My Everything Hurts

by Gwynn

Back to The Real World.

Gwynn2004-11-27 10:09:07
Okay, so I'm an Aussie that happens to play American Football, I've been playing a few seasons now.

First game of this season I dislocate my knee and am told I have to have the whole season off. So I've been doing physio and recovering rather well, though I'm not fully healed yet.

My Football Coach rings me up this morning and says "Hey Luke, we really need you to come play Football today, I know you're not fully healed, but we're desperate mate. You won't have to do much, we'll just use you to fill in for a play or two here and there to give people a rest"

I foolishly agree.

So, I give up my whole saturday to drive about 2 hours to the middle of nowhere, only to find out we're playing the Sydney University Lions (Undefeated in 5 years, not a nice team to look forward to playing). On top of that, its 110 degrees and there are no clouds, and this backwater ground has virtually no shade (especially not around the player areas).

The Sydney University team turns up a veritable army for a casual college football team, a full 2 strings for both offence and defence, plus dedicated Special teams. We turn up a scrappy crew of 18, including one who can't play because he hurt his back at work that morning.

So, I'm told to go out and play both ways! My knee hasn't fully healed yet, so I'm a bit wary of this, but I do as I'm told.

2nd play of the game on defence and I cop a pretty serious facecage to the left elbow and have to come off because its bleeding (It was also hanging limp by my side, but ya know, gotta tough it up). So, I get it strapped and I'm thrown back into the frey.

1st half (Eventually) ends, and I feel so exhuasted, running around in the heat both ways in my gear for so long. By this time, we've had 2 players taken out of the game for good with serious injuries, so we're down to 15 effectively. We're getting beaten, though not as heavily as you might expect.

Go back out in the second half, and things almost look on the up. Though I can scarcely feel anything but pain in my left arm, I manage to make a great block in at Offensive Tackle and set up our only touchdown of the match. We manage to make it through the 3rd quater without conceding, and without further serious injury.

Soon as we enter the 4th quarter though, I get hit really hard in the chest (after the whistle mind you, though noone saw it) putting me flat on my arse and seeing stars (and thats not easy, I'm 6'6" (199cm...damn I need to grow another centermeter!) and built very solidly).

I have to come off the field, because now it hurts to breathe. Team medic checks me out, turns out one of my ribs is dislocated. Typical coach, says "Come on Luke, we really need you back out there, don't back down now!" I foolishly agree, and they pop my rib back into position (which is probably the most painful thing I've ever experienced). However, that caused me so much pain and subsequent increased difficulty in breathing that I didnt manage to last more than 2 plays on the field, and I had to watch the rest from the sideline.

By the end of the match, we could only field 10 people. The other team mercifully told the referees to end the game with 5 minutes to go.

So, I'm all tender, and everything aches. I manage to stay awake through the 2 hour trip home, take a shower, and then decide to remove my strapping (I have both ankles, both wrists and my right knee strapped from previous injuries, plus, my elbow from during the game).

My neighbours could probably have heard me grunting in pain as I tore all that strapping off, because I had not been aware I was going to have to play and therefore had not shaved.

Nonetheless, I ache, and I just want to recline here in my computer chair and relax my mind while my aching body sorts itself out...oh isn't it lovely to do a favour for your team :\\
Shiri2004-11-27 10:43:43
Owwwww. I feel your pain!

Well, sympathetically. *is glad*
Ialie2004-11-27 11:15:10
Aww I am sorry

Feel better!
Gwynn2004-11-27 11:38:59
I'll live, albeit painfully for the next few days at the very least.

My Physio is going to kill me when I tell her I went back and played >.<
Ialie2004-11-27 11:43:08
Hey maybe when I'll see you in Sydney in december and give you a get well card.
Richter2004-11-27 19:15:58
That's what you get for trying to play our sports! Ha! biggrin.gif
Shiri2004-11-27 19:56:33
HA! I was just going to say the same thing, but more in the way of, "That's what you get for playing dodgy American sports instead of normal ones." biggrin.gif
Gwynn2004-11-28 00:31:12
I'ma pretty sporty person, and I must admit I cop alot of :censor: for playing "Yankball" from my mates, but I like it.

And thats what I get for going back to play before I'm fully well again.

Consequently I feel marginally better this morning, just my most-everything hurts now instead of my everything happydance.gif
Unknown2004-11-28 00:54:32
Bad child! Bad!
Daganev2004-11-28 03:29:24
wuss. play rugby.
Unknown2004-11-28 03:34:20

Or... chess!
Gwynn2004-11-28 04:09:07
QUOTE (daganev @ Nov 28 2004, 02:29 PM)
wuss. play rugby.

I've played rugby for the past...10 years now. We play Rugby in the Winter, and Gridiron in the Summer (Why on earth did they ever decide to do that? Stupid league organisers).

All in all, Rugby is probably alot rougher, but Gridiron isn't as soft as I thought it would be.
Murphy2004-11-28 08:01:48
QUOTE (daganev @ Nov 28 2004, 01:29 PM)
wuss. play rugby.

A man after my own heart, rugby is the sport of kings! :thumb: