Puppy up for adoption

by Enyalida

Back to The Real World.

Enyalida2012-03-21 16:37:33
So, I came home to find an adorable puppy romping around in my front yard, no collar, no owner in sight. As it turns out, it belongs to my... 'interesting' next door neighbors, who can't take care of it and have decided that the best course of action is to put food and water outside and let it run around randomly until someone takes pity on it and takes it in.

So. I feel somewhat obligated by my soft spot for furred animals of the 'puppy' description to find a decent home for this puppy.

If anyone lives in, or knows someone who lives in, the San Antonio, Austin, or surrounding areas who is interested in adopting a pup, speak up and I'll deliver her to you myself! Probably never been to a vet before, so she most likely won't have any vaccinations or neutering done. I'll post pictures here in a bit, once I find my camera.
Lilija2012-03-21 17:19:52
I believe my friend lives in the Austin area. I'll check with her and see if she wants a lil' puppy. Any idea on breed and what not?
Qojin2012-03-21 19:23:17
I live in Austin, but sadly I don't live somewhere where I can have a pet. :(
Arcanis2012-03-22 11:20:54
If I lived anywhere near you, I would so gladly take the little cutie :(
Unknown2012-03-22 12:38:35
Picture of said puppy? My buddy just moved in with me in Dallas. He wants a puppy.