Unknown2004-11-29 01:53:19
Also, which ones do you think have it worst off, just in general? That is, politics, fighters, leaders, efficiency, etc.
Rhysus2004-11-29 01:59:34
Vote in spirit for my Brothers in Frustration over in the Geomancers.
Silvanus2004-11-29 02:10:50
If anyone does not vote Geomancers, Hartstone or Aquamancers, you'll be seeing this ->
and then end up like this ->
I'm lame, I know, these smilies fascinate me though

I'm lame, I know, these smilies fascinate me though

Unknown2004-11-29 02:16:28
why are people picking celestines...? 

Unknown2004-11-29 02:18:50
So, why have most people picked the two mage guilds? I've heard that they do have some pretty crappy skills. Just looking at the help file, Runes doesn't look very good at all, and Illusions seems like it would have a relatively limited use. So, what are the other drawbacks to being a mage?
I ask that specifically because most people picked the mages, and I thought about changing from guardian to mage before.
IRT Silvanus' post below: If you're commenting on politics, leadership, etc., just put that in a regular post.
I ask that specifically because most people picked the mages, and I thought about changing from guardian to mage before.
IRT Silvanus' post below: If you're commenting on politics, leadership, etc., just put that in a regular post.
Silvanus2004-11-29 02:18:50
He did say SKILL WISE, then later on said post
So those who voted for Celestines need to do this ->
Also, which ones do you think have it worst off, just in general? That is, politics, fighters, leaders, efficiency, etc
So those who voted for Celestines need to do this ->

