Unknown2004-11-16 16:08:02
Lichdom and grace no longer work with each other so that is actually a false statement. In fact, lichdom is at such a pathetic level that, if I were someone who wasn't Magnagoran, I would hunt down people with lich just so I could easily get the double kill.
Shiri2004-11-16 16:16:26
And then ghost away. I think they're the only things that don't sleep after a player combat.
Unknown2004-11-19 06:58:00
someone told me that black widows also chill you.
Unknown2004-11-19 07:01:52
Yup. They induce the mactans venom.
Shiri2004-11-19 20:39:37
Okay, I updated again. Also, about the zombies - are they different? I've never seen a rotting one do that horrible paralysis + trip combo, but I've seen the Serpentine ones do it - and they're called Dracnar when they die, for some reason.
And for those whom it may concern, I've discovered that a nymph balance is exactly one curse balance plus one wax balance for humans. (I think they both work on normal balance). Use that to your advantage while bashing.
And for those whom it may concern, I've discovered that a nymph balance is exactly one curse balance plus one wax balance for humans. (I think they both work on normal balance). Use that to your advantage while bashing.
Neale2004-11-19 21:04:55
QUOTE (Shiri @ Nov 15 2004, 06:34 PM)
Thanks for all the updates everyone. Just need to find the name of the swamp now. And Lodin, you DO mean weariness, right? Not weakness? I didn't think weakness was an affliction, and I look "weary in body" when one gets me, but I didn't like to assume.
Well, to be picky, the affliction is weakness, weariness isn't an affliction (according to help afflictions and the AB files for healing). It would be nice if the succor message actually reflected on what it was.
Kaervas2004-11-19 21:31:08
Here's some of the afflictions that the creatures on Astral give, I might have missed some:
Urns: Electric damage, hit quick
Bulls: Nasty attack (1-1.8k) on most people
Abhorrence: break limbs
Lobstrosity: nasty bleeding damage, can't void
Eagles: can fly
Parasites: paralysis, web, powersink
Scorpions: random venom every so often
Virgin: blackout, nasty bleeding damage
Mitrans: make you stink
Fesix: fear
Goats: damage
Urns: Electric damage, hit quick
Bulls: Nasty attack (1-1.8k) on most people
Abhorrence: break limbs
Lobstrosity: nasty bleeding damage, can't void
Eagles: can fly
Parasites: paralysis, web, powersink
Scorpions: random venom every so often
Virgin: blackout, nasty bleeding damage
Mitrans: make you stink
Fesix: fear
Goats: damage
Shiri2004-11-19 21:35:12
Thanks for the lists! Actually, though, lobstrosities CAN void, they just usually choose not to. That or only specific ones can void. At any rate, I'm 100% sure one of them can, since when I was bashing up there with Jelani one voided me and almost killed me when I, er, wasn't looking. *cough*
Kaervas2004-11-19 21:41:24
Well the odd lobstrosity likes to void, it's always appeared to have the same number everytime though
Estarra2004-11-20 07:31:28
QUOTE (Felemar Palewynd @ Nov 16 2004, 09:08 AM)
In fact, lichdom is at such a pathetic level that, if I were someone who wasn't Magnagoran, I would hunt down people with lich just so I could easily get the double kill.
I know we've had this discussion before, but ... if you die and come back as a lich you don't lose xp and if you kill someone who turns into a lich neither do you gain any xp. So the "double kill" is rather a misnomer. I'm still mystified that people complain about lichdom--look at it this way, if you didn't have lichdom up, you'd die and lose xp. If you do have lichdom up, you don't really die, don't give your opponent any xp, and have a chance to get away or kill your opponent. If that's pathetic, then feel free to never use it (though I note most necromancers who can are still using it).
Olan2004-11-20 16:43:26
QUOTE (Estarra @ Nov 20 2004, 12:31 AM)
I know we've had this discussion before, but ... if you die and come back as a lich you don't lose xp and if you kill someone who turns into a lich neither do you gain any xp. So the "double kill" is rather a misnomer. I'm still mystified that people complain about lichdom--look at it this way, if you didn't have lichdom up, you'd die and lose xp. If you do have lichdom up, you don't really die, don't give your opponent any xp, and have a chance to get away or kill your opponent. If that's pathetic, then feel free to never use it (though I note most necromancers who can are still using it).
I think, Lady, that Felemar's argument is this: If I die, and am about to come back as a lich, I have a limited time to flee away before coming back, and when I come back, I have 9-~12 seconds (depending on eq recovery, untested assertion) where I can't move, put up (most) defenses, fight back, or shield. That is several rounds of combat if someone manages to follow where they can attack. Then, when I do get eq back, I have the process of deffing up if I hope to kill them back, which takes quite a lot longer then it did (for me) in Achaea, since most of my defenses are skills requiring eq/balance and not herbs/salves. Felemar's conclusion is, if you manage to kill the necromancer the first time and follow the soul, you're going to hose them the second time, as they can't really fight back or flee for a significant amount of time, and have no defenses.
On the flip side, we do have at least two things going for us, the fact that soul movement is unseen, and the ability to ghost if we do get eq back.
If the concern was people coming back as a lich and then ghosting, why not make it so that you can't ghost until you've been back alive for 10 seconds or something? 'Your soul cannot survive the process of becoming a ghost yet.' 'Your soul feels rejuvenated, and able to transform into a ghost again.' Then, they get a chance to find us, we can't just ghost away, AND we have a chance of surviving the second attack because we can attack back and/or put up some defenses. Just an idea.
Unknown2004-11-20 18:38:08
QUOTE (Olan @ Nov 20 2004, 12:43 PM)
I think, Lady, that Felemar's argument is this: If I die, and am about to come back as a lich, I have a limited time to flee away before coming back, and when I come back, I have 9-~12 seconds (depending on eq recovery, untested assertion) where I can't move, put up (most) defenses, fight back, or shield. That is several rounds of combat if someone manages to follow where they can attack. Then, when I do get eq back, I have the process of deffing up if I hope to kill them back, which takes quite a lot longer then it did (for me) in Achaea, since most of my defenses are skills requiring eq/balance and not herbs/salves. Felemar's conclusion is, if you manage to kill the necromancer the first time and follow the soul, you're going to hose them the second time, as they can't really fight back or flee for a significant amount of time, and have no defenses.
On the flip side, we do have at least two things going for us, the fact that soul movement is unseen, and the ability to ghost if we do get eq back.
If the concern was people coming back as a lich and then ghosting, why not make it so that you can't ghost until you've been back alive for 10 seconds or something? 'Your soul cannot survive the process of becoming a ghost yet.' 'Your soul feels rejuvenated, and able to transform into a ghost again.' Then, they get a chance to find us, we can't just ghost away, AND we have a chance of surviving the second attack because we can attack back and/or put up some defenses. Just an idea.
On the flip side, we do have at least two things going for us, the fact that soul movement is unseen, and the ability to ghost if we do get eq back.
If the concern was people coming back as a lich and then ghosting, why not make it so that you can't ghost until you've been back alive for 10 seconds or something? 'Your soul cannot survive the process of becoming a ghost yet.' 'Your soul feels rejuvenated, and able to transform into a ghost again.' Then, they get a chance to find us, we can't just ghost away, AND we have a chance of surviving the second attack because we can attack back and/or put up some defenses. Just an idea.
Yeah...If you die, there's a chance that you might -actually- die? I don't see what's so terrible about that. If you want to live, avoid the first death like everybody else. After you lose whatever fight you were in, you at least have a chance to survive completely unscathed, everybody else has to suffer the xp loss among other things.
Just please don't allow soulcage/blackwind or transmog/astral (where people 'die' and instantly come back and are allowed to do their equivilent of ghost). That's really terrible. Even 10 seconds is far too short. Having unkillable _____s just leads to frustration.
Kaervas2004-11-20 18:38:39
I still think that Lichdom is a great skill, the eq time doesn't seem to be that long and I've never had any problems getting away in case of death.
Thorgal2004-11-20 19:28:28
Let's hope Lichdom ends up like in Achaea, nice and balanced, only usable once per 12 hours

