Unknown2004-11-15 05:05:50
name would be either be the name of the script method called or the name (label) of the trigger. If you're sending to a method in a script you need nothing in the send box. That's just if you do your scripting in the trigger itself (world.send("attack " + world.getvariable("target")) on "you have recovered balance" for instance).
Ethelon2004-11-15 05:17:05
My Prompt has always been in green, never different colors, that's why I set the color to green. Did you just want the prompts to be colored differently or sent to info bar colored differently?
Unknown2004-11-15 05:24:48
The different parts of the prompt (health, mana, ego and power) change color to indicate how close to max they are. Green = almost full, yellow = mid, red = almost zero. It's an important visual guide. Anyway, I'd like the different parts of the bar colored differently.
Unknown2004-11-18 10:20:02
hello, i'm new to this game and the MUSHclient, could anyone tell me how to use it to connect to the Lusternia server? as in what to type in the ip address and the world name? thank you ^^
Ethelon2004-11-18 20:48:08
IP: lusternia.com
Port: 23
Port: 23
Unknown2004-11-20 10:00:07
thank you very much ^^