Bashing help.

by Unknown

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Rhysus2004-11-29 17:56:46
Just too bad it's not the virgins who wed. I'd be all over that.

*collects 40 virgins* Yay for Islam!
Ixion2004-12-07 23:33:46
Bashing is a bit annoying and slow until around level 30. At about 40, some can start thinking about only bashing astral goats, as I did. Too bad node spawns were nerfed, it was ridiculously easy to get a ton of goats. Would kill 200 or more at a time as well as a couple hundred thousand gold in only a Lusternian month or two of bashing. Only drawback was that bashing goats, linking to the node, then bashing goats again was incredibly boring and tiresome.

Also, nice list of denizens with afflictions Silvanus.
Unknown2004-12-07 23:52:09
o.o i'm level 60 and I still have trouble bashing against lobrosities. any ideas how I can do alot better against them?
Akraasiel2004-12-08 08:39:03
I must say that I LOVE obesefessors...they hit for like 200 damage...its awesome. I love being Dracnari.
Kaervas2004-12-08 15:03:47
My favourite sphere is probably Leo, with the fesix, they do about 200 damage each so I can tank at least 5 of them. Shame the node is empty right now though. My least favourite has to be Aquarius, the urns do too much damage and attack too fast for my liking.
Shiri2004-12-08 16:48:17
Urns are lethal. On another note, shame on whoever put in that old Celest post that lobstrosities and goats are the easiest. I took on a fesix solo, and I STILL can't beat a lobstrosity. blink.gif
Unknown2004-12-10 02:54:20
I don't like scorpions because I was hit with poison (death thingy) three times and wasted a trueheal..
Silvanus2004-12-10 02:55:21
QUOTE(Guardian_Shiro @ Dec 9 2004, 08:54 PM)
I don't like scorpions because I was hit with poison (death thingy) three times and wasted a trueheal..

Get an antidote, and its called crotamine.
Unknown2004-12-10 02:56:33
I did use an antidote, I was being hit with massage damage and was being afflicted with Crotamine most of the time!
Kaervas2004-12-10 16:53:24
Scorpions are the reason I love my demon so much, and my trans resilience too. tongue.gif
Unknown2004-12-10 18:10:25
I love my archangel!! *hugs archangel*
Shiri2004-12-11 10:00:55
If I wasn't A ) On JAVA and B ) Lame at triggers and stuff, I'm sure I'd love my fabled healing! biggrin.gif