Elenwe2012-07-29 20:22:27
So while I am sitting here waiting for a TO to give us the go ahead to set up, I thought, hey I wonder how many of my fellow Lusternians play 40k or even Fantasy.
I am an Eldar player to the core... if my handle did not give me away, although that was purely accidental. (I hate Alatoic so... wouldn't intentionally name myself after one of their Farseers.) I also play Imperial Guard. Guard was actually my first army.
I don't have a fantasy army, but I am thinking Wood Elves, or High Elves... leaning towards High Elves, they are more pretty.
I am an Eldar player to the core... if my handle did not give me away, although that was purely accidental. (I hate Alatoic so... wouldn't intentionally name myself after one of their Farseers.) I also play Imperial Guard. Guard was actually my first army.
I don't have a fantasy army, but I am thinking Wood Elves, or High Elves... leaning towards High Elves, they are more pretty.
Unknown2012-07-30 10:11:32
I've played both in the past. Tau in 40k and Wood Elves in Fantasy. High Elves look silly in their enormous hats, though I suppose an Eldar player hardly notices. Wood Elves have all sorts of custom bits to give your modes fae features, and you can paint them by season, so there is a lot of room for doing cool things with your army.
Caffrey2012-08-08 21:02:01
I once, many many years ago, had a badly painted Bretonnian army. I later invested in a High Elf army which I swore I would spend more time and care painting, which of course meant I never got close to finishing it.
I recently added yet more things that I will probably never get round to painting. Not picture are the Ellyrian Reavers or the Silver Helms which aren't even glued together yet!

I recently added yet more things that I will probably never get round to painting. Not picture are the Ellyrian Reavers or the Silver Helms which aren't even glued together yet!