Heading on vacation at end of August!

by Vadi

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Vadi2012-08-03 01:29:07
Hey guys,

I'll be on vacation from August 22nd to September 18th. I really could use a break! Hopefully you guys will have a good summer too.

While I'll be away, I'll be pretty much offline - not taking any laptops with me, not going to fuss over things and literally take a break. This means I won't be able to help you quickly - most likely I'll catch up on everything when I get back. In light of this, I won't be selling m&m during this time either - I don't want to sell you something I can't assist you with if you'll need help!

So if you are planning on getting an m&m, please get it before the end of August, or wait until after - I'll be able to help you with it then :)

Have a good time!
Ardmore2012-08-10 15:43:37
Don't you already live in paradise? -_- Envy.
Neos2012-08-10 16:21:24

Don't you already live in paradise? -_- Envy.

Australia =/= paradise
the complete opposite, you have such a weird definition of paradise Ardmore
Ardmore2012-08-10 16:47:20
But it looks so pretty in all the pictures I see.
Except the ones that have spiders and gross stuff that will kill you...
Calixa2012-08-10 17:40:15
You mean all the pictures, then? :P Also, isn't it like winter there now?
Unknown2012-08-10 19:26:27
I thought he lived in Russia.
Ytran2012-08-10 22:56:39
Aussieland and The Motherland are pretty much the same thing.
Neos2012-08-10 23:20:22

Aussieland and The Motherland are pretty much the same thing.

One is just colder.