Glevich2012-08-05 05:44:29
Well, I've been ask to post this here.. It's a spar that I did with Jaamil where I pulled off a solo preserve.. As a side note, I have been training with it a lot to allow it to where it can't get a nerf more than what it's "Impossible" nature already is!
Also, give me some feedback!! I wanna know what you all think!
Also, give me some feedback!! I wanna know what you all think!
Placeus2012-08-05 07:51:29
Nice one Glevich! How long was it from the start of the spar until the preserve?
Unknown2012-08-05 08:03:46
And then you wonder how much earlier he would have killed him if he just went for TK vessels...
Ixion2012-08-05 08:47:12
Seeing preserve in a combat thread invoked this reaction.

Placeus2012-08-05 12:18:01
Is that shot taken as someone's trying to stuff the cat into the fireplace behind it?
Ixion2012-08-05 13:18:07
maybe... kill it with fire.
Glevich2012-08-06 04:27:05
Solanis, I killed him pretty fast with vessels the spar before that.. Plus, I've been trying to use preserve lately and have just been testing it out.. I was honestly amazed at how well it worked..
Placeus: I'm not exactly sure start to finish, I'll ask Jaamil if he remembers, but I want to say around 6mins.. The TK kill was in about 3mins
Placeus: I'm not exactly sure start to finish, I'll ask Jaamil if he remembers, but I want to say around 6mins.. The TK kill was in about 3mins
Ushaara2012-08-06 19:29:57
Was he using sparklies?
Glevich2012-08-07 02:03:33
Was he using sparklies?
ya, but he was stunned/proned/off balance from meld when I hit for the preserve..