WoW: Mists of Pandaria Beta goes live

by Kagato

Back to The Real World.

Kagato2012-03-25 09:50:41
Yes, it is official, the first wave of beta invites have gone out effective as of yesterday, plus forum threads have been activated on

That being said... who got into the first wave? I'm a little disappointed I did not get one considering I got an Annual Pass, but that being said, so did roughly 1 million other people, so I'm going to be as patient as I can.

EDIT: Unlike past beta tests, there is no NDA this time around.
Unknown2012-03-26 01:24:33
Of course there isn't. Blizz is drumming up excitement to pull customers back from TOR.
Unknown2012-03-26 21:35:06
Hoping/waiting for an opt-in invite. The live streams look spiffy though from what I've seen.
Zilias2012-03-28 22:01:50
WoW still exists? I thought that died off with the first expansion and then re-died every time after that...

Nice to see something has stuck around I suppose, lol. Go Blizzard!
Lehki2012-03-28 23:15:24

WoW still exists? I thought that died off with the first expansion and then re-died every time after that...

Nice to see something has stuck around I suppose, lol. Go Blizzard!

Really? WoW has been the nigh-unstoppable giant of MMO's since it started, think it's currently at around 10 mil subscriptions, with a record shattering high of 12 mil a year or two ago.
Kagato2012-03-29 23:59:50
Got my beta invite today! Downloading the client.