Just had an idea

by Richter

Back to Common Grounds.

Desdemona2004-11-09 18:24:36
You can't really expect for IC history to be insignificant in RP. The Magnagora (Tainted) vrs. Celest (Creators of the taint, and survivors of an ancient glory) is clearly evident. You have the Necromante on one side, and the Star of Celest on the other. Also, you have the whole problem of the Holy Supernals and Demon Lords in effect. So you might as well expect similar conflicts between clearly conflicting sides (Glomdoring vrs. Serenwilde). Now, if DoC instead were trying to purify Crow back into Raven and return Gloriana, there would probably be no conflict between sides. Or... they could had tried to make a commune in Ackleberry, which I believe is close to worthless. By Lord Auseklis' example, you can clearly see that IC History does have an impact on RP generating IC conflict. Even when people may not have clear control on how the conflict evolves. DoC just needs more manpower and resources, and they would probably have more chances of achieving whatever goal they have.
Richter2004-11-09 18:48:26
Nikua, I'd like to keep the heated arguments and propoganda IG. There's no reason that we cannot act like adults here and discuss game mechanics and other ideas.

I keep expressing that Richter didn't steal power. I say this from my personal perspective, OoG. There are those that say "whining on the forum will not change things IG." Of course they won't. I was simply trying to open your minds a little, and think differently on a website, out of the game. What I do here makes little difference to lusternia, because here, I discuss things that cannot possibly be discussed IG, because how would they know about it?

I was explaining the situation, as Guido did once.

Now, silly arguments about me being a thief aside, I'm really looking forward to what this all could mean. Our own little civiliation. We're gaining more followers, and many opponents we have IG congratulate is OoG. Heck, I've started plans to build in the Glomdoring: all you need for a structure is credits, though at this time, housing is TBA.

I've found that generally, if you get enough people together, with a common, cause, and the administration isn't horribly busy, they will work with you a bit. We gained another person, a great guy that I met IG, and now know a bit OG. People like him will follow. Novices will join the commune or a city, and a tiny percentage will go rouge with us. If we start to number 50 people, that starts to become a force. Not even nessecarily a fighting force, but one that can influence peolpe, places, and events.

One person can make a difference. A group can change the world.

Remember, most of us can step back and enjoy the game from our perspective. I applaud the cities for thier conflict and combat, and the recent events. I even somewhat do the same for the commune.

As I always state, we're here to have fun.

RUN: IG evilbastard
Desdemona2004-11-09 20:31:44
QUOTE (Richter @ Nov 9 2004, 11:48 AM)

One person can make a difference.  A group can change the world.

Exactly. Basically Crow's status can be defined by this last statement. Unlike other realms, Lusternia has enough good common skillsets for people to go guildless... until probably Glomdoring is stablished, along with Guardian spirits and guilds. DoC just needs more people, more people means more resources and efforts to balance things out. As for housing... doesn't Glomdoring have a black tower somewhere? That alone could serve as homebase. People can complain how unjust the current situtation is, but the fact is, that Glomdoring is an enemy of Serenwilde. So anyone who supports Serenwilde will engage into some kind of conflict against Glomdoring. Chances of a Glomdoring commune comming to be... will increase when people siding on the effort increases. 50-70 people could be enough for DoC to act more properly, and actually be a challenge to the "bully" (as some people might view Serenwilde). I can't wait until DoC becomes big enough to be considered as an imposing threat... because it already stands a threat against Serenwilde for the sole fact that they are trying to revive Crow. smile.gif
Unknown2004-11-09 21:00:51
Cronus might become Tainted and Evil one day, just to liven his life up, but at the moment I'm enjoying being dimwitted yet friendly.

Sometimes I wish I had chosen elf. They're such a good race to roleplay with. The novelty of tae'daes wears off after a while...but I'm stuck with it.
Unknown2004-11-09 22:28:43
Iggy, you know that if cronus ever feels the taint overcome him, he can help us crows biggrin.gif
Typhus2004-11-10 17:19:55
Heh.. Typhus might become one later. What happens to him ingame might change his views of the Crow greatly. Time will tell I guess.
Devris2004-11-11 00:26:03
I think the argument of Crow hasn't done anything is really a tad bit out of whack...also since the ritual to bring him back involved Rowena (I believe) there is another reason for the Seren's to not be thrilled with the DoC.

I believe it was Rowena who spouted off the phrase "Fa'i Glomdoring" (spelling is wrong I think) when her folks were busy butchering the Fae on the Ethereal plane. All the denizens of the Serenwilde live in fear of Crow, and one of them even talks about how Crow must be dealt with.

Until you actually are a true commune, you are going to have to take your lumps like many groups before you in other IRE realms have done to reach goals. Expect the entire commune to beat on you, which is why so many people were saying this is a bit too early to start something like this as you will most likely see many people just leave and head back to the cities. I hope it goes well for you, but i really see this fizzling into a group of 2 or 3 still trying to accomplish it. In the end, it will take a divine event to actually get this done with...that is if they even want to end all hope of the Gloriana ever being restored.
Unknown2004-11-11 02:35:58
The Histories clearly give reason for their to be animosity between Serenwilde and Glomdoring.
For a start, Crow was once Raven, a Spirit like Stag or Moon. Crow is a twisted, Tainted, Raven.

The NPCs in Serenwilde show fear of Crow, and uh.. the fact that there is a quest on both sides to bring the downfall of the other... We can pretty much establish that Crow and Stag aren't going to be caught out sharing a friendly drink at the Gargling Pixie.

Conclusion 1. Stag hate Crow, Crow hate Stag.

The Great Spirits of the Serenwilde, Stag and Moon, share some kind of common interest. I'm not sure exactly what it is, maybe its stamp-collecting, or bush-walking, or maybe its the forest that they are the Great Spirits of? Now, the guilds in the Commune are obviously bound quite closely together, and Serenguard even have a choice of following Stag or Moon

Conclusion two. Stag AND Moon (ie ALL of Serenwilde) vs Crow! You can probably throw Mother Night on Crow's side for the same reasoning.

There are people, including those that have left Serenwilde, to follow Crow. Seekers of knowledge, blah blah, whatever. From a Seren perspective, they are people that have gone to follow the enemy of Seren Great Spirit(s).

Conclusion three. Serenwilde is not going to get along with DoC.

Let me state, I like what's happening in-game. I like that there are some giving a player-based identity to Glomdoring and Crow. I like Visaeris' slimy posts.
But there is no reason to bring it out-of-game to whinge about it. Discuss it for the benefit of in-game development, sure. But trying to figure out why the DoC are getting the sharp end of the stick from Serenwilde is about as obvious as an igasho trying to hide in a crowd of faelings.
Gwynn2004-11-11 04:39:25
Serenwilde isn't this nice, happy fluffy nature place. They're the only surviving commune, and they didn't get that way from letting people who's Great Spirits oppose them build power. Any smart opponent would crush the said party before they ever got a chance to make it big.

One thing I do, however, like about Serenwildes' "Softer Side" is the rural feel to it. Like the festival we had, and the "Eligable Singles Auction". That sounds to me like the kind of good old, clean, country fun that a rustic people would get up to.

But yeah, we're always going to be in conflict with Glomdoring, unless of course you want to change it back into the Gloriana, then we can be friends biggrin.gif
Unknown2004-11-13 15:24:04
But yeah, we're always going to be in conflict with Glomdoring, unless of course you want to change it back into the Gloriana, then we can be friends

biggrin.gif Considering how things have been going so far, I dont think thats gunna happen.