Thalacus2004-10-30 11:59:07
Am I the only one who find this statue description brilliant?
The fountain of the Paladins Guild
"Clad in blue tinted fullplate carved from coral, a noble Merian Paladin kneels in the marble basin of this fountain, his head buried in his hands. His sword and shield are strewn at his side, dropped in grief. Tears of crystal clear water trickle from between his palms, falling on the broken symbls carved into the bowls of the fountain. These are the symbols of the Emperors and Empresses of Old Celest, each one shattered yet recognizable: Fragments of a broken dolphin; a starfish, her arms seperated from her body; a mighty whale, his regal form now crushed in defeat. The Paladin's tears flow between the cracks in these once great emblems, his sorrow at their loss reuniting them once more."
Kudos to the creator and architect! This statue inspired me to write the following song. I had originally intended it to be titled "mourn of the Paladin", but after writing it I decided "Mourn of the Celestian" would fit better. Enjoy.
The toils of many decades
Were torn away so fast
As we were driven back by
An army strong and vast
But we will struggle onwards
Defeated and forlorn
From ashes shall we rise again
Celest shall be reborn
Verse one
The spires of Old Celest
Would shine so bright and clear
And ne’er would we imagine
To be assailed in there
Yet even mighty empires
Will crumble in the end
And finally we were betrayed
By one who was our friend
Verse two
The Emperor would lead us
To riches, glory, fame
Yet now he is despised and we
Forever curse his name
For fate it seems is fickle
And though our fears were faint
Our nightmares came for real when he
Fell to the force of Taint
Verse three
Without him, good men bickered
And cities fell to strife
The Taint advanced, corrupted, spread
Would spare no single life
And at the forefront of the Taint
A single man would stand
The Emperor; the traitor
With an army huge and grand
Verse four
And nothing stood but Celest
In the face of evil, death
Yet still we would not give up
But fight ‘till our last breath
We wept, we fought, we crumbled
And saw it was our doom
But from the ashes of defeat
A greater light would bloom
Comments, anyone?
The fountain of the Paladins Guild
"Clad in blue tinted fullplate carved from coral, a noble Merian Paladin kneels in the marble basin of this fountain, his head buried in his hands. His sword and shield are strewn at his side, dropped in grief. Tears of crystal clear water trickle from between his palms, falling on the broken symbls carved into the bowls of the fountain. These are the symbols of the Emperors and Empresses of Old Celest, each one shattered yet recognizable: Fragments of a broken dolphin; a starfish, her arms seperated from her body; a mighty whale, his regal form now crushed in defeat. The Paladin's tears flow between the cracks in these once great emblems, his sorrow at their loss reuniting them once more."
Kudos to the creator and architect! This statue inspired me to write the following song. I had originally intended it to be titled "mourn of the Paladin", but after writing it I decided "Mourn of the Celestian" would fit better. Enjoy.
The toils of many decades
Were torn away so fast
As we were driven back by
An army strong and vast
But we will struggle onwards
Defeated and forlorn
From ashes shall we rise again
Celest shall be reborn
Verse one
The spires of Old Celest
Would shine so bright and clear
And ne’er would we imagine
To be assailed in there
Yet even mighty empires
Will crumble in the end
And finally we were betrayed
By one who was our friend
Verse two
The Emperor would lead us
To riches, glory, fame
Yet now he is despised and we
Forever curse his name
For fate it seems is fickle
And though our fears were faint
Our nightmares came for real when he
Fell to the force of Taint
Verse three
Without him, good men bickered
And cities fell to strife
The Taint advanced, corrupted, spread
Would spare no single life
And at the forefront of the Taint
A single man would stand
The Emperor; the traitor
With an army huge and grand
Verse four
And nothing stood but Celest
In the face of evil, death
Yet still we would not give up
But fight ‘till our last breath
We wept, we fought, we crumbled
And saw it was our doom
But from the ashes of defeat
A greater light would bloom
Comments, anyone?
Unknown2004-10-30 15:11:37
Nice poem. 'cept clear and there don't really rhyme.
Thalacus2004-10-30 20:33:36
*cry* Oh, I am so misunderstood. It is a poem! Look, there's verses, not stanzas, there's a chorus, I even stated it at the top! Oh, woe is me, for I am surrounded by those who have no taste of the fine arts, and they always misunderstand my beautiful creations and oh, life is pain and...
Yepela2004-11-01 01:32:51
You really are an artist.
That is far better than I could ever do. I just don't do rhyming.
I'm not sure, but when I read it through the rhythm suggests that it'd have a fairly jaunty tune - at least, as far as a song about mourning is concerned. I suppose there is an element of hope in it, but still... meh, it's probably just my messed up mind.
Nice juxtaposition at the end - 'doom' and 'bloom' rhyming, the two conflicting concepts, reflecting the 'folorn' and 'reborn' part at the beginning. You earn some extra brownie points for your vocabulary, seeing as nobody ever seems to use the word 'folorn' anymore. Even if it did handily rhyme with 'reborn'.

That is far better than I could ever do. I just don't do rhyming.
I'm not sure, but when I read it through the rhythm suggests that it'd have a fairly jaunty tune - at least, as far as a song about mourning is concerned. I suppose there is an element of hope in it, but still... meh, it's probably just my messed up mind.
Nice juxtaposition at the end - 'doom' and 'bloom' rhyming, the two conflicting concepts, reflecting the 'folorn' and 'reborn' part at the beginning. You earn some extra brownie points for your vocabulary, seeing as nobody ever seems to use the word 'folorn' anymore. Even if it did handily rhyme with 'reborn'.