretty much stopped here now, if only for the reason that it's all happened and passed by. Not sure about the Minstrels, they're pretty new, but Gaudi houses a few decent people, so you would certainly not do badly, there.
Razenth2012-01-27 19:12:55
Come be a Harbinger, we're OP.
Unknown2012-01-27 19:39:25
Dwarven Minstrel is a lot of fun to RP and a great mechanical choice as well, or at least will be once their skills finish getting fixed up. I hear things have really improved in the Cantors, and their new song seems a lot more coherent in terms of both RP and mechanical cohesion. Both are good ideas. It just depends on the type of RP in general you're looking for.
Not sure what to say about drama these days. It pretty much happens in every org. It's more part of the Lusternian condition than anything else.
Not sure what to say about drama these days. It pretty much happens in every org. It's more part of the Lusternian condition than anything else.
Unknown2012-01-27 19:41:42
No interest in Glom; as wonderful as some of the people are, I just don't have a taste for the RP, and have major personality clashes with some of the leadership.
I thought that Tae'dae bard would have made it obvious, but this character is strictly a non-combatant. Combat has been stressing me out recently, and I'm going to try to just enjoy questing and RP for a while; Im looking for somewhere without large amounts of drama/apathy to do so.
Harbringers aren't OP; they have one skill that they can whore to hell and back, but otherwise aren't as powerful as either Spiritsingers or Cacophany (Cacophany is especially nasty when I have a Spike).
I thought that Tae'dae bard would have made it obvious, but this character is strictly a non-combatant. Combat has been stressing me out recently, and I'm going to try to just enjoy questing and RP for a while; Im looking for somewhere without large amounts of drama/apathy to do so.
Harbringers aren't OP; they have one skill that they can whore to hell and back, but otherwise aren't as powerful as either Spiritsingers or Cacophany (Cacophany is especially nasty when I have a Spike).
Unknown2012-01-27 19:51:18
Any class can be considered OP depending on what's being used, heh.
If you are dead set on Tae'dae, then sure. That said, seasinger are definitely right up there in the influencing stakes.
If you are dead set on Tae'dae, then sure. That said, seasinger are definitely right up there in the influencing stakes.
Malarious2012-01-27 20:00:20
If you are going to answer and even quote yourself why do you bother asking.
Unknown2012-01-27 20:40:14
Come be a Harbinger, we're OP.
I second this, but no, we're not. Night users are. Celina tanked 50% reserves worth of CrowCaws and I only managed to make her vitality once. :C
But come to Glomdoring! Harbingers, yeees, you know you want to. However, if you do not mind, may I ask who you are?
Edit: It's the Minstrels who are OP.
Unknown2012-01-27 21:00:36
Double post again. Derp. Please delete.
Unknown2012-01-27 21:03:49
However, if you do not mind, may I ask who you are?
I'm the person who is about to make a Tae'dae bard named Urfion :P! I don't particularly like my forum persona to be connected to my (two) character personas; I feel that it cheapens RP somewhat when you react to someone based on OOC experience.
If you are going to answer and even quote yourself why do you bother asking.
I asked how the RP enviroments (not the mechanics) of two guilds that I am interested it, neither of which I have ever seriously interacted with in character, were; something that I did not know nor answer.
If you are dead set on Tae'dae, then sure. That said, seasinger are definitely right up there in the influencing stakes.
I figure that a Tae'dae can influence passably well, and with such a rediculous health plus illusory double, should be able to bash (albeit slowly) virtually anywhere.
Another question for anyone with experience in Gaudiguch: have most of the people who were acting OOC and calling it "Wacky RP Insanity!" mostly gone/been shut up at this point? Further, has the city political drama (favour/disfavour wars, ect.) mostly blown over?
Unknown2012-01-27 21:23:56
Can't account for how the Minstrels are doing, but Gaudiguch CT is generally pretty civil these days. Have yet to meet people who openly act OOC and expect to get away with it. Cityfavours follow some variation of earth (fire?) logic. The annoying-to-interesting interactions ratio is skewing more towards "interesting" (but as with many things this will also depend on who you meet and what you consider fun RP) and while some people have a love affair with whiskey most channel talk I've heard is fairly sober, too. We had 36(!) people on yesterday and no public screaming fits ensued. So there's that.
Riluna2012-01-27 21:24:03
Another question for anyone with experience in Gaudiguch: have most of the people who were acting OOC and calling it "Wacky RP Insanity!" mostly gone/been shut up at this point? Further, has the city political drama (favour/disfavour wars, ect.) mostly blown over?
I'm not familiar with the "Wacky RP Insanity" (guess I wasn't playing there at the time), but Gaudiguch will always be rife with political drama. It comes and goes in waves, but it's basically the premise that the org is built on, and, intentionally or not, I think a lot of the drama is actually executed well by the players in that sense, from a completely objective point of view.
There very much are groups of characters who have banded together and have some sort of weird alliances outside of the guilds (and also more accusations of such cliques than actually exist), all working indirectly to further their own interests within the city, and against each other. It can actually be quite fun. Emotions do tend to run high though, (which is to be expected in such an environment), and you just need to make sure your OOC emotions aren't getting involved.
Unknown2012-01-27 21:25:29
It's still wacky sometimes, but not OOC, no. Mileage may vary though and I don't hang out at the nexus.
Unknown2012-01-27 22:49:15
Shameless plug of Celest aside, if you really are interested in NO DRAMA, Celest is as quiet as a church mouse right now. I blame Kelly, who may be the best Princess in forever.
We remain fairly active, you can help in Domoths and Aetherflares, aetherbashing from time to time, and raid without having to deal with other people's drama.
The Cantors are almost always laid back, and while there are only a few of them at the moment, the ones that are there are good people.
We remain fairly active, you can help in Domoths and Aetherflares, aetherbashing from time to time, and raid without having to deal with other people's drama.
The Cantors are almost always laid back, and while there are only a few of them at the moment, the ones that are there are good people.
Unknown2012-01-28 01:39:54
Shameless plug of Celest aside, if you really are interested in NO DRAMA, Celest is as quiet as a church mouse right now. I blame Kelly, who may be the best Princess in forever.
Church mouse!

Celest's church mice stand ready to bring Methrenton's fire to the enemies of the Light.