mel2004-12-09 17:29:14
yes druids have a skill it increases influence effectivenes while IN our demesne, trouble is most of the mobiles you want to influence arent conveniently in a forest so thats 1 power to make a forest just so you can make a demesne just so you can influence 1 target ... get the picture (besides I think mag gets a bit jumpy when forests start sprouting up all over the place in places under their influence
Shiri2004-12-09 17:51:15
Aquamancers have the exact same spell, except people are a lot more likely to get aggro about floods than forests, especially since most villages are Magnagoran now, so both of those get messy fast. The Celestian one especially, because they don't have their own villages, have to do it in Magnagoran ones, and since it's their DEMESNE, not just their WATER, odds are they're going to get caught.
Richter2004-12-09 18:30:01
I quite like the idea Roark presented. Reminds me of of Morrowind, and I think it should be implemented here. If an npc attacks you first, everything is cool. So, I walk into Stewartsville, attempt to influence an npc, piss him off, he attacks, I kill him without getting enemied.
Influence is such a great idea.
Influence is such a great idea.