Acar2004-12-02 01:26:15
QUOTE (terenas @ Dec 1 2004, 11:12 PM)
It would be potentially powerful to have an entire area melded in and hinder or damage our enemies, but that's assuming that Aquamancers can do damage with their demesne. Only icefloes (afflicts with cold damage) and jellies (stuns) really do anything to anyone, and those are horribly weak. I'd rather trade useless or bugged skills like currents, tsunami, typhoon, jellies, bubble, liquidform, and whirlpool for a single ability that is actually useful in combat. At least Geomancers have better demesne-based damage. I'm not too sure how powerful Wiccans are with their swarms, spores, storm, and thorns in their demesne but I can guess at least they do more than 0 damage with their demesne. 

Ermm you mean, Druids, not wiccans...
Akraasiel2004-12-02 01:48:04
make boulderblast/hailstorm restricted to the demesne and hit all unshielded people within a demesne. That would even it all out nicely.
Rhysus2004-12-02 01:48:58
Uh. No it wouldn't. That's one of the worst suggestions I've ever heard.
Daganev2004-12-02 01:49:45
If you think its the worst suggestion ever made... that means its a joke.. hehe yeah.. um.. yeah a joke.
Rhysus2004-12-02 01:52:25
The degree to which the Mage archetypes are underpowered is no laughing matter. 

Akraasiel2004-12-02 02:16:26
think about it this way, most other demesne attacks hit through shield. They can shield and slowly starve to the fumes, or unshield and get hit by the attacks....well Im talking about geomancers here, dunno how it would work for aquas
Kaelar2004-12-02 02:19:28
Alright, so mages can't wear armor, can't tank for their life; fine, that's typical of most mage classes in any game. To counterbalance this, mages usually do a quite significant amount of damage, or they have some sort of method to thoroughly screw up their enemy. Judging by mages on Achaea/Aetolia: not only did they do great damage with certain attacks, but they had vibes that would screw around with you constantly.
On Lusternia, mages get a demesne with a few attacks, most of which do minor things to hinder their foe, and do decent damage, but nothing special, and not nearly enough for a mage. They're easy targets, and it's easy enough to take advantage of their lack of armor or any proper way to defend themself.
I was sparring a geomancer who was transcendent geomancy, among other things, and I was able to walk into the demesne without a single problem. I didn't even have to bother to figure out what it was doing to me (it was my first one on one spar against a geomancer), for the most part. Sure, I was enemied and all that, but I basically walked through the demesne without a care in the world, and then fought said geomancer in his demesne, ignoring the demesne as if it wasn't there. (For the record, I had none of the demesne effects triggered, so anything the demesne did, I had to cure manually)
I'm not saying make demesnes unbelievably powerful, but it would be nice if the mage at least had a significant advantage in his demesne. The way I see it, a mage fighting on his home turf should have at least a small upper-hand over the person he's fighting, but not so much that it completely throws balance out the window. Kind of like how in Achaea/Aetolia, if you could help it, you didn't want to fight a magi in his vibes, and if you could get him out of them, the fight was a lot easier. Maybe not quite to that extent, though.
Note: I apologize if I'm just restating what several other people have said; I haven't kept up with this thread too well.
Note 2: I have little to no experience fighting aquamancers, but from the sounds of it, they have the same general problem.
On Lusternia, mages get a demesne with a few attacks, most of which do minor things to hinder their foe, and do decent damage, but nothing special, and not nearly enough for a mage. They're easy targets, and it's easy enough to take advantage of their lack of armor or any proper way to defend themself.
I was sparring a geomancer who was transcendent geomancy, among other things, and I was able to walk into the demesne without a single problem. I didn't even have to bother to figure out what it was doing to me (it was my first one on one spar against a geomancer), for the most part. Sure, I was enemied and all that, but I basically walked through the demesne without a care in the world, and then fought said geomancer in his demesne, ignoring the demesne as if it wasn't there. (For the record, I had none of the demesne effects triggered, so anything the demesne did, I had to cure manually)
I'm not saying make demesnes unbelievably powerful, but it would be nice if the mage at least had a significant advantage in his demesne. The way I see it, a mage fighting on his home turf should have at least a small upper-hand over the person he's fighting, but not so much that it completely throws balance out the window. Kind of like how in Achaea/Aetolia, if you could help it, you didn't want to fight a magi in his vibes, and if you could get him out of them, the fight was a lot easier. Maybe not quite to that extent, though.
Note: I apologize if I'm just restating what several other people have said; I haven't kept up with this thread too well.
Note 2: I have little to no experience fighting aquamancers, but from the sounds of it, they have the same general problem.
Shamarah2004-12-02 02:20:07
Or, they could just... leave the demesne.

