Stangmar2012-05-07 15:04:29
I thought this movie was very well done. The 3D looked good, they had a very good cast as a whole. Downey Jr, Ruffalo, Jackson, Johansson, and the rest all had excellent performances. More explosions than a Michael Bay movie. But they didn't detract from the story either. I kind of wish I had seen Thor and Captain America first. I've only seen the Iron Man movies and Incredible Hulk. I think Mark Ruffalo did a good job of picking up the Hulk role.
What things did you like/dislike about this film?
Also, it broke the box office record for highest grossing opening weekend at $200 million. Previously held by Harry Potter 7.2 ($168 m), which had previously been held by The Dark Knight($158 m). Your move, Christopher Nolan, your move.
What things did you like/dislike about this film?
Also, it broke the box office record for highest grossing opening weekend at $200 million. Previously held by Harry Potter 7.2 ($168 m), which had previously been held by The Dark Knight($158 m). Your move, Christopher Nolan, your move.
Shulamit2012-05-07 17:07:29
I watched it Friday night with a whole bunch of people from the Friday night rpg I'm in. Sister didn't show up, so we're going to another show today in a few hours, in 3D, since husband wanted to see it in 3D now. So, headaches ahoy...
Otherwise, I liked the movie the first time I saw it, it was hard to hear some of the lines since everyone was laughing so hard in the theatre, and the theatre was full as hell. Hopefully less people this time makes it easier to hear.
Must watch the Incredible Hulk now though...hmmm.
Otherwise, I liked the movie the first time I saw it, it was hard to hear some of the lines since everyone was laughing so hard in the theatre, and the theatre was full as hell. Hopefully less people this time makes it easier to hear.
Must watch the Incredible Hulk now though...hmmm.
Unknown2012-05-07 17:43:35
Although I enjoyed it I was sort of dissapointed that Superman wasn't in it as it said 'Earth's mightiest superheroes'. At least it was better than Firefly, that was terrible and I was worried with the big cast it would turn out like that.
Neos2012-05-07 17:48:27
Although I enjoyed it I was sort of dissapointed that Superman wasn't in it as it said 'Earth's mightiest superheroes'. At least it was better than Firefly, that was terrible and I was worried with the big cast it would turn out like that.
Superman is in a completely different comic book universe, him being in it makes no sens.
Unknown2012-05-07 17:52:13
Pretty sure that's the joke, buddy.
Unknown2012-05-07 18:28:17
I thought it was second best out of the set, and I liked all of them. Didn't bother with the 3D and it was still great. Samuel L Jackson is the perfect Nick Fury and the Hulk and Thor are amazing.
Lawliet2012-05-07 22:41:40
I watched it Friday night with a whole bunch of people from the Friday night rpg I'm in. Sister didn't show up, so we're going to another show today in a few hours, in 3D, since husband wanted to see it in 3D now. So, headaches ahoy...
You should check out these, should allow you to watch 3D movies without the headaches. Also without the 3D, but meh.
Edit: Apparantly they don't work for IMAX theatres, as they use different technology, but you may be able to ask the people that work there for a 2D conversion.
Shulamit2012-05-08 00:37:17
I actually just got back from watching it. It was not nearly as headache inducing as Tron was. Oh gods Tron was a pain. This was ok, other then when things came directly at the camera, or if things started spinning too much (captain's shield, I'm glaring at you). But not nearly as bad as last time, yay!
Stangmar2012-05-08 03:27:19
They were moderate with the 3D, and it really worked well.
Unknown2012-05-09 07:04:43
My friend's couldn't understand why I had a nerdgasm after watching the teaser at the end of the movie.
My friend's couldn't understand why I had a nerdgasm after watching the teaser at the end of the movie.
Unknown2012-05-09 09:06:01

Woo Thanos.
I enjoyed this movie a lot.
By far. the best parts were the hero vs. hero battles and the, ah, epic battle between Loki and the Hulk
Lawliet2012-05-09 09:40:07
My friend's couldn't understand why I had a nerdgasm after watching the teaser at the end of the movie.
Oh man, we forgot that those would exist and didn't stay for it. What did I miss?!
Xenthos2012-05-09 12:03:50
By far. the best parts were the hero vs. hero battles and the, ah, epic battle between Loki and the Hulk
The audience clapped and cheered quite enthusiastically at that 'epic battle' part.
It was one of the more noisy audiences I've experienced in a theater, but it didn't really detract from the film.
Noola2012-05-09 18:21:33
I saw it at the midnight release. The audience was very enthusiastic and, since that's part of the reason I love going to midnight releases, I was pleased by that. I was cheering and clapping and laughing right along with everyone else. :D
Unknown2012-05-09 20:25:38
Ha! A lot of British people would be horrified by clapping and cheering at a film. The director can't even hear you so what's the point of showing appreciation?!
Unknown2012-05-09 20:44:06
Ha! A lot of British people would be horrified by clapping and cheering at a film. The director can't even hear you so what's the point of showing appreciation?!
I want to move to Britain then.
It seems to be getting progressively worse here. I can't remember the last time I went to a movie and didn't have someone making unnecessary noises.
The Avengers some guy sitting right behind me kept mumbling and making "clever" comments on every scene. I wouldn't allow this movie to be ruined so I told him to be quiet and he did. It's sad you have to tell a grown adult to not talk at a movie.
Saw Hunger Games and this older woman sat next to me who had obviously no idea what the movie was about. Every half-way violent or sad moment, she would make a tutting sound and say "oh my lord..."
Chronicle was the movie I saw before that and there were two teenagers behind me who talked through the entire movie.
Noola2012-05-09 21:19:28
Oh, I don't like talking during a movie. But if something really cool happens or the bad guy gets an epic stomping, well, why not cheer? Something awesome just happened.
Unknown2012-05-09 22:25:20
Nothing wrong with it. It's just different and fits the stereotypes. I've seen films in the US and the clapping and cheering didn't bother me.
The fights in the Avengers were brilliant.
The fights in the Avengers were brilliant.
Unknown2012-05-10 00:26:07
Yeah, clapping and laughing don't bother me, especially in a movie like the Avengers which had some hilarious and clap worthy moments. Just can't stand people talking like no one else is around.
The movie was absolutely amazing though. Best Hulk movie by far. :) Mark Ruffalo was awesome - there were a lot of complaints from fans before that he wouldn't live up to Edward Norton, but I think he was far and away better than Norton. Norton's Banner was just Ed Norton. Ruffalo really captured that introverted slightly insecure Banner, with rage boiling right beneath the surface.
Of course the Joss Whedon style of humor was great.
My favorite line in the movie actually came from Phil, though, when he was talking to Loki:
"You lack conviction."
The movie was absolutely amazing though. Best Hulk movie by far. :) Mark Ruffalo was awesome - there were a lot of complaints from fans before that he wouldn't live up to Edward Norton, but I think he was far and away better than Norton. Norton's Banner was just Ed Norton. Ruffalo really captured that introverted slightly insecure Banner, with rage boiling right beneath the surface.
Of course the Joss Whedon style of humor was great.
My favorite line in the movie actually came from Phil, though, when he was talking to Loki:
"You lack conviction."
Stangmar2012-05-10 00:32:11
Phil's line impressed me too. I really hope he's not actually dead, and that we see him again in the future movies.