Dota 2

by Shamarah

Back to The Real World.

Shamarah2012-04-20 17:51:20
Hey, I remember playing HoN with a number of you and recently I made the jump to Dota 2 so I was wondering if anyone else had done the same. Feel free to bug me for a match - steam name is prismaticray and in-game name is usually tryhardigan.
Unknown2012-04-21 12:24:05
Doubt I'll buy it but who knows.
Shamarah2012-04-21 20:03:45
According to interviews with Gabe Newell, it's going to be free to play but not using the LoL model - all the heroes will be unlocked for everyone from the getgo. Presumably they hope to make money off cosmetics and stuff (and by increasing Steam's market share). So you have no excuse not to play with me!!

Right now it's in beta though and you need a key to play.

ALSO, unrelated but is anyone playing Tribes: Ascend? It's pretty great too.
Sylphas2012-04-23 03:46:59
Every time I try to get back into HoN or DotA it just drives me nuts. Don't like the style of play, sorry.