Unknown2004-11-22 02:57:56
I have an addenum to the list of Astral Plane afflictions:
Goats knock you down.
Goats knock you down.
Ekard2004-11-23 18:01:41
QUOTE (Neale @ Nov 19 2004, 11:04 PM)
Well, to be picky, the affliction is weakness, weariness isn't an affliction (according to help afflictions and the AB files for healing). It would be nice if the succor message actually reflected on what it was.
Weariness is an affiliction, succor show it as wear in body and musckles and phlegmatic skills in healing cure it.
Weariness unable you to fly.
Unknown2004-11-23 19:20:55
Weariness (or weakness, as I call it) makes you unable to do certain things that may require more strength or endurance than simply walking or breathing. I know that you can't sprint when you're weak, and I could believe that you're unable to fly.
Vertigo is more specific to flying, though. It's basically a fear of heights and the thought of flying makes you dizzy (though not the actual dizziness affliction, which is yet another affliction).

Vertigo is more specific to flying, though. It's basically a fear of heights and the thought of flying makes you dizzy (though not the actual dizziness affliction, which is yet another affliction).

Shiri2004-11-23 22:41:05
List's been updated from my own research and all your comments, thanks guys! One thing though: I assume the Dracnari and Lucidians in the Skarch don't do any afflictions, but I wasn't sure - y'know, the Dracnari might ignite or something, and I didn't feel like pissing them off enough to find out.
Drago2004-11-24 00:25:28
Dracnari sometimes use firebreath. Other then that its just damage.. and lots of it.
Unknown2004-11-26 21:10:02
Had a TreeFrog in the NorthernSerenwilde blind and deaf me when it jumped on my face and coated it in slime.....didnt see that one coming lol.