EDIT: That was to Akraasiel, by the way.

EDIT: That was to Akraasiel, by the way.
Nementh2004-12-02 06:29:47
Hey Rhysus, you can't beat your head agansit a wall... only us Geomancers can do that... you need to like stick it in a steam vent or something...
Unknown2004-12-02 10:09:32
On this note, I'd like to compare the Warrior archetypes. The Ur'Guard, Paladins, and the Serenguard. The Serenguard got the shaft compared to those other two. They have totems with a specialization in Moon or Stag. Moon and Stag are great for Moondancers and Druids respectively, but is quite lacking as a support skill for a Warrior-archetype.
Thorgal2004-12-02 11:34:23
They better learn to fight so they can turn in envoy reports then

Val2004-12-02 12:51:56
QUOTE (Thorgal @ Dec 2 2004, 08:34 PM)
I'm working on it hehe, any suggestions as to tactics for us is welcome. So far I've come up with the PRAY I can spam chasm messages off your screen, or hunger.
Thorgal2004-12-02 16:54:42
Well, I was referring to the Serenguard, the Geomancers have some decent fighters I think.
Val2004-12-02 18:57:23
We can almost be helpful in group. And as you've seen from our spars, our one on one offence is limited to either chasm or run and hide.....well off to testing more things, see what else I can learn.
<--- Me thinking about our skills
Then I have an
<----Person I try it against
<---Me after spar
<--Me trying to think of something new

Then I have an

Rhysus2004-12-02 19:03:41

Val2004-12-02 19:08:19
Geomancer ---->
..............Brothers in Suckage...........
What can we do, lets have a beer.

..............Brothers in Suckage...........
What can we do, lets have a beer.
Hiriako2004-12-02 19:20:42
QUOTE (Val @ Dec 2 2004, 02:08 PM)
Geomancer ---->
..............Brothers in Suckage...........
What can we do, lets have a beer.

..............Brothers in Suckage...........
What can we do, lets have a beer.
That Aquamancer keeps falling over...he needs to dilute that beer!
Val2004-12-02 19:22:54
Didn't say they could hold their beer.....
Terenas2004-12-02 23:24:23
Druids. Um, right, sorry I keep getting those two messed up. Not like it changes anything anyway.
Thorgual- I don't think I've ever seen or heard my turtle does 1k damage to anyone. Most I've heard is that it does a 200 damage attack once in a blue moon. It took her at least half a minute to kill me and I barely have 2k health and wasn't even sipping.

Thorgual- I don't think I've ever seen or heard my turtle does 1k damage to anyone. Most I've heard is that it does a 200 damage attack once in a blue moon. It took her at least half a minute to kill me and I barely have 2k health and wasn't even sipping.

Shamarah2004-12-03 01:32:53
The turtle does actually do an attack, very rarely, where she shoots a cone of superheated water at your enemy and it does about 900 damage.
Unfortunately, it's just handy if you see it, because there's no way to predict when it's coming and thus no way to time your attacks around it to use it to your advantage.
Seriously, though. The best combat option for an Aquamancer is this:
Hey, it'll make them crack up and maybe they won't notice the turtle attacking them until they're almost dead.

Unfortunately, it's just handy if you see it, because there's no way to predict when it's coming and thus no way to time your attacks around it to use it to your advantage.
Seriously, though. The best combat option for an Aquamancer is this:
Hey, it'll make them crack up and maybe they won't notice the turtle attacking them until they're almost dead.