Unknown2012-09-08 23:36:31
Whee! (a bit of context: over the past few days, Phoebus has been seeing/hearing things about icy things, and a feminine voice trying to say stuff to her. I wasn't going crazy, I swear! See??)
With a roaring crackle, a hazy comet of glittering ice falls from the sky, crashing into the mountains below the City of Hallifax.
You blink.
Unicron blinks.
In the shadow of Hallifax.
Small particles of dust fly through the air, caught up in a moderate gale. Filling the air with a low-pitched thrum, a vibrating Divine portal floats here.
You see exits leading north, south, west, and through a vibrating Divine portal.
You tilt your head curiously.
As you step into a vibrating Divine portal you are momentarily deafened by the thrumming of the portal, distracting you from the fact that you have just stepped out into nothingness, though this uneasy realisation has barely struck you before your legs are compelled to take another step, and you emerge through an identical portal.
---------- v15390 -----------
----------- 4:5:1 -----------
A grand hall of glittering ice.
Rising in cold elegance, a statue of a frozen crystalline woman dominates the surroundings. Filling the air with a low-pitched thrum, a vibrating Divine portal floats here.
You see a single exit leading through a vibrating Divine portal.
A grand hall of glittering ice.
Frozen rivulets of water run down the ice that forms the walls of this hall, scattering light in repeating patterns. A faint shimmer emanates from the ice, blurring its features and making the room look hazy and indistinct. The air here is cold and dry, hanging unnmoving as if undisturbed for a millenia. Rising in cold elegance, a statue of a frozen crystalline woman dominates the surroundings. Filling the air with a low-pitched thrum, a vibrating Divine portal floats here. Surrounded by golden lightning, a golden thunderbird spreads his many coloured wings here, diamond eyes glowing with a noble intellect.
You see a single exit leading through a vibrating Divine portal.
p statue
Her emotionless visage frozen forever in ice, a tall, elegant woman of cold crystal has been made into this frigid statue. The ice glitters and sparkles, showing sharp edges that glitter in the light. Deep within, a burning spark of energy flickers in the breast of the figure.
It weighs about 3000 pounds.
A thunderclap amidst green lightning announces the entrance of a fiery scarlet thunderbird from the ether.
Unicron has entered the area.
You reach out and touch a frozen statue of a crystalline woman.
A cold, feminine voice whispers, "Phoebus..."
You say, "Ah...yes?"
A cold, feminine voice murmurs, "The time has come, Phoebus. I will soon return, and you will serve Me."
You say, "I...er..."
The temperature in the hall drops as something within the statue stirs.
After a pause, you say, "I...I can't."
A young pony with a braided tail trots gracefully in from the ether.
Become strong a clear, a cold, feminine voice whispers, "I see into your heart, child. You have long sought Me."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Oh I don't like that."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Not one bit."
With a wistful look on her face, Lawliet touches a frozen statue of a crystalline woman.
You say, "If you are who I think. Which I cannot be certain of. But even if you are...I cannot."
Cool and crisp, a feminine voice says, "You will refrain from touching Me."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Okey dokey."
Dean Unicron n'Lochli, Air Marshal asks, "However...if You are who I think You are...perhaps I could assist?"
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Hmm, divine portal, crystalline woman. Lady Jadice?"
A vibrating Divine portal begins to fluctuate, thrumming loudly for a moment before it is suddenly still, and then simply vanishes from existence.
A cold, feminine voice says, "Come child, what freezes you in place?"
You say, "I am dedicated to the service of my Lord, the Lord Architect. And that service is not up for negotiation."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "To phoe have I missed something?"
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "To phoebus have I missed something?"
Lawliet peers about herself unscrupulously.
Lawliet shrugs helplessly.
A cold, feminine voice says, "So you say, child, but why? You are one of My own, of ice and womanhood, yet you will not pledge yourself to Me."
With a sharp snap, cracks begin to appear in the ice, spidering across the surface of the statue.
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Perhaps I could?"
You say, "And I am also told that because I am an artist and a Windwhisper, it would make more sense for me to serve Lady Isune. But I stay by the side of the Lord Architect."
You say, "It is where I belong. In service to His Design."
A cold, feminine voice says, "Will the rest of your serve?"
Dean Unicron n'Lochli, Air Marshal says, "I would be happy to serve, Lady."