Unknown2004-11-29 02:20:27

Shamarah2004-11-29 02:23:47
Aquamancers. I mean, seriously, let's look at the final four skills in Aquamancy:
Bubble - For eight power, we can move ourselves or an opponent out of combat for... 5-10 seconds? Whoopee. And we can't use it to heal, either, because you can't do anything while you're inside it.
Suggestion: Scrap it altogether and replace it with something else.
Flashflood - For eight power, we imbue our demesnes with everything. Sounds good, except when you realize that it's really only useful if you're getting jumped or something. And if you're getting jumped, you're probably not in your demesne.
Liquidform - For eight power, we turn liquidy. Woo. It's supposed to heal all our afflictions and health, but it doesn't. (Yes, I've bugged it.) Then it might actually be useful.
Maelstrom - For ten power, our staff, and all our mana, we make a delayed explosion in our demesne. After being activated, Maelstrom takes a whiel to actually take effect. So if it doesn't kill our opponent, we're left powerless, staffless, and manaless. Furthermore, they can run away during the time. And it's bugged and doesn't do much damage at all. (Yes, I've reported the bug.)
Bubble - For eight power, we can move ourselves or an opponent out of combat for... 5-10 seconds? Whoopee. And we can't use it to heal, either, because you can't do anything while you're inside it.
Suggestion: Scrap it altogether and replace it with something else.
Flashflood - For eight power, we imbue our demesnes with everything. Sounds good, except when you realize that it's really only useful if you're getting jumped or something. And if you're getting jumped, you're probably not in your demesne.
Liquidform - For eight power, we turn liquidy. Woo. It's supposed to heal all our afflictions and health, but it doesn't. (Yes, I've bugged it.) Then it might actually be useful.
Maelstrom - For ten power, our staff, and all our mana, we make a delayed explosion in our demesne. After being activated, Maelstrom takes a whiel to actually take effect. So if it doesn't kill our opponent, we're left powerless, staffless, and manaless. Furthermore, they can run away during the time. And it's bugged and doesn't do much damage at all. (Yes, I've reported the bug.)
Unknown2004-11-29 02:23:52
I would say Celestines are pretty well off skill-wise. I don't know about the guild itself, though. I remember lots of infighting before, so I quit. Then again, I've only had one alt, so I can't really judge how good or bad it is.
Rhysus2004-11-29 02:28:20
I have to agree with Silvanus here. If you vote for anything other than a mage/druid archetype, you're just being ignorant. The only other guild I could see voting for here is the Paladins, and only because their name is "Paladins" so it's going to instantly turn off a lot of people seeing as its the only guild whose name has already been used to death. But the terribleness of the mage/druid skills (Mages more than Druids here, sorry.) completely outweighs that.
Unknown2004-11-29 02:30:00
someone vote Nihilists. Muhahahah! :cm:
Unknown2004-11-29 02:31:28
Ironically, I remember the Aquamancers having a pretty high membership during the early days of Lusternia. Or maybe not, maybe it was just the large amount of people listed when I checked HELP AQUAMANCERS.
Daganev2004-11-29 02:33:25
Mage guild's have these demenses that could be really cool, but have the problem of being either too powerfull or too weak. Sure it will be changed soon enough.
Unknown2004-11-29 02:33:31
from what I seen, Aquamancers need the most help. Geomancers is okay but I have fought several trans hartstones and they were more of a pain then a trans good fighter Nihilist or paladin
Unknown2004-11-29 02:47:27
I feel an urge to vote moondancers...
Nementh2004-11-29 02:49:41
The problem I have seen as a Geomancer is that you can virtually ignore the demese... I have seen people waltz into my demense with everything going, and it not hinder them at all...
Leaving me with runes, which like evileye is only useful when transed, but wait, we can't do double afflictions like crazy because it costs to much power, shucks not going to kill them with afflictions... then there is staff, which has been nerfed more because now it is 25% slashing, 25% blugeon, and 50% poison... meaning if you are in platemail, and trans resiliance, guess what you aint going to notice...
This leaves me with illusions... which I love... this I think is our best skill. But without the combonation of the other two skills, the most I can do is make you waste all your health, herbs and salves, and give you fear, but then again their is a discernment skill which pretty much wipes this one out to.
(While this rant is centered on Geomancers, Aquamancers are equally screwed I have waltzed into their demese with no effects as well.)
In the end though, the Mage Archtype is off to a good beginning and I don't complain to much because it is a good beginning. Things will hopfully get improved, and soon maybe our demese will mean something...
I also think runes are a waste of time, and as long as supersling costs power, wont be useful. The only way to really affect someone is to give them two afflictions at the same time with the same cure so you can out afflict their healing ability into a lock, and even this is hard.
Leaving me with runes, which like evileye is only useful when transed, but wait, we can't do double afflictions like crazy because it costs to much power, shucks not going to kill them with afflictions... then there is staff, which has been nerfed more because now it is 25% slashing, 25% blugeon, and 50% poison... meaning if you are in platemail, and trans resiliance, guess what you aint going to notice...
This leaves me with illusions... which I love... this I think is our best skill. But without the combonation of the other two skills, the most I can do is make you waste all your health, herbs and salves, and give you fear, but then again their is a discernment skill which pretty much wipes this one out to.
(While this rant is centered on Geomancers, Aquamancers are equally screwed I have waltzed into their demese with no effects as well.)
In the end though, the Mage Archtype is off to a good beginning and I don't complain to much because it is a good beginning. Things will hopfully get improved, and soon maybe our demese will mean something...
I also think runes are a waste of time, and as long as supersling costs power, wont be useful. The only way to really affect someone is to give them two afflictions at the same time with the same cure so you can out afflict their healing ability into a lock, and even this is hard.
Rhysus2004-11-29 02:51:03
Thing with Demesnes is that they are basically an integration of (from other IRE games) Mage class Crystalism and Druid Groves. The problem stems from the fact that they take the WORST things about both of them, and shove them together into a form that...sucks. They are portable, ok, great, but unlike Vibes, we have to rebuild them every time we move them, so in that sense they are more like Groves. But they aren't nearly as strong as either. Fighting a Mage in full vibes was a bitch, they barely had to do anything. Fighting a Druid with everything going in their Grove was just horrible. Practically suicide. Fighting someone in their Demesne...Laughable. My jellies hit once every 17 seconds or so for a stun barely longer than a vampire's frenzy from Aetolia. And many of the abilities are practically more of a hinderance than anything, tossing my target away from me while I try to attack him. Or they're just useless, like Maelstrom, which I'd only ever use when getting beaten on by 5+ people, and even then, it stops working when I die anyways.
I'm not even going to start with Runes. The mere fact that no one even bothers using them should be enough to show there there is a problem. And Illusions are entirely incompatible with the rest of our skills. It's as if they were designing the Mage archetype and just got lazy and decided they had to do something with the Illusions skillset and didn't have a Rogue type class yet so they'd shove it in with the Mages. Thanks so much, I'll continue to use all of two abilities in the entire Transcendent skillset for now.
I'm not even going to start with Runes. The mere fact that no one even bothers using them should be enough to show there there is a problem. And Illusions are entirely incompatible with the rest of our skills. It's as if they were designing the Mage archetype and just got lazy and decided they had to do something with the Illusions skillset and didn't have a Rogue type class yet so they'd shove it in with the Mages. Thanks so much, I'll continue to use all of two abilities in the entire Transcendent skillset for now.
Rilandria2004-11-29 02:52:59
I think all of the Mages are very weak... usually in games, Mages are by far the heaviest damage dealing class, but in Lusternia it feels like Mages are second best (compared to Guardians at first) and even sometimes third, due to the extreme equilibrium it takes to do damage. Plus, they have the most weaknesses.
It just seems like they are hindered all around, and so they aren't very effective.
It just seems like they are hindered all around, and so they aren't very effective.
Nementh2004-11-29 02:58:42
Runes would be perfect, if like I said up above, supersling didnt' cost power... if it didn't cost power, I would actually bother buying the credits to transcend runes, because then it would be a useful skill in combat.
And illusions is good, I love them, and don't want them touched, with the exception of maybe letting us do a basic illusion when we sling a rune.
elementalism itself is fine, its the demense stuff that has problems.
And illusions is good, I love them, and don't want them touched, with the exception of maybe letting us do a basic illusion when we sling a rune.
elementalism itself is fine, its the demense stuff that has problems.
Silvanus2004-11-29 02:59:36
Mages do incredible damage, but resilience stops that. Rhysus jet stream thing did 1.4k to me with Master resilience and good chainmail, I'm not sure on the equilbrium time. I just think that the Mages are really lacking in doing something other then damage.
Edit: Instead of doing the double post, I'll go onto the Supersling thing. I believe Arilyon suggested the Ur rune (I think thats it) give anorexia instead, and then supersling take 1 power.
Edit: Instead of doing the double post, I'll go onto the Supersling thing. I believe Arilyon suggested the Ur rune (I think thats it) give anorexia instead, and then supersling take 1 power.