Binjo2012-01-29 20:26:58
As has been discussed many times no one posts logs here anymore. Here's the three logs from the three fights I participated in with varying levels of fail in each one:
My team was myself (Wobou), Morbo and Shedrin.
Fight 1: vs. Azula, Chade, and Xedrik (team Inqui)
Fight 2: vs. Nicholo, Nihta, Svorai (team mana bomb)
Fight 3: vs. Ethelon, Malarious, Xena (team I-hate-Minstrels-now)
My team was myself (Wobou), Morbo and Shedrin.
Fight 1: vs. Azula, Chade, and Xedrik (team Inqui)
Fight 2: vs. Nicholo, Nihta, Svorai (team mana bomb)
Fight 3: vs. Ethelon, Malarious, Xena (team I-hate-Minstrels-now)
Rivius2012-01-29 20:28:57
How did he get you unconscious so fast? That looks broken as all hell. Also, you should trigger allheale to cure "lapsingconsciousness" as soon as you wake up.
Unknown2012-01-29 21:32:37
What font do you use on Mushclient? It looks so much nicer than FixedSys. And I have to say, HotBiscuits is effing sexy...
If I defect can I have sumbiscuitz??

If I defect can I have sumbiscuitz??

Vadi2012-01-29 21:36:00
It might be Lucida Console, and it's only showing because you don't seem to have FixedSys installed on your browser. This is the priority of fonts: FixedSys, Lucida Console, Courier New, Courier (used as you have them)
Vadi2012-01-29 21:38:38
@log: 1p tumble for less than 1s eq loss? OP.
Unknown2012-01-29 21:43:41
@log: 1p tumble for less than 1s eq loss? OP.
There's a reason it's in the special report, :P
Unknown2012-01-29 21:52:43
Wow, manabomb did bomb fast.
Also, Night Bonds > instatumble ;) (usually)
Also, Night Bonds > instatumble ;) (usually)
Unknown2012-01-29 21:53:35
GTFO Mode made me LOL so hard. XD
Binjo2012-01-29 23:45:48
What font do you use on Mushclient? It looks so much nicer than FixedSys. And I have to say, HotBiscuits is effing sexy...
If I defect can I have sumbiscuitz??
I think Vadi's theory about your browser is correct. It should indeed be fixedsys.
I may or may not release my system publicly at some point. I don't have an actual policy of limiting it to people who are in my alliance it's just that the majority of people I know (who want a system) are the people I spend the most time with. Also <3.
@log: 1p tumble for less than 1s eq loss? OP.
It's 2s but yes, there's a reason I wrote a report to nerf it (which will make me sad when its implemented :() Also keep in mind it doesn't work in distort which is the one major weakness it has compared to tumble/sault.
Rivius2012-01-29 23:56:09
I really do want to know if that was a bug.
Vadi2012-01-30 00:20:02
The one time I saw it used, you moved at 25.369, got eq back at 25.944. Fairly certain that is not 2 seconds.
Binjo2012-01-30 00:42:25
Ah. I think that was swift wind from the aero demesne. It is normally 2s.
Unknown2012-01-30 03:20:26
I think Vadi's theory about your browser is correct. It should indeed be fixedsys.
I may or may not release my system publicly at some point. I don't have an actual policy of limiting it to people who are in my alliance it's just that the majority of people I know (who want a system) are the people I spend the most time with. Also <3.
You haven't answered my question, and I want a system.

Unknown2012-01-30 03:46:47
Interesting read, to say the least. Thanks for posting.
Ixion2012-01-30 05:16:30
Amusing logs.
Unknown2012-01-30 05:20:26
Do you have logs Ixion? Can we see them?
Ixion2012-01-30 05:37:34
I have full logs, though I may edit them to remove certain things. I'm not quite sure how long that would take or if I feel like bothering with it right now anyway.
Wobbles, hotbiscuits needs much more scary echoes about chestpain. Instead of 'CHEST PAIN' something like OH GOD CHEST PAIN GTFO HINDER GTFO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH INSTA COMING IN THREE SECONDS would be more helpful. There's more you can do to prevent the insta, and your allies need to keep a better eye on chestpain to save others from the insta. You had to know going into it that they would spam ga'uberlame strike. Munsia and I cured out of it I (mostly Munsia.. was really impressive to me) don't even know how many over 40 minutes or so while they ran at slitlocks or a few vessels and built momentum to combo.
Also stuff like TP bomb with debating is a one trick pony. Once you do it once you have to expect everyone will know about it and debate each other out pre-battle.
Edit: in the monkspam fight I think taking out the bard first was your best bet. If you know you're targetted, serpent and their momentum is crushed. They either lose momentum switching targets, or they lose it via time because they won't be able to hit you much at all.
Edit: also looks like you need a few more tripping smiley face aff line gags.
Wobbles, hotbiscuits needs much more scary echoes about chestpain. Instead of 'CHEST PAIN' something like OH GOD CHEST PAIN GTFO HINDER GTFO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH INSTA COMING IN THREE SECONDS would be more helpful. There's more you can do to prevent the insta, and your allies need to keep a better eye on chestpain to save others from the insta. You had to know going into it that they would spam ga'uberlame strike. Munsia and I cured out of it I (mostly Munsia.. was really impressive to me) don't even know how many over 40 minutes or so while they ran at slitlocks or a few vessels and built momentum to combo.
Also stuff like TP bomb with debating is a one trick pony. Once you do it once you have to expect everyone will know about it and debate each other out pre-battle.
Edit: in the monkspam fight I think taking out the bard first was your best bet. If you know you're targetted, serpent and their momentum is crushed. They either lose momentum switching targets, or they lose it via time because they won't be able to hit you much at all.
Edit: also looks like you need a few more tripping smiley face aff line gags.
Unknown2012-01-31 13:01:39
That's actually one thing we were trying to do before we went into the Wargames. One of the reasons Avechna was getting cranky and almost disqualified us since he had to send me a tell before I panicked and went in. I was the only one who wasn't debated out, which is why I was freaking the fuuu out that I'd die. Thankfully they didn't kill the bard first!
vorld2012-01-31 15:17:37
I would like to see Malarious's pov
Unknown2012-01-31 16:26:32
I love the GTFO mode. I saw Draylor has a GTFO button too in the GUI screenshots thread.