Awakened Astrina of the Crystal Heart says, "I believe I also am of ice and womanhood..but I have pledged myself to the Lady Isune."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "But what fool enters a contract without knowing all the details? Tell us of yourself, Lady."
With a snap, a cold, feminine voice says, "I give the commands. I do not heed them."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "I apologise, I meant to phrase it as a request, as I wish to know more about You."
You say, "You don't sound like any Lady Jadice I've read of. Sure, you have ice, but that is not enough to fully convince me you are who you claim to be."
The hall around you begins to shake as light begins to blossom within the ice, filling the room with refracted brilliance.
You say, "If you are, then I apologize for doubting you. But you must understand my caution."
Lawliet mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains hovering before her.
Lawliet concentrates for a moment, surrounding herself with a psionic barrier.
A cold, feminine voice says, "If I can convince you, then you will serve Me along with this Unicron?"
You say, "No."
You say, "As I have said...I cannot."
You say, "And I will not. I am sorry."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "I shall, though not immediately. Affairs to settle with Lord Eventru."
The statue begins to shake, the cracks deepening as fragments of ice fall to the floor and shatter.
The statue shatters in a blaze of fulminating energy, revealing the divine form of Zvoltz, the Architect.
Lawliet gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "You had my hopes up, Lord."
Zvoltz pats Lawliet in a friendly manner.
Dean Unicron n'Lochli, Air Marshal says, "Greetings, Lord Zvoltz, and aye, You had mine up as well."
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Hmpf."
Zvoltz, the Architect strides forward, placing a hand on your cheek.
Zvoltz's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Awakened Astrina of the Crystal Heart says, "PLease let me leave."
You say, "That really would have been an awkward note to start out on had You truly been Lady Jadice."
Zvoltz utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "My Phoebus, you remain faithful. I had My doubts."
With a majestic wave of His arm, Zvoltz opens up a rift in the aetherways, fluctuating oddly before it settles down into a vibrating Divine portal.
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Lawliet, Unicron, you may go. Thank you for playing your parts so well."
Zvoltz smiles softly at Tulemrah.
Doctor Lawliet Letara says, "Hmpf."
Tempus Rasa, the Crystal Construct floats steadily out to the ether.
Lawliet has left the area.
Spreading her white-feathered wings, a fiery scarlet thunderbird soars off to the ether.
Unicron has left the area.
Minister Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes says, "Good morning, everyone."
Zvoltz ponders the situation.
Marcella tilts her head curiously.
A grand hall of glittering ice.
Surrounded by golden lightning, a golden thunderbird spreads his many coloured wings here, diamond eyes glowing with a noble intellect. A young pony with a braided tail stands here quietly. Filling the air with a low-pitched thrum, a vibrating Divine portal floats here. Minister Tulemrah Shevat, Tender of Breezes is here, wreathed in a flickering mandala of silvery light. She wields a delicate crystal staff in her left hand and a golden sunburst shield in her right. Zvoltz, the Architect crackles with confined energy, His form flickering and fading along the edges. He wields the mighty hammer, Ays Onid in His left hand. Ur'Tormentor Marcella n'Lochli is here, shrouded. She wields a menacing double-edged klangaxe with both hands.
You see a single exit leading through a vibrating Divine portal.
A vibrating Divine portal begins to fluctuate, thrumming loudly for a moment before it is suddenly still, and then simply vanishes from existence.
You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Greetings, Tulemrah. If you could please escoty Marcella out as well."
Zvoltz chuckles long and heartily.
With a majestic wave of His arm, Zvoltz opens up a rift in the aetherways, fluctuating oddly before it settles down into a vibrating Divine portal.
Ur'Tormentor Marcella n'Lochli says, "So be it."
Tulemrah doffs a flat blue hat with a small spray of sapphires cordially.
Mirth crackling in His eyes, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "This has become quite the party."
Tulemrah has left the area.
You say, "My charisma is far too magnetic, I fear."
You say, "It is truly a difficult burden to bear."
A vibrating Divine portal begins to fluctuate, thrumming loudly for a moment before it is suddenly still, and then simply vanishes from existence.
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Indeed, though you rebuffed that illusion well enough."
You twiddle your thumbs.
Zvoltz ponders you thoughtfully, looking you up and down.
Zvoltz, the Architect tilts His head to the side, examining you.
You say, "I did mean it, when I made the decision to be Your Shaper, that I was dedicated to You now."
You say, "Even though it does break my heart to think that Lady Jadice will have to go Phoebus-less, should She ever truly return."
