Ubuntu 12.04

by Vadi

Back to The Real World.

Vadi2012-04-26 20:59:22
It's amazing. Just saying.
Unknown2012-04-26 21:31:50
Meh. The last time I played with Ubuntu was 11.04. Unity really, really bothered me - though I could see its use for tablets, it was an unnecessary drain on resources. Also, Ubuntu's attempts at being "user-friendly" really just protect me from myself. I like Linux because it lets me break something and learn how to fix it, I don't want kid gloves interfering with that.
Vadi2012-04-26 21:38:54
Unity's gotten better and HUD is an amazing improvements.

I just upgraded, recompiled... we'll see about the font. First time I've heard it though.

Qt 4.8, new in this release, definitely has some font changes - because wow, the settings dialog closes so much quicker now. I'm not seeing a problem with text overlapping using Ubuntu Mono - so please drop a screenshot @ bugs.launchpad.net/mudlet please :D

Woo, my mapper w/ AA on is at 1ms rendering now too!

@edit: Yep, noticed some fonts are having overlapping.
Unknown2012-04-26 23:12:47
I'm still running 10.04 LTS, trying to upgrade now, crossing my fingers.
Unknown2012-04-27 07:37:13
The text overlapping issue is a QT bug. Just putting that out there.
Vadi2012-04-28 00:31:45
Yeah, seems to happen with some fonts below a certain size (Deja Vu Mono 10 and below, 11 is fine) but not others (Ubuntu Mono 10 seems fine). Will look into this.
Unknown2012-04-29 21:10:18
My upgrading broke my NVidia drivers, and nothing I try is fixing it. :(
Iosai2012-04-29 21:51:50
Uh-oh. Maybe I'll hold off for a bit longer then!
Vadi2012-04-29 21:54:44
Hm, just reinstall them using the drivers utility. I didn't have problems, but I'm on a 560.
Unknown2012-04-29 22:10:15

My upgrading broke my NVidia drivers, and nothing I try is fixing it. :(

I've found that using the drivers direct from nVidia oftentimes works much better. Need installing outside of X, though.
Unknown2012-04-29 23:05:34
I've tried removing the drivers, re-installing, blacklisting, etc, as per Ubuntu forums advice. I may end up just doing a clean install instead, but I don't want to have to back up the database, SSH keys, etc, and then try to put it all back together correctly.
Jules2012-04-30 06:12:23
I like it. Unity is alright, but I prefer GNOME 3 from a usability and looks standpoint. I am definitely impressed by the amount of work Canonical put into Unity to make it into a product worth using. I remember 10.10 when Unity first came out, and it sucked a TON. Very slow, crashed a lot, and just plain ugly. Now, Canonical has fixed a lot of my grievances (however I would much prefer the Dash to act like GNOME's Activities, but meh).

I now don't feel bad recommending Ubuntu to new Linux users. It's user friendly, well supported, and widely used. Most importantly, you don't have to fight the UI to get things to work properly. It Just Works.

I'm still gonna stick with my Arch Linux, however. pacman FTW!
Unknown2012-05-01 17:06:03
The upgrades inevitably break something that I can't easily repair, but this time I just ended up rebuilding the whole system with a clean 12.04. Liking it so far.