Ethelon2004-10-29 21:47:43
well, to set a variable and thren have it show you can do this in the send box
SEND: World.setvariable "me", "%1"
send "@me just stood up"
Make sure to click the REGULAR EXPRESSION box still and ALSO the EXPAND VARIABLES. in the SEND TO box select SCRIPT
SEND: World.setvariable "me", "%1"
send "@me just stood up"
Make sure to click the REGULAR EXPRESSION box still and ALSO the EXPAND VARIABLES. in the SEND TO box select SCRIPT
Unknown2004-10-30 09:30:08
QUOTE (daganev @ Oct 29 2004, 05:08 PM)
Under the window for "send to" whats the difference between world and world(imediate)?
World gets queued if there's a speedwalk queue up. World (immediate) sends it straight through,
Daganev2004-11-01 02:38:16
Is there a way to have the time stamp show milisconds? Time is useless wihtout knowing fractions of a second.
Unknown2004-11-02 22:40:37
Just wondering, having read 's post on prompt triggers, as anyone got these working properly in MushClient? I've gotten matchings but since they always wait for the carriage return, they only execute after the next command comes in. Is there any way to stop it waiting for the carriage return?
Unknown2004-11-05 20:33:11
I don't believe there is.
Daganev2004-11-09 02:43:12
zuggsoft owes you guys.. I've been convinced to get 7.05 now to find a code in 30 days.
Unknown2004-11-09 03:30:31
just buy it. 20 bucks for life.
Daganev2004-11-09 09:35:33
Akhenaten2004-11-09 11:36:17
If I ran windows, I'd buy zMud immediately. Right now I'm having trouble finding a client I like. So many clients are geared towards the DIKU muds. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do my own IRE-oriented client. Every client I've tried has a few features I like, but they're always missing out on something basic that's needed for Lusternia.
Best thing I've got so far is KMuddy.
Best thing I've got so far is KMuddy.
Unknown2004-11-09 13:13:38
I've considered writing my own client in C# (maybe even using Mono, to make it cross-platform), but I simply don't have the time for it, unfortunately. I just think it would be so darned cool to write my combat system in C# instead of some simple scripting language or some overly complex COM classes. I think Wintin.Net might be a good alternative, so some day I'll have to sit down with it and play around enough to decide if it's worth using over the long term. How many people do you think would like to see a .Net-compatible IRE automapper? 

Eldanien2004-11-11 11:04:53
Well, I decided to give MUSHClient a try, having been an MM2K user. After dealing with the shock of an unfamiliar interface, I'm pretty impressed.
So, Ethelon, I should like a hint. Having filtered channels into a separate window, how do I go about omitting that channel from the main output window? I seem unable to select 'Omit from output' in the trigger dialog, using the example you gave.
So, Ethelon, I should like a hint. Having filtered channels into a separate window, how do I go about omitting that channel from the main output window? I seem unable to select 'Omit from output' in the trigger dialog, using the example you gave.
Eldanien2004-11-11 11:24:42
On second thought, I'm better off figuring out this stuff myself. Hit a snag that I'd better iron out before I start gagging the chats.
Someone ended their chat with a doublequoted word:
(channel): Soando says, "Yada, yada, yada "this"."
which I'm assuming the regex trigger didn't like, and didn't catch. So, no notepad output for it. Uncommon exception, but I'd just as soon not miss out on chats.
Someone ended their chat with a doublequoted word:
(channel): Soando says, "Yada, yada, yada "this"."
which I'm assuming the regex trigger didn't like, and didn't catch. So, no notepad output for it. Uncommon exception, but I'd just as soon not miss out on chats.
Ethelon2004-11-11 13:04:52
Multiline triggers cannot be gagged, but you would be able to set up another Channel catch for the single lines which would omit them and send to the chat screen, though you would still see any multi-line chats.
medheriadh2004-11-12 14:16:36
It is excellent to have a MUSHclient consultant here!
I have been using MudMaster 2000 for more than one year, but it does have certain limitations. I also tried zMUD 6.0 and I can tell you it is half-baked software. When gagging lines, it will first print them to scren and then immediately delete them. What kind of software is this!?
I have tried MUSHclient, but I noticed an important drwaback regarding macros. I macro all my numeric Keypad, several times ("plain", with alt, with ctrl and with alt+ctrl). That is something both MM2K and zMUD do this. However, when I tried to do this with MUSH, I could only see the settings for "plain" keypad and control + keypad.
Does anyone know of a way to macro alt + keypad and ctrl + alt + keypad in MUSH?
Thanks in advance
I have been using MudMaster 2000 for more than one year, but it does have certain limitations. I also tried zMUD 6.0 and I can tell you it is half-baked software. When gagging lines, it will first print them to scren and then immediately delete them. What kind of software is this!?
I have tried MUSHclient, but I noticed an important drwaback regarding macros. I macro all my numeric Keypad, several times ("plain", with alt, with ctrl and with alt+ctrl). That is something both MM2K and zMUD do this. However, when I tried to do this with MUSH, I could only see the settings for "plain" keypad and control + keypad.
Does anyone know of a way to macro alt + keypad and ctrl + alt + keypad in MUSH?
Thanks in advance
Unknown2004-11-14 15:43:17
How do/Can you set a status bar (health/mana) in mushclient?
Ethelon2004-11-14 18:56:58
well, the help file for INFOBAR will help, but it's used with commands. I personaly use the infobar for my current Target, and puffs left in both pipes
Unknown2004-11-15 03:34:47
How do you (can you?) capture the prompt including color and redirect it somewhere out of the main output? the infobar would be fine, if colours could be preserved.
Ethelon2004-11-15 04:30:49
Tell me if this is what you wanted, just copy all of the following and go to triggers and click the PASTE button:
match="*h, *m, *e, *p *-"
world.InfoFont "FixedSys", 12, 0
world.infocolour "green"
world.infobackground "black" "%1h, %2m, %3e, %4p, %5-"
match="*h, *m, *e, *p *-"
world.InfoFont "FixedSys", 12, 0
world.infocolour "green"
world.infobackground "black" "%1h, %2m, %3e, %4p, %5-"
Unknown2004-11-15 04:35:50
Wouldn't that all be green? I mean having the red health and yellow mana with green ego, if that's possible.
Unknown2004-11-15 04:58:03
Oh, another question. When sending a trigger to a script, what is sent? The vars in the examples are always called name, line, and wildcards. Line is as I would expect, are wildcards all the wildcards matched? What is name? Also, what happens to the stuff in the 'Send' box? I've just been leaving that blank (letting mush complain) and putting the call in the Script box near the bottom.