You say, "But I can live with a broken heart."
You say, "I wouldn't be able to live with letting You down."
A melancholia briefly overtaking Him, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Duty is heavier than a mountain, My Phoebus."
His eyes flickering with lightning, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "However, you have an important place in My Design."
The room begins to vibrate as the energies within swell to a roar.
Zvoltz has imbued you with great powers, use them wisely.
The firmament shimmers into the image of a grand Design of incomprehensible complexity that stretches out into infinity. As the sheer weight of the vision presses down on your mind, the visage of the demigod Phoebus briefly appears in the sky before the image fades.
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Rise, My Avatar."
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
Bowing her head, you say, "I am truly honored, Lord."
Smiling softly, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "As you should be."
Your eyes twinkle enchantingly.
Zvoltz, the Architect's form flickers, becoming hazy and indistinct at the edges.
Frowning, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "My time in this form is diminishing."
You suck thoughtfully upon a mandala pendant necklace.
You say, "Before You must go, is there anything You wish of me?"
Zvoltz, the Architect flickers again, His features becoming pale and faded.
His voice echoing from a long way off, Zvoltz, the Architect says, "Continue as you have been, My Phoebus, and I shall have a labour for you soon."
With a flash and a static crackle, the form of Zvoltz disappears as the hall around you begins to dissolve.
Daraius2012-09-09 00:44:29
Way cool. Congrats!
Ytran2012-09-09 01:20:02
Zvoltz, the Architect says, "...My Phoebus..."
More like...
Zyphora2012-09-09 01:23:55
So awesome!
I was very amused by how everyone was ready to drop everything and serve Jadice. As well as Astrina's "Please let me leave."
I, personally, would never abandon Isune. :3
(Ice is overrated)
(Isune, read this and love me >_> <3)
I was very amused by how everyone was ready to drop everything and serve Jadice. As well as Astrina's "Please let me leave."
I, personally, would never abandon Isune. :3
(Ice is overrated)
(Isune, read this and love me >_> <3)
Isune2012-09-09 01:30:07
I, personally, would never abandon Isune. :3

Unknown2012-09-09 02:31:49
You don't abandon Isune. Isune abandons you.
Just ask anyone that's been in the order for the past 4 years. >>
Just ask anyone that's been in the order for the past 4 years. >>
Zvoltz2012-09-09 02:41:51
You don't abandon Isune. Isune abandons you.
Just ask anyone that's been in the order for the past 4 years. >>
If that's what this thread is going to turn into, I am going to raise warning levels.
Svana2012-09-09 02:54:00
Om nom nom avatars. Congrats Pheeblz!
Unknown2012-09-09 06:17:52
Congrats Pheebs, go forth and be bureaucratic.
Astrina2012-09-10 07:16:34
So awesome!
I was very amused by how everyone was ready to drop everything and serve Jadice. As well as Astrina's "Please let me leave."
I, personally, would never abandon Isune. :3
(Ice is overrated)
(Isune, read this and love me >_> <3)
..that awkward moment when you've read the forums for a while then make an account simply to respond to a post!
Astrina has very extreme... dislike is the word I'll use, of Zvoltz... so upon finding herself in his presence by accident with seemingly no way to escape, there was a large amount of recently practiced self control in simply asking to leave politely. This had been planned much earlier but she did not expect to come into Zvoltz's (interesting word to try and add a possessive to!) presence so soon.
This anger however was used to roleplay a different scenario a little later...but I do not think Astrina will be able to see the lighter side of the situation looking back.
I also don't think she implied at all she was ready to run off and leave Isune. Jadice is not someone Astrina had ever heard of, but due to her situation, she knows she feels most at home in cold and frigid places. Climanti, even though it is in ruins, sometimes feeling more like home than Hallifax.
At any rate... congratulations Phoebus! Astrina will never congratulate you on this situation herself, but I understand it's a great honour :)
Onenmaru2012-09-11 16:24:06
Yall need to lrn2faith, haha.
But seriously, congratulations Phoebus!
But seriously, congratulations Phoebus!
Unknown2012-09-11 17:41:46
Yall need to lrn2faith, haha.
But seriously, congratulations Phoebus!
You're a Researcher, you're not supposed to take things on faith, you're supposed to ruthlessly overanalyze them and find some way to claim their power for your
Lawliet2012-09-12 12:05:49
Such a